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2021-06-23 02:26:22 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2012-2020 Jean-Pierre LEDURE
# =====================================================================================================================
# === The Access2Base library is a part of the LibreOffice project. ===
# === Full documentation is available on ===
# =====================================================================================================================
# Access2Base is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Access2Base is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either (at your option):
# 1) The Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not
# distributed with this file, you can obtain one at .
# 2) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version. If a copy of the LGPL was not
# distributed with this file, see .
The module implements an interface between Python (user) scripts and the Access2Base Basic library.
from access2base import *
Additionally, if Python and LibreOffice are started in separate processes:
If LibreOffice started from console ... (example for Linux)
./soffice --accept='socket,host=localhost,port=2019;urp;'
then insert next statement
A2BConnect(hostname = 'localhost', port = 2019)
Specific documentation about Access2Base and Python:
import uno
from platform import system as _opsys
import datetime, os, sys, traceback
_LIBRARY = '' # Should be 'Access2Base' or 'Access2BaseDev'
_VERSION = '7.1' # Actual version number
_WRAPPERMODULE = 'Python' # Module name in the Access2Base library containing Python interfaces
# CallByName types
_vbGet, _vbLet, _vbMethod, _vbSet, _vbUNO = 2, 4, 1, 8, 16
class _Singleton(type):
A Singleton design pattern
Credits: « Python in a Nutshell » by Alex Martelli, O'Reilly
instances = {}
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls not in cls.instances:
cls.instances[cls] = super(_Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
return cls.instances[cls]
class acConstants(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
VBA constants used in the Access2Base API.
Values derived from MSAccess, except when conflicts
# Python special constants (used in the protocol between Python and Basic)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Empty = '+++EMPTY+++'
Null = '+++NULL+++'
Missing = '+++MISSING+++'
FromIsoFormat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' # To be used with datetime.datetime.strptime()
# AcCloseSave
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acSaveNo = 2
acSavePrompt = 0
acSaveYes = 1
# AcFormView
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acDesign = 1
acNormal = 0
acPreview = 2
# AcFormOpenDataMode
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acFormAdd = 0
acFormEdit = 1
acFormPropertySettings = -1
acFormReadOnly = 2
# acView
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acViewDesign = 1
acViewNormal = 0
acViewPreview = 2
# acOpenDataMode
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acAdd = 0
acEdit = 1
acReadOnly = 2
# AcObjectType
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acDefault = -1
acDiagram = 8
acForm = 2
acQuery = 1
acReport = 3
acTable = 0
# Unexisting in MS/Access
acBasicIDE = 101
acDatabaseWindow = 102
acDocument = 111
acWelcome = 112
# Subtype if acDocument
docWriter = "Writer"
docCalc = "Calc"
docImpress = "Impress"
docDraw = "Draw"
docMath = "Math"
# AcWindowMode
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acDialog = 3
acHidden = 1
acIcon = 2
acWindowNormal = 0
# VarType constants
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
vbEmpty = 0
vbNull = 1
vbInteger = 2
vbLong = 3
vbSingle = 4
vbDouble = 5
vbCurrency = 6
vbDate = 7
vbString = 8
vbObject = 9
vbBoolean = 11
vbVariant = 12
vbByte = 17
vbUShort = 18
vbULong = 19
vbBigint = 35
vbDecimal = 37
vbArray = 8192
# MsgBox constants
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
vbOKOnly = 0 # OK button only (default)
vbOKCancel = 1 # OK and Cancel buttons
vbAbortRetryIgnore = 2 # Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons
vbYesNoCancel = 3 # Yes, No, and Cancel buttons
vbYesNo = 4 # Yes and No buttons
vbRetryCancel = 5 # Retry and Cancel buttons
vbCritical = 16 # Critical message
vbQuestion = 32 # Warning query
vbExclamation = 48 # Warning message
vbInformation = 64 # Information message
vbDefaultButton1 = 128 # First button is default (default) (VBA: 0)
vbDefaultButton2 = 256 # Second button is default
vbDefaultButton3 = 512 # Third button is default
vbApplicationModal = 0 # Application modal message box (default)
# MsgBox Return Values
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
vbOK = 1 # OK button pressed
vbCancel = 2 # Cancel button pressed
vbAbort = 3 # Abort button pressed
vbRetry = 4 # Retry button pressed
vbIgnore = 5 # Ignore button pressed
vbYes = 6 # Yes button pressed
vbNo = 7 # No button pressed
# Dialogs Return Values
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
dlgOK = 1 # OK button pressed
dlgCancel = 0 # Cancel button pressed
# Control Types
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acCheckBox = 5
acComboBox = 7
acCommandButton = 2
acToggleButton = 122
acCurrencyField = 18
acDateField = 15
acFileControl = 12
acFixedText = 10
acLabel = 10
acFormattedField = 1 # FREE ENTRY TAKEN TO NOT CONFUSE WITH acTextField
acGridControl = 11
acGroupBox = 8
acOptionGroup = 8
acHiddenControl = 13
acImageButton = 4
acImageControl = 14
acImage = 14
acListBox = 6
acNavigationBar = 22
acNumericField = 17
acPatternField = 19
acRadioButton = 3
acOptionButton = 3
acScrollBar = 20
acSpinButton = 21
acSubform = 112
acTextField = 9
acTextBox = 9
acTimeField = 16
# AcRecord
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acFirst = 2
acGoTo = 4
acLast = 3
acNewRec = 5
acNext = 1
acPrevious = 0
# FindRecord
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acAnywhere = 0
acEntire = 1
acStart = 2
acDown = 1
acSearchAll = 2
acUp = 0
acAll = 0
acCurrent = -1
# AcDataObjectType
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acActiveDataObject = -1
acDataForm = 2
acDataQuery = 1
acDataServerView = 7
acDataStoredProcedure = 9
acDataTable = 0
# AcQuitOption
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acQuitPrompt = 0
acQuitSaveAll = 1
acQuitSaveNone = 2
# AcCommand
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acCmdAboutMicrosoftAccess = 35
acCmdAboutOpenOffice = 35
acCmdAboutLibreOffice = 35
acCmdVisualBasicEditor = 525
acCmdBringToFront = 52
acCmdClose = 58
acCmdToolbarsCustomize = 165
acCmdChangeToCommandButton = 501
acCmdChangeToCheckBox = 231
acCmdChangeToComboBox = 230
acCmdChangeToTextBox = 227
acCmdChangeToLabel = 228
acCmdChangeToImage = 234
acCmdChangeToListBox = 229
acCmdChangeToOptionButton = 233
acCmdCopy = 190
acCmdCut = 189
acCmdCreateRelationship = 150
acCmdDelete = 337
acCmdDatabaseProperties = 256
acCmdSQLView = 184
acCmdRemove = 366
acCmdDesignView = 183
acCmdFormView = 281
acCmdNewObjectForm = 136
acCmdNewObjectTable = 134
acCmdNewObjectView = 350
acCmdOpenDatabase = 25
acCmdNewObjectQuery = 135
acCmdShowAllRelationships = 149
acCmdNewObjectReport = 137
acCmdSelectAll = 333
acCmdRemoveTable = 84
acCmdOpenTable = 221
acCmdRename = 143
acCmdDeleteRecord = 223
acCmdApplyFilterSort = 93
acCmdSnapToGrid = 62
acCmdViewGrid = 63
acCmdInsertHyperlink = 259
acCmdMaximumRecords = 508
acCmdObjectBrowser = 200
acCmdPaste = 191
acCmdPasteSpecial = 64
acCmdPrint = 340
acCmdPrintPreview = 54
acCmdSaveRecord = 97
acCmdFind = 30
acCmdUndo = 292
acCmdRefresh = 18
acCmdRemoveFilterSort = 144
acCmdRunMacro = 31
acCmdSave = 20
acCmdSaveAs = 21
acCmdSelectAllRecords = 109
acCmdSendToBack = 53
acCmdSortDescending = 164
acCmdSortAscending = 163
acCmdTabOrder = 41
acCmdDatasheetView = 282
acCmdZoomSelection = 371
# AcSendObjectType
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acSendForm = 2
acSendNoObject = -1
acSendQuery = 1
acSendReport = 3
acSendTable = 0
# AcOutputObjectType
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acOutputTable = 0
acOutputQuery = 1
acOutputForm = 2
acOutputArray = -1
# AcEncoding
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acUTF8Encoding = 76
# AcFormat
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acFormatPDF = "writer_pdf_Export"
acFormatODT = "writer8"
acFormatDOC = "MS Word 97"
acFormatHTML = "HTML"
acFormatODS = "calc8"
acFormatXLS = "MS Excel 97"
acFormatXLSX = "Calc MS Excel 2007 XML"
acFormatTXT = "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)"
# AcExportQuality
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acExportQualityPrint = 0
acExportQualityScreen = 1
# AcSysCmdAction
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acSysCmdAccessDir = 9
acSysCmdAccessVer = 7
acSysCmdClearHelpTopic = 11
acSysCmdClearStatus = 5
acSysCmdGetObjectState = 10
acSysCmdGetWorkgroupFile = 13
acSysCmdIniFile = 8
acSysCmdInitMeter = 1
acSysCmdProfile = 12
acSysCmdRemoveMeter = 3
acSysCmdRuntime = 6
acSysCmdSetStatus = 4
acSysCmdUpdateMeter = 2
# Type property
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
dbBigInt = 16
dbBinary = 9
dbBoolean = 1
dbByte = 2
dbChar = 18
dbCurrency = 5
dbDate = 8
dbDecimal = 20
dbDouble = 7
dbFloat = 21
dbGUID = 15
dbInteger = 3
dbLong = 4
dbLongBinary = 11 # (OLE Object)
dbMemo = 12
dbNumeric = 19
dbSingle = 6
dbText = 10
dbTime = 22
dbTimeStamp = 23
dbVarBinary = 17
dbUndefined = -1
# Attributes property
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
dbAutoIncrField = 16
dbDescending = 1
dbFixedField = 1
dbHyperlinkField = 32768
dbSystemField = 8192
dbUpdatableField = 32
dbVariableField = 2
# OpenRecordset
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
dbOpenForwardOnly = 8
dbSQLPassThrough = 64
dbReadOnly = 4
# Query types
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
dbQAction = 240
dbQAppend = 64
dbQDDL = 4 # 96
dbQDelete = 32
dbQMakeTable = 128 # 80
dbQSelect = 0
dbQSetOperation = 8 # 128
dbQSQLPassThrough = 1 # 112
dbQUpdate = 16 # 48
# Edit mode
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
dbEditNone = 0
dbEditInProgress = 1
dbEditAdd = 2
# Toolbars
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
msoBarTypeNormal = 0 # Usual toolbar
msoBarTypeMenuBar = 1 # Menu bar
msoBarTypePopup = 2 # Shortcut menu
msoBarTypeStatusBar = 11 # Status bar
msoBarTypeFloater = 12 # Floating window
msoControlButton = 1 # Command button
msoControlPopup = 10 # Popup, submenu
# New Lines
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
vbCr = chr(13)
vbLf = chr(10)
def _NewLine():
if _opsys == 'Windows': return chr(13) + chr(10)
return chr(10)
vbNewLine = _NewLine()
vbTab = chr(9)
# Module types
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
acClassModule = 1
acStandardModule = 0
# (Module) procedure types
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
vbext_pk_Get = 1 # A Property Get procedure
vbext_pk_Let = 2 # A Property Let procedure
vbext_pk_Proc = 0 # A Sub or Function procedure
vbext_pk_Set = 3 # A Property Set procedure
def _ErrorHandler(type, value, tb):
Is the function to be set as new sys.excepthook to bypass the standard error handler
Derived from
Handler removes traces pointing to methods located in when error is due to a user programming error
sys.excepthook = _ErrorHandler
def check_file(name):
return '' not in name
show = (fs for fs in traceback.extract_tb(tb) if check_file(fs.filename))
fmt = traceback.format_list(show) + traceback.format_exception_only(type, value)
print(''.join(fmt), end = '', file = sys.stderr)
# Reset to standard handler
sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__
def A2BConnect(hostname = '', port = 0):
To be called explicitly by user scripts when Python process runs outside the LibreOffice process.
LibreOffice started as (Linux):
./soffice --accept='socket,host=localhost,port=xxxx;urp;'
Otherwise called implicitly by the current module without arguments
:param hostname: probably 'localhost' or ''
:param port: port number or 0
:return: None
# Determine COMPONENTCONTEXT, via socket or inside LibreOffice
if len(hostname) > 0 and port > 0: # Explicit connection request via socket
# Code derived from by Alain H. Romedenne
local_context = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
resolver = local_context.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
'', local_context)
conn = 'socket,host=%s,port=%d' % (hostname, port)
connection_url = 'uno:%s;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext' % conn
established_context = resolver.resolve(connection_url)
except Exception: # thrown when LibreOffice specified instance isn't started
raise ConnectionError('Connection to LibreOffice failed (host = ' + hostname + ', port = ' + str(port) + ')')
COMPONENTCONTEXT = established_context
elif len(hostname) == 0 and port == 0: # Usual interactive mode
DESKTOP = COMPONENTCONTEXT.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext( '', COMPONENTCONTEXT)
raise SystemExit('The invocation of A2BConnect() has invalid arguments')
servicemanager = COMPONENTCONTEXT.ServiceManager
masterscript = servicemanager.createInstanceWithContext("", COMPONENTCONTEXT)
SCRIPTPROVIDER = masterscript.createScriptProvider("")
Script = _A2B.xScript('TraceLog', 'Trace') # Don't use invokeMethod() to force reset of error stack
Script.invoke(('===>', 'Python wrapper loaded V.' + _VERSION, False), (), ())
return None
class _A2B(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
Collection of helper functions implementing the protocol between Python and Basic
Read comments in PythonWrapper Basic function
def BasicObject(cls, objectname):
objs = {'COLLECTION': _Collection
, 'COMMANDBAR': _CommandBar
, 'COMMANDBARCONTROL': _CommandBarControl
, 'CONTROL': _Control
, 'DATABASE': _Database
, 'DIALOG': _Dialog
, 'EVENT': _Event
, 'FIELD': _Field
, 'FORM': _Form
, 'MODULE': _Module
, 'OPTIONGROUP': _OptionGroup
, 'PROPERTY': _Property
, 'QUERYDEF': _QueryDef
, 'RECORDSET': _Recordset
, 'SUBFORM': _SubForm
, 'TABLEDEF': _TableDef
, 'TEMPVAR': _TempVar
return objs[objectname]
def xScript(cls, script, module):
At first call checks the existence of the Access2Base library
Initializes _LIBRARY with the found library name
First and next calls execute the given script in the given module of the _LIBRARY library
The script and module are presumed to exist
:param script: name of script
:param module: name of module
:return: the script object. NB: the execution is done with the invoke() method applied on the returned object
global _LIBRARY
Script = None
def sScript(lib):
return '' + lib + '.' + module + '.' + script + '?language=Basic&location=application'
if _LIBRARY == '':
# Check the availability of the Access2Base library
for lib in ('Access2BaseDev', 'Access2Base'):
if Script == None:
Script = SCRIPTPROVIDER.getScript(sScript(lib))
_LIBRARY = lib
except Exception:
if Script == None:
raise SystemExit('Access2Base basic library not found')
Script = SCRIPTPROVIDER.getScript(sScript(_LIBRARY))
return Script
def A2BErrorCode(cls):
Return the Access2Base error stack as a tuple
0 => error code
1 => severity level
2 => short error message
3 => long error message
Script = cls.xScript('TraceErrorCode', 'Trace')
return Script.invoke((), (), ())[0]
def invokeMethod(cls, script, module, *args):
Direct call to a named script/module pair with their arguments
If the arguments do not match their definition at the Basic side, a TypeError is raised
:param script: name of script
:param module: name of module
:param args: list of arguments to be passed to the script
:return: the value returned by the script execution
if COMPONENTCONTEXT == None: A2BConnect() # Connection from inside LibreOffice is done at first API invocation
Script = cls.xScript(script, module)
Returned = Script.invoke((args), (), ())[0]
raise TypeError("Access2Base error: method '" + script + "' in Basic module '" + module + "' call error. Check its arguments.")
if Returned == None:
if cls.VerifyNoError(): return None
return Returned
def invokeWrapper(cls, action, basic, script, *args):
Call the Basic wrapper to invite it to execute the proposed action on a Basic object
If the arguments do not match their definition at the Basic side, a TypeError is raised
After execution, a check is done if the execution has raised an error within Basic
If yes, a TypeError is raised
:param action: Property Get, Property Let, Property Set, invoke Method or return UNO object
:param basic: the reference of the Basic object, i.e. the index in the array caching the addresses of the objects
conventionally Application = -1 and DoCmd = -2
:param script: the property or method name
:param args: the arguments of the method, if any
:return: the value returned by the execution of the Basic routine
if COMPONENTCONTEXT == None: A2BConnect() # Connection from inside LibreOffice is done at first API invocation
# Intercept special call to Application.Events()
if basic == Application.basicmodule and script == 'Events':
Script = cls.xScript('PythonEventsWrapper', _WRAPPERMODULE)
Returned = Script.invoke((args[0],), (), ())
Script = cls.xScript('PythonWrapper', _WRAPPERMODULE)
NoArgs = '+++NOARGS+++' # Conventional notation for properties/methods without arguments
if len(args) == 0:
args = (action,) + (basic,) + (script,) + (NoArgs,)
args = (action,) + (basic,) + (script,) + args
Returned = Script.invoke((args), (), ())
raise TypeError("Access2Base error: method '" + script + "' call error. Check its arguments.")
if isinstance(Returned[0], tuple):
# Is returned value a reference to a basic object, a scalar or a UNO object ?
if len(Returned[0]) in (3, 4):
if Returned[0][0] == 0: # scalar
return Returned[0][1]
elif Returned[0][0] == 1: # reference to objects cache
basicobject = cls.BasicObject(Returned[0][2])
if len(Returned[0]) == 3:
return basicobject(Returned[0][1], Returned[0][2])
return basicobject(Returned[0][1], Returned[0][2], Returned[0][3])
elif Returned[0][0] == 2: # Null value
return None
else: # Should not happen
return None
else: # UNO object
return Returned[0]
elif Returned[0] == None:
if cls.VerifyNoError(): return None
else: # Should not happen
return Returned[0]
def VerifyNoError(cls):
# has Access2Base generated an error ?
errorstack = cls.A2BErrorCode() # 0 = code, 1 = severity, 2 = short text, 3 = long text
if errorstack[1] in ('ERROR', 'FATAL', 'ABORT'):
raise TypeError('Access2Base error: ' + errorstack[3])
return True
class Application(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
""" Collection of methods located in the Application (Basic) module """
W = _A2B.invokeWrapper
basicmodule = -1
def AllDialogs(cls, dialog = acConstants.Missing):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'AllDialogs', dialog)
def AllForms(cls, form = acConstants.Missing):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'AllForms', form)
def AllModules(cls, module = acConstants.Missing):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'AllModules', module)
def CloseConnection(cls):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'CloseConnection')
def CommandBars(cls, bar = acConstants.Missing):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'CommandBars', bar)
def CurrentDb(cls):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'CurrentDb')
def CurrentUser(cls):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'CurrentUser')
def DAvg(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DAvg', expression, domain, criteria)
def DCount(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DCount', expression, domain, criteria)
def DLookup(cls, expression, domain, criteria = '', orderclause = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DLookup', expression, domain, criteria, orderclause)
def DMax(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DMax', expression, domain, criteria)
def DMin(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DMin', expression, domain, criteria)
def DStDev(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DStDev', expression, domain, criteria)
def DStDevP(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DStDevP', expression, domain, criteria)
def DSum(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DSum', expression, domain, criteria)
def DVar(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DVar', expression, domain, criteria)
def DVarP(cls, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'DVarP', expression, domain, criteria)
def Events(cls, event):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Events', event)
def Forms(cls, form = acConstants.Missing):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Forms', form)
def getObject(cls, shortcut):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'getObject', shortcut)
GetObject = getObject
def getValue(cls, shortcut):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'getValue', shortcut)
GetValue = getValue
def HtmlEncode(cls, string, length = 0):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'HtmlEncode', string, length)
def OpenConnection(cls, thisdatabasedocument = acConstants.Missing):
if COMPONENTCONTEXT == None: A2BConnect() # Connection from inside LibreOffice is done at first API invocation
if DESKTOP != None:
return _A2B.invokeMethod('OpenConnection', 'Application', THISDATABASEDOCUMENT)
def OpenDatabase(cls, connectionstring, username = '', password = '', readonly = False):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenDatabase', connectionstring, username
, password, readonly)
def ProductCode(cls):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'ProductCode')
def setValue(cls, shortcut, value):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'setValue', shortcut, value)
SetValue = setValue
def SysCmd(cls, action, text = '', value = -1):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'SysCmd', action, text, value)
def TempVars(cls, var = acConstants.Missing):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'TempVars', var)
def Version(cls):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Version')
class DoCmd(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
""" Collection of methods located in the DoCmd (Basic) module """
W = _A2B.invokeWrapper
basicmodule = -2
def ApplyFilter(cls, filter = '', sqlwhere = '', controlname = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'ApplyFilter', filter, sqlwhere, controlname)
def Close(cls, objecttype, objectname, save = acConstants.acSavePrompt):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Close', objecttype, objectname, save)
def CopyObject(cls, sourcedatabase, newname, sourceobjecttype, sourceobjectname): # 1st argument must be set
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'CopyObject', sourcedatabase, newname, sourceobjecttype
, sourceobjectname)
def FindNext(cls):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'FindNext')
def FindRecord(cls, findwhat, match = acConstants.acEntire, matchcase = False, search = acConstants.acSearchAll
, searchasformatted = False, onlycurrentfield = acConstants.acCurrent, findfirst = True):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'FindRecord', findwhat, match, matchcase, search
, searchasformatted, onlycurrentfield, findfirst)
def GetHiddenAttribute(cls, objecttype, objectname = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'GetHiddenAttribute', objecttype, objectname)
def GoToControl(cls, controlname):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'GoToControl', controlname)
def GoToRecord(cls, objecttype = acConstants.acActiveDataObject, objectname = '', record = acConstants.acNext
, offset = 1):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'GoToRecord', objecttype, objectname, record, offset)
def Maximize(cls):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Maximize')
def Minimize(cls):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Minimize')
def MoveSize(cls, left = -1, top = -1, width = -1, height = -1):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'MoveSize', left, top, width, height)
def OpenForm(cls, formname, view = acConstants.acNormal, filter = '', wherecondition = ''
, datamode = acConstants.acFormEdit, windowmode = acConstants.acWindowNormal, openargs = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenForm', formname, view, filter, wherecondition
, datamode, windowmode, openargs)
def OpenQuery(cls, queryname, view = acConstants.acNormal, datamode = acConstants.acEdit):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenQuery', queryname, view, datamode)
def OpenReport(cls, queryname, view = acConstants.acNormal):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenReport', queryname, view)
def OpenSQL(cls, sql, option = -1):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenSQL', sql, option)
def OpenTable(cls, tablename, view = acConstants.acNormal, datamode = acConstants.acEdit):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OpenTable', tablename, view, datamode)
def OutputTo(cls, objecttype, objectname = '', outputformat = '', outputfile = '', autostart = False, templatefile = ''
, encoding = acConstants.acUTF8Encoding, quality = acConstants.acExportQualityPrint):
if objecttype == acConstants.acOutputForm: encoding = 0
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'OutputTo', objecttype, objectname, outputformat
, outputfile, autostart, templatefile, encoding, quality)
def Quit(cls):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'Quit')
def RunApp(cls, commandline):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'RunApp', commandline)
def RunCommand(cls, command):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'RunCommand', command)
def RunSQL(cls, SQL, option = -1):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'RunSQL', SQL, option)
def SelectObject(cls, objecttype, objectname = '', indatabasewindow = False):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'SelectObject', objecttype, objectname, indatabasewindow)
def SendObject(cls, objecttype = acConstants.acSendNoObject, objectname = '', outputformat = '', to = '', cc = ''
, bcc = '', subject = '', messagetext = '', editmessage = True, templatefile = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'SendObject', objecttype, objectname, outputformat, to, cc
, bcc, subject, messagetext, editmessage, templatefile)
def SetHiddenAttribute(cls, objecttype, objectname = '', hidden = True):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'SetHiddenAttribute', objecttype, objectname, hidden)
def SetOrderBy(cls, orderby = '', controlname = ''):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'SetOrderBy', orderby, controlname)
def ShowAllRecords(cls):
return cls.W(_vbMethod, cls.basicmodule, 'ShowAllRecords')
class Basic(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
""" Collection of helper functions having the same behaviour as their Basic counterparts """
M = _A2B.invokeMethod
def ConvertFromUrl(cls, url):
return cls.M('PyConvertFromUrl', _WRAPPERMODULE, url)
def ConvertToUrl(cls, file):
return cls.M('PyConvertToUrl', _WRAPPERMODULE, file)
def CreateUnoService(cls, servicename):
return cls.M('PyCreateUnoService', _WRAPPERMODULE, servicename)
def DateAdd(cls, add, count, datearg):
if isinstance(datearg, datetime.datetime): datearg = datearg.isoformat()
dateadd = cls.M('PyDateAdd', _WRAPPERMODULE, add, count, datearg)
return datetime.datetime.strptime(dateadd, acConstants.FromIsoFormat)
def DateDiff(cls, add, date1, date2, weekstart = 1, yearstart = 1):
if isinstance(date1, datetime.datetime): date1 = date1.isoformat()
if isinstance(date2, datetime.datetime): date2 = date2.isoformat()
return cls.M('PyDateDiff', _WRAPPERMODULE, add, date1, date2, weekstart, yearstart)
def DatePart(cls, add, datearg, weekstart = 1, yearstart = 1):
if isinstance(datearg, datetime.datetime): datearg = datearg.isoformat()
return cls.M('PyDatePart', _WRAPPERMODULE, add, datearg, weekstart, yearstart)
def DateValue(cls, datestring):
datevalue = cls.M('PyDateValue', _WRAPPERMODULE, datestring)
return datetime.datetime.strptime(datevalue, acConstants.FromIsoFormat)
def Format(cls, value, format = None):
if isinstance(value, (datetime.datetime,, datetime.time, )):
value = value.isoformat()
return cls.M('PyFormat', _WRAPPERMODULE, value, format)
def GetGUIType(cls):
return cls.M('PyGetGUIType', _WRAPPERMODULE)
def GetPathSeparator():
return os.sep
def GetSystemTicks(cls):
return cls.M('PyGetSystemTicks', _WRAPPERMODULE)
def MsgBox(cls, text, type = None, dialogtitle = None):
return cls.M('PyMsgBox', _WRAPPERMODULE, text, type, dialogtitle)
class GlobalScope(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
def BasicLibraries(cls):
return Basic.M('PyGlobalScope', _WRAPPERMODULE, 'Basic')
def DialogLibraries(self):
return Basic.M('PyGlobalScope', _WRAPPERMODULE, 'Dialog')
def InputBox(cls, text, title = None, default = None, xpos = None, ypos = None):
return cls.M('PyInputBox', _WRAPPERMODULE, text, title, default, xpos, ypos)
def Now():
def RGB(red, green, blue):
return int('%02x%02x%02x' % (red, green, blue), 16)
def Timer(cls):
return cls.M('PyTimer', _WRAPPERMODULE)
def Xray(myObject):
xrayscript = ''
xScript = SCRIPTPROVIDER.getScript(xrayscript)
xScript.invoke((myObject,), (), ())
class _BasicObject(object):
Parent class of Basic objects
Each subclass is identified by its classProperties:
dictionary with keys = allowed properties, value = True if editable or False
Each instance is identified by its
- reference in the cache managed by Basic
- type ('DATABASE', 'COLLECTION', ...)
- name (form, control, ... name) - may be blank
Properties are got and set following next strategy:
1. Property names are controlled strictly ('Value' and not 'value')
2. Getting a property value for the first time is always done via a Basic call
3. Next occurrences are fetched from the Python dictionary of the instance if the property is read-only, otherwise via a Basic call
4. Methods output might force the deletion of a property from the dictionary ('MoveNext' changes 'BOF' and 'EOF' properties)
5. Setting a property value is done via a Basic call, except if self.internal == True
W = _A2B.invokeWrapper
internal_attributes = ('objectreference', 'objecttype', 'name', 'internal')
def __init__(self, reference = -1, objtype = None, name = ''):
self.objectreference = reference # reference in the cache managed by Basic
self.objecttype = objtype # ('DATABASE', 'COLLECTION', ...) = name # '' when no name
self.internal = False # True to exceptionally allow assigning a new value to a read-only property
self.localProperties = ()
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in ('classProperties', 'localProperties'):
elif name in self.classProperties:
# Get Property from Basic
return self.W(_vbGet, self.objectreference, name)
# Usual attributes getter
return super(_BasicObject, self).__getattribute__(name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in ('classProperties', 'localProperties'):
elif name in self.classProperties:
if self.internal: # internal = True forces property setting even if property is read-only
elif self.classProperties[name] == True: # True == Editable
self.W(_vbLet, self.objectreference, name, value)
raise AttributeError("type object '" + self.objecttype + "' has no editable attribute '" + name + "'")
elif name[0:2] == '__' or name in self.internal_attributes or name in self.localProperties:
raise AttributeError("type object '" + self.objecttype + "' has no attribute '" + name + "'")
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
def __repr__(self):
repr = "Basic object (type='" + self.objecttype + "', index=" + str(self.objectreference)
if len( > 0: repr += ", name='" + + "'"
return repr + ")"
def _Reset(self, propertyname, basicreturn = None):
""" force new value or erase properties from dictionary (done to optimize calls to Basic scripts) """
if propertyname in ('BOF', 'EOF'):
# After a Move method invocation on a Recordset object, BOF or EOF likely to be got soon
if isinstance(basicreturn, int):
self.internal = True
# f.i. basicreturn = 0b10 means: BOF = True, EOF = False
self.BOF = basicreturn in (2, 3, -2, -3)
self.EOF = basicreturn in (1, 3, -1, -3)
self.internal = False
return ( basicreturn >= 0 )
# Suppress possibly invalid property values: e.g. RecordCount after Delete applied on Recordset object
if property in self.__dict__:
return basicreturn
def Name(self): return
def ObjectType(self): return self.objecttype
def Dispose(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Dispose')
def getProperty(self, propertyname, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'getProperty', propertyname, index)
GetProperty = getProperty
def hasProperty(self, propertyname):
return propertyname in tuple(self.classProperties.keys())
HasProperty = hasProperty
def Properties(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Properties', index)
def setProperty(self, propertyname, value, index = acConstants.Missing):
if self.hasProperty(propertyname):
if self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'setProperty', propertyname, value, index):
return self.__setattr__(propertyname, value)
raise AttributeError("type object '" + self.objecttype + "' has no editable attribute '" + propertyname + "'")
SetProperty = setProperty
class _Collection(_BasicObject):
""" Collection object built as a Python iterator """
classProperties = dict(Count = False)
def __init__(self, reference = -1, objtype = None):
super().__init__(reference, objtype)
self.localProperties = ('count', 'index')
self.count = self.Count
self.index = 0
def __iter__(self):
self.index = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.index >= self.count:
raise StopIteration
next = self.Item(self.index)
self.index = self.index + 1
return next
def __len__(self):
return self.count
def Add(self, table, value = acConstants.Missing):
if isinstance(table, _BasicObject): # Add method applied to a TABLEDEFS collection
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Add', table.objectreference)
else: # Add method applied to a TEMPVARS collection
add = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Add', table, value)
self.count = self.Count
return add
def Delete(self, name):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Delete', name)
def Item(self, index):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Item', index)
def Remove(self, tempvarname):
remove = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Remove', tempvarname)
self.count = self.Count
return remove
def RemoveAll(self):
remove = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'RemoveAll')
self.count = self.Count
return remove
class _CommandBar(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(BuiltIn = False, Parent = False, Visible = True)
def CommandBarControls(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CommandBarControls', index)
def Reset(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Reset')
class _CommandBarControl(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(BeginGroup = False, BuiltIn = False, Caption = True, Index = False, OnAction = True
, Parent = False, TooltipText = True, Type = False, Visible = True)
def Execute(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Execute')
class _Control(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(BackColor = True, BorderColor = True, BorderStyle = True, Cancel = True, Caption = True
, ControlSource = False, ControlTipText = True, ControlType = False, Default = True
, DefaultValue = True, Enabled = True, FontBold = True, FontItalic = True, FontName = True
, FontSize = True, FontUnderline = True, FontWeight = True, ForeColor = True, Form = False
, Format = True, ItemData = False, ListCount = False, ListIndex = True, Locked = True, MultiSelect = True
, OnActionPerformed = True, OnAdjustmentValueChanged = True, OnApproveAction = True
, OnApproveReset = True, OnApproveUpdate = True, OnChanged = True, OnErrorOccurred = True
, OnFocusGained = True, OnFocusLost = True, OnItemStateChanged = True, OnKeyPressed = True
, OnKeyReleased = True, OnMouseDragged = True, OnMouseEntered = True, OnMouseExited = True
, OnMouseMoved = True, OnMousePressed = True, OnMouseReleased = True, OnResetted = True, OnTextChanged = True
, OnUpdated = True, OptionValue = False, Page = False, Parent = False, Picture = True, Required = True
, RowSource = True, RowSourceType = True, Selected = True, SelLength = True, SelStart = True, SelText = True
, SubType = False, TabIndex = True, TabStop = True, Tag = True, Text = False, TextAlign = True
, TripleState = True, Value = True, Visible = True
def BoundField(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'BoundField')
def ControlModel(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'ControlModel')
def ControlView(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'ControlView')
def LabelControl(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'LabelControl')
def AddItem(self, value, index = -1):
basicreturn = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'AddItem', value, index)
return basicreturn
def Controls(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Controls', index)
# Overrides method in parent class: list of properties is strongly control type dependent
def hasProperty(self, propertyname):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'hasProperty', propertyname)
HasProperty = hasProperty
def RemoveItem(self, index):
basicreturn = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'RemoveItem', index)
return basicreturn
def Requery(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Requery')
def SetSelected(self, value, index):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'SetSelected', value, index)
def SetFocus(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'SetFocus')
class _Database(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(Connect = False, OnCreate = True
, OnFocus = True, OnLoad = True, OnLoadFinished = True, OnModifyChanged = True, OnNew = True
, OnPrepareUnload = True, OnPrepareViewClosing = True, OnSave = True, OnSaveAs = True
, OnSaveAsDone = True, OnSaveAsFailed = True, OnSaveDone = True, OnSaveFailed = True
, OnSubComponentClosed = True, OnSubComponentOpened = True, OnTitleChanged = True, OnUnfocus = True
, OnUnload = True, OnViewClosed = True, OnViewCreated = True, Version = False
def Connection(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Connection')
def Document(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Document')
def MetaData(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'MetaData')
def Close(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Close')
def CloseAllRecordsets(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CloseAllRecordsets')
def CreateQueryDef(self, name, sqltext, option = -1):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CreateQueryDef', name, sqltext, option)
def CreateTableDef(self, name):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CreateTableDef', name)
def DAvg(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DAvg', expression, domain, criteria)
def DCount(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DCount', expression, domain, criteria)
def DLookup(self, expression, domain, criteria = '', orderclause = ''):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DLookup', expression, domain, criteria, orderclause)
def DMax(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DMax', expression, domain, criteria)
def DMin(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DMin', expression, domain, criteria)
def DStDev(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DStDev', expression, domain, criteria)
def DStDevP(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DStDevP', expression, domain, criteria)
def DVar(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DVar', expression, domain, criteria)
def DVarP(self, expression, domain, criteria = ''):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'DVarP', expression, domain, criteria)
def OpenRecordset(self, source, type = -1, option = -1, lockedit = -1):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OpenRecordset', source, type, option, lockedit)
def OpenSQL(self, SQL, option = -1):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OpenSQL', SQL, option)
def OutputTo(self, objecttype, objectname = '', outputformat = '', outputfile = '', autostart = False, templatefile = ''
, encoding = acConstants.acUTF8Encoding, quality = acConstants.acExportQualityPrint):
if objecttype == acConstants.acOutputForm: encoding = 0
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OutputTo', objecttype, objectname, outputformat, outputfile
, autostart, templatefile, encoding, quality)
def QueryDefs(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'QueryDefs', index)
def Recordsets(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Recordsets', index)
def RunSQL(self, SQL, option = -1):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'RunSQL', SQL, option)
def TableDefs(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'TableDefs', index)
class _Dialog(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(Caption = True, Height = True, IsLoaded = False, OnFocusGained = True
, OnFocusLost = True, OnKeyPressed = True, OnKeyReleased = True, OnMouseDragged = True
, OnMouseEntered = True, OnMouseExited = True, OnMouseMoved = True, OnMousePressed = True
, OnMouseReleased = True, Page = True, Parent = False, Visible = True, Width = True
def UnoDialog(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'UnoDialog')
def EndExecute(self, returnvalue):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'EndExecute', returnvalue)
def Execute(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Execute')
def Move(self, left = -1, top = -1, width = -1, height = -1):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Move', left, top, width, height)
def OptionGroup(self, groupname):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OptionGroup', groupname)
def Start(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Start')
def Terminate(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Terminate')
class _Event(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(ButtonLeft = False, ButtonMiddle = False, ButtonRight = False, ClickCount = False
, ContextShortcut = False, EventName = False, EventType = False, FocusChangeTemporary = False
, KeyAlt = False, KeyChar = False, KeyCode = False, KeyCtrl = False, KeyFunction = False, KeyShift = False
, Recommendation = False, RowChangeAction = False, Source = False, SubComponentName = False
, SubComponentType = False, XPos = False, YPos = False
class _Field(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(DataType = False, DataUpdatable = False, DbType = False, DefaultValue = True
, Description = True, FieldSize = False, Size = False, Source = False
, SourceField = False, SourceTable = False, TypeName = False, Value = True
def Column(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Column')
def AppendChunk(self, value):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'AppendChunk', value)
def GetChunk(self, offset, numbytes):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'GetChunk', offset, numbytes)
def ReadAllBytes(self, file):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ReadAllBytes', file)
def ReadAllText(self, file):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ReadAllText', file)
def WriteAllBytes(self, file):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'WriteAllBytes', file)
def WriteAllText(self, file):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'WriteAllText', file)
class _Form(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(AllowAdditions = True, AllowDeletions = True, AllowEdits = True, Bookmark = True
, Caption = True, CurrentRecord = True, Filter = True, FilterOn = True, Height = True
, IsLoaded = False, OnApproveCursorMove = True, OnApproveParameter = True, OnApproveReset = True
, OnApproveRowChange = True, OnApproveSubmit = True, OnConfirmDelete = True, OnCursorMoved = True
, OnErrorOccurred = True, OnLoaded = True, OnReloaded = True, OnReloading = True, OnResetted = True
, OnRowChanged = True, OnUnloaded = True, OnUnloading = True, OpenArgs = False, OrderBy = True
, OrderByOn = True, Parent = False, Recordset = False, RecordSource = True, Visible = True
, Width = True
def Component(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Component')
def ContainerWindow(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'ContainerWindow')
def DatabaseForm(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'DatabaseForm')
def Close(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Close')
def Controls(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Controls', index)
def Move(self, left = -1, top = -1, width = -1, height = -1):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Move', left, top, width, height)
def OptionGroup(self, groupname):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OptionGroup', groupname)
def Refresh(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Refresh')
def Requery(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Requery')
def SetFocus(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'SetFocus')
class _Module(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(CountOfDeclarationLines = False, CountOfLines = False
, ProcStartLine = False, Type = False
def __init__(self, reference = -1, objtype = None, name = ''):
super().__init__(reference, objtype, name)
self.localProperties = ('startline', 'startcolumn', 'endline', 'endcolumn', 'prockind')
def Find(self, target, startline, startcolumn, endline, endcolumn, wholeword = False
, matchcase = False, patternsearch = False):
Returned = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Find', target, startline, startcolumn, endline
, endcolumn, wholeword, matchcase, patternsearch)
if isinstance(Returned, tuple):
if Returned[0] == True and len(Returned) == 5:
self.startline = Returned[1]
self.startcolumn = Returned[2]
self.endline = Returned[3]
self.endcolumn = Returned[4]
return Returned[0]
return Returned
def Lines(self, line, numlines):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Lines', line, numlines)
def ProcBodyLine(self, procname, prockind):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ProcBodyLine', procname, prockind)
def ProcCountLines(self, procname, prockind):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ProcCountLines', procname, prockind)
def ProcOfLine(self, line, prockind):
Returned = self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ProcOfLine', line, prockind)
if isinstance(Returned, tuple):
if len(Returned) == 2:
self.prockind = Returned[1]
return Returned[0]
return Returned
def ProcStartLine(self, procname, prockind):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'ProcStartLine', procname, prockind)
class _OptionGroup(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(Count = False, Value = True)
def Controls(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Controls', index)
class _Property(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(Value = True)
class _QueryDef(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(SQL = True, Type = False)
def Query(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Query')
def Execute(self, options = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Execute', options)
def Fields(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Fields', index)
def OpenRecordset(self, type = -1, option = -1, lockedit = -1):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OpenRecordset', type, option, lockedit)
class _Recordset(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(AbsolutePosition = True, BOF = False, Bookmark = True, Bookmarkable = False
, EditMode = False, EOF = False, Filter = True, RecordCount = False
def RowSet(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'RowSet')
def AddNew(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'AddNew')
def CancelUpdate(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CancelUpdate')
def Clone(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Clone')
def Close(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Close')
def Delete(self):
return self._Reset('RecordCount',self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Delete'))
def Edit(self):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Edit')
def Fields(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Fields', index)
def GetRows(self, numrows):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'GetRows', numrows)
def Move(self, rows, startbookmark = acConstants.Missing):
return self._Reset('BOF', self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Move', rows, startbookmark))
def MoveFirst(self):
return self._Reset('BOF', self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'MoveFirst'))
def MoveLast(self):
return self._Reset('BOF', self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'MoveLast'))
def MoveNext(self):
return self._Reset('BOF', self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'MoveNext'))
def MovePrevious(self):
return self._Reset('BOF', self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'MovePrevious'))
def OpenRecordset(self, type = -1, option = -1, lockedit = -1):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OpenRecordset', type, option, lockedit)
def Update(self):
return self._Reset('RecordCount',self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Update'))
class _SubForm(_Form):
classProperties = dict(AllowAdditions = True, AllowDeletions = True, AllowEdits = True, CurrentRecord = True
, Filter = True, FilterOn = True, LinkChildFields = False, LinkMasterFields = False
, OnApproveCursorMove = True, OnApproveParameter = True, OnApproveReset = True
, OnApproveRowChange = True, OnApproveSubmit = True, OnConfirmDelete = True, OnCursorMoved = True
, OnErrorOccurred = True, OnLoaded = True, OnReloaded = True, OnReloading = True, OnResetted = True
, OnRowChanged = True, OnUnloaded = True, OnUnloading = True, OrderBy = True
, OrderByOn = True, Parent = False, Recordset = False, RecordSource = True, Visible = True
def SetFocus(self):
raise AttributeError("type object 'SubForm' has no method 'SetFocus'")
class _TableDef(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict()
def Table(self): return self.W(_vbUNO, self.objectreference, 'Table')
def CreateField(self, name, type, size = 0, attributes = 0):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'CreateField', name, type, size, attributes)
def Fields(self, index = acConstants.Missing):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'Fields', index)
def OpenRecordset(self, type = -1, option = -1, lockedit = -1):
return self.W(_vbMethod, self.objectreference, 'OpenRecordset', type, option, lockedit)
class _TempVar(_BasicObject):
classProperties = dict(Value = True)
Set of directly callable error handling methods
def DebugPrint(*args):
dargs = ()
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, _BasicObject):
arg = ('[' + arg.objecttype + '] ' +
dargs = dargs + (arg,)
return _A2B.invokeMethod('DebugPrint', _WRAPPERMODULE, *dargs)
def TraceConsole(): return _A2B.invokeMethod('TraceConsole', 'Trace')
def TraceError(tracelevel, errorcode, errorprocedure, errorline):
return _A2B.invokeMethod('TraceError', 'Trace', tracelevel, errorcode, errorprocedure, errorline)
def TraceLevel(newtracelevel = 'ERROR'): return _A2B.invokeMethod('TraceLevel', 'Trace', newtracelevel)
def TraceLog(tracelevel, text, messagebox = True):
return _A2B.invokeMethod('TraceLog', 'Trace', tracelevel, text, messagebox)