
967 lines
42 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="SF_Utils" script:language="StarBasic" script:moduleType="normal">REM =======================================================================================================================
REM === The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries are part of the LibreOffice project. ===
REM === Full documentation is available on ===
REM =======================================================================================================================
Option Explicit
Option Private Module
&apos;&apos;&apos; SF_Utils
&apos;&apos;&apos; ========
&apos;&apos;&apos; FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
&apos;&apos;&apos; Groups all private functions used by the official modules
&apos;&apos;&apos; Declares the Global variable _SF_
REM ===================================================================== GLOBALS
Global _SF_ As Variant &apos; SF_Root (Basic) object)
&apos;&apos;&apos; ScriptForge version
Const SF_Version = &quot;7.1&quot;
&apos;&apos;&apos; Standard symbolic names for VarTypes
&apos; V_EMPTY = 0
&apos; V_NULL = 1
&apos; V_INTEGER = 2
&apos; V_LONG = 3
&apos; V_SINGLE = 4
&apos; V_DOUBLE = 5
&apos; V_CURRENCY = 6
&apos; V_DATE = 7
&apos; V_STRING = 8
&apos;&apos;&apos; Additional symbolic names for VarTypes
Global Const V_OBJECT = 9
Global Const V_BOOLEAN = 11
Global Const V_VARIANT = 12
Global Const V_BYTE = 17
Global Const V_USHORT = 18
Global Const V_ULONG = 19
Global Const V_BIGINT = 35
Global Const V_DECIMAL = 37
Global Const V_ARRAY = 8192
Global Const V_NUMERIC = 99 &apos; Fictive VarType synonym of any numeric value
REM ================================================================== EXCEPTIONS
Const MISSINGARGERROR = &quot;MISSINGARGERROR&quot; &apos; A mandatory argument is missing
Const ARGUMENTERROR = &quot;ARGUMENTERROR&quot; &apos; An argument does not pass the _Validate() validation
Const ARRAYERROR = &quot;ARRAYERROR&quot; &apos; An argument does not pass the _ValidateArray() validation
Const FILEERROR = &quot;FILEERROR&quot; &apos; An argument does not pass the _ValidateFile() validation
REM =========================================pvA==================== PRIVATE METHODS
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _CDateToIso(pvDate As Variant) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns a string representation of the given Basic date
&apos;&apos;&apos; Dates as strings are essential in property values, where Basic dates are evil
Dim sIsoDate As Variant &apos; Return value
If VarType(pvDate) = V_DATE Then
If Year(pvDate) &lt; 1900 Then &apos; Time only
sIsoDate = Right(&quot;0&quot; &amp; Hour(pvDate), 2) &amp; &quot;:&quot; &amp; Right(&quot;0&quot; &amp; Minute(pvDate), 2) &amp; &quot;:&quot; &amp; Right(&quot;0&quot; &amp; Second(pvDate), 2)
ElseIf Hour(pvDate) + Minute(pvDate) + Second(pvDate) = 0 Then &apos; Date only
sIsoDate = Year(pvDate) &amp; &quot;-&quot; &amp; Right(&quot;0&quot; &amp; Month(pvDate), 2) &amp; &quot;-&quot; &amp; Right(&quot;0&quot; &amp; Day(pvDate), 2)
sIsoDate = Year(pvDate) &amp; &quot;-&quot; &amp; Right(&quot;0&quot; &amp; Month(pvDate), 2) &amp; &quot;-&quot; &amp; Right(&quot;0&quot; &amp; Day(pvDate), 2) _
&amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; Right(&quot;0&quot; &amp; Hour(pvDate), 2) &amp; &quot;:&quot; &amp; Right(&quot;0&quot; &amp; Minute(pvDate), 2) _
&amp; &quot;:&quot; &amp; Right(&quot;0&quot; &amp; Second(pvDate), 2)
End If
sIsoDate = pvDate
End If
_CDateToIso = sIsoDate
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._CDateToIso
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _CDateToUnoDate(pvDate As Variant) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns a UNO object depending on the given date
&apos;&apos;&apos; by using the appropriate CDateToUnoDateXxx builtin function
&apos;&apos;&apos; UNO dates are essential in property values, where Basic dates are evil
Dim vUnoDate As Variant &apos; Return value
If VarType(pvDate) = V_DATE Then
If Year(pvDate) &lt; 1900 Then
vUnoDate = CDateToUnoTime(pvDate)
ElseIf Hour(pvDate) + Minute(pvDate) + Second(pvDate) = 0 Then
vUnoDate = CDateToUnoDate(pvDate)
vUnoDate = CDateToUnoDateTime(pvDate)
End If
vUnoDate = pvDate
End If
_CDateToUnoDate = vUnoDate
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._CDateToUnoDate
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _CPropertyValue(ByRef pvValue As Variant) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos; Set a value of a correct type in a
&apos;&apos;&apos; Date BASIC variables give error. Change them to UNO types
&apos;&apos;&apos; Empty arrays should be replaced by Null
Dim vValue As Variant &apos; Return value
If VarType(pvValue) = V_DATE Then
vValue = SF_Utils._CDateToUnoDate(pvValue)
ElseIf IsArray(pvValue) Then
If UBound(pvValue, 1) &lt; LBound(pvValue, 1) Then vValue = Null Else vValue = pvValue
vValue = pvValue
End If
_CPropertyValue() = vValue
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._CPropertyValue
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _CStrToDate(ByRef pvStr As String) As Date
&apos;&apos;&apos; Attempt to convert the input string to a Date variable with the CDate builtin function
&apos;&apos;&apos; If not successful, returns conventionally -1 (29/12/1899)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Date patterns: YYYY-MM-DD, HH:MM:DD and YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:DD
Dim dDate As Date &apos; Return value
Const cstNoDate = -1
dDate = cstNoDate
On Local Error Resume Next
dDate = CDate(pvStr)
_CStrToDate = dDate
Exit Function
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._CStrToDate
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _EnterFunction(ByVal psSub As String, Optional ByVal psArgs As String)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Called on top of each public function
&apos;&apos;&apos; Used to trace routine in/outs (debug mode)
&apos;&apos;&apos; and to allow the explicit mention of the user call which caused an error
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; psSub = the called Sub/Function/Property, usually something like &quot;service.sub&quot;
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return: True when psSub is called from a user script
&apos;&apos;&apos; Used to bypass the validation of the arguments when unnecessary
If IsEmpty(_SF_) Or IsNull(_SF_) Then SF_Utils._InitializeRoot() &apos; First use of ScriptForge during current LibO session
If IsMissing(psArgs) Then psArgs = &quot;&quot;
With _SF_
If .StackLevel = 0 Then
.MainFunction = psSub
.MainFunctionArgs = psArgs
_EnterFunction = True
_EnterFunction = False
End If
.StackLevel = .StackLevel + 1
If .DebugMode Then ._AddToConsole(&quot;==&gt; &quot; &amp; psSub &amp; &quot;(&quot; &amp; .StackLevel &amp; &quot;)&quot;)
End With
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _ErrorHandling(Optional ByVal pbErrorHandler As Boolean) As Boolean
&apos;&apos;&apos; Error handling is normally ON and can be set OFF for debugging purposes
&apos;&apos;&apos; Each user visible routine starts with a call to this function to enable/disable
&apos;&apos;&apos; standard handling of internal errors
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; pbErrorHandler = if present, set its value
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return: the current value of the error handler
If IsEmpty(_SF_) Or IsNull(_SF_) Then SF_Utils._InitializeRoot() &apos; First use of ScriptForge during current LibO session
If Not IsMissing(pbErrorHandler) Then _SF_.ErrorHandler = pbErrorHandler
_ErrorHandling = _SF_.ErrorHandler
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub _ExitFunction(ByVal psSub As String)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Called in the Finally block of each public function
&apos;&apos;&apos; Manage ScriptForge internal aborts
&apos;&apos;&apos; Resets MainFunction (root) when exiting the method called by a user script
&apos;&apos;&apos; Used to trace routine in/outs (debug mode)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; psSub = the called Sub/Function/Property, usually something like &quot;service.sub&quot;
If IsEmpty(_SF_) Or IsNull(_SF_) Then SF_Utils._InitializeRoot() &apos; Useful only when current module has been recompiled
With _SF_
If Err &gt; 0 Then
End If
If .StackLevel = 1 Then
.MainFunction = &quot;&quot;
.MainFunctionArgs = &quot;&quot;
End If
If .DebugMode Then ._AddToConsole(&quot;&lt;== &quot; &amp; psSub &amp; &quot;(&quot; &amp; .StackLevel &amp; &quot;)&quot;)
If .StackLevel &gt; 0 Then .StackLevel = .StackLevel - 1
End With
End Sub &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ExitFunction
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub _ExportScriptForgePOTFile(ByVal FileName As String)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Export the ScriptForge POT file related to its own user interface
&apos;&apos;&apos; Should be called only before issuing new ScriptForge releases only
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; FileName: the resulting file. If it exists, is overwritten without warning
Dim sHeader As String &apos; The specific header to insert
sHeader = &quot;&quot; _
&amp; &quot;*********************************************************************\n&quot; _
&amp; &quot;*** The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries ***\n&quot; _
&amp; &quot;*** are part of the LibreOffice project. ***\n&quot; _
&amp; &quot;*********************************************************************\n&quot; _
&amp; &quot;\n&quot; _
&amp; &quot;ScriptForge Release &quot; &amp; SF_Version &amp; &quot;\n&quot; _
&amp; &quot;-----------------------&quot;
With _SF_
.Interface.ExportToPOTFile(FileName, Header := sHeader)
End With
Exit Sub
End Sub &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ExportScriptForgePOTFile
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _GetPropertyValue(ByRef pvArgs As Variant, ByVal psName As String) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns the Value corresponding to the given name
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args
&apos;&apos;&apos; pvArgs: a zero_based array of PropertyValues
&apos;&apos;&apos; psName: the comparison is not case-sensitive
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Zero-length string if not found
Dim vValue As Variant &apos; Return value
Dim i As Long
vValue = &quot;&quot;
If IsArray(pvArgs) Then
For i = LBound(pvArgs) To UBound(pvArgs)
If UCase(psName) = UCase(pvArgs(i).Name) Then
vValue = pvArgs(i).Value
Exit For
End If
Next i
End If
_GetPropertyValue = vValue
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._GetPropertyValue
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _GetRegistryKeyContent(ByVal psKeyName as string _
, Optional pbForUpdate as Boolean _
) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos; Implement a ConfigurationProvider service
&apos;&apos;&apos; Derived from the Tools library
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; psKeyName: the name of the node in the configuration tree
&apos;&apos;&apos; pbForUpdate: default = False
Dim oConfigProvider as Object &apos;
Dim vNodePath(0) as New
Dim sConfig As String &apos; One of next 2 constants
Const cstConfig = &quot;;
Const cstConfigUpdate = &quot;;
Set oConfigProvider = _GetUNOService(&quot;ConfigurationProvider&quot;)
vNodePath(0).Name = &quot;nodepath&quot;
vNodePath(0).Value = psKeyName
If IsMissing(pbForUpdate) Then pbForUpdate = False
If pbForUpdate Then sConfig = cstConfigUpdate Else sConfig = cstConfig
Set _GetRegistryKeyContent = oConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(sConfig, vNodePath())
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._GetRegistryKeyContent
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _GetUNOService(ByVal psService As String _
, Optional ByVal pvArg As Variant _
) As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Create a UNO service
&apos;&apos;&apos; Each service is called only once
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; psService: shortcut to service
&apos;&apos;&apos; pvArg: some services might require an argument
Dim sLocale As String &apos; fr-BE f.i.
Dim oConfigProvider As Object
Dim oDefaultContext As Object
Dim vNodePath As Variant
Set _GetUNOService = Nothing
With _SF_
Select Case psService
Case &quot;BrowseNodeFactory&quot;
Set oDefaultContext = GetDefaultContext()
If Not IsNull(oDefaultContext) Then Set _GetUNOService = oDefaultContext.getValueByName(&quot;/singletons/;)
Case &quot;CharacterClass&quot;
If IsEmpty(.CharacterClass) Or IsNull(.CharacterClass) Then
Set .CharacterClass = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .CharacterClass
Case &quot;ConfigurationProvider&quot;
If IsEmpty(.ConfigurationProvider) Or IsNull(.ConfigurationProvider) Then
Set .ConfigurationProvider = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .ConfigurationProvider
Case &quot;CoreReflection&quot;
If IsEmpty(.CoreReflection) Or IsNull(.CoreReflection) Then
Set .CoreReflection = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .CoreReflection
Case &quot;DatabaseContext&quot;
If IsEmpty(.DatabaseContext) Or IsNull(.DatabaseContext) Then
Set .DatabaseContext = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .DatabaseContext
Case &quot;DispatchHelper&quot;
If IsEmpty(.DispatchHelper) Or IsNull(.DispatchHelper) Then
Set .DispatchHelper = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .DispatchHelper
Case &quot;FileAccess&quot;
If IsEmpty(.FileAccess) Or IsNull(.FileAccess) Then
Set .FileAccess = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .FileAccess
Case &quot;FilePicker&quot;
If IsEmpty(.FilePicker) Or IsNull(.FilePicker) Then
Set .FilePicker = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .FilePicker
Case &quot;FilterFactory&quot;
If IsEmpty(.FilterFactory) Or IsNull(.FilterFactory) Then
Set .FilterFactory = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .FilterFactory
Case &quot;FolderPicker&quot;
If IsEmpty(.FolderPicker) Or IsNull(.FolderPicker) Then
Set .FolderPicker = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .FolderPicker
Case &quot;FunctionAccess&quot;
If IsEmpty(.FunctionAccess) Or IsNull(.FunctionAccess) Then
Set .FunctionAccess = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .FunctionAccess
Case &quot;Introspection&quot;
If IsEmpty(.Introspection) Or IsNull(.Introspection) Then
Set .Introspection = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .Introspection
Case &quot;Locale&quot;
If IsEmpty(.Locale) Or IsNull(.Locale) Then
.Locale = CreateUnoStruct(&quot;;)
&apos; Derived from the Tools library
Set oConfigProvider = createUnoService(&quot;;)
vNodePath = Array() : ReDim vNodePath(0)
vNodePath(0) = New
vNodePath(0).Name = &quot;nodepath&quot; : vNodePath(0).Value = &quot;org.openoffice.Setup/L10N&quot;
sLocale = oConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(&quot;;, vNodePath()).getByName(&quot;ooLocale&quot;)
.Locale.Language = Left(sLocale, 2)
.Locale.Country = Right(sLocale, 2)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .Locale
Case &quot;MacroExpander&quot;
Set oDefaultContext = GetDefaultContext()
If Not IsNull(oDefaultContext) Then Set _GetUNOService = oDefaultContext.getValueByName(&quot;/singletons/;)
Case &quot;MailService&quot;
If IsEmpty(.MailService) Or IsNull(.MailService) Then
If GetGuiType = 1 Then &apos; Windows
Set .MailService = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
Set .MailService = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .MailService
Case &quot;PathSettings&quot;
If IsEmpty(.PathSettings) Or IsNull(.PathSettings) Then
Set .PathSettings = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .PathSettings
Case &quot;PathSubstitution&quot;
If IsEmpty(.PathSubstitution) Or IsNull(.PathSubstitution) Then
Set .PathSubstitution = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .PathSubstitution
Case &quot;ScriptProvider&quot;
If IsMissing(pvArg) Then pvArg = SF_Session.SCRIPTISAPPLICATION
Select Case LCase(pvArg)
Case SF_Session.SCRIPTISEMBEDDED &apos; Document
If Not IsNull(ThisComponent) Then Set _GetUNOService = ThisComponent.getScriptProvider()
Case Else
If IsEmpty(.ScriptProvider) Or IsNull(.ScriptProvider) Then
Set .ScriptProvider = _
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .ScriptProvider
End Select
Case &quot;SearchOptions&quot;
If IsEmpty(.SearchOptions) Or IsNull(.SearchOptions) Then
Set .SearchOptions = New
With .SearchOptions
.algorithmType =
.searchFlag = 0
End With
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .SearchOptions
Case &quot;SystemShellExecute&quot;
If IsEmpty(.SystemShellExecute) Or IsNull(.SystemShellExecute) Then
Set .SystemShellExecute = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .SystemShellExecute
Case &quot;TextSearch&quot;
If IsEmpty(.TextSearch) Or IsNull(.TextSearch) Then
Set .TextSearch = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .TextSearch
Case &quot;URLTransformer&quot;
If IsEmpty(.URLTransformer) Or IsNull(.URLTransformer) Then
Set .URLTransformer = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
End If
Set _GetUNOService = .URLTransformer
Case Else
End Select
End With
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._GetUNOService
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub _InitializeRoot(Optional ByVal pbForce As Boolean)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Initialize _SF_ as SF_Root basic object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; pbForce = True forces the reinit (default = False)
If IsMissing(pbForce) Then pbForce = False
If pbForce Then Set _SF_ = Nothing
If IsEmpty(_SF_) Or IsNull(_SF_) Then
Set _SF_ = New SF_Root
Set _SF_.[Me] = _SF_
&apos; Localization
End If
End Sub &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._InitializeRoot
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _MakePropertyValue(ByVal psName As String _
, ByRef pvValue As Variant _
) As
&apos;&apos;&apos; Create and return a new
Dim oPropertyValue As New
With oPropertyValue
.Name = psName
.Value = SF_Utils._CPropertyValue(pvValue)
End With
_MakePropertyValue() = oPropertyValue
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _Repr(ByVal pvArg As Variant, Optional ByVal plMax As Long) As String
&apos;&apos;&apos; Convert pvArg into a readable string (truncated if length &gt; plMax)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args
&apos;&apos;&apos; pvArg: may be of any type
&apos;&apos;&apos; plMax: maximum length of the resulting string (default = 32K)
Dim sArg As String &apos; Return value
Dim oObject As Object &apos; Alias of argument to avoid &quot;Object variable not set&quot;
Dim sObject As String &apos; Object representation
Dim sObjectType As String &apos; ObjectType attribute of Basic objects
Dim sLength As String &apos; String length as a string
Dim i As Long
Const cstBasicObject = &quot;;
Const cstMaxLength = 2^15 - 1 &apos; 32767
Const cstByteLength = 25
Const cstEtc = &quot; &quot;
If IsMissing(plMax) Or plMax = 0 Then plMax = cstMaxLength
If IsArray(pvArg) Then
sArg = SF_Array._Repr(pvArg)
Select Case VarType(pvArg)
Case V_EMPTY : sArg = &quot;[EMPTY]&quot;
Case V_NULL : sArg = &quot;[NULL]&quot;
If IsNull(pvArg) Then
sArg = &quot;[NULL]&quot;
sObject = SF_Session.UnoObjectType(pvArg)
If sObject = &quot;&quot; Or sObject = cstBasicObject Then &apos; Not a UNO object
&apos; Test if argument is a ScriptForge object
sObjectType = &quot;&quot;
On Local Error Resume Next
Set oObject = pvArg
sObjectType = oObject.ObjectType
On Error GoTo 0
If sObjectType = &quot;&quot; Then
sArg = &quot;[OBJECT]&quot;
ElseIf Left(sObjectType, 3) = &quot;SF_&quot; Then
sArg = &quot;[&quot; &amp; sObjectType &amp; &quot;]&quot;
sArg = oObject._Repr()
End If
sArg = &quot;[&quot; &amp; sObject &amp; &quot;]&quot;
End If
End If
Case V_VARIANT : sArg = &quot;[VARIANT]&quot;
sArg = SF_String._Repr(pvArg)
Case V_BOOLEAN : sArg = Iif(pvArg, &quot;[TRUE]&quot;, &quot;[FALSE]&quot;)
Case V_BYTE : sArg = Right(&quot;00&quot; &amp; Hex(pvArg), 2)
sArg = Format(pvArg)
If InStr(1, sArg, &quot;E&quot;, 1) = 0 Then sArg = Format(pvArg, &quot;##0.0##&quot;)
sArg = Replace(sArg, &quot;,&quot;, &quot;.&quot;) &apos;Force decimal point
Case V_BIGINT : sArg = CStr(CLng(pvArg))
Case V_DATE : sArg = _CDateToIso(pvArg)
Case Else : sArg = CStr(pvArg)
End Select
End If
If Len(sArg) &gt; plMax Then
sLength = &quot;(&quot; &amp; Len(sArg) &amp; &quot;)&quot;
sArg = Left(sArg, plMax - Len(cstEtc) - Len(slength)) &amp; cstEtc &amp; sLength
End If
_Repr = sArg
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Repr
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _ReprValues(Optional ByVal pvArgs As Variant _
, Optional ByVal plMax As Long _
) As String
&apos;&apos;&apos; Convert an array of values to a comma-separated list of readable strings
Dim sValues As String &apos; Return value
Dim sValue As String &apos; A single value
Dim vValue As Variant &apos; A single item in the argument
Dim i As Long &apos; Items counter
Const cstMax = 20 &apos; Maximum length of single string
Const cstContinue = &quot;&quot; &apos; Unicode continuation char U+2026
_ReprValues = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(pvArgs) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(pvArgs) Then pvArgs = Array(pvArgs)
sValues = &quot;&quot;
For i = 0 To UBound(pvArgs)
vValue = pvArgs(i)
If i &lt; plMax Then
If VarType(vValue) = V_STRING Then sValue = &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; &amp; vValue &amp; &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; Else sValue = SF_Utils._Repr(vValue, cstMax)
If Len(sValues) = 0 Then sValues = sValue Else sValues = sValues &amp; &quot;, &quot; &amp; sValue
ElseIf i &lt; UBound(pvArgs) Then
sValues = sValues &amp; &quot;, &quot; &amp; cstContinue
Exit For
End If
Next i
_ReprValues = sValues
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ReprValues
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub _SetPropertyValue(ByRef pvPropertyValue As Variant _
, ByVal psName As String _
, ByRef pvValue As Variant _
&apos;&apos;&apos; Update the 1st argument (passed by reference), which is an array of property values
&apos;&apos;&apos; If the property psName exists, update it with pvValue, otherwise create it on top of the array
Dim oPropertyValue As New
Dim lIndex As Long &apos; Found entry
Dim vValue As Variant &apos; Alias of pvValue
Dim i As Long
lIndex = -1
For i = 0 To UBound(pvPropertyValue)
If pvPropertyValue(i).Name = psName Then
lIndex = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
If lIndex &lt; 0 Then &apos; Not found
lIndex = UBound(pvPropertyValue) + 1
ReDim Preserve pvPropertyValue(0 To lIndex)
Set oPropertyValue = SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(psName, pvValue)
pvPropertyValue(lIndex) = oPropertyValue
Else &apos; psName exists already in array of property values
pvPropertyValue(lIndex).Value = SF_Utils._CPropertyValue(pvValue)
End If
End Sub &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._SetPropertyValue
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _TypeNames(Optional ByVal pvArgs As Variant) As String
&apos;&apos;&apos; Converts the array of VarTypes to a comma-separated list of TypeNames
Dim sTypes As String &apos; Return value
Dim sType As String &apos; A single type
Dim iType As Integer &apos; A single item of the argument
_TypeNames = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(pvArgs) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(pvArgs) Then pvArgs = Array(pvArgs)
sTypes = &quot;&quot;
For Each iType In pvArgs
Select Case iType
Case V_EMPTY : sType = &quot;Empty&quot;
Case V_NULL : sType = &quot;Null&quot;
Case V_INTEGER : sType = &quot;Integer&quot;
Case V_LONG : sType = &quot;Long&quot;
Case V_SINGLE : sType = &quot;Single&quot;
Case V_DOUBLE : sType = &quot;Double&quot;
Case V_CURRENCY : sType = &quot;Currency&quot;
Case V_DATE : sType = &quot;Date&quot;
Case V_STRING : sType = &quot;String&quot;
Case V_OBJECT : sType = &quot;Object&quot;
Case V_BOOLEAN : sType = &quot;Boolean&quot;
Case V_VARIANT : sType = &quot;Variant&quot;
Case V_DECIMAL : sType = &quot;Decimal&quot;
Case &gt;= V_ARRAY : sType = &quot;Array&quot;
Case V_NUMERIC : sType = &quot;Numeric&quot;
End Select
If Len(sTypes) = 0 Then sTypes = sType Else sTypes = sTypes &amp; &quot;, &quot; &amp; sType
Next iType
_TypeNames = sTypes
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._TypeNames
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _Validate(Optional ByRef pvArgument As Variant _
, ByVal psName As String _
, Optional ByVal pvTypes As Variant _
, Optional ByVal pvValues As Variant _
, Optional ByVal pvRegex As Variant _
, Optional ByVal pvObjectType As Variant _
) As Boolean
&apos;&apos;&apos; Validate the arguments set by user scripts
&apos;&apos;&apos; The arguments of the function define the validation rules
&apos;&apos;&apos; This function ignores arrays. Use _ValidateArray instead
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; pvArgument: the argument to (in)validate
&apos;&apos;&apos; psName: the documented name of the argument (can be inserted in an error message)
&apos;&apos;&apos; pvTypes: array of allowed VarTypes
&apos;&apos;&apos; pvValues: array of allowed values
&apos;&apos;&apos; pvRegex: regular expression to comply with
&apos;&apos;&apos; pvObjectType: mandatory Basic class
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return: True if validation OK
&apos;&apos;&apos; Otherwise an error is raised
&apos;&apos;&apos; Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos; ARGUMENTERROR
Dim iVarType As Integer &apos; Extended VarType of argument
Dim bValid As Boolean &apos; Returned value
Dim oArgument As Variant &apos; Workaround &quot;Object variable not set&quot; error on 1st executable statement
Const cstMaxLength = 256 &apos; Maximum length of readable value
Const cstMaxValues = 10 &apos; Maximum number of allowed items to list in an error message
&apos; To avoid useless recursions, keep main function, only increase stack depth
_SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel + 1
On Local Error GoTo Finally &apos; Do never interrupt
bValid = True
If IsMissing(pvArgument) Then GoTo CatchMissing
If IsMissing(pvRegex) Or IsEmpty(pvRegex) Then pvRegex = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(pvObjectType) Or IsEmpty(pvObjectType) Then pvObjectType = &quot;&quot;
iVarType = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(pvArgument)
&apos; Arrays NEVER pass validation
If iVarType &gt;= V_ARRAY Then
bValid = False
&apos; Check existence of argument
bValid = iVarType &lt;&gt; V_NULL And iVarType &lt;&gt; V_EMPTY
&apos; Check if argument&apos;s VarType is valid
If bValid And Not IsMissing(pvTypes) Then
If Not IsArray(pvTypes) Then bValid = ( pvTypes = iVarType ) Else bValid = SF_Array.Contains(pvTypes, iVarType)
End If
&apos; Check if argument&apos;s value is valid
If bValid And Not IsMissing(pvValues) Then
If Not IsArray(pvValues) Then pvValues = Array(pvValues)
bValid = SF_Array.Contains(pvValues, pvArgument, CaseSensitive := False)
End If
&apos; Check regular expression
If bValid And Len(pvRegex) &gt; 0 And iVarType = V_STRING Then
If Len(pvArgument) &gt; 0 Then bValid = SF_String.IsRegex(pvArgument, pvRegex, CaseSensitive := False)
End If
&apos; Check instance types
If bValid And Len(pvObjectType) &gt; 0 And iVarType = V_OBJECT Then
Set oArgument = pvArgument
bValid = ( pvObjectType = oArgument.ObjectType )
End If
End If
If Not bValid Then
&apos;&apos;&apos; Library: ScriptForge
&apos;&apos;&apos; Service: Array
&apos;&apos;&apos; Method: Contains
&apos;&apos;&apos; Arguments: Array_1D, ToFind, [CaseSensitive=False], [SortOrder=&quot;&quot;]
&apos;&apos;&apos; A serious error has been detected on argument SortOrder
&apos;&apos;&apos; Rules: SortOrder is of type String
&apos;&apos;&apos; SortOrder must contain one of next values: &quot;ASC&quot;, &quot;DESC&quot;, &quot;&quot;
&apos;&apos;&apos; Actual value: &quot;Ascending&quot;
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARGUMENTERROR _
, SF_Utils._Repr(pvArgument, cstMaxLength), psName, SF_Utils._TypeNames(pvTypes) _
, SF_Utils._ReprValues(pvValues, cstMaxValues), pvRegex, pvObjectType _
End If
_Validate = bValid
_SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel - 1
Exit Function
bValid = False
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(MISSINGARGERROR, psName)
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _ValidateArray(Optional ByRef pvArray As Variant _
, ByVal psName As String _
, Optional ByVal piDimensions As Integer _
, Optional ByVal piType As Integer _
, Optional ByVal pbNotNull As Boolean _
) As Boolean
&apos;&apos;&apos; Validate the (array) arguments set by user scripts
&apos;&apos;&apos; The arguments of the function define the validation rules
&apos;&apos;&apos; This function ignores non-arrays. Use _Validate instead
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; pvArray: the argument to (in)validate
&apos;&apos;&apos; psName: the documented name of the array (can be inserted in an error message)
&apos;&apos;&apos; piDimensions: the # of dimensions the array must have. 0 = Any (default)
&apos;&apos;&apos; piType: (default = -1, i.e. not applicable)
&apos;&apos;&apos; For 2D arrays, the 1st column is checked
&apos;&apos;&apos; 0 =&gt; all items must be any out of next types: string, date or numeric,
&apos;&apos;&apos; but homogeneously: all strings or all dates or all numeric
&apos;&apos;&apos; V_STRING or V_DATE or V_NUMERIC =&gt; that specific type is required
&apos;&apos;&apos; pbNotNull: piType must be &gt;=0, otherwise ignored
&apos;&apos;&apos; If True: Empty, Null items are rejected
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return: True if validation OK
&apos;&apos;&apos; Otherwise an error is raised
&apos;&apos;&apos; Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos; ARRAYERROR
Dim iVarType As Integer &apos; VarType of argument
Dim vItem As Variant &apos; Array item
Dim iItemType As Integer &apos; VarType of individual items of argument
Dim iDims As Integer &apos; Number of dimensions of the argument
Dim bValid As Boolean &apos; Returned value
Dim iArrayType As Integer &apos; Static array type
Dim iFirstItemType As Integer &apos; Type of 1st non-null/empty item
Dim sType As String &apos; Allowed item types as a string
Dim i As Long
Const cstMaxLength = 256 &apos; Maximum length of readable value
&apos; To avoid useless recursions, keep main function, only increase stack depth
_SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel + 1
On Local Error GoTo Finally &apos; Do never interrupt
bValid = True
If IsMissing(pvArray) Then GoTo CatchMissing
If IsMissing(piDimensions) Then piDimensions = 0
If IsMissing(piType) Then piType = -1
If IsMissing(pbNotNull) Then pbNotNull = False
iVarType = VarType(pvArray)
&apos; Scalars NEVER pass validation
If iVarType &lt; V_ARRAY Then
bValid = False
&apos; Check dimensions
iDims = SF_Array.CountDims(pvArray)
If iDims &gt; 2 Then bValid = False &apos; Only 1D and 2D arrays
If bValid And piDimensions &gt; 0 Then
bValid = ( iDims = piDimensions Or (iDims = 0 And piDimensions = 1) ) &apos; Allow empty vectors
End If
&apos; Check VarType and Empty/Null status of the array items
If bValid And iDims = 1 And piType &gt;= 0 Then
iArrayType = SF_Array._StaticType(pvArray)
If (piType = 0 And iArrayType &gt; 0) Or (piType &gt; 0 And iArrayType = piType) Then
&apos; If static array of the right VarType ..., OK
&apos; Go through array and check individual items
iFirstItemType = -1
For i = LBound(pvArray, 1) To UBound(pvArray, 1)
If iDims = 1 Then vItem = pvArray(i) Else vItem = pvArray(i, LBound(pvArray, 2))
iItemType = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(vItem)
If iItemType &gt; V_NULL Then &apos; Exclude Empty and Null
&apos; Initialization at first non-null item
If iFirstItemType &lt; 0 Then
iFirstItemType = iItemType
If piType &gt; 0 Then bValid = ( iFirstItemType = piType ) Else bValid = SF_Array.Contains(Array(V_STRING, V_DATE, V_NUMERIC), iFirstItemType)
bValid = (iItemType = iFirstItemType)
End If
bValid = Not pbNotNull
End If
If Not bValid Then Exit For
Next i
End If
End If
End If
If Not bValid Then
&apos;&apos;&apos; Library: ScriptForge
&apos;&apos;&apos; Service: Array
&apos;&apos;&apos; Method: Contains
&apos;&apos;&apos; Arguments: Array_1D, ToFind, [CaseSensitive=False], [SortOrder=&quot;&quot;|&quot;ASC&quot;|&quot;DESC&quot;]
&apos;&apos;&apos; An error was detected on argument Array_1D
&apos;&apos;&apos; Rules: Array_1D is of type Array
&apos;&apos;&apos; Array_1D must have maximum 1 dimension
&apos;&apos;&apos; Array_1D must have all elements of the same type: either String, Date or Numeric
&apos;&apos;&apos; Actual value: (0:2, 0:3)
sType = &quot;&quot;
If piType = 0 Then
sType = &quot;String, Date, Numeric&quot;
ElseIf piType &gt; 0 Then
sType = SF_Utils._TypeNames(piType)
End If
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYERROR _
, SF_Utils._Repr(pvArray, cstMaxLength), psName, piDimensions, sType, pbNotNull)
End If
_ValidateArray = bValid
_SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel - 1
Exit Function
bValid = False
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(MISSINGARGERROR, psName)
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ValidateArray
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _ValidateFile(Optional ByRef pvArgument As Variant _
, ByVal psName As String _
, Optional ByVal pbWildCards As Boolean _
, Optional ByVal pbSpace As Boolean _
&apos;&apos;&apos; Validate the argument as a valid FileName
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; pvArgument: the argument to (in)validate
&apos;&apos;&apos; pbWildCards: if True, wildcard characters are accepted in the last component of the 1st argument
&apos;&apos;&apos; pbSpace: if True, the argument may be an empty string. Default = False
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return: True if validation OK
&apos;&apos;&apos; Otherwise an error is raised
&apos;&apos;&apos; Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos; ARGUMENTERROR
Dim iVarType As Integer &apos; VarType of argument
Dim sFile As String &apos; Alias for argument
Dim bValid As Boolean &apos; Returned value
Dim sFileNaming As String &apos; Alias of SF_FileSystem.FileNaming
Dim oArgument As Variant &apos; Workaround &quot;Object variable not set&quot; error on 1st executable statement
Const cstMaxLength = 256 &apos; Maximum length of readable value
&apos; To avoid useless recursions, keep main function, only increase stack depth
_SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel + 1
On Local Error GoTo Finally &apos; Do never interrupt
bValid = True
If IsMissing(pvArgument) Then GoTo CatchMissing
If IsMissing(pbWildCards) Then pbWildCards = False
If IsMissing(pbSpace) Then pbSpace = False
iVarType = VarType(pvArgument)
&apos; Arrays NEVER pass validation
If iVarType &gt;= V_ARRAY Then
bValid = False
&apos; Argument must be a string containing a valid file name
bValid = ( iVarType = V_STRING )
If bValid Then
bValid = ( Len(pvArgument) &gt; 0 Or pbSpace )
If bValid And Len(pvArgument) &gt; 0 Then
&apos; Wildcards are replaced by arbitrary alpha characters
If pbWildCards Then
sFile = Replace(Replace(pvArgument, &quot;?&quot;, &quot;Z&quot;), &quot;*&quot;, &quot;A&quot;)
sFile = pvArgument
bValid = ( InStr(sFile, &quot;?&quot;) + InStr(sFile, &quot;*&quot;) = 0 )
End If
&apos; Check file format without wildcards
If bValid Then
With SF_FileSystem
sFileNaming = .FileNaming
Select Case sFileNaming
Case &quot;ANY&quot; : bValid = SF_String.IsUrl(ConvertToUrl(sFile))
Case &quot;URL&quot; : bValid = SF_String.IsUrl(sFile)
Case &quot;SYS&quot; : bValid = SF_String.IsFileName(sFile)
End Select
End With
End If
&apos; Check that wildcards are only present in last component
If bValid And pbWildCards Then
sFile = SF_FileSystem.GetParentFolderName(pvArgument)
bValid = ( InStr(sFile, &quot;*&quot;) + InStr(sFile, &quot;?&quot;) + InStr(sFile,&quot;%3F&quot;) = 0 ) &apos; ConvertToUrl replaces ? by %3F
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Not bValid Then
&apos;&apos;&apos; Library: ScriptForge
&apos;&apos;&apos; Service: FileSystem
&apos;&apos;&apos; Method: CopyFile
&apos;&apos;&apos; Arguments: Source, Destination
&apos;&apos;&apos; A serious error has been detected on argument Source
&apos;&apos;&apos; Rules: Source is of type String
&apos;&apos;&apos; Source must be a valid file name expressed in operating system notation
&apos;&apos;&apos; Source may contain one or more wildcard characters in its last component
&apos;&apos;&apos; Actual value: /home/jean-*/SomeFile.odt
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(FILEERROR _
, SF_Utils._Repr(pvArgument, cstMaxLength), psName, pbWildCards)
End If
_ValidateFile = bValid
_SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel - 1
Exit Function
bValid = False
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(MISSINGARGERROR, psName)
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ValidateFile
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _VarTypeExt(ByRef pvValue As Variant) As Integer
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return the VarType of the argument but all numeric types are aggregated into V_NUMERIC
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; pvValue: value to examine
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return:
&apos;&apos;&apos; The extended VarType
Dim iType As Integer &apos; VarType of argument
iType = VarType(pvValue)
Select Case iType
_VarTypeExt = V_NUMERIC
Case Else : _VarTypeExt = iType
End Select
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_Utils._VarTypeExt
REM ================================================= END OF SCRIPTFORGE.SF_UTILS