REM ======================================================================================================================= REM === The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries are part of the LibreOffice project. === REM === Full documentation is available on === REM ======================================================================================================================= Option Explicit Option Private Module ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''' SF_Utils ''' ======== ''' FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY ''' Groups all private functions used by the official modules ''' Declares the Global variable _SF_ ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' REM ===================================================================== GLOBALS Global _SF_ As Variant ' SF_Root (Basic) object) ''' ScriptForge version Const SF_Version = "7.1" ''' Standard symbolic names for VarTypes ' V_EMPTY = 0 ' V_NULL = 1 ' V_INTEGER = 2 ' V_LONG = 3 ' V_SINGLE = 4 ' V_DOUBLE = 5 ' V_CURRENCY = 6 ' V_DATE = 7 ' V_STRING = 8 ''' Additional symbolic names for VarTypes Global Const V_OBJECT = 9 Global Const V_BOOLEAN = 11 Global Const V_VARIANT = 12 Global Const V_BYTE = 17 Global Const V_USHORT = 18 Global Const V_ULONG = 19 Global Const V_BIGINT = 35 Global Const V_DECIMAL = 37 Global Const V_ARRAY = 8192 Global Const V_NUMERIC = 99 ' Fictive VarType synonym of any numeric value REM ================================================================== EXCEPTIONS Const MISSINGARGERROR = "MISSINGARGERROR" ' A mandatory argument is missing Const ARGUMENTERROR = "ARGUMENTERROR" ' An argument does not pass the _Validate() validation Const ARRAYERROR = "ARRAYERROR" ' An argument does not pass the _ValidateArray() validation Const FILEERROR = "FILEERROR" ' An argument does not pass the _ValidateFile() validation REM =========================================pvA==================== PRIVATE METHODS REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _CDateToIso(pvDate As Variant) As Variant ''' Returns a string representation of the given Basic date ''' Dates as strings are essential in property values, where Basic dates are evil Dim sIsoDate As Variant ' Return value If VarType(pvDate) = V_DATE Then If Year(pvDate) < 1900 Then ' Time only sIsoDate = Right("0" & Hour(pvDate), 2) & ":" & Right("0" & Minute(pvDate), 2) & ":" & Right("0" & Second(pvDate), 2) ElseIf Hour(pvDate) + Minute(pvDate) + Second(pvDate) = 0 Then ' Date only sIsoDate = Year(pvDate) & "-" & Right("0" & Month(pvDate), 2) & "-" & Right("0" & Day(pvDate), 2) Else sIsoDate = Year(pvDate) & "-" & Right("0" & Month(pvDate), 2) & "-" & Right("0" & Day(pvDate), 2) _ & " " & Right("0" & Hour(pvDate), 2) & ":" & Right("0" & Minute(pvDate), 2) _ & ":" & Right("0" & Second(pvDate), 2) End If Else sIsoDate = pvDate End If _CDateToIso = sIsoDate End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._CDateToIso REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _CDateToUnoDate(pvDate As Variant) As Variant ''' Returns a UNO object depending on the given date ''' by using the appropriate CDateToUnoDateXxx builtin function ''' UNO dates are essential in property values, where Basic dates are evil Dim vUnoDate As Variant ' Return value If VarType(pvDate) = V_DATE Then If Year(pvDate) < 1900 Then vUnoDate = CDateToUnoTime(pvDate) ElseIf Hour(pvDate) + Minute(pvDate) + Second(pvDate) = 0 Then vUnoDate = CDateToUnoDate(pvDate) Else vUnoDate = CDateToUnoDateTime(pvDate) End If Else vUnoDate = pvDate End If _CDateToUnoDate = vUnoDate End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._CDateToUnoDate REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _CPropertyValue(ByRef pvValue As Variant) As Variant ''' Set a value of a correct type in a ''' Date BASIC variables give error. Change them to UNO types ''' Empty arrays should be replaced by Null Dim vValue As Variant ' Return value If VarType(pvValue) = V_DATE Then vValue = SF_Utils._CDateToUnoDate(pvValue) ElseIf IsArray(pvValue) Then If UBound(pvValue, 1) < LBound(pvValue, 1) Then vValue = Null Else vValue = pvValue Else vValue = pvValue End If _CPropertyValue() = vValue End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._CPropertyValue REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _CStrToDate(ByRef pvStr As String) As Date ''' Attempt to convert the input string to a Date variable with the CDate builtin function ''' If not successful, returns conventionally -1 (29/12/1899) ''' Date patterns: YYYY-MM-DD, HH:MM:DD and YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:DD Dim dDate As Date ' Return value Const cstNoDate = -1 dDate = cstNoDate Try: On Local Error Resume Next dDate = CDate(pvStr) Finally: _CStrToDate = dDate Exit Function End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._CStrToDate REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _EnterFunction(ByVal psSub As String, Optional ByVal psArgs As String) ''' Called on top of each public function ''' Used to trace routine in/outs (debug mode) ''' and to allow the explicit mention of the user call which caused an error ''' Args: ''' psSub = the called Sub/Function/Property, usually something like "service.sub" ''' Return: True when psSub is called from a user script ''' Used to bypass the validation of the arguments when unnecessary If IsEmpty(_SF_) Or IsNull(_SF_) Then SF_Utils._InitializeRoot() ' First use of ScriptForge during current LibO session If IsMissing(psArgs) Then psArgs = "" With _SF_ If .StackLevel = 0 Then .MainFunction = psSub .MainFunctionArgs = psArgs _EnterFunction = True Else _EnterFunction = False End If .StackLevel = .StackLevel + 1 If .DebugMode Then ._AddToConsole("==> " & psSub & "(" & .StackLevel & ")") End With End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _ErrorHandling(Optional ByVal pbErrorHandler As Boolean) As Boolean ''' Error handling is normally ON and can be set OFF for debugging purposes ''' Each user visible routine starts with a call to this function to enable/disable ''' standard handling of internal errors ''' Args: ''' pbErrorHandler = if present, set its value ''' Return: the current value of the error handler If IsEmpty(_SF_) Or IsNull(_SF_) Then SF_Utils._InitializeRoot() ' First use of ScriptForge during current LibO session If Not IsMissing(pbErrorHandler) Then _SF_.ErrorHandler = pbErrorHandler _ErrorHandling = _SF_.ErrorHandler End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub _ExitFunction(ByVal psSub As String) ''' Called in the Finally block of each public function ''' Manage ScriptForge internal aborts ''' Resets MainFunction (root) when exiting the method called by a user script ''' Used to trace routine in/outs (debug mode) ''' Args: ''' psSub = the called Sub/Function/Property, usually something like "service.sub" If IsEmpty(_SF_) Or IsNull(_SF_) Then SF_Utils._InitializeRoot() ' Useful only when current module has been recompiled With _SF_ If Err > 0 Then SF_Exception.RaiseAbort(psSub) End If If .StackLevel = 1 Then .MainFunction = "" .MainFunctionArgs = "" End If If .DebugMode Then ._AddToConsole("<== " & psSub & "(" & .StackLevel & ")") If .StackLevel > 0 Then .StackLevel = .StackLevel - 1 End With End Sub ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ExitFunction REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub _ExportScriptForgePOTFile(ByVal FileName As String) ''' Export the ScriptForge POT file related to its own user interface ''' Should be called only before issuing new ScriptForge releases only ''' Args: ''' FileName: the resulting file. If it exists, is overwritten without warning Dim sHeader As String ' The specific header to insert sHeader = "" _ & "*********************************************************************\n" _ & "*** The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries ***\n" _ & "*** are part of the LibreOffice project. ***\n" _ & "*********************************************************************\n" _ & "\n" _ & "ScriptForge Release " & SF_Version & "\n" _ & "-----------------------" Try: With _SF_ .Interface.ExportToPOTFile(FileName, Header := sHeader) End With Finally: Exit Sub End Sub ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ExportScriptForgePOTFile REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _GetPropertyValue(ByRef pvArgs As Variant, ByVal psName As String) As Variant ''' Returns the Value corresponding to the given name ''' Args ''' pvArgs: a zero_based array of PropertyValues ''' psName: the comparison is not case-sensitive ''' Returns: ''' Zero-length string if not found Dim vValue As Variant ' Return value Dim i As Long vValue = "" If IsArray(pvArgs) Then For i = LBound(pvArgs) To UBound(pvArgs) If UCase(psName) = UCase(pvArgs(i).Name) Then vValue = pvArgs(i).Value Exit For End If Next i End If _GetPropertyValue = vValue End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._GetPropertyValue REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _GetRegistryKeyContent(ByVal psKeyName as string _ , Optional pbForUpdate as Boolean _ ) As Variant ''' Implement a ConfigurationProvider service ''' Derived from the Tools library ''' Args: ''' psKeyName: the name of the node in the configuration tree ''' pbForUpdate: default = False Dim oConfigProvider as Object ' Dim vNodePath(0) as New Dim sConfig As String ' One of next 2 constants Const cstConfig = "" Const cstConfigUpdate = "" Set oConfigProvider = _GetUNOService("ConfigurationProvider") vNodePath(0).Name = "nodepath" vNodePath(0).Value = psKeyName If IsMissing(pbForUpdate) Then pbForUpdate = False If pbForUpdate Then sConfig = cstConfigUpdate Else sConfig = cstConfig Set _GetRegistryKeyContent = oConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(sConfig, vNodePath()) End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._GetRegistryKeyContent REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _GetUNOService(ByVal psService As String _ , Optional ByVal pvArg As Variant _ ) As Object ''' Create a UNO service ''' Each service is called only once ''' Args: ''' psService: shortcut to service ''' pvArg: some services might require an argument Dim sLocale As String ' fr-BE f.i. Dim oConfigProvider As Object Dim oDefaultContext As Object Dim vNodePath As Variant Set _GetUNOService = Nothing With _SF_ Select Case psService Case "BrowseNodeFactory" Set oDefaultContext = GetDefaultContext() If Not IsNull(oDefaultContext) Then Set _GetUNOService = oDefaultContext.getValueByName("/singletons/") Case "CharacterClass" If IsEmpty(.CharacterClass) Or IsNull(.CharacterClass) Then Set .CharacterClass = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .CharacterClass Case "ConfigurationProvider" If IsEmpty(.ConfigurationProvider) Or IsNull(.ConfigurationProvider) Then Set .ConfigurationProvider = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .ConfigurationProvider Case "CoreReflection" If IsEmpty(.CoreReflection) Or IsNull(.CoreReflection) Then Set .CoreReflection = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .CoreReflection Case "DatabaseContext" If IsEmpty(.DatabaseContext) Or IsNull(.DatabaseContext) Then Set .DatabaseContext = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .DatabaseContext Case "DispatchHelper" If IsEmpty(.DispatchHelper) Or IsNull(.DispatchHelper) Then Set .DispatchHelper = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .DispatchHelper Case "FileAccess" If IsEmpty(.FileAccess) Or IsNull(.FileAccess) Then Set .FileAccess = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .FileAccess Case "FilePicker" If IsEmpty(.FilePicker) Or IsNull(.FilePicker) Then Set .FilePicker = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .FilePicker Case "FilterFactory" If IsEmpty(.FilterFactory) Or IsNull(.FilterFactory) Then Set .FilterFactory = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .FilterFactory Case "FolderPicker" If IsEmpty(.FolderPicker) Or IsNull(.FolderPicker) Then Set .FolderPicker = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .FolderPicker Case "FunctionAccess" If IsEmpty(.FunctionAccess) Or IsNull(.FunctionAccess) Then Set .FunctionAccess = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .FunctionAccess Case "Introspection" If IsEmpty(.Introspection) Or IsNull(.Introspection) Then Set .Introspection = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .Introspection Case "Locale" If IsEmpty(.Locale) Or IsNull(.Locale) Then .Locale = CreateUnoStruct("") ' Derived from the Tools library Set oConfigProvider = createUnoService("") vNodePath = Array() : ReDim vNodePath(0) vNodePath(0) = New vNodePath(0).Name = "nodepath" : vNodePath(0).Value = "org.openoffice.Setup/L10N" sLocale = oConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments("", vNodePath()).getByName("ooLocale") .Locale.Language = Left(sLocale, 2) .Locale.Country = Right(sLocale, 2) End If Set _GetUNOService = .Locale Case "MacroExpander" Set oDefaultContext = GetDefaultContext() If Not IsNull(oDefaultContext) Then Set _GetUNOService = oDefaultContext.getValueByName("/singletons/") Case "MailService" If IsEmpty(.MailService) Or IsNull(.MailService) Then If GetGuiType = 1 Then ' Windows Set .MailService = CreateUnoService("") Else Set .MailService = CreateUnoService("") End If End If Set _GetUNOService = .MailService Case "PathSettings" If IsEmpty(.PathSettings) Or IsNull(.PathSettings) Then Set .PathSettings = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .PathSettings Case "PathSubstitution" If IsEmpty(.PathSubstitution) Or IsNull(.PathSubstitution) Then Set .PathSubstitution = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .PathSubstitution Case "ScriptProvider" If IsMissing(pvArg) Then pvArg = SF_Session.SCRIPTISAPPLICATION Select Case LCase(pvArg) Case SF_Session.SCRIPTISEMBEDDED ' Document If Not IsNull(ThisComponent) Then Set _GetUNOService = ThisComponent.getScriptProvider() Case Else If IsEmpty(.ScriptProvider) Or IsNull(.ScriptProvider) Then Set .ScriptProvider = _ CreateUnoService("").createScriptProvider("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .ScriptProvider End Select Case "SearchOptions" If IsEmpty(.SearchOptions) Or IsNull(.SearchOptions) Then Set .SearchOptions = New With .SearchOptions .algorithmType = .searchFlag = 0 End With End If Set _GetUNOService = .SearchOptions Case "SystemShellExecute" If IsEmpty(.SystemShellExecute) Or IsNull(.SystemShellExecute) Then Set .SystemShellExecute = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .SystemShellExecute Case "TextSearch" If IsEmpty(.TextSearch) Or IsNull(.TextSearch) Then Set .TextSearch = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .TextSearch Case "URLTransformer" If IsEmpty(.URLTransformer) Or IsNull(.URLTransformer) Then Set .URLTransformer = CreateUnoService("") End If Set _GetUNOService = .URLTransformer Case Else End Select End With End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._GetUNOService REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub _InitializeRoot(Optional ByVal pbForce As Boolean) ''' Initialize _SF_ as SF_Root basic object ''' Args: ''' pbForce = True forces the reinit (default = False) If IsMissing(pbForce) Then pbForce = False If pbForce Then Set _SF_ = Nothing If IsEmpty(_SF_) Or IsNull(_SF_) Then Set _SF_ = New SF_Root Set _SF_.[Me] = _SF_ ' Localization _SF_._LoadLocalizedInterface() End If End Sub ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._InitializeRoot REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _MakePropertyValue(ByVal psName As String _ , ByRef pvValue As Variant _ ) As ''' Create and return a new Dim oPropertyValue As New With oPropertyValue .Name = psName .Value = SF_Utils._CPropertyValue(pvValue) End With _MakePropertyValue() = oPropertyValue End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _Repr(ByVal pvArg As Variant, Optional ByVal plMax As Long) As String ''' Convert pvArg into a readable string (truncated if length > plMax) ''' Args ''' pvArg: may be of any type ''' plMax: maximum length of the resulting string (default = 32K) Dim sArg As String ' Return value Dim oObject As Object ' Alias of argument to avoid "Object variable not set" Dim sObject As String ' Object representation Dim sObjectType As String ' ObjectType attribute of Basic objects Dim sLength As String ' String length as a string Dim i As Long Const cstBasicObject = "" Const cstMaxLength = 2^15 - 1 ' 32767 Const cstByteLength = 25 Const cstEtc = " … " If IsMissing(plMax) Or plMax = 0 Then plMax = cstMaxLength If IsArray(pvArg) Then sArg = SF_Array._Repr(pvArg) Else Select Case VarType(pvArg) Case V_EMPTY : sArg = "[EMPTY]" Case V_NULL : sArg = "[NULL]" Case V_OBJECT If IsNull(pvArg) Then sArg = "[NULL]" Else sObject = SF_Session.UnoObjectType(pvArg) If sObject = "" Or sObject = cstBasicObject Then ' Not a UNO object ' Test if argument is a ScriptForge object sObjectType = "" On Local Error Resume Next Set oObject = pvArg sObjectType = oObject.ObjectType On Error GoTo 0 If sObjectType = "" Then sArg = "[OBJECT]" ElseIf Left(sObjectType, 3) = "SF_" Then sArg = "[" & sObjectType & "]" Else sArg = oObject._Repr() End If Else sArg = "[" & sObject & "]" End If End If Case V_VARIANT : sArg = "[VARIANT]" Case V_STRING sArg = SF_String._Repr(pvArg) Case V_BOOLEAN : sArg = Iif(pvArg, "[TRUE]", "[FALSE]") Case V_BYTE : sArg = Right("00" & Hex(pvArg), 2) Case V_SINGLE, V_DOUBLE, V_CURRENCY sArg = Format(pvArg) If InStr(1, sArg, "E", 1) = 0 Then sArg = Format(pvArg, "##0.0##") sArg = Replace(sArg, ",", ".") 'Force decimal point Case V_BIGINT : sArg = CStr(CLng(pvArg)) Case V_DATE : sArg = _CDateToIso(pvArg) Case Else : sArg = CStr(pvArg) End Select End If If Len(sArg) > plMax Then sLength = "(" & Len(sArg) & ")" sArg = Left(sArg, plMax - Len(cstEtc) - Len(slength)) & cstEtc & sLength End If _Repr = sArg End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Repr REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function _ReprValues(Optional ByVal pvArgs As Variant _ , Optional ByVal plMax As Long _ ) As String ''' Convert an array of values to a comma-separated list of readable strings Dim sValues As String ' Return value Dim sValue As String ' A single value Dim vValue As Variant ' A single item in the argument Dim i As Long ' Items counter Const cstMax = 20 ' Maximum length of single string Const cstContinue = "…" ' Unicode continuation char U+2026 _ReprValues = "" If IsMissing(pvArgs) Then Exit Function If Not IsArray(pvArgs) Then pvArgs = Array(pvArgs) sValues = "" For i = 0 To UBound(pvArgs) vValue = pvArgs(i) If i < plMax Then If VarType(vValue) = V_STRING Then sValue = """" & vValue & """" Else sValue = SF_Utils._Repr(vValue, cstMax) If Len(sValues) = 0 Then sValues = sValue Else sValues = sValues & ", " & sValue ElseIf i < UBound(pvArgs) Then sValues = sValues & ", " & cstContinue Exit For End If Next i _ReprValues = sValues End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ReprValues REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub _SetPropertyValue(ByRef pvPropertyValue As Variant _ , ByVal psName As String _ , ByRef pvValue As Variant _ ) ''' Update the 1st argument (passed by reference), which is an array of property values ''' If the property psName exists, update it with pvValue, otherwise create it on top of the array Dim oPropertyValue As New Dim lIndex As Long ' Found entry Dim vValue As Variant ' Alias of pvValue Dim i As Long lIndex = -1 For i = 0 To UBound(pvPropertyValue) If pvPropertyValue(i).Name = psName Then lIndex = i Exit For End If Next i If lIndex < 0 Then ' Not found lIndex = UBound(pvPropertyValue) + 1 ReDim Preserve pvPropertyValue(0 To lIndex) Set oPropertyValue = SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(psName, pvValue) pvPropertyValue(lIndex) = oPropertyValue Else ' psName exists already in array of property values pvPropertyValue(lIndex).Value = SF_Utils._CPropertyValue(pvValue) End If End Sub ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._SetPropertyValue REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function _TypeNames(Optional ByVal pvArgs As Variant) As String ''' Converts the array of VarTypes to a comma-separated list of TypeNames Dim sTypes As String ' Return value Dim sType As String ' A single type Dim iType As Integer ' A single item of the argument _TypeNames = "" If IsMissing(pvArgs) Then Exit Function If Not IsArray(pvArgs) Then pvArgs = Array(pvArgs) sTypes = "" For Each iType In pvArgs Select Case iType Case V_EMPTY : sType = "Empty" Case V_NULL : sType = "Null" Case V_INTEGER : sType = "Integer" Case V_LONG : sType = "Long" Case V_SINGLE : sType = "Single" Case V_DOUBLE : sType = "Double" Case V_CURRENCY : sType = "Currency" Case V_DATE : sType = "Date" Case V_STRING : sType = "String" Case V_OBJECT : sType = "Object" Case V_BOOLEAN : sType = "Boolean" Case V_VARIANT : sType = "Variant" Case V_DECIMAL : sType = "Decimal" Case >= V_ARRAY : sType = "Array" Case V_NUMERIC : sType = "Numeric" End Select If Len(sTypes) = 0 Then sTypes = sType Else sTypes = sTypes & ", " & sType Next iType _TypeNames = sTypes End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._TypeNames REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _Validate(Optional ByRef pvArgument As Variant _ , ByVal psName As String _ , Optional ByVal pvTypes As Variant _ , Optional ByVal pvValues As Variant _ , Optional ByVal pvRegex As Variant _ , Optional ByVal pvObjectType As Variant _ ) As Boolean ''' Validate the arguments set by user scripts ''' The arguments of the function define the validation rules ''' This function ignores arrays. Use _ValidateArray instead ''' Args: ''' pvArgument: the argument to (in)validate ''' psName: the documented name of the argument (can be inserted in an error message) ''' pvTypes: array of allowed VarTypes ''' pvValues: array of allowed values ''' pvRegex: regular expression to comply with ''' pvObjectType: mandatory Basic class ''' Return: True if validation OK ''' Otherwise an error is raised ''' Exceptions: ''' ARGUMENTERROR Dim iVarType As Integer ' Extended VarType of argument Dim bValid As Boolean ' Returned value Dim oArgument As Variant ' Workaround "Object variable not set" error on 1st executable statement Const cstMaxLength = 256 ' Maximum length of readable value Const cstMaxValues = 10 ' Maximum number of allowed items to list in an error message ' To avoid useless recursions, keep main function, only increase stack depth _SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel + 1 On Local Error GoTo Finally ' Do never interrupt Try: bValid = True If IsMissing(pvArgument) Then GoTo CatchMissing If IsMissing(pvRegex) Or IsEmpty(pvRegex) Then pvRegex = "" If IsMissing(pvObjectType) Or IsEmpty(pvObjectType) Then pvObjectType = "" iVarType = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(pvArgument) ' Arrays NEVER pass validation If iVarType >= V_ARRAY Then bValid = False Else ' Check existence of argument bValid = iVarType <> V_NULL And iVarType <> V_EMPTY ' Check if argument's VarType is valid If bValid And Not IsMissing(pvTypes) Then If Not IsArray(pvTypes) Then bValid = ( pvTypes = iVarType ) Else bValid = SF_Array.Contains(pvTypes, iVarType) End If ' Check if argument's value is valid If bValid And Not IsMissing(pvValues) Then If Not IsArray(pvValues) Then pvValues = Array(pvValues) bValid = SF_Array.Contains(pvValues, pvArgument, CaseSensitive := False) End If ' Check regular expression If bValid And Len(pvRegex) > 0 And iVarType = V_STRING Then If Len(pvArgument) > 0 Then bValid = SF_String.IsRegex(pvArgument, pvRegex, CaseSensitive := False) End If ' Check instance types If bValid And Len(pvObjectType) > 0 And iVarType = V_OBJECT Then Set oArgument = pvArgument bValid = ( pvObjectType = oArgument.ObjectType ) End If End If If Not bValid Then ''' Library: ScriptForge ''' Service: Array ''' Method: Contains ''' Arguments: Array_1D, ToFind, [CaseSensitive=False], [SortOrder=""] ''' A serious error has been detected on argument SortOrder ''' Rules: SortOrder is of type String ''' SortOrder must contain one of next values: "ASC", "DESC", "" ''' Actual value: "Ascending" SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARGUMENTERROR _ , SF_Utils._Repr(pvArgument, cstMaxLength), psName, SF_Utils._TypeNames(pvTypes) _ , SF_Utils._ReprValues(pvValues, cstMaxValues), pvRegex, pvObjectType _ ) End If Finally: _Validate = bValid _SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel - 1 Exit Function CatchMissing: bValid = False SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(MISSINGARGERROR, psName) GoTo Finally End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _ValidateArray(Optional ByRef pvArray As Variant _ , ByVal psName As String _ , Optional ByVal piDimensions As Integer _ , Optional ByVal piType As Integer _ , Optional ByVal pbNotNull As Boolean _ ) As Boolean ''' Validate the (array) arguments set by user scripts ''' The arguments of the function define the validation rules ''' This function ignores non-arrays. Use _Validate instead ''' Args: ''' pvArray: the argument to (in)validate ''' psName: the documented name of the array (can be inserted in an error message) ''' piDimensions: the # of dimensions the array must have. 0 = Any (default) ''' piType: (default = -1, i.e. not applicable) ''' For 2D arrays, the 1st column is checked ''' 0 => all items must be any out of next types: string, date or numeric, ''' but homogeneously: all strings or all dates or all numeric ''' V_STRING or V_DATE or V_NUMERIC => that specific type is required ''' pbNotNull: piType must be >=0, otherwise ignored ''' If True: Empty, Null items are rejected ''' Return: True if validation OK ''' Otherwise an error is raised ''' Exceptions: ''' ARRAYERROR Dim iVarType As Integer ' VarType of argument Dim vItem As Variant ' Array item Dim iItemType As Integer ' VarType of individual items of argument Dim iDims As Integer ' Number of dimensions of the argument Dim bValid As Boolean ' Returned value Dim iArrayType As Integer ' Static array type Dim iFirstItemType As Integer ' Type of 1st non-null/empty item Dim sType As String ' Allowed item types as a string Dim i As Long Const cstMaxLength = 256 ' Maximum length of readable value ' To avoid useless recursions, keep main function, only increase stack depth _SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel + 1 On Local Error GoTo Finally ' Do never interrupt Try: bValid = True If IsMissing(pvArray) Then GoTo CatchMissing If IsMissing(piDimensions) Then piDimensions = 0 If IsMissing(piType) Then piType = -1 If IsMissing(pbNotNull) Then pbNotNull = False iVarType = VarType(pvArray) ' Scalars NEVER pass validation If iVarType < V_ARRAY Then bValid = False Else ' Check dimensions iDims = SF_Array.CountDims(pvArray) If iDims > 2 Then bValid = False ' Only 1D and 2D arrays If bValid And piDimensions > 0 Then bValid = ( iDims = piDimensions Or (iDims = 0 And piDimensions = 1) ) ' Allow empty vectors End If ' Check VarType and Empty/Null status of the array items If bValid And iDims = 1 And piType >= 0 Then iArrayType = SF_Array._StaticType(pvArray) If (piType = 0 And iArrayType > 0) Or (piType > 0 And iArrayType = piType) Then ' If static array of the right VarType ..., OK Else ' Go through array and check individual items iFirstItemType = -1 For i = LBound(pvArray, 1) To UBound(pvArray, 1) If iDims = 1 Then vItem = pvArray(i) Else vItem = pvArray(i, LBound(pvArray, 2)) iItemType = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(vItem) If iItemType > V_NULL Then ' Exclude Empty and Null ' Initialization at first non-null item If iFirstItemType < 0 Then iFirstItemType = iItemType If piType > 0 Then bValid = ( iFirstItemType = piType ) Else bValid = SF_Array.Contains(Array(V_STRING, V_DATE, V_NUMERIC), iFirstItemType) Else bValid = (iItemType = iFirstItemType) End If Else bValid = Not pbNotNull End If If Not bValid Then Exit For Next i End If End If End If If Not bValid Then ''' Library: ScriptForge ''' Service: Array ''' Method: Contains ''' Arguments: Array_1D, ToFind, [CaseSensitive=False], [SortOrder=""|"ASC"|"DESC"] ''' An error was detected on argument Array_1D ''' Rules: Array_1D is of type Array ''' Array_1D must have maximum 1 dimension ''' Array_1D must have all elements of the same type: either String, Date or Numeric ''' Actual value: (0:2, 0:3) sType = "" If piType = 0 Then sType = "String, Date, Numeric" ElseIf piType > 0 Then sType = SF_Utils._TypeNames(piType) End If SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYERROR _ , SF_Utils._Repr(pvArray, cstMaxLength), psName, piDimensions, sType, pbNotNull) End If Finally: _ValidateArray = bValid _SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel - 1 Exit Function CatchMissing: bValid = False SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(MISSINGARGERROR, psName) GoTo Finally End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ValidateArray REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _ValidateFile(Optional ByRef pvArgument As Variant _ , ByVal psName As String _ , Optional ByVal pbWildCards As Boolean _ , Optional ByVal pbSpace As Boolean _ ) ''' Validate the argument as a valid FileName ''' Args: ''' pvArgument: the argument to (in)validate ''' pbWildCards: if True, wildcard characters are accepted in the last component of the 1st argument ''' pbSpace: if True, the argument may be an empty string. Default = False ''' Return: True if validation OK ''' Otherwise an error is raised ''' Exceptions: ''' ARGUMENTERROR Dim iVarType As Integer ' VarType of argument Dim sFile As String ' Alias for argument Dim bValid As Boolean ' Returned value Dim sFileNaming As String ' Alias of SF_FileSystem.FileNaming Dim oArgument As Variant ' Workaround "Object variable not set" error on 1st executable statement Const cstMaxLength = 256 ' Maximum length of readable value ' To avoid useless recursions, keep main function, only increase stack depth _SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel + 1 On Local Error GoTo Finally ' Do never interrupt Try: bValid = True If IsMissing(pvArgument) Then GoTo CatchMissing If IsMissing(pbWildCards) Then pbWildCards = False If IsMissing(pbSpace) Then pbSpace = False iVarType = VarType(pvArgument) ' Arrays NEVER pass validation If iVarType >= V_ARRAY Then bValid = False Else ' Argument must be a string containing a valid file name bValid = ( iVarType = V_STRING ) If bValid Then bValid = ( Len(pvArgument) > 0 Or pbSpace ) If bValid And Len(pvArgument) > 0 Then ' Wildcards are replaced by arbitrary alpha characters If pbWildCards Then sFile = Replace(Replace(pvArgument, "?", "Z"), "*", "A") Else sFile = pvArgument bValid = ( InStr(sFile, "?") + InStr(sFile, "*") = 0 ) End If ' Check file format without wildcards If bValid Then With SF_FileSystem sFileNaming = .FileNaming Select Case sFileNaming Case "ANY" : bValid = SF_String.IsUrl(ConvertToUrl(sFile)) Case "URL" : bValid = SF_String.IsUrl(sFile) Case "SYS" : bValid = SF_String.IsFileName(sFile) End Select End With End If ' Check that wildcards are only present in last component If bValid And pbWildCards Then sFile = SF_FileSystem.GetParentFolderName(pvArgument) bValid = ( InStr(sFile, "*") + InStr(sFile, "?") + InStr(sFile,"%3F") = 0 ) ' ConvertToUrl replaces ? by %3F End If End If End If End If If Not bValid Then ''' Library: ScriptForge ''' Service: FileSystem ''' Method: CopyFile ''' Arguments: Source, Destination ''' A serious error has been detected on argument Source ''' Rules: Source is of type String ''' Source must be a valid file name expressed in operating system notation ''' Source may contain one or more wildcard characters in its last component ''' Actual value: /home/jean-*/SomeFile.odt SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(FILEERROR _ , SF_Utils._Repr(pvArgument, cstMaxLength), psName, pbWildCards) End If Finally: _ValidateFile = bValid _SF_.StackLevel = _SF_.StackLevel - 1 Exit Function CatchMissing: bValid = False SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(MISSINGARGERROR, psName) GoTo Finally End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ValidateFile REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function _VarTypeExt(ByRef pvValue As Variant) As Integer ''' Return the VarType of the argument but all numeric types are aggregated into V_NUMERIC ''' Args: ''' pvValue: value to examine ''' Return: ''' The extended VarType Dim iType As Integer ' VarType of argument iType = VarType(pvValue) Select Case iType Case V_INTEGER, V_LONG, V_SINGLE, V_DOUBLE, V_CURRENCY, V_BIGINT, V_DECIMAL _VarTypeExt = V_NUMERIC Case Else : _VarTypeExt = iType End Select End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._VarTypeExt REM ================================================= END OF SCRIPTFORGE.SF_UTILS