# # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed # with this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache # License, Version 2.0 (the "License; you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . # # x-no-translate # # resources.properties # # resources for com.sun.star.wizards # RID_COMMON_0=Dosja '%1' nuk mund t\u00EB krijohet.
Ka mund\u00EBsi q\u00EB nuk ka hap\u00EBsir\u00EB t\u00EB mjaftueshme n\u00EB diskun tuaj. RID_COMMON_1=Dokumenti tekst nuk mund t\u00EB krijohet.
Ju lutem kontrolloni n\u00EBse moduli 'PRODUCTNAME Writer' \u00EBsht\u00EB i instaluar. RID_COMMON_2=Tabela llogarit\u00EBse nuk mund t\u00EB krijohet.
Ju lutem kontrolloni n\u00EBse moduli 'PRODUCTNAME Calc' \u00EBsht\u00EB i instaluar. RID_COMMON_3=Prezantimi nuk mund t\u00EB krijohet.
Ju lutem kontrolloni n\u00EBse moduli 'PRODUCTNAME Impress' \u00EBsht\u00EB i instaluar. RID_COMMON_4=Vizatimi nuk mund t\u00EB krijohet.
Ju lutem kontrolloni n\u00EBse moduli 'PRODUCTNAME Draw' \u00EBsht\u00EB i instaluar. RID_COMMON_5=Formula nuk mund t\u00EB krijohet.
Ju lutem kontrolloni n\u00EBse moduli 'PRODUCTNAME Math' \u00EBsht\u00EB i instaluar. RID_COMMON_6=Skedar\u00EBt e nevojsh\u00EBm nuk mund t\u00EB gjinden.
Ju lutem niseni %PRODUCTNAME Setup dhe zgjidhni 'Riparim'. RID_COMMON_7=Skedari '' tashm\u00EB ekziston.

Doni q\u00EB ta mbishkruani skedarin ekzistues? RID_COMMON_8=Po RID_COMMON_9=Po p\u00EBr t\u00EB gjitha RID_COMMON_10=Jo RID_COMMON_11=Anulo RID_COMMON_12=~P\u00EBrfundo RID_COMMON_13=< ~Prapa RID_COMMON_14=~P\u00EBrpara > RID_COMMON_15=~Ndihm\u00EB RID_COMMON_16=Steps RID_COMMON_17=Mbyll RID_COMMON_18=OK RID_COMMON_19=Skedari tashm\u00EB ekziston. Do q\u00EB ta mbishkruash? RID_COMMON_20=Shabllon i krijuar me m\u00EB . RID_COMMON_21=Udh\u00EBzuesi nuk mund t\u00EB niset, sepse skedar\u00EB t\u00EB domosdosh\u00EBm nuk u gjet\u00EBn.\nN\u00EBn 'Mjete - Mund\u00EBsimet - %PRODUCTNAME - Pozicioni' kliko butonin 'T\u00EB parazgjedhura' p\u00EBr t\u00EB vendosur pozicionet si\u00E7 ishin n\u00EB fillim.\nPastaj nise udh\u00EBzuesin p\u00EBrs\u00EBri. RID_REPORT_0=Krijim i udh\u00EBhequr raporti RID_REPORT_3=~Table RID_REPORT_4=Kolo~na RID_REPORT_7=Raport_ RID_REPORT_8=- padefinuar - RID_REPORT_9=-Fushat n\u00EB raport RID_REPORT_11=Grouping RID_REPORT_12=Mund\u00EBsit\u00EB e renditjes RID_REPORT_13=Choose layout RID_REPORT_14=Krijo raport RID_REPORT_15=Layout of data RID_REPORT_16=Layout of headers and footers RID_REPORT_19=Fushat RID_REPORT_20=~Klasifiko sipas RID_REPORT_21=A~t\u00EBher\u00EB sipas RID_REPORT_22=Orientation RID_REPORT_23=Portrait RID_REPORT_24=Landscape RID_REPORT_28=Cilat fusha doni q\u00EB t\u00EB p\u00EBrmbaj\u00EB raporti juaj? RID_REPORT_29=Do you want to add grouping levels? RID_REPORT_30=Sipas cilave fusha doni ti radhisni t\u00EB dh\u00EBnat? RID_REPORT_31=Si doni q\u00EB t\u00EB duket raporti juaj? RID_REPORT_32=Vendos si do t\u00EB vazhdosh RID_REPORT_33=Titulli i raportit RID_REPORT_34=Shfaq raportin RID_REPORT_35=Krijo raport RID_REPORT_36=N\u00EB rritje RID_REPORT_37=Descending RID_REPORT_40=~Dynamic report RID_REPORT_41=~Krijoni raport tani RID_REPORT_42=~Modify report layout RID_REPORT_43=Static report RID_REPORT_44=Save as RID_REPORT_50=Grupimet RID_REPORT_51=At\u00EBher\u00EB s~ipas RID_REPORT_52=~At\u00EBher\u00EB sipas RID_REPORT_53=N\u00EB ~rritje RID_REPORT_54=N\u00EB rri~tje RID_REPORT_55=N\u00EB ~rritje RID_REPORT_56=De~scending RID_REPORT_57=N\u00EB u~lje RID_REPORT_58=De~scending RID_REPORT_60=Fushat binare nuk mund t\u00EB shfaqen n\u00EB raport. RID_REPORT_61=Tabela '' nuk ekziston. RID_REPORT_62=Duke krijuar raportin... RID_REPORT_63=Numri i regjistrave t\u00EB shtuar: RID_REPORT_64=Formulari '' nuk ekziston. RID_REPORT_65=K\u00EBrkesa me formulimin
nuk mund t\u00EB zbatohet.
Kontrollo burimin e t\u00EB dh\u00EBnave. RID_REPORT_66=The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''. RID_REPORT_67=Duke importuar t\u00EB dh\u00EBnat... RID_REPORT_68=Labeling fields RID_REPORT_69=How do you want to label the fields? RID_REPORT_70=Label RID_REPORT_71=Fush\u00EB RID_REPORT_72=An error occurred in the wizard.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template. RID_REPORT_73=Tabela p\u00EBrmban nj\u00EB fush\u00EB p\u00EBrdoruesi t\u00EB pavlefshme. RID_REPORT_74=The sort criterion '' was chosen twice. Each criterion can only be chosen once. RID_REPORT_75=Note: The dummy text will be replaced by data from the database when the report is created. RID_REPORT_76=A report '%REPORTNAME' already exists in the database. Please assign another name. RID_REPORT_78=Si do t\u00EB vazhdosh pasi ta kesh krijuar formularin? RID_REPORT_79=\u00C7far\u00EB tip raportit d\u00EBshironi t\u00EB krijoni? RID_REPORT_80=Tabular RID_REPORT_81=Columnar, single-column RID_REPORT_82=Columnar, two columns RID_REPORT_83=Columnar, three columns RID_REPORT_84=In blocks, labels left RID_REPORT_85=In blocks, labels above RID_REPORT_86=Titulli: RID_REPORT_87=Autori: RID_REPORT_88=Data: # Please don't translate the words #page# and #count#, these are placeholders. RID_REPORT_89=Faqja #page# nd\u00EBr #count# RID_REPORT_90=Numri i faqes: RID_REPORT_91=Num\u00EBrimi i faqeve: RID_REPORT_92=No valid report template was found. RID_REPORT_93=Faqja: RID_REPORT_94=Align Left - Border RID_REPORT_95=Align Left - Compact RID_REPORT_96=Align Left - Elegant RID_REPORT_97=Align Left - Highlighted RID_REPORT_98=Align Left - Modern RID_REPORT_99=Rreshto nga e majta - e kuqe dhe blu RID_REPORT_100=Default RID_REPORT_101=Outline - Borders RID_REPORT_102=Outline - Compact RID_REPORT_103=Outline - Elegant RID_REPORT_104=Outline - Highlighted RID_REPORT_105=Outline - Modern RID_REPORT_106=Outline - Red & Blue RID_REPORT_107=Outline, indented - Borders RID_REPORT_108=Outline, indented - Compact RID_REPORT_109=Outline, indented - Elegant RID_REPORT_110=Outline, indented - Highlighted RID_REPORT_111=Outline, indented - Modern RID_REPORT_112=Outline, indented - Red & Blue RID_REPORT_113=Bubbles RID_REPORT_114=Kinema RID_REPORT_115=Controlling RID_REPORT_116=Default RID_REPORT_117=Skic\u00EB RID_REPORT_118=Financat RID_REPORT_119=Flipchart RID_REPORT_120=Formal with Company Logo RID_REPORT_121=Generic RID_REPORT_122=Worldmap RID_DB_COMMON_0=C~reate RID_DB_COMMON_1=~Anulo RID_DB_COMMON_2=< ~Prapa RID_DB_COMMON_3=~Next > RID_DB_COMMON_4=~Baz\u00EB t\u00EB dh\u00EBnash RID_DB_COMMON_5=Emri i ~tabel\u00EBs RID_DB_COMMON_6=Ndodhi nj\u00EB gabim gjat\u00EB zbatimin t\u00EB udh\u00EBzuesit. Udh\u00EBzuesi do t\u00EB mbyllet. RID_DB_COMMON_8=No database has been installed. At least one database is required before the wizard for forms can be started. RID_DB_COMMON_9=The database does not contain any tables. RID_DB_COMMON_10=This title already exists in the database. Please enter another name. RID_DB_COMMON_11=The title must not contain any spaces or special characters. RID_DB_COMMON_12=The database service (com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine) could not be instantiated. RID_DB_COMMON_13=The selected table or query could not be opened. RID_DB_COMMON_14=Nuk mund t\u00EB krijohet lidhja me databaz\u00EBn. RID_DB_COMMON_20=~Ndihm\u00EB RID_DB_COMMON_21=~Ndal RID_DB_COMMON_30=Dokumenti nuk mund t\u00EB ruhet. RID_DB_COMMON_33=Duke mbyllur udh\u00EBzuesin RID_DB_COMMON_34=Duke u lidhur me burimet e t\u00EB dh\u00EBnave... RID_DB_COMMON_35=Lidhja me t\u00EB dh\u00EBnat burimore nuk mund t\u00EB b\u00EBhet. RID_DB_COMMON_36=Pozicioni i skedarit q\u00EB fut\u00EBt nuk \u00EBsht\u00EB i vlefsh\u00EBm. RID_DB_COMMON_37=Zgjidh nj\u00EB burim t\u00EB dh\u00EBnash RID_DB_COMMON_38=Zgjidh nj\u00EB tabel\u00EB ose k\u00EBrkim RID_DB_COMMON_39=Shto fush\u00EBn RID_DB_COMMON_40=Fshije fush\u00EBn RID_DB_COMMON_41=Shto t\u00EB gjitha fushat RID_DB_COMMON_42=Fshij t\u00EB gjitha fushat RID_DB_COMMON_43=L\u00EBviz lart fush\u00EBn RID_DB_COMMON_44=L\u00EBviz posht\u00EB fush\u00EBn RID_DB_COMMON_45=Nuk u arrit t\u00EB lexohen emrat e fushave nga '%NAME'. RID_QUERY_0=Krijim i udh\u00EBhequr k\u00EBrkimi RID_QUERY_1=Query RID_QUERY_2=Krijim i udh\u00EBhequr k\u00EBrkimi RID_QUERY_3=~Tabelat RID_QUERY_4=Fushat e ~disponueshme RID_QUERY_5=Name ~of the query RID_QUERY_6=Shfaq ~k\u00EBrkimin RID_QUERY_7=~Ndrysho k\u00EBrkimin RID_QUERY_8=~Si do t\u00EB vazhdosh pasi t\u00EB kesh krijuar k\u00EBrkimin? RID_QUERY_9=Match ~all of the following RID_QUERY_10=~Match any of the following RID_QUERY_11=~Detailed query (Shows all records of the query.) RID_QUERY_12=~Summary query (Shows only results of aggregate functions.) RID_QUERY_16=Aggregate functions RID_QUERY_17=Fushat RID_QUERY_18=~Grupo sipas RID_QUERY_19=Fush\u00EB RID_QUERY_20=Pseudonim RID_QUERY_21=Tabela: RID_QUERY_22=Query: RID_QUERY_24=Condition RID_QUERY_25=Value RID_QUERY_26=\u00EBsht\u00EB e barabart\u00EB me RID_QUERY_27=nuk \u00EBsht\u00EB e barabart\u00EB me RID_QUERY_28=\u00EBsht\u00EB m\u00EB e vog\u00EBl se RID_QUERY_29=\u00EBsht\u00EB m\u00EB e madhe se RID_QUERY_30=is equal or less than RID_QUERY_31=\u00EBsht\u00EB e barabart\u00EB ose m\u00EB e madhe se RID_QUERY_32=si RID_QUERY_33=jo si RID_QUERY_34=\u00EBsht\u00EB e zbrazt\u00EB RID_QUERY_35=nuk \u00EBsht\u00EB e zbrazt\u00EB RID_QUERY_36=e v\u00EBrtet\u00EB RID_QUERY_37=false RID_QUERY_38=dhe RID_QUERY_39=ose RID_QUERY_40=llogarit shum\u00EBn e RID_QUERY_41=llogarit mesataren e RID_QUERY_42=llogarit minimumin e RID_QUERY_43=llogarit maksimumin e RID_QUERY_44=get the count of RID_QUERY_48=(asnj\u00EB) RID_QUERY_50=Fie~lds in the Query: RID_QUERY_51=Sorting order: RID_QUERY_52=Nuk u p\u00EBrcaktuar ndonj\u00EB fush\u00EB p\u00EBr renditje. RID_QUERY_53=Search conditions: RID_QUERY_54=Nuk jan\u00EB p\u00EBrcaktuar kushte. RID_QUERY_55=Aggregate functions: RID_QUERY_56=Nuk u p\u00EBrcaktuan funksione t\u00EB p\u00EBrbashk\u00EBta. RID_QUERY_57=Grouped by: RID_QUERY_58=Nuk jan\u00EB p\u00EBrcaktuar grupe. RID_QUERY_59=Grouping conditions: RID_QUERY_60=Nuk jan\u00EB p\u00EBrcaktuar kushte p\u00EBr grupimin. RID_QUERY_70=Zgjidhni fushat (kolonat) p\u00EBr k\u00EBrkimin tuaj RID_QUERY_71=Zgjidh llojin e renditjes RID_QUERY_72=Zgjidh kushtet e k\u00EBrkimit RID_QUERY_73=Zgjedh tipin e k\u00EBrkimit RID_QUERY_74=Zgjidh grupet RID_QUERY_75=P\u00EBrzgjidh kushtet e grupimit RID_QUERY_76=P\u00EBrcakto pseudonime n\u00EB qoft\u00EB se e d\u00EBshironi RID_QUERY_77=Check the overview and decide how to proceed RID_QUERY_80=P\u00EBrzgjedhje fushe RID_QUERY_81=Lloji i renditjes RID_QUERY_82=Kushtet e k\u00EBrkimit RID_QUERY_83=Holl\u00EBsira dhe p\u00EBrmbledhje RID_QUERY_84=Grouping RID_QUERY_85=Kushtet e grupimit RID_QUERY_86=Pseudonime RID_QUERY_87=P\u00EBrmbledhje RID_QUERY_88=Nj\u00EB fushe t\u00EB cil\u00EBs nuk i \u00EBsht\u00EB p\u00EBrcaktuar nj\u00EB funksion i p\u00EBrbashk\u00EBt duhet t\u00EB p\u00EBrdoret n\u00EB nj\u00EB grup. RID_QUERY_89=Kushti ' ' \u00EBsht\u00EB zgjedhur dy her\u00EB. \u00C7do kusht mund t\u00EB zgjidhet vet\u00EBm nj\u00EB her\u00EB. RID_QUERY_90=The aggregate function has been assigned twice to the fieldname ''. RID_QUERY_91=, RID_QUERY_92= () RID_QUERY_93= () RID_QUERY_94= RID_QUERY_95= RID_QUERY_96= RID_FORM_0=Krijim i udh\u00EBhequr formulari RID_FORM_1=Fushat n\u00EB ~formularin RID_FORM_2=Fushat binare jan\u00EB gjithmon\u00EB t\u00EB radhitura dhe mund t\u00EB zgjidhen nga lista majtas.\nAto interpretohen si figura n\u00EBse \u00EBsht\u00EB e mundur. RID_FORM_3=Nj\u00EB n\u00EBnformular \u00EBsht\u00EB nj\u00EB formular q\u00EB vihet brenda nj\u00EB formulari tjet\u00EBr.\nP\u00EBrdor n\u00EBnformular\u00EBt p\u00EBr t\u00EB shfaqur t\u00EB dh\u00EBnat nga tabelat ose k\u00EBrkimet me nj\u00EB lidhje nj\u00EB-n\u00EB-shum\u00EB. RID_FORM_4=~Shto n\u00EBn formular RID_FORM_5=~N\u00EBn formular i bazuar mbi nj\u00EB lidhje ekzistuese RID_FORM_6=Tabelat ose k\u00EBrkimet RID_FORM_7=N\u00EBn formular i bazuar mbi zgjedhjen ~manuale t\u00EB fushave RID_FORM_8=~Cil\u00EBn lidhje do t\u00EB shtosh? RID_FORM_9=Fushat n\u00EB ~n\u00EBn formularin RID_FORM_12=Fushat e ~disponueshme RID_FORM_13=Fushat n\u00EB formular RID_FORM_19=The join '' and '' has been selected twice.\nBut joins may only be used once. RID_FORM_20=~First joined subform field RID_FORM_21=~Second joined subform field RID_FORM_22=~Third joined subform field RID_FORM_23=~Fourth joined subform field RID_FORM_24=F~irst joined main form field RID_FORM_25=S~econd joined main form field RID_FORM_26=T~hird joined main form field RID_FORM_27=F~ourth joined main form field RID_FORM_28=Kufiri i fush\u00EBs RID_FORM_29=Pa kufi RID_FORM_30=Paraqitja 3D RID_FORM_31=Rrafsh RID_FORM_32=Label placement RID_FORM_33=Rreshto nga e majta RID_FORM_34=Rreshto nga e djathta RID_FORM_35=Arrangement of DB fields RID_FORM_36=Columnar - Labels Left RID_FORM_37=Columnar - Labels on Top RID_FORM_38=In Blocks - Labels Left RID_FORM_39=In Blocks - Labels Above RID_FORM_40=As Data Sheet RID_FORM_41=Arrangement of the main form RID_FORM_42=Arrangement of the subform RID_FORM_44=The form is to be ~used for entering new data only. RID_FORM_45=Existing data will not be displayed RID_FORM_46=T~he form is to display all data RID_FORM_47=Mos lejo ~ndryshimin e t\u00EB dh\u00EBnave ekzistuese RID_FORM_48=Mos lejo ~fshirjen e t\u00EB dh\u00EBnave ekzistuese RID_FORM_49=Mos lejo ~shtimin e t\u00EB dh\u00EBnave t\u00EB reja RID_FORM_50=Emri i ~formularit RID_FORM_51=Si do t\u00EB vazhdosh pasi ta kesh krijuar formularin? RID_FORM_52=~Work with the form RID_FORM_53=~Ndrysho formularin RID_FORM_55=Stilet e ~faqes RID_FORM_80=P\u00EBrzgjedhje fushe RID_FORM_81=Konfiguro nj\u00EB n\u00EBn-formular RID_FORM_82=Shto fusha n\u00EB n\u00EBn-formularin RID_FORM_83=Get joined fields RID_FORM_84=Arrange controls RID_FORM_85=Set data entry RID_FORM_86=Zbato stilet RID_FORM_87=Vendos emrin RID_FORM_88=(Data) RID_FORM_89=(Ora) RID_FORM_90=Select the fields of your form RID_FORM_91=Vendos n\u00EBse d\u00EBshiron t\u00EB konfigurosh nj\u00EB n\u00EBn-formular RID_FORM_92=P\u00EBrzgjidh fushat e n\u00EBn-formularit RID_FORM_93=Zgjidhni bashkimet nd\u00EBrmjet fushave RID_FORM_94=Organizo kontrollet n\u00EB formularin tuaj RID_FORM_95=Zgjidh m\u00EBnyr\u00EBn e futjes s\u00EB t\u00EB dh\u00EBnave RID_FORM_96=Apply the style of your form RID_FORM_97=Vendos emrin e formularit RID_FORM_98=Nj\u00EB formular me emrin '%FORMNAME' tashm\u00EB ekziston.\nZgjidhni nj\u00EB em\u00EBr tjet\u00EBr. RID_TABLE_1=Krijim i udh\u00EBhequr tabele RID_TABLE_2=P\u00EBrzgjidh fushat RID_TABLE_3=Vendos llojet dhe formatet RID_TABLE_4=Set primary key RID_TABLE_5=Create table RID_TABLE_8=Zgjidh fushat p\u00EBr tabel\u00EBn RID_TABLE_9=Cakto llojet e fushave dhe formatet RID_TABLE_10=Set primary key RID_TABLE_11=Create table RID_TABLE_14=This wizard helps you to create a table for your database. After selecting a table category and a sample table, choose the fields you want to include in your table. You can include fields from more than one sample table. RID_TABLE_15=Ka~tegori RID_TABLE_16=B~iznes RID_TABLE_17=P~ersonale RID_TABLE_18=Tabela ~shembulli RID_TABLE_19=Fushat e ~disponueshme RID_TABLE_20=Informacione mbi fush\u00EBn RID_TABLE_21=+ RID_TABLE_22=- RID_TABLE_23=Emri i fush\u00EBs RID_TABLE_24=Lloji i fush\u00EBs RID_TABLE_25=~Fushat e p\u00EBrzgjedhura RID_TABLE_26=A primary key uniquely identifies each record in a database table. Primary keys ease the linking of information in separate tables, and it is recommended that you have a primary key in every table. Without a primary key, it will not be possible to enter data into this table. RID_TABLE_27=~Create a primary key RID_TABLE_28=~Automatically add a primary key RID_TABLE_29=~Use an existing field as a primary key RID_TABLE_30=Define p~rimary key as a combination of several fields RID_TABLE_31=~Emri i fush\u00EBs RID_TABLE_32=~Primary key fields RID_TABLE_33=~Vlera automatike RID_TABLE_34=\u00C7far\u00EB emri do t'i jap\u00EBsh tabel\u00EBs? RID_TABLE_35=Congratulations. You have entered all the information needed to create your table. RID_TABLE_36=\u00C7far\u00EB tipi t\u00EB dokumentit d\u00EBshironi t\u00EB krijoni? RID_TABLE_37=Modify the table design RID_TABLE_38=Fut t\u00EB dh\u00EBnat menj\u00EBher\u00EB RID_TABLE_39=K~rijo nj\u00EB formular t\u00EB bazuar mbi k\u00EBt\u00EB tabel\u00EB RID_TABLE_40=Tabela q\u00EB ke krijuar nuk mund t\u00EB hapet. RID_TABLE_41=Emri i tabel\u00EBs '%TABLENAME' p\u00EBrmban nj\u00EB shkronj\u00EB ('%SPECIALCHAR') q\u00EB mund t\u00EB mos p\u00EBrballohet nga baza e t\u00EB dh\u00EBnave. RID_TABLE_42=Emri i fush\u00EBs '%FIELDNAME' p\u00EBrmban nj\u00EB shkronj\u00EB ('%SPECIALCHAR') q\u00EB mund t\u00EB mos p\u00EBrballohet nga baza e t\u00EB dh\u00EBnave. RID_TABLE_43=Fush\u00EB RID_TABLE_44=MyTable RID_TABLE_45=Shto nj\u00EB fush\u00EB RID_TABLE_46=Hiqe fush\u00EBn e zgjedhur RID_TABLE_47=The field cannot be inserted because this would exceed the maximum number of %COUNT possible fields in the database table RID_TABLE_48=Emri '%TABLENAME' tashm\u00EB ekziston.\nJu lutem jepni nj\u00EB em\u00EBr tjet\u00EBr. RID_TABLE_49=Katalogu i tabel\u00EBs RID_TABLE_50=Skema e tabel\u00EBs RID_TABLE_51=Fusha '%FIELDNAME' tashm\u00EB ekziston. STEP_ZERO_0=~Anulo STEP_ZERO_1=~Ndihm\u00EB STEP_ZERO_2=< ~Prapa STEP_ZERO_3=~Shnd\u00EBrro STEP_ZERO_4=Sh\u00EBnim: Shumat e monedhave nga lidhjet e jashtme dhe faktori i konvertimit t\u00EB monedhave n\u00EB formula nuk mund t\u00EB konvertohen. STEP_ZERO_5=Fillimisht, hiq mbrojtjen e t\u00EB gjitha flet\u00EBve. STEP_ZERO_6=Monedhat: STEP_ZERO_7=C~ontinue > STEP_ZERO_8=M~byll STEP_CONVERTER_0=~T\u00EBr\u00EB dokumenti STEP_CONVERTER_1=P\u00EBrzgjedhje STEP_CONVERTER_2=S~tilet e qelive STEP_CONVERTER_3=Qelit\u00EB e monedh\u00EBs n\u00EB ~flet\u00EBn aktuale STEP_CONVERTER_4=Qelit\u00EB e monedh\u00EBs n\u00EB t\u00EB gjith\u00EB ~dokumentin STEP_CONVERTER_5=~Brezi i numrave STEP_CONVERTER_6=Zgjidh stilet e qelive STEP_CONVERTER_7=Zgjidh qelit\u00EB e monedhave STEP_CONVERTER_8=Intervalet e valut\u00EBs: STEP_CONVERTER_9=Shabllonet: STEP_AUTOPILOT_0=V\u00EBllimi STEP_AUTOPILOT_1=~Vet\u00EBm nj\u00EB dokument %PRODUCTNAME Calc STEP_AUTOPILOT_2=~Dosja e plot\u00EB STEP_AUTOPILOT_3=Dokumenti i burimit: STEP_AUTOPILOT_4=Dosja e burimit: STEP_AUTOPILOT_5=~Duke p\u00EBrfshir\u00EB n\u00EBn dosje STEP_AUTOPILOT_6=Dosja objektiv: STEP_AUTOPILOT_7=Hiq p\u00EBrkoh\u00EBsisht mbrojtjen e faqes pa konfirmim STEP_AUTOPILOT_10=Gjithashtu konverto fusha dhe tabela n\u00EB dokumente tekst STATUSLINE_0=Conversion status: STATUSLINE_1=Gjendja e konvertimin p\u00EBr shabllonet e qelis\u00EB: STATUSLINE_2=Registration of the relevant ranges: Sheet %1Number%1 of %2TotPageCount%2 STATUSLINE_3=Entry of the ranges to be converted... STATUSLINE_4=Tani do t\u00EB mbrohen p\u00EBrs\u00EBri t\u00EB gjitha faqet... STATUSLINE_5=Konvertimi i nj\u00EBsive monetare n\u00EB shabllonet e qelis\u00EB... MESSAGES_0=~Finish MESSAGES_1=Zgjidh dosjen MESSAGES_2=Zgjidh nj\u00EB skedar MESSAGES_3=Zgjidh dosjen objektiv MESSAGES_4=jo-ekzistues MESSAGES_5=Euro Converter MESSAGES_6=Do t\u00EB heq\u00EBsh p\u00EBrkoh\u00EBsisht mbrojtjen p\u00EBr t\u00EB gjitha qelit\u00EB e mbrojtura? MESSAGES_7=Shkruaj fjal\u00EBkalimin p\u00EBr t\u00EB hequr mbrojtjen e tabel\u00EBs %1TableName%1 MESSAGES_8=Fjal\u00EBkalim i gabuar! MESSAGES_9=Flet\u00EB e mbrojtur MESSAGES_10=V\u00EBrejtje! MESSAGES_11=Mbrojtja p\u00EBr faqet nuk do t\u00EB hiqet. MESSAGES_12=Nuk mund t\u00EB hiqet mbrojtja nga fleta MESSAGES_13=Udh\u00EBzuesi nuk mund t\u00EB ndryshoj\u00EB k\u00EBt\u00EB dokument ngaq\u00EB formatet e qelis\u00EB nuk mund t\u00EB modifikohen n\u00EB dokumente q\u00EB p\u00EBrmbajn\u00EB faqe t\u00EB mbrojtura. MESSAGES_14=Ju lutem vini re q\u00EB, ndryshe, K\u00EBmbyesi n\u00EB Euro nuk do mund t\u00EB modifikoj\u00EB k\u00EBt\u00EB dokument! MESSAGES_15=Ju lutem zgjidhni nj\u00EB valut\u00EB p\u00EBr ta k\u00EBmbyer! MESSAGES_16=Fjal\u00EBkalimi: MESSAGES_17=OK MESSAGES_18=Anulo MESSAGES_19=Zgjidh nj\u00EB dokument %PRODUCTNAME Calc p\u00EBr ta redaktuar! MESSAGES_20='<1>' nuk \u00EBsht\u00EB nj\u00EB dosje! MESSAGES_21=Dokumenti \u00EBsht\u00EB i pandryshuesh\u00EBm! MESSAGES_22=Skedari '<1>' tashm\u00EB ekziston.Do ta mbishkruash? MESSAGES_23=Do you really want to terminate conversion at this point? MESSAGES_24=Cancel Wizard CURRENCIES_0=Portuguese Escudo CURRENCIES_1=Gilder hollandez CURRENCIES_2=Franga franceze CURRENCIES_3=Peset\u00EB spanjolle CURRENCIES_4=Lira italiane CURRENCIES_5=Marka gjermane CURRENCIES_6=Franga belge CURRENCIES_7=Paund irlandez CURRENCIES_8=Franga luksemburgase CURRENCIES_9=Shilinga austriake CURRENCIES_10=Marka finlandeze CURRENCIES_11=Dhrahmi greke CURRENCIES_12=Tolar sllovene CURRENCIES_13=Cypriot Pound CURRENCIES_14=Lira malteze CURRENCIES_15=Korona sllovake CURRENCIES_16=Korona estone CURRENCIES_17=Latvian Lats CURRENCIES_18=Lithuanian Litas STEP_LASTPAGE_0=Progresi STEP_LASTPAGE_1=Retrieving the relevant documents... STEP_LASTPAGE_2=Duke konvertuar dokumentet... STEP_LASTPAGE_3=Parametrat: STEP_LASTPAGE_4=Faqja \u00EBsht\u00EB gjithmon\u00EB e pambrojtur STYLES_0=Zgjedhja e tem\u00EBs STYLES_1=Error while saving the document to the clipboard! The following action cannot be undone. STYLES_2=~Anulo STYLES_3=~OK STYLENAME_0=(Standarde) STYLENAME_1=Gjethe Vjeshte STYLENAME_2=Be STYLENAME_3=Bardh e zi STYLENAME_4=Blackberry Bush STYLENAME_5=Blue Jeans STYLENAME_6=Fifties Diner STYLENAME_7=Glacier STYLENAME_8=Green Grapes STYLENAME_9=Marine STYLENAME_10=Millennium STYLENAME_11=Natyra STYLENAME_12=Neon STYLENAME_13=Night STYLENAME_14=PC Nostalgia STYLENAME_15=Pastel STYLENAME_16=Pool Party STYLENAME_17=Pumpkin CorrespondenceDialog_0=I adresuari CorrespondenceDialog_1=One recipient CorrespondenceDialog_2=Several recipients (address database) CorrespondenceDialog_3=P\u00EBrdorimi i k\u00EBtij modeli CorrespondenceMsgError=Ndodhi nj\u00EB gabim. CorrespondenceFields_0=Click placeholder and overwrite CorrespondenceFields_1=Kompania CorrespondenceFields_2=Departmenti CorrespondenceFields_3=Emri CorrespondenceFields_4=Mbiemri CorrespondenceFields_5=Rruga CorrespondenceFields_6=Vendi CorrespondenceFields_7=Kodi postar CorrespondenceFields_8=Qyteti CorrespondenceFields_9=Titulli CorrespondenceFields_10=Position CorrespondenceFields_11=Rreshti i adres\u00EBs 1 CorrespondenceFields_12=Inicialet CorrespondenceFields_13=P\u00EBrsh\u00EBndetje CorrespondenceFields_14=Telefoni/Celulari CorrespondenceFields_15=Telefoni/Celulari CorrespondenceFields_16=Fax CorrespondenceFields_17=Email CorrespondenceFields_18=URL CorrespondenceFields_19=Sh\u00EBnimet CorrespondenceFields_20=Alt. Field 1 CorrespondenceFields_21=Alt. Field 2 CorrespondenceFields_22=Alt. Field 3 CorrespondenceFields_23=Alt. Field 4 CorrespondenceFields_24=ID CorrespondenceFields_25=Shteti CorrespondenceFields_26=Telefoni/Celulari CorrespondenceFields_27=Pager CorrespondenceFields_28=Telefoni/Celulari CorrespondenceFields_29=Telefoni/Celulari CorrespondenceFields_30=URL njohje CorrespondenceFields_31=Fto CorrespondenceNoTextmark_0=The bookmark 'Recipient' is missing. CorrespondenceNoTextmark_1=Form letter fields can not be included. AgendaDlgName=Minutes Template AgendaDlgNoCancel=An option must be confirmed. AgendaDlgFrame=Minutes Type AgendaDlgButton1=Results Minutes AgendaDlgButton2=Offset n\u00EB minuta TextField=User data field is not defined! NoDirCreation=The '%1' directory cannot be created: MsgDirNotThere=Dosja '%1' nuk ekziston. QueryfornewCreation=Do ta krijosh tani? HelpButton=~Ndihm\u00EB CancelButton=~Anulo BackButton=< ~Prapa NextButton=Ne~xt > BeginButton=~Shnd\u00EBrro CloseButton=~Mbyll WelcometextLabel1=This wizard convert legacy format documents to Open Document Format for Office Applications. WelcometextLabel3=Zgjidh tipin e dokumentit p\u00EBr konvertim: MSTemplateCheckbox_1_=Modelet Word MSTemplateCheckbox_2_=Modelet Excel MSTemplateCheckbox_3_=Shabllonet PowerPoint MSDocumentCheckbox_1_=Dokumente Word MSDocumentCheckbox_2_=Dokumente Excel MSDocumentCheckbox_3_=Dokumente PowerPoint/Publisher MSContainerName=Microsoft Office SummaryHeader=P\u00EBrmbledhje: GroupnameDefault=Shabllonet e _importuara ProgressMoreDocs=Dokumentet ProgressMoreTemplates=Shabllonet FileExists=Skedari '<1>' tashm\u00EB ekziston.Do ta mbishkruash? MorePathsError3=Dosjet nuk ekzistojn\u00EB ConvertError1=Do you really want to terminate conversion at this point? ConvertError2=Cancel Wizard RTErrorDesc=An error has occurred in the wizard. RTErrorHeader=Gabim OverwriteallFiles=Do t\u00EB mbishkruash dokumentet pa t\u00EB pyetur? ReeditMacro=Document macro has to be revised. CouldNotsaveDocument=Dokumenti '<1>' nuk mund t\u00EB ruhet. CouldNotopenDocument=Dokumenti '<1>' nuk mund t\u00EB hapet. PathDialogMessage=Zgjidh nj\u00EB dosje DialogTitle=Konvertues i dokumenteve SearchInSubDir=Duke p\u00EBrfshir\u00EB n\u00EBn dosjet ProgressPage1=Progresi ProgressPage2=Retrieving the relevant documents: ProgressPage3=Duke konvertuar dokumentet ProgressFound=Gjetur: ProgressPage5="%1 found Ready=P\u00EBrfunduar SourceDocuments=Dokumentet e burimit TargetDocuments=Dokumentet e objektivit LogfileSummary= dokumente u konvertuan SumInclusiveSubDir=All subdirectories will be taken into account SumSaveDokumente=K\u00EBta do t\u00EB eksportohen n\u00EB dosjen n\u00EB vijim: TextImportLabel=Importo nga: TextExportLabel=Ruaje n\u00EB: CreateLogfile=Create log file LogfileHelpText=A log file will be created in your work directory ShowLogfile=Show log file SumMSTextDocuments=T\u00EB gjitha dokumentet Word q\u00EB gjinden n\u00EB dosjen n\u00EB vijim do t\u00EB importohen: SumMSTableDocuments=T\u00EB gjitha dokumentet Excel q\u00EB gjinden n\u00EB dosjen n\u00EB vijim do t\u00EB importohen: SumMSDrawDocuments=T\u00EB gjitha dokumentet PowerPoint/Publisher q\u00EB gjinden n\u00EB dosjen n\u00EB vijim do t\u00EB importohen: SumMSTextTemplates=T\u00EB gjitha shabllonet Word q\u00EB gjinden n\u00EB dosjen n\u00EB vijim do t\u00EB importohen: SumMSTableTemplates=T\u00EB gjitha shabllonet Excel q\u00EB gjinden n\u00EB dosjen n\u00EB vijim do t\u00EB importohen: SumMSDrawTemplates=T\u00EB gjitha shabllonet PowerPoint q\u00EB gjinden n\u00EB dosjen n\u00EB vijim do t\u00EB importohen: