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2021-06-23 02:26:22 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Application" script:language="StarBasic">
REM =======================================================================================================================
REM === The Access2Base library is a part of the LibreOffice project. ===
REM === Full documentation is available on ===
REM =======================================================================================================================
Option Explicit
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Const TRACEDEBUG = &quot;DEBUG&quot; &apos; To report values of variables
Global Const TRACEINFO = &quot;INFO&quot; &apos; To report any event
Global Const TRACEWARNING = &quot;WARNING&quot; &apos; To report some abnormal event
Global Const TRACEERRORS = &quot;ERROR&quot; &apos; To report user errors - Default value
Global Const TRACEFATAL = &quot;FATAL&quot; &apos; To report programmer errors - f.i. Wrong argument
Global Const TRACEABORT = &quot;ABORT&quot; &apos; To report Access2Base internal errors
Global Const TRACEANY = &quot;===&gt;&quot; &apos; Always reported
&apos; ERRORs, FATALs and ABORTs are also displayed in a MsgBox (except on specific request)
&apos; FATALs and ABORTs interrupt the program execution
Global Const ERRINIT = 1500
Global Const ERRWRONGARGUMENT = 1503
Global Const ERRMAINFORM = 1504
Global Const ERRMETHOD = 1505
Global Const ERRFILEACCESS = 1506
Global Const ERRFORMNOTFOUND = 1508
Global Const ERRFORMNOTOPEN = 1509
Global Const ERRDFUNCTION = 1510
Global Const ERROPENFORM = 1511
Global Const ERRPROPERTY = 1512
Global Const ERRPROPERTYVALUE = 1513
Global Const ERRINDEXVALUE = 1514
Global Const ERRCOLLECTION = 1515
Global Const ERRNOACTIVEFORM = 1518
Global Const ERRDATABASEFORM = 1519
Global Const ERRFOCUSINGRID = 1520
Global Const ERRNOGRIDINFORM = 1521
Global Const ERRFINDRECORD = 1522
Global Const ERRSQLSTATEMENT = 1523
Global Const ERROPENOBJECT = 1525
Global Const ERRCLOSEOBJECT = 1526
Global Const ERRMETHOD = 1527
Global Const ERRACTION = 1528
Global Const ERRSENDMAIL = 1529
Global Const ERRFORMYETOPEN = 1530
Global Const ERRPROPERTYINIT = 1531
Global Const ERRDIALOGSTARTED = 1535
Global Const ERRFIELDNULL = 1541
Global Const ERROVERFLOW = 1542
Global Const ERRNOTUPDATABLE = 1544
Global Const ERRNOTNULLABLE = 1546
Global Const ERRROWDELETED = 1547
Global Const ERRTABLECREATION = 1551
Global Const ERRFIELDCREATION = 1552
Global Const ERRWINDOW = 1554
Global Const ERRCOMPATIBILITY = 1555
Global Const ERRPRECISION = 1556
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Const DBCONNECTBASE = 1 &apos; Connection from Base document (OpenConnection)
Global Const DBCONNECTFORM = 2 &apos; Connection from a database-aware form (OpenConnection)
Global Const DBCONNECTANY = 3 &apos; Connection from any document for data access only (OpenDatabase)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Const DBMS_UNKNOWN = 0
Global Const DBMS_HSQLDB1 = 1
Global Const DBMS_HSQLDB2 = 2
Global Const DBMS_FIREBIRD = 3
Global Const DBMS_MSACCESS2003 = 4
Global Const DBMS_MSACCESS2007 = 5
Global Const DBMS_MYSQL = 6
Global Const DBMS_POSTGRES = 7
Global Const DBMS_SQLITE = 8
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Const COLLALLDIALOGS = &quot;ALLDIALOGS&quot;
Global Const COLLALLFORMS = &quot;ALLFORMS&quot;
Global Const COLLALLMODULES = &quot;ALLMODULES&quot;
Global Const COLLCONTROLS = &quot;CONTROLS&quot;
Global Const COLLFORMS = &quot;FORMS&quot;
Global Const COLLFIELDS = &quot;FIELDS&quot;
Global Const COLLPROPERTIES = &quot;PROPERTIES&quot;
Global Const COLLQUERYDEFS = &quot;QUERYDEFS&quot;
Global Const COLLRECORDSETS = &quot;RECORDSETS&quot;
Global Const COLLTABLEDEFS = &quot;TABLEDEFS&quot;
Global Const COLLTEMPVARS = &quot;TEMPVARS&quot;
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Const OBJCOLLECTION = &quot;COLLECTION&quot;
Global Const OBJCOMMANDBAR = &quot;COMMANDBAR&quot;
Global Const OBJCONTROL = &quot;CONTROL&quot;
Global Const OBJDATABASE = &quot;DATABASE&quot;
Global Const OBJDIALOG = &quot;DIALOG&quot;
Global Const OBJEVENT = &quot;EVENT&quot;
Global Const OBJFIELD = &quot;FIELD&quot;
Global Const OBJFORM = &quot;FORM&quot;
Global Const OBJMODULE = &quot;MODULE&quot;
Global Const OBJPROPERTY = &quot;PROPERTY&quot;
Global Const OBJQUERYDEF = &quot;QUERYDEF&quot;
Global Const OBJRECORDSET = &quot;RECORDSET&quot;
Global Const OBJSUBFORM = &quot;SUBFORM&quot;
Global Const OBJTABLEDEF = &quot;TABLEDEF&quot;
Global Const OBJTEMPVAR = &quot;TEMPVAR&quot;
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Const CTLCONTROL = &quot;CONTROL&quot; &apos; ClassId
Global Const CTLCHECKBOX = &quot;CHECKBOX&quot; &apos; 5
Global Const CTLCOMBOBOX = &quot;COMBOBOX&quot; &apos; 7
Global Const CTLCOMMANDBUTTON = &quot;COMMANDBUTTON&quot; &apos; 2
Global Const CTLCURRENCYFIELD = &quot;CURRENCYFIELD&quot; &apos; 18
Global Const CTLDATEFIELD = &quot;DATEFIELD&quot; &apos; 15
Global Const CTLFILECONTROL = &quot;FILECONTROL&quot; &apos; 12
Global Const CTLFIXEDTEXT = &quot;FIXEDTEXT&quot; &apos; 10
Global Const CTLGRIDCONTROL = &quot;GRIDCONTROL&quot; &apos; 11
Global Const CTLGROUPBOX = &quot;GROUPBOX&quot; &apos; 8
Global Const CTLHIDDENCONTROL = &quot;HIDDENCONTROL&quot; &apos; 13
Global Const CTLIMAGEBUTTON = &quot;IMAGEBUTTON&quot; &apos; 4
Global Const CTLIMAGECONTROL = &quot;IMAGECONTROL&quot; &apos; 14
Global Const CTLLISTBOX = &quot;LISTBOX&quot; &apos; 6
Global Const CTLNAVIGATIONBAR = &quot;NAVIGATIONBAR&quot; &apos; 22
Global Const CTLNUMERICFIELD = &quot;NUMERICFIELD&quot; &apos; 17
Global Const CTLPATTERNFIELD = &quot;PATTERNFIELD&quot; &apos; 19
Global Const CTLRADIOBUTTON = &quot;RADIOBUTTON&quot; &apos; 3
Global Const CTLSCROLLBAR = &quot;SCROLLBAR&quot; &apos; 20
Global Const CTLSPINBUTTON = &quot;SPINBUTTON&quot; &apos; 21
Global Const CTLTEXTFIELD = &quot;TEXTFIELD&quot; &apos; 9
Global Const CTLTIMEFIELD = &quot;TIMEFIELD&quot; &apos; 16
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Const CTLFORMATTEDFIELD = &quot;FORMATTEDFIELD&quot; &apos; 9 (idem TextField)
Global Const CTLFIXEDLINE = &quot;FIXEDLINE&quot; &apos; 24 (forced)
Global Const CTLPROGRESSBAR = &quot;PROGRESSBAR&quot; &apos; 23 (forced)
Global Const CTLSUBFORM = &quot;SUBFORMCONTROL&quot; &apos; None
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Const CTLPARENTISFORM = &quot;FORM&quot;
Global Const CTLPARENTISDIALOG = &quot;DIALOG&quot;
Global Const CTLPARENTISGRID = &quot;GRID&quot;
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Const MODDOCUMENT = &quot;DOCUMENT&quot;
Global Const MODGLOBAL = &quot;GLOBAL&quot;
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Type DocContainer
Document As Object &apos; or SwXTextDocument or ScModelObj
Active As Boolean
DbConnect As Integer &apos; DBCONNECTxxx constants
URL As String
DbContainers() As Variant &apos; One entry by (data-aware) form
End Type
Type DbContainer
FormName As String &apos; name of data-aware form
Database As Object &apos; Database type
End Type
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM --- Next variable is initialized to empty at each macro execution start ---
REM --- Items in both lists correspond one by one ---
Public vFormNamesList As Variant &apos; (0) Buffer of hierarchical form names =&gt; &quot;\;&quot; separated values
&apos; (1) Buffer of persistent form names =&gt; &quot;\;&quot; separated values
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function AllDialogs(ByVal Optional pvIndex As Variant) As Variant
&apos; Return either a Collection or a Dialog object
&apos; The dialogs are selected only if library is loaded
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Const cstThisSub = &quot;AllDialogs&quot;
Dim iMode As Integer, vDialogs() As Variant, i As Integer, j As Integer, iCount As Integer
Dim oMacLibraries As Object, vAllDialogs As Variant, oLibrary As Object, vNames() As Variant, bFound As Boolean
Dim oLibDialog As Object, sLibrary As String, oDocLibraries As Object, bLocalStorage As Boolean
Dim vLibraries() As Variant, vMacLibraries() As Variant, vDocLibraries() As Variant, oDocMacLib As Object
Dim vCurrentDocument As Variant
Const cstCount = 0
Const cstByIndex = 1
Const cstByName = 2
Const cstSepar = &quot;!&quot;
If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
iMode = cstCount
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvIndex, 1, Utils._AddNumeric(vbString)) Then Goto Exit_Function
If VarType(pvIndex) = vbString Then iMode = cstByName Else iMode = cstByIndex
End If
Set vAllDialogs = Nothing
Set vCurrentDocument = Nothing
If Not IsNull(_A2B_.CurrentDocument) Then
Set vCurrentDocument = _A2B_.CurrentDocument.Document
ElseIf Not IsNull(ThisComponent) Then
Set vCurrentDocument = ThisComponent
End If
If IsNull(vCurrentDocument) Then
Set oDocLibraries = Nothing
vDocLibraries = Array()
Set oDocLibraries = vCurrentDocument.DialogLibraries
vDocLibraries = oDocLibraries.getElementNames()
End If
Set oMacLibraries = GlobalScope.DialogLibraries
vMacLibraries = oMacLibraries.getElementNames()
&apos;Remove Access2Base from the list
If _A2B_.ExcludeA2B Then
For i = 0 To UBound(vMacLibraries)
If Left(vMacLibraries(i), 11) = &quot;Access2Base&quot; Then vMacLibraries(i) = &quot;&quot;
Next i
End If
vMacLibraries = Utils._TrimArray(vMacLibraries)
If UBound(vDocLibraries) + UBound(vMacLibraries) &lt; 0 Then &apos; No library
Set vAllDialogs = New Collect
Set vAllDialogs._This = vAllDialogs
vAllDialogs._CollType = COLLALLDIALOGS
vAllDialogs._Count = 0
Goto Exit_Function
End If
vNames = Array()
iCount = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(vDocLibraries) + UBound(vMacLibraries) + 1
bFound = False
If i &lt;= UBound(vDocLibraries) Then
sLibrary = vDocLibraries(i)
bLocalStorage = True
Set oDocMacLib = oDocLibraries
&apos; Sometimes library not loaded as should ??
If Not oDocMacLib.IsLibraryLoaded(sLibrary) Then oDocMacLib.loadLibrary(sLibrary)
sLibrary = vMacLibraries(i - UBound(vDocLibraries) - 1)
bLocalStorage = False
Set oDocMacLib = oMacLibraries
End If
If oDocMacLib.IsLibraryLoaded(sLibrary) Then
Set oLibrary = oDocMacLib.getByName(sLibrary)
If oLibrary.hasElements() Then
vDialogs = oLibrary.getElementNames()
Select Case iMode
Case cstCount
iCount = iCount + UBound(vDialogs) + 1
Case cstByIndex, cstByName
For j = 0 To UBound(vDialogs)
If iMode = cstByIndex Then
If pvIndex = iCount Then bFound = True
iCount = iCount + 1
If UCase(pvIndex) = UCase(vDialogs(j)) Then bFound = True
End If
If bFound Then
Set oLibDialog = oLibrary.getByName(vDialogs(j)) &apos; Create Dialog object
Exit For
End If
Next j
End Select
End If
End If
If bFound Then Exit For
Next i
If iMode = cstCount Then
Set vAllDialogs = New Collect
Set vAllDialogs._This = vAllDialogs
vAllDialogs._CollType = COLLALLDIALOGS
vAllDialogs._Count = iCount
If Not bFound Then
If iMode = cstByIndex Then Goto Trace_Error_Index Else Goto Trace_Not_Found
End If
Set vAllDialogs = New Dialog
With vAllDialogs
._This = vAllDialogs
._Name = vDialogs(j)
._Shortcut = &quot;Dialogs!&quot; &amp; vDialogs(j)
Set ._Dialog = oLibDialog
._Library = sLibrary
._Storage = Iif(bLocalStorage, &quot;DOCUMENT&quot;, &quot;GLOBAL&quot;)
End With
End If
Set AllDialogs = vAllDialogs
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRDIALOGNOTFOUND, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , pvIndex)
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRCOLLECTION, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1)
Set vDialogs = Nothing
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
Set vDialogs = Nothing
GoTo Exit_Function
End Function &apos; AllDialogs V0.9.5
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function AllForms(ByVal Optional pvIndex As Variant) As Variant
&apos; Return an object of type Form indicated by either its index (integer) or its name (NOT CASE-SENSITIVE string)
&apos; Easiest use for standalone forms: AllForms(0)
&apos; If no argument, return a Collection type
Const cstThisSub = &quot;AllForms&quot;
Dim iIndex As Integer, vReturn As Variant
Dim iCurrentDoc As Integer, vCurrentDoc As Variant, oForms As Variant, oCounter As Variant, oFormsCollection As Object
Dim ofForm As Object
Dim vAllForms As Variant, i As Integer, vName As Variant, oDatabase As Object, bFound As Boolean
Const cstSeparator = &quot;\;&quot;
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Set vReturn = Nothing
If Not IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvIndex, 1, Utils._AddNumeric(vbString)) Then Goto Exit_Function
Select Case VarType(pvIndex)
Case vbString
iIndex = -1
Case Else
iIndex = pvIndex
End Select
End If
iCurrentDoc = _A2B_.CurrentDocIndex()
If iCurrentDoc &gt;= 0 Then
vCurrentDoc = _A2B_.CurrentDocument(iCurrentDoc)
Goto Exit_Function
End If
&apos; Load complete list of hierarchical and persistent names when Base document
If vCurrentDoc.DbConnect = DBCONNECTBASE Then vAllForms = _GetAllHierarchicalNames()
&apos; Process when NO ARGUMENT
If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then &apos; No argument
Set oCounter = New Collect
Set oCounter._This = oCounter
oCounter._CollType = COLLALLFORMS
If vCurrentDoc.DbConnect = DBCONNECTFORM Then oCounter._Count = UBound(vCurrentDoc.DbContainers) + 1 Else oCounter._Count = UBound(vAllForms) + 1
Set vReturn = oCounter
Goto Exit_Function
End If
&apos; Process when ARGUMENT = STRING or INDEX =&gt; Initialize form object
Set ofForm = New Form
Set ofForm._This = ofForm
Select Case vCurrentDoc.DbConnect
ofForm._DocEntry = 0
ofForm._DbEntry = 0
If iIndex= -1 Then &apos; String argument
vName = Utils._InList(Utils._Trim(pvIndex), vAllForms, True)
If vName = False Then Goto Trace_Not_Found
If iIndex &gt; UBound(vAllForms) Or iIndex &lt; 0 Then Goto Trace_Error_Index &apos; Numeric argument OK but value nonsense
End If
With vCurrentDoc
If iIndex = -1 Then
bFound = False
For i = 0 To UBound(vCurrentDoc.DbContainers)
Set oDatabase = vCurrentDoc.DbContainers(i).Database
If UCase(Utils._Trim(pvIndex)) = UCase(oDatabase.FormName) Then
bFound = True
ofForm._DbEntry = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
If Not bFound Then Goto Trace_Not_Found
ElseIf iIndex &lt; 0 Or iIndex &gt; UBound(vCurrentDoc.DbContainers) Then
Goto Trace_Error_Index
ofForm._DbEntry = iIndex
Set oDatabase = vCurrentDoc.DbContainers(iIndex).Database
End If
End With
vName = oDatabase.FormName
ofForm._DocEntry = iCurrentDoc
End Select
Set vReturn = ofForm
Set AllForms = vReturn
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRFORMNOTFOUND, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , pvIndex)
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRCOLLECTION, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1)
Set vReturn = Nothing
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
Set vReturn = Nothing
GoTo Exit_Function
End Function &apos; AllForms V0.9.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function AllModules(ByVal Optional pvIndex As Variant, ByVal Optional pbAllModules As Boolean) As Variant
&apos; Return either a Collection or a Module object
&apos; The modules are selected only if library is loaded
&apos; (UNPUBLISHED) pbAllModules = False collects only the modules located in the currently open document
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Const cstThisSub = &quot;AllModules&quot;
Dim iMode As Integer, vModules() As Variant, i As Integer, j As Integer, iCount As Integer
Dim oMacLibraries As Object, vAllModules As Variant, oLibrary As Object, vNames() As Variant, bFound As Boolean
Dim sScript As String, sLibrary As String, oDocLibraries As Object, sStorage As String
Dim vLibraries() As Variant, vMacLibraries() As Variant, vDocLibraries() As Variant, oDocMacLib As Object
Const cstCount = 0, cstByIndex = 1, cstByName = 2
Const cstDot = &quot;.&quot;
If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
iMode = cstCount
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvIndex, 1, Utils._AddNumeric(vbString)) Then Goto Exit_Function
If VarType(pvIndex) = vbString Then
iMode = cstByName
&apos; Determine full name STORAGE.LIBRARY.MODULE
vNames = Split(pvIndex, cstDot)
If UBound(vNames) = 2 Then
ElseIf UBound(vNames) = 1 Then
pvIndex = MODDOCUMENT &amp; cstDot &amp; pvIndex
ElseIf UBound(vNames) = 0 Then
pvIndex = MODDOCUMENT &amp; cstDot &amp; &quot;STANDARD&quot; &amp; cstDot &amp; pvIndex
GoTo Trace_Not_Found
End If
iMode = cstByIndex
End If
End If
If IsMissing(pbAllModules) Then pbAllModules = True
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pbAllModules, 2, vbBoolean) Then Goto Exit_Function
Set vAllModules = Nothing
Set oDocLibraries = _A2B_.CurrentDocument.Document.BasicLibraries &apos; ThisComponent.BasicLibraries
vDocLibraries = oDocLibraries.getElementNames()
If pbAllModules Then
Set oMacLibraries = GlobalScope.BasicLibraries
vMacLibraries = oMacLibraries.getElementNames()
&apos;Remove Access2Base from the list
If _A2B_.ExcludeA2B Then
For i = 0 To UBound(vMacLibraries)
If Left(vMacLibraries(i), 11) = &quot;Access2Base&quot; Then vMacLibraries(i) = &quot;&quot;
Next i
End If
vMacLibraries = Utils._TrimArray(vMacLibraries)
End If
If UBound(vDocLibraries) + UBound(vMacLibraries) &lt; 0 Then &apos; No library
Set vAllModules = New Collect
Set vAllModules._This = vAllModules
vAllModules._CollType = COLLALLMODULES
vAllModules._Count = 0
Goto Exit_Function
End If
iCount = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(vDocLibraries) + UBound(vMacLibraries) + 1
bFound = False
If i &lt;= UBound(vDocLibraries) Then
sLibrary = vDocLibraries(i)
Set oDocMacLib = oDocLibraries
&apos; Sometimes library not loaded as should ??
If Not oDocMacLib.IsLibraryLoaded(sLibrary) Then oDocMacLib.loadLibrary(sLibrary)
sLibrary = vMacLibraries(i - UBound(vDocLibraries) - 1)
sStorage = MODGLOBAL
Set oDocMacLib = oMacLibraries
End If
If oDocMacLib.IsLibraryLoaded(sLibrary) Then
Set oLibrary = oDocMacLib.getByName(sLibrary)
If oLibrary.hasElements() Then
vModules = oLibrary.getElementNames()
Select Case iMode
Case cstCount
iCount = iCount + UBound(vModules) + 1
Case cstByIndex, cstByName
For j = 0 To UBound(vModules)
If iMode = cstByIndex Then
If pvIndex = iCount Then bFound = True
iCount = iCount + 1
If UCase(pvIndex) = UCase(sStorage &amp; cstDot &amp; sLibrary &amp; cstDot &amp; vModules(j)) Then bFound = True
End If
If bFound Then
sScript = oLibrary.getByName(vModules(j)) &apos; Initiate Module object
iCount = i
Exit For
End If
Next j
End Select
End If
End If
If bFound Then Exit For
Next i
If iMode = cstCount Then
Set vAllModules = New Collect
Set vAllModules._This =vAllModules
vAllModules._CollType = COLLALLMODULES
vAllModules._Count = iCount
If Not bFound Then
If iMode = cstByIndex Then Goto Trace_Error_Index Else Goto Trace_Not_Found
End If
Set vAllModules = New Module
Set vAllModules._This = vAllModules
vAllModules._Name = vModules(j)
vAllModules._LibraryName = sLibrary
Set vAllModules._Library = oLibrary
vAllModules._Storage = sStorage
vAllModules._Script = sScript
End If
Set AllModules = vAllModules
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRMODULENOTFOUND, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , pvIndex)
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRCOLLECTION, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1)
Set vModules = Nothing
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
Set vModules = Nothing
GoTo Exit_Function
End Function &apos; AllModules V1.7.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub CloseConnection ()
&apos; Close all connections established by current document to free memory.
&apos; - if Base document =&gt; close the one concerned database connection
&apos; - if non-Base documents =&gt; close the connections of each individual standalone form
If IsEmpty(_A2B_) Then Goto Exit_Sub
Const cstThisSub = &quot;CloseConnection&quot;
Call _A2B_.CloseConnection()
Exit Sub
End Sub &apos; CloseConnection V1.2.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function CommandBars(Optional ByVal pvIndex As Variant, Optional ByRef poWindow As Object) As Variant
&apos; Return an object of type CommandBar indicated by its index or its name (CASE-INSENSITIVE string)
&apos; If no pvIndex argument, return a Collection type
&apos; (Unpublished) With poWindow, force the frame in which toolbars are detected
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Const cstThisSub = &quot;CommandBars&quot;
Dim iObjectsCount As Integer, sObjectName As String, oObject As Object
Dim oWindow As Object, iWindowType As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, bFound As Boolean
Dim sSupportedModules() As Variant, vModules() As Variant, oModuleUI As Object
Dim oToolbar As Object, sToolbarName As String, vUIElements() As Variant, sToolbarFullName As String, iBuiltin As Integer
Const cstCustom = &quot;CUSTOM&quot;
Set oObject = Nothing
If Not IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvIndex, 1, Utils._AddNumeric(vbString)) Then Goto Exit_Function
End If
iObjectsCount = 0
bFound = False
If IsMissing(poWindow) Then Set oWindow = _SelectWindow() Else Set oWindow = poWindow
If IsNull(oWindow.Frame) Then Goto Trace_WindowError
&apos; List of 21 modules
vModules = CreateUnoService(&quot;;).getElementNames()
iWindowType = oWindow.WindowType
Select Case iWindowType &apos; Supported window types only
Case acForm
sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; )
Case acBasicIDE
sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; )
Case acDatabaseWindow
sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; )
Case acReport
sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; )
Case acDocument
Select Case oWindow.DocumentType
Case docCalc : sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; )
Case docWriter : sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; )
Case docImpress : sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; )
Case docDraw : sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; )
Case docMath : sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; )
Case Else : sSupportedModules = Array()
End Select
Case acTable, acQuery
sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; _
, &quot;; _
Case acDiagram
sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; )
Case acWelcome
sSupportedModules = Array( &quot;; )
Case Else
sSupportedModules = Array()
End Select
&apos; Find all standard and custom toolbars stored in LibO/AOO Base
Set oModuleUI = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
For k = 0 To UBound(vModules)
For j = 0 To UBound(sSupportedModules)
iBuiltin = 1 &apos; Default = builtin
If vModules(k) = sSupportedModules(j) Then &apos; Supported modules only
Set oToolbar = oModuleUI.getUIConfigurationManager(vModules(k))
vUIElements() = oToolbar.getUIElementsInfo(0)
For i = 0 To UBound(vUIElements)
sToolbarFullName = _GetPropertyValue(vUIElements(i), &quot;ResourceURL&quot;)
sToolbarName = Split(sToolbarFullName, &quot;/&quot;)(2)
If _IsLeft(UCase(sToolbarName), UCase(cstCustom)) Then
sToolbarName = _GetPropertyValue(vUIElements(i), &quot;UIName&quot;)
iBuiltin = 2
End If
iObjectsCount = iObjectsCount + 1
Select Case True
Case IsMissing(pvIndex)
Case VarType(pvIndex) = vbString
If UCase(pvIndex) = UCase(sToolbarName) Then bFound = True
Case Else
If pvIndex &lt; 0 Then Goto Trace_IndexError
If pvIndex = iObjectsCount - 1 Then bFound = True
End Select
If bFound Then
Set oObject = _NewCommandBar(vModules(k), sToolbarName, sToolbarFullName, iBuiltin)
Set oObject._Window = oWindow.Frame
Set oObject._Toolbar = oToolbar
Goto Exit_Function
End If
Next i
End If
Next j
Next k
&apos; Find all (not builtin) toolbars stored in current document (typically forms)
iBuiltin = 3 &apos; Stored in form itself
Set oToolbar = oWindow.Frame.Controller.Model.getUIConfigurationManager
vUIElements() = oToolbar.getUIElementsInfo(0)
For i = 0 To UBound(vUIElements)
sToolbarFullName = _GetPropertyValue(vUIElements(i), &quot;ResourceURL&quot;)
sToolbarName = _GetPropertyValue(vUIElements(i), &quot;UIName&quot;)
iObjectsCount = iObjectsCount + 1
Select Case True
Case IsMissing(pvIndex)
Case VarType(pvIndex) = vbString
If UCase(pvIndex) = UCase(sToolbarName) Then bFound = True
Case Else
If pvIndex = iObjectsCount - 1 Then bFound = True
End Select
If bFound Then
Set oObject = _NewCommandBar(&quot;&quot;, sToolbarName, sToolbarFullName, iBuiltin)
Set oObject._Window = oWindow.Frame
Set oObject._Toolbar = oToolbar
Goto Exit_Function
End If
Next i
&apos; MISSING : CUSTOM POPUPS &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
Select Case True
Case IsMissing(pvIndex)
Set oObject = New Collect
Set oObject._This = oObject
oObject._Count = iObjectsCount
Case VarType(pvIndex) = vbString
Goto Trace_NotFound
Case Else &apos; pvIndex is numeric
Goto Trace_IndexError
End Select
Set CommandBars = oObject
Set oObject = Nothing
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
GoTo Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERROBJECTNOTFOUND, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , Array(_GetLabel(&quot;COMMANDBAR&quot;), pvIndex))
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRCOLLECTION, Utils._CalledSub(), 0)
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRWINDOW, Utils._CalledSub(), 0)
Goto Exit_Function
End Function &apos; CommandBars V1,3,0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Controls(ByVal Optional pvObject As Variant, Optional ByVal pvIndex As Variant) As Variant
&apos; Return an object of type Control indicated by either its index (integer) or its name (CASE-INSENSITIVE string)
&apos; The 1st argument pvObject can be either
&apos; an object of type FORM (1)
&apos; a main form name as string
&apos; an object of type SUBFORM (2)
&apos; The Form property in the returned variant contains a SUBFORM type
&apos; an object of type CONTROL and subtype GRIDCONTROL (3)
&apos; an object of type OPTIONGROUP (4) 2nd argument, if any, must be numeric
&apos; If no pvIndex argument, return a Collection type
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Dim vObject As Object
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Controls&quot;
If IsMissing(pvObject) Then Call _TraceArguments()
If IsNull(pvObject) Or IsEmpty(pvObject) Then Call _TraceArguments()
Controls = EMPTY
If VarType(pvObject) = vbString Then
Set vObject = Forms(pvObject)
If IsNull(vObject) Then Goto Exit_Function
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvObject, 1, Array(OBJFORM, OBJSUBFORM, OBJOPTIONGROUP, CTLGRIDCONTROL)) Then Goto Exit_Function
Set vObject = pvObject
End If
If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
Controls = vObject.Controls()
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvIndex, 2, Utils._AddNumeric(vbString)) Then Goto Exit_Function
Controls = vObject.Controls(pvIndex)
End If
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEERROR, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
GoTo Exit_Function
End Function &apos; Controls V0.9.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function CurrentDb() As Object
&apos; Returns _A2B_.CurrentDocument().Database as an object to allow access to its properties
Const cstThisSub = &quot;CurrentDb&quot;
Set CurrentDb = Nothing
If IsEmpty(_A2B_) Then GoTo Exit_Function
Set CurrentDb = _A2B_.CurrentDb()
Exit Function
End Function &apos; CurrentDb V1.1.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function CurrentUser() As String
Dim oPath As Object, sUser As String
Set oPath = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
sUser = oPath.getSubstituteVariableValue(&quot;$(username)&quot;) &apos; New since LibreOffice 5.2
CurrentUser = sUser
End Function &apos; CurrentUser V0.9.1
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DAvg( _
ByVal Optional psExpr As String _
, ByVal Optional psDomain As String _
, ByVal Optional pvCriteria As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Return average of scope
Const cstThisSub = &quot;DAvg&quot;
If IsMissing(psExpr) Or IsMissing(psDomain) Then Call _TraceArguments()
DAvg = Application._CurrentDb()._DFunction(&quot;AVG&quot;, psExpr, psDomain, Iif(IsMissing(pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;, pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;)
End Function &apos; DAvg
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DCount( _
ByVal Optional psExpr As String _
, ByVal Optional psDomain As String _
, ByVal Optional pvCriteria As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Return # of occurrences of scope
Const cstThisSub = &quot;DCount&quot;
If IsMissing(psExpr) Or IsMissing(psDomain) Then Call _TraceArguments()
DCount = Application._CurrentDb()._DFunction(&quot;COUNT&quot;, psExpr, psDomain, Iif(IsMissing(pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;, pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;)
End Function &apos; DCount
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DLookup( _
ByVal Optional psExpr As String _
, ByVal Optional psDomain As String _
, ByVal Optional pvCriteria As Variant _
, ByVal Optional pvOrderClause As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Return a value within a table
&apos;Arguments: psExpr: an SQL expression
&apos; psDomain: a table- or queryname
&apos; pvCriteria: an optional WHERE clause
&apos; pcOrderClause: an optional order clause incl. &quot;DESC&quot; if relevant
&apos;Return: Value of the psExpr if found, else Null.
&apos;Author: inspired from Allen Browne.
&apos; 1. To find the last value, include DESC in the OrderClause, e.g.:
&apos; DLookup(&quot;[Surname] &amp; [FirstName]&quot;, &quot;tblClient&quot;, , &quot;ClientID DESC&quot;)
&apos; 2. To find the lowest non-null value of a field, use the Criteria, e.g.:
&apos; DLookup(&quot;ClientID&quot;, &quot;tblClient&quot;, &quot;Surname Is Not Null&quot; , &quot;Surname&quot;)
Const cstThisSub = &quot;DLookup&quot;
If IsMissing(psExpr) Or IsMissing(psDomain) Then Call _TraceArguments()
DLookup = Application._CurrentDb()._DFunction(&quot;&quot;, psExpr, psDomain _
, Iif(IsMissing(pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;, pvCriteria) _
, Iif(IsMissing(pvOrderClause), &quot;&quot;, pvOrderClause) _
End Function &apos; DLookup
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DMax( _
ByVal Optional psExpr As String _
, ByVal Optional psDomain As String _
, ByVal Optional pvCriteria As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Return maximum of scope
Const cstThisSub = &quot;DMax&quot;
If IsMissing(psExpr) Or IsMissing(psDomain) Then Call _TraceArguments()
DMax = Application._CurrentDb()._DFunction(&quot;MAX&quot;, psExpr, psDomain, Iif(IsMissing(pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;, pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;)
End Function &apos; DMax
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DMin( _
ByVal Optional psExpr As String _
, ByVal Optional psDomain As String _
, ByVal Optional pvCriteria As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Return minimum of scope
Const cstThisSub = &quot;DMin&quot;
If IsMissing(psExpr) Or IsMissing(psDomain) Then Call _TraceArguments()
DMin = Application._CurrentDb()._DFunction(&quot;MIN&quot;, psExpr, psDomain, Iif(IsMissing(pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;, pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;)
End Function &apos; DMin
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DStDev( _
ByVal Optional psExpr As String _
, ByVal Optional psDomain As String _
, ByVal Optional pvCriteria As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Return standard deviation of scope
Const cstThisSub = &quot;DStDev&quot;
If IsMissing(psExpr) Or IsMissing(psDomain) Then Call _TraceArguments()
DStDev = Application._CurrentDb()._DFunction(&quot;STDDEV_SAMP&quot;, psExpr, psDomain, Iif(IsMissing(pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;, pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;) &apos; STDDEV not STDEV !
End Function &apos; DStDev
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DStDevP( _
ByVal Optional psExpr As String _
, ByVal Optional psDomain As String _
, ByVal Optional pvCriteria As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Return standard deviation of scope
Const cstThisSub = &quot;DStDevP&quot;
If IsMissing(psExpr) Or IsMissing(psDomain) Then Call _TraceArguments()
DStDevP = Application._CurrentDb()._DFunction(&quot;STDDEV_POP&quot;, psExpr, psDomain, Iif(IsMissing(pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;, pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;) &apos; STDDEV not STDEV !
End Function &apos; DStDevP
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DSum( _
ByVal Optional psExpr As String _
, ByVal Optional psDomain As String _
, ByVal Optional pvCriteria As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Return sum of scope
Const cstThisSub = &quot;DSum&quot;
If IsMissing(psExpr) Or IsMissing(psDomain) Then Call _TraceArguments()
DSum = Application._CurrentDb()._DFunction(&quot;SUM&quot;, psExpr, psDomain, Iif(IsMissing(pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;, pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;)
End Function &apos; DSum
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DVar( _
ByVal Optional psExpr As String _
, ByVal Optional psDomain As String _
, ByVal Optional pvCriteria As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Return variance of scope
Const cstThisSub = &quot;DVar&quot;
If IsMissing(psExpr) Or IsMissing(psDomain) Then Call _TraceArguments()
DVar = Application._CurrentDb()._DFunction(&quot;VAR_SAMP&quot;, psExpr, psDomain, Iif(IsMissing(pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;, pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;)
End Function &apos; DVar
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DVarP( _
ByVal Optional psExpr As String _
, ByVal Optional psDomain As String _
, ByVal Optional pvCriteria As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Return variance of scope
Const cstThisSub = &quot;DVarP&quot;
If IsMissing(psExpr) Or IsMissing(psDomain) Then Call _TraceArguments()
DVarP = Application._CurrentDb()._DFunction(&quot;VAR_POP&quot;, psExpr, psDomain, Iif(IsMissing(pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;, pvCriteria), &quot;&quot;)
End Function &apos; DVarP
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Events(Optional poEvent As Variant) As Variant
&apos; Return an event object corresponding with actual event
Dim vEvent As Variant
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Events&quot;
Set vEvent = Nothing
If IsMissing(poEvent) Then Goto Exit_Function
If IsNull(poEvent) Then Goto Exit_Function
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(poEvent, 1, vbObject, , False) Then Goto Exit_Function &apos; No error handling in CheckArgument
If Not Utils._hasUNOProperty(poEvent, &quot;Source&quot;) Then Goto Trace_Error
Set vEvent = New Event
Set Events = vEvent
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEWARNING, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
GoTo Exit_Function
&apos; Errors are not displayed to avoid display infinite cycling
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRWRONGARGUMENT, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, False, Array(1, Utils._CStr(poEvent)))
Set vEvent = Nothing
Goto Exit_Function
End Function &apos; Events V0.9.1
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Forms(ByVal Optional pvIndex As Variant) As Variant
&apos; Return an object of type Form indicated by either its index (integer) or its name (NOT CASE-SENSITIVE string)
&apos; The concerned form must be loaded.
&apos; If no argument, return a Collection type
Const cstThisSub = &quot;Forms&quot;
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Dim ofForm As Object, oCounter As Variant, vForms As Variant, oIndex As Object
Set vForms = Nothing
Dim iCount As Integer
If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
iCount = Application._CountOpenForms()
Set oCounter = New Collect
Set oCounter._This = oCounter
oCounter._CollType = COLLFORMS
oCounter._Count = iCount
Forms = oCounter
Exit Function
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvIndex, 1, Utils._AddNumeric(vbString)) Then Goto Exit_Function
End If
Select Case VarType(pvIndex)
Case vbString
Set ofForm = Application.AllForms(Utils._Trim(pvIndex))
Case Else
iCount = Application._CountOpenForms()
If iCount &lt;= pvIndex Then Goto Trace_Error_Index
Set ofForm = Application._CountOpenForms(pvIndex)
End Select
If IsNull(ofForm) Then Goto Trace_Error
If ofForm.IsLoaded Then
Set vForms = ofForm
Set vForms = Nothing
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRFORMNOTOPEN, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , ofForm._Name)
Goto Exit_Function
End If
Set Forms = vForms
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRWRONGARGUMENT, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , Array(1, pvIndex))
Set vForms = Nothing
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRCOLLECTION, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1)
Set vForms = Nothing
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
GoTo Exit_Function
End Function &apos; Forms V0.9.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function getObject(Optional pvShortcut As Variant) As Variant
&apos; Return the object described by pvShortcut ignoring its final property
&apos; Example: &quot;Forms!myForm!myControl.myProperty&quot; =&gt; Controls(Forms(&quot;myForm&quot;), &quot;myControl&quot;))
Const cstEXCLAMATION = &quot;!&quot;
Const cstDOT = &quot;.&quot;
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Const cstThisSub = &quot;getObject&quot;
If IsMissing(pvShortcut) Then Call _TraceArguments()
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvShortcut, 1, vbString) Then Goto Exit_Function
Dim iCurrentIndex As Integer, vCurrentObject As Variant, sCurrentProperty As String
Dim sComponents() As String, sSubComponents() As String, sDialog As String
Dim oDoc As Object
Set vCurrentObject = Nothing
sComponents = Split(Trim(pvShortcut), cstEXCLAMATION)
If UBound(sComponents) = 0 Then Goto Trace_Error
If Not Utils._InList(UCase(sComponents(0)), Array(&quot;FORMS&quot;, &quot;DIALOGS&quot;, &quot;TEMPVARS&quot;)) Then Goto Trace_Error
If sComponents(1) = &quot;0&quot; Or Left(sComponents(1), 2) = &quot;0.&quot; Then
Set oDoc = _A2B_.CurrentDocument()
If oDoc.DbConnect = DBCONNECTFORM Then sComponents(1) = oDoc.DbContainers(0).FormName Else Goto Trace_Error
End If
sSubComponents = Split(sComponents(UBound(sComponents)), cstDOT)
sComponents(UBound(sComponents)) = sSubComponents(0) &apos; Ignore final property, if any
Set vCurrentObject = New Collect
Set vCurrentObject._This = vCurrentObject
Select Case UCase(sComponents(0))
Case &quot;FORMS&quot; : vCurrentObject._CollType = COLLFORMS
Case &quot;DIALOGS&quot; : vCurrentObject._CollType = COLLALLDIALOGS
Case &quot;TEMPVARS&quot; : vCurrentObject._CollType = COLLTEMPVARS
End Select
For iCurrentIndex = 1 To UBound(sComponents) &apos; Start parsing ...
sSubComponents = Split(sComponents(iCurrentIndex), cstDOT)
sComponents(iCurrentIndex) = Utils._Trim(sSubComponents(0))
Select Case UBound(sSubComponents)
Case 0
sCurrentProperty = &quot;&quot;
Case 1
sCurrentProperty = sSubComponents(1)
Case Else
Goto Trace_Error
End Select
Select Case vCurrentObject._Type
Select Case vCurrentObject._CollType
vCurrentObject = Application.AllForms(sComponents(iCurrentIndex))
sDialog = UCase(sComponents(iCurrentIndex))
vCurrentObject = Application.AllDialogs(sDialog)
If Not vCurrentObject.IsLoaded Then Goto Trace_Error
Set vCurrentObject.UnoDialog = _A2B_.Dialogs.Item(sDialog)
If UBound(sComponents) &gt; 1 Then Goto Trace_Error
vCurrentObject = Application.TempVars(sComponents(1))
&apos;Case Else
End Select
vCurrentObject = vCurrentObject.Controls(sComponents(iCurrentIndex))
End Select
If sCurrentProperty &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then vCurrentObject = vCurrentObject.getProperty(sCurrentProperty)
Next iCurrentIndex
Set getObject = vCurrentObject
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRWRONGARGUMENT, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , Array(1, pvShortcut))
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
GoTo Exit_Function
End Function &apos; getObject V0.9.5
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function getValue(Optional pvObject As Variant) As Variant
&apos; getValue also interprets shortcut strings !!
Dim vItem As Variant, sProperty As String
If IsMissing(pvObject) Or IsEmpty(pvObject) Then Call _TraceArguments(&quot;getValue&quot;)
If VarType(pvObject) = vbString Then
Set vItem = getObject(pvObject)
sProperty = Utils._FinalProperty(pvObject)
If sProperty = &quot;&quot; Then sProperty = &quot;Value&quot; &apos; Default value if final property in shortcut is absent
getValue = vItem.getProperty(sproperty)
Set vItem = pvObject
getValue = vItem.getProperty(&quot;Value&quot;)
End If
End Function &apos; getValue
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function HtmlEncode(ByVal pvString As Variant, ByVal Optional pvLength As Variant) As String
&apos; Converts a string to an HTML-encoded string.
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Const cstThisSub = &quot;HtmlEncode&quot;
HtmlEncode = &quot;&quot;
Dim sOutput As String, l As Long, lLength As Long
If IsMissing(pvLength) Then pvLength = 0
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvString, 1, vbString) Then Goto Exit_Function
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvLength, 1, _AddNumeric()) Then Goto Exit_Function
sOutput = &quot;&quot;
lLength = CLng(pvLength)
If Len(pvString) &gt; 0 Then
For l = 1 To Len(pvString)
If lLength &gt; 0 And Len(sOutput) &gt; lLength Then Exit For
sOutput = sOutput &amp; Utils._UTF8Encode(Mid(pvString, l, 1))
Next l
End If
HtmlEncode = sOutput
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
GoTo Exit_Function
End Function &apos; HtmlEncode V1.4.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function OpenConnection ( _
Optional pvComponent As Variant _
, ByVal Optional pvUser As Variant _
, ByVal Optional pvPassword As Variant _
) As Object
&apos; Establish connection with the database designated in the currently open front-end (.odb) document
&apos; Call template:
&apos; Call OpenConnection(ThisDatabaseDocument[, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;])
&apos; Call stored in the OpenDocument event of the front-end database document
&apos; Initiates processing of a (standalone ?) Writer, Calc, ... document with 1 or more data-aware forms
&apos; Call template:
&apos; Call OpenConnection(ThisComponent[, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;])
&apos; Call stored in the OpenDocument event of the document
&apos; User and Password arguments are obsolete (still tolerated)
&apos; - because no mean has been found to connect protected db from .odb via API
&apos; - because having multiple forms with multiple db&apos;s and multiple passwords is meaningless
Dim oComponent As Object, oForms As Object, iCurrent As Integer
Dim i As Integer, bFound As Boolean
Dim vCurrentDoc() As Variant
Dim oBaseContext As Object, sDbNames() As String, oBaseSource As Object
Dim sDatabaseURL As String, oHandler As Object
Dim vDbContainer As Variant, vDbContainers() As Variant, vDocContainer As Variant
Dim sFormName As String
If IsEmpty(_A2B_) Then Call Application._RootInit() &apos; First use of Access2Base in current AOO/LibO session
Set OpenConnection = Nothing
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Const cstThisSub = &quot;OpenConnection&quot;
If IsMissing(pvComponent) Then Call _TraceArguments()
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvComponent, 1, vbObject) Then Goto Exit_Function
Set oComponent = pvComponent
If Not Utils._hasUNOProperty(oComponent, &quot;ImplementationName&quot;) Then
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRWRONGARGUMENT, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1, Array(1, oComponent))
Exit Function
End If
If IsMissing(pvUser) Then pvUser = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(pvPassword) Then pvPassword = &quot;&quot;
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvUser, 2, vbString) Then Goto Exit_Function
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvPassword, 3, vbString) Then Goto Exit_Function
If Not IsArray(_A2B_.CurrentDoc) Then
vCurrentDoc() = Array()
Redim vCurrentDoc(0 To 0) &apos; Create at least one entry for database document
vCurrentDoc() = _A2B_.CurrentDoc()
End If
&apos; Find index of entry to use for new connection
With oComponent
Select Case .ImplementationName
Case &quot;;
iCurrent = 0
Case Else &apos; &quot;SwXTextDocument&quot;, &quot;ScModelObj&quot;
If UBound(vCurrentDoc) &lt;= 0 Then &apos; First Calc or Writer during current session
iCurrent = 1
Else &apos; Search entry already used earlier by same component
bFound = False
For i = 1 To UBound(vCurrentDoc)
If Not IsEmpty(vCurrentDoc(i)) Then
If vCurrentDoc(i).Active And vCurrentDoc(i).URL = .URL Then
iCurrent = i
bFound = True
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
End If
If Not bFound Then
iCurrent = UBound(vCurrentDoc) + 1 &apos; No entry found, increment array
ReDim Preserve vCurrentDoc(0 To iCurrent)
End If
End Select
End With
&apos; Initialize future entry
Set vDocContainer = New DocContainer
Set vDocContainer.Document = oComponent
vDocContainer.Active = True
vDocContainer.URL = oComponent.URL
&apos; Initialize each DbContainer entry
vDbContainers() = Array()
TraceLog(TRACEANY, Utils._GetProductName() &amp; &quot; - &quot; &amp; Application.ProductCode(), False)
Select Case oComponent.ImplementationName
Case &quot;; &apos; Ignore pvUser and pvPassword arguments
vDbContainer = New DbContainer
vDbContainer.FormName = &quot;&quot;
Set vDbContainer.Database = New Database
Set vDbContainer.Database._This = vDbContainer.Database
With vDbContainer.Database
If Not oComponent.CurrentController.IsConnected Then
Set oHandler = createUnoService(&quot;;)
Set .Connection = oComponent.DataSource.connectWithCompletion(oHandler)
Set .Connection = oComponent.CurrentController.ActiveConnection
End If
vDocContainer.DbConnect = DBCONNECTBASE
Set .MetaData = .Connection.MetaData
If .MetaData.DatabaseProductName = &quot;MySQL&quot; Then
._ReadOnly = .MetaData.isReadOnly()
._ReadOnly = .Connection.isReadOnly() &apos; Always True in Mysql ??
End If
Set .Document = oComponent
.Title = oComponent.Title
.URL = vDocContainer.URL
.Location = oComponent.Location
ReDim vDbContainers(0 To 0)
Set vDbContainers(0) = vDbContainer
TraceLog(TRACEANY, .Version, False)
TraceLog(TRACEANY, UCase(cstThisSub) &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; .URL, False)
End With
Case Else
Set oForms = oComponent.CurrentController.Model.DrawPage.Forms
If oForms.Count &lt; 1 Then Goto Error_MainForm
ReDim vDbContainers(0 To oForms.Count - 1)
For i = 0 To oForms.Count - 1
vDbContainer = New DbContainer &apos; To make distinct entries !!
sFormName = oForms.ElementNames(i)
Set vDbContainer.Database = New Database
Set vDbContainer.Database._This = vDbContainer.Database
With vDbContainer.Database
.FormName = sFormName
vDbContainer.FormName = sFormName
Set .Form = oForms.getByName(sFormName)
Set .Connection = .Form.ActiveConnection &apos; Might be Nothing in Windows at AOO/LO startup (not met in Linux)
If Not IsNull(.Connection) Then
Set .MetaData = .Connection.MetaData
._ReadOnly = .Connection.isReadOnly()
TraceLog(TRACEANY, .MetaData.getDatabaseProductName() &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; .MetaData.getDatabaseProductVersion, False)
End If
Set .Document = oComponent
.Title = oComponent.Title
.URL = .Form.DataSourceName
Set vDbContainers(i) = vDbContainer
vDbContainers(i).FormName = sFormName
TraceLog(TRACEANY, UCase(cstThisSub) &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; .URL &amp; &quot; Form=&quot; &amp; vDbContainer.FormName, False)
End With
Next i
vDocContainer.DbConnect = DBCONNECTFORM
End Select
vDocContainer.DbContainers() = vDbContainers()
Set vCurrentDoc(iCurrent) = vDocContainer
_A2B_.CurrentDoc = vCurrentDoc
Set OpenConnection = vDbContainers(0).Database
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
Set _A2B_.CurrentDoc = Array()
GoTo Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRMAINFORM, Utils._CalledSub(), False, ,oComponent.Title)
Set _A2B_.CurrentDoc = Array()
GoTo Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, ERRDBNOTCONNECTED, Utils._CalledSub(), 0,1)
Goto Exit_Function
End Function &apos; OpenConnection V1.1.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function OpenDatabase ( _
ByVal Optional pvDatabaseURL As Variant _
, ByVal Optional pvUser As Variant _
, ByVal Optional pvPassword As Variant _
, ByVal Optional pvReadOnly As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Return a database object based on input arguments:
&apos; Call template:
&apos; Call OpenDatabase(&quot;... databaseURL ...&quot;[, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, True/False])
&apos; pvDatabaseURL may be the name of a registered database or the URL of the targeted .odb file
&apos; Might be called from any AOO/LibO application, independently from OpenConnection
Dim odbDatabase As Variant, oBaseContext As Object, sDbNames() As String, oBaseSource As Object
Dim i As Integer, bFound As Boolean
Dim sDatabaseURL As String
If IsEmpty(_A2B_) Then &apos; First use of Access2Base in current AOO/LibO session
Call Application._RootInit()
TraceLog(TRACEANY, Utils._GetProductName() &amp; &quot; - &quot; &amp; Application.ProductCode(), False)
End If
Set OpenDatabase = Nothing
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Const cstThisSub = &quot;OpenDatabase&quot;
If pvDatabaseURL = &quot;&quot; Then Call _TraceArguments()
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvDatabaseURL, 1, vbString) Then Goto Exit_Function
If IsMissing(pvUser) Then pvUser = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(pvPassword) Then pvPassword = &quot;&quot;
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvUser, 2, vbString) Then Goto Exit_Function
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvPassword, 3, vbString) Then Goto Exit_Function
If IsMissing(pvReadOnly) Then pvReadOnly = False
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvReadOnly, 3, vbBoolean) Then Goto Exit_Function
Set odbDatabase = New Database
Set odbDatabase._This = odbDatabase
odbDatabase._DbConnect = DBCONNECTANY
Set oBaseContext = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
sDbNames() = oBaseContext.getElementNames()
bFound = False
For i = 0 To UBound(sDbNames()) &apos; Enumerate registered databases and check non case-sensitive equality
If UCase(sDbNames(i)) = UCase(pvDatabaseURL) Then
sDatabaseURL = sDbNames(i)
Set oBaseSource = oBaseContext.getByName(sDatabaseURL)
odbDatabase.Location = oBaseContext.getDatabaseLocation(sDbNames(i))
bFound = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
If Not bFound Then
sDatabaseURL = ConvertToURL(pvDatabaseURL)
If UCase(Right(sDatabaseURL, 4)) &lt;&gt; &quot;.ODB&quot; Then Goto Trace_Error
If Not FileExists(sDatabaseURL) Then Goto Trace_Error
Set oBaseSource = oBaseContext.getByName(sDatabaseURL)
odbDatabase.Location = sDatabaseURL
End If
Set odbDatabase.Connection = oBaseSource.getConnection(pvUser, pvPassword)
If Not IsNull(odbDatabase.Connection) Then &apos; Null when standalone and target db does not exist
Set odbDatabase.MetaData = odbDatabase.Connection.MetaData
Goto Trace_Error
End If
odbDatabase.URL = sDatabaseURL
If pvReadOnly Then
odbDatabase.Connection.isReadOnly = True
odbDatabase._ReadOnly = True
End If
Set OpenDatabase = odbDatabase
TraceLog(TRACEANY, odbDatabase.MetaData.getDatabaseProductName() &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; odbDatabase.MetaData.getDatabaseProductVersion, False)
TraceLog(TRACEANY, UCase(cstThisSub) &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; odbDatabase.URL, False)
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
GoTo Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, ERRDBNOTCONNECTED, Utils._CalledSub(), 0,1)
Goto Exit_Function
End Function &apos; OpenDatabase V1.1.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ProductCode()
If IsEmpty(_A2B_) Then Call Application._RootInit() &apos; First use of Access2Base in current AOO/LibO session
ProductCode = &quot;Access2Base &quot; &amp; _A2B_.VersionNumber
End Function &apos; ProductCode V0.9.1
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function setValue(Optional pvObject As Variant, ByVal Optional pvValue As Variant) As Boolean
&apos; setValue also interprets shortcut strings !!
Dim vItem As Variant, sProperty As String
If IsMissing(pvObject) Or IsMissing(pvValue) Or IsEmpty(pvObject) Then Call _TraceArguments(&quot;setValue&quot;)
If VarType(pvObject) = vbString Then
Set vItem = getObject(pvObject)
sProperty = Utils._FinalProperty(pvObject)
If sProperty = &quot;&quot; Then sProperty = &quot;Value&quot;
setValue = vItem.setProperty(sProperty, pvValue)
Set vItem = pvObject
setValue = vItem.setProperty(&quot;Value&quot;, pvValue)
End If
End Function &apos; setValue
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function SysCmd(Optional pvAction As Variant _
, Optional pvText As Variant _
, Optional pvValue As Variant _
) As Variant
&apos; Manage progress meter in the status bar
&apos; Other values supported by MSAccess are ignored
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Const cstThisSub = &quot;SysCmd&quot;
SysCmd = False
Const cstMissing = -1
Const cstBarLength = 350
If IsMissing(pvAction) Then Call _TraceArguments()
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvAction, 1, Utils._AddNumeric(), Array( _
acSysCmdAccessDir _
, acSysCmdAccessVer _
, acSysCmdClearHelpTopic _
, acSysCmdClearStatus _
, acSysCmdGetObjectState _
, acSysCmdGetWorkgroupFile _
, acSysCmdIniFile _
, acSysCmdInitMeter _
, acSysCmdProfile _
, acSysCmdRemoveMeter _
, acSysCmdRuntime _
, acSysCmdSetStatus _
, acSysCmdUpdateMeter _
)) Then Goto Exit_Function
If IsMissing(pvValue) Then pvValue = cstMissing
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvAction, 1, Utils._AddNumeric()) Then Goto Exit_Function
Select Case pvAction
Case acSysCmdInitMeter, acSysCmdUpdateMeter, acSysCmdSetStatus
If IsMissing(pvText) Then Call _TraceArguments()
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvText, 2, vbString) Then Goto Exit_Function
Case Else
End Select
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvValue, 3, Utils._AddNumeric()) Then Goto Exit_Function
Dim vBar As Variant, iLen As Integer
Set vBar = _A2B_.StatusBar
Select Case pvAction
Case acSysCmdAccessVer
SysCmd = Application.Version()
Goto Exit_Function
Case acSysCmdSetStatus
If pvValue &lt;&gt; cstMissing Then Goto Error_Arg
iLen = Len(pvText)
vBar = _NewBar()
If Not IsNull(vBar) Then vBar.start(Iif(iLen &gt;= cstBarLength, pvText, pvText &amp; Space(cstBarLength - iLen)), 0)
Case acSysCmdClearStatus
If pvValue &lt;&gt; cstMissing Then Goto Error_Arg
If Not IsNull(vBar) Then
Set _A2B_.StatusBar = Nothing
End If
Case acSysCmdInitMeter
If pvValue = cstMissing Then Call _TraceArguments()
vBar = _NewBar()
If Not IsNull(vBar) Then vBar.start(pvText, pvValue)
Case acSysCmdUpdateMeter
If pvValue = cstMissing Then Call _TraceArguments()
If Not IsNull(vBar) Then &apos; Otherwise ignore !
If Len(pvText) &gt; 0 Then vBar.setText(pvText)
End If
Case acSysCmdRemoveMeter
If Not IsNull(vBar) Then
Set _A2B_.StatusBar = Nothing
End If
Case acSysCmdRuntime
SysCmd = False
Goto Exit_Function
Case Else
End Select
SysCmd = True
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
GoTo Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRWRONGARGUMENT, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1, Array(3, pvValue))
Goto Exit_Function
End Function &apos; SysCmd V0.9.1
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function TempVars(ByVal Optional pvIndex As Variant) As Variant
&apos; Return either a Collection or a TempVar object
If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
Const cstThisSub = &quot;TempVars&quot;
Dim iMode As Integer, vTempVars As Variant, bFound As Boolean
Const cstCount = 0
Const cstByIndex = 1
Const cstByName = 2
If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
iMode = cstCount
If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvIndex, 1, Utils._AddNumeric(vbString)) Then Goto Exit_Function
If VarType(pvIndex) = vbString Then iMode = cstByName Else iMode = cstByIndex
End If
Set vTempVars = Nothing
Select Case iMode
Case cstCount &apos; Build Collection object
Set vTempVars = New Collect
With vTempVars
._This = vTempVars
._Count = _A2B_.TempVars.Count
End With
Case cstByIndex &apos; Build TempVar object
If pvIndex &lt; 0 Or pvIndex &gt;= _A2B_.TempVars.Count Then Goto Trace_Error_Index
Set vTempVars = _A2B_.TempVars.Item(pvIndex + 1) &apos; Builtin collections start at 1
Case cstByName
bFound = _A2B_.hasItem(COLLTEMPVARS, pvIndex)
If Not bFound Then Goto Trace_NotFound
vTempVars = _A2B_.TempVars.Item(UCase(pvIndex))
End Select
Set TempVars = vTempVars
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
GoTo Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRCOLLECTION, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1)
Set vTempVars = Nothing
Goto Exit_Function
TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERROBJECTNOTFOUND, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , Array(_GetLabel(&quot;TEMPVAR&quot;), pvIndex))
Goto Exit_Function
End Function &apos; TempVars V1.2.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Version() As String
Version = Utils._GetProductName()
End Function &apos; Version V0.9.1
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _CollectNames(ByRef poCollection As Object, ByVal psPrefix As String) As Variant
&apos; Return a &quot;\;&quot; separated list of hierarchical (prefixed with Prefix) and persistent names contained in Collection
&apos; If one of those names refers to a folder, function is called recursively
&apos; Result = 2 items array: (0) list of hierarchical names
&apos; (1) list of persistent names
Dim oObject As Object, vNamesList() As Variant, vPersistentList As Variant, i As Integer, sCollect(0 To 1) As String
Dim sName As String, sType As String, sPrefix As String
Const cstFormType = &quot;application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text&quot;
Const cstSeparator = &quot;\;&quot;
_CollectNames = sCollect()
vPersistentList = Array()
With poCollection
If .getCount = 0 Then Exit Function
vNamesList = .getElementNames()
ReDim vPersistentList(0 To UBound(vNamesList))
For i = 0 To UBound(vNamesList)
sName = vNamesList(i)
Set oObject = .getByName(sName)
sType = oObject.getContentType()
Select Case sType
Case cstFormType
vNamesList(i) = psPrefix &amp; vNamesList(i)
vPersistentList(i) = oObject.PersistentName
Case &quot;&quot; &apos; Folder
sCollect = _CollectNames(oObject, psPrefix &amp; sName &amp; &quot;/&quot;)
vNamesList(i) = sCollect(0)
vPersistentList(i) = sCollect(1)
Case Else
End Select
Next i
End With
Set oObject = Nothing
sCollect(0) = Join(vNamesList, cstSeparator)
sCollect(1) = Join(vPersistentList, cstSeparator)
_CollectNames = sCollect()
End Function &apos; _CollectNames V6.2.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _CountOpenForms(ByVal Optional piCountMax As Integer) As Variant
&apos; Return # of active forms if no argument
&apos; Return name of piCountMax-th open form if argument present
Dim i As Integer, iCount As Integer, iAllCount As Integer, ofForm As Variant
iAllCount = AllForms._Count
iCount = 0
If iAllCount &gt; 0 Then
For i = 0 To iAllCount - 1
Set ofForm = Application.AllForms(i)
If ofForm._IsLoaded Then iCount = iCount + 1
If Not IsMissing(piCountMax) Then
If iCount = piCountMax + 1 Then
_CountOpenForms = ofForm &apos; OO3.2 aborts when Set verb present ?!?
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
End If
If IsMissing(piCountMax) Then _CountOpenForms = iCount
End Function &apos; CountOpenForms V1.1.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _CurrentDb(ByVal Optional piDocEntry As Integer, ByVal Optional piDbEntry As Integer) As Variant
REM Without arguments same as CurrentDb() except that it generates an error if database not connected (internal use)
REM With 2 arguments return the corresponding entry in Root
Dim oCurrentDb As Object
If IsEmpty(_A2B_) Then GoTo Trace_Error
If IsMissing(piDocEntry) Then Set oCurrentDb = Application.CurrentDb() _
Else Set oCurrentDb = _A2B_._CurrentDb(piDocEntry, piDbEntry)
If IsNull(oCurrentDb) Then Goto Trace_Error Else Set _CurrentDb = oCurrentDb
Exit Function
TraceError(TRACEABORT, ERRDBNOTCONNECTED, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1)
Goto Exit_Function
End Function &apos; _CurrentDb V1.1.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _GetAllHierarchicalNames() As Variant
&apos; Return the full hierarchical names list of a database document
&apos; Get it from the vFormNamesList buffer if the latter is not empty
Dim vNamesList As Variant, iCurrentDoc As Integer, vCurrentDoc As Variant
Dim oForms As Object
Const cstSeparator = &quot;\;&quot;
_GetAllHierarchicalNames = Array()
&apos; Load complete list of names when Base document
iCurrentDoc = _A2B_.CurrentDocIndex()
If iCurrentDoc &gt;= 0 Then vCurrentDoc = _A2B_.CurrentDocument(iCurrentDoc) Else Exit Function
If vCurrentDoc.DbConnect = DBCONNECTBASE Then
If IsEmpty(vFormNamesList) Then
Set oForms = vCurrentDoc.Document.getFormDocuments()
vFormNamesList = _CollectNames(oForms, &quot;&quot;)
End If
vNamesList = Split(vFormNamesList(0), cstSeparator)
Exit Function
End If
_GetAllHierarchicalNames = vNamesList
Set oForms = Nothing
End Function &apos; _GetAllHierarchicalNames V 6.2.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _GetHierarchicalName(ByVal psPersistent As String) As String
&apos; Return the full hierarchical name from the persistent name of a form/report
Dim vPersistentList As Variant, vNamesList As Variant, i As Integer
Const cstSeparator = &quot;\;&quot;
_GetHierarchicalName = &quot;&quot;
&apos; Load complete list of names when Base document
vNamesList = _GetAllHierarchicalNames()
If UBound(vNamesList) &lt; 0 Then Exit Function
vPersistentList = Split(vFormNamesList(1), cstSeparator)
&apos; Search in list
For i = 0 To UBound(vPersistentList)
If vPersistentList(i) = psPersistent Then
_GetHierarchicalName = vNamesList(i)
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function &apos; _GetHierarchicalName V 6.2.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _NewBar() As Object
&apos; Close current status bar, if any, and initialize new one
Dim vBar As Variant, vWindow As Variant, vController As Object
On Local Error Resume Next
Set _NewBar = Nothing
Set vBar = _A2B_.StatusBar
If Not IsNull(vBar) Then
If Utils._hasUNOMethod(vBar, &quot;end&quot;) Then vBar.end()
Set _A2B_.StatusBar = Nothing
End If
Set vBar = Nothing
Set vWindow = _SelectWindow()
If IsNull(vWindow.Frame) Then Exit Function
Select Case vWindow.WindowType
Case acForm, acReport, acBasicIDE, acDocument &apos; Not found how to make it work for acDatabaseWindow
Case Else
Exit Function
End Select
If Utils._hasUNOMethod(vWindow.Frame, &quot;getCurrentController&quot;) Then
Set vController = vWindow.Frame.getCurrentController()
ElseIf Utils._hasUNOMethod(vWindow.Frame, &quot;getController&quot;) Then
Set vController = vWindow.Frame.getController()
End If
If Utils._hasUNOMethod(vController, &quot;getStatusIndicator&quot;) Then vBar = vController.getStatusIndicator()
Set _A2B_.StatusBar = vBar
Set _NewBar = vBar
Exit Function
End Function &apos; _NewBar V1.1.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _NewCommandBar(psModule As String _
, psToolbarName As String _
, psToolbarFullName As String _
, piBuiltin As Integer _
) As Object
Dim oObject As Object
Set oObject = New CommandBar
With oObject
._This = oObject
._Name = psToolbarName
._ResourceURL = psToolbarFullName
._Module = psModule
._BarBuiltin = piBuiltin
Select Case UCase(Split(psToolbarFullName, &quot;/&quot;)(1))
Case &quot;MENUBAR&quot; : ._BarType = msoBarTypeMenuBar
Case &quot;STATUSBAR&quot; : ._BarType = msoBarTypeStatusBar
Case &quot;TOOLBAR&quot; : ._BarType = msoBarTypeNormal
Case &quot;POPUP&quot; : ._BarType = msoBarTypePopup
Case &quot;FLOATER&quot; : ._BarType = msoBarTypeFloater
Case Else : ._BarType = -1
End Select
End With
Set _NewCommandBar = oObject
Exit Function
End Function &apos; NewCommandBar V1.3.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub _RootInit(Optional ByVal pbForce As Boolean)
&apos; Initialize _A2B_ global variable. Reinit forced if pbForce = True
If IsMissing(pbForce) Then pbForce = False
If IsEmpty(_A2B_) Or pbForce Then _A2B_ = New Root_
End Sub &apos; _RootInit V1.1.0