diff --git a/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/constant/CommonConstants.java b/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/constant/CommonConstants.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 25808a77..00000000
--- a/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/constant/CommonConstants.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * eiam-common - Employee Identity and Access Management
- * Copyright © 2022-Present Jinan Yuanchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. (support@topiam.cn)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-package cn.topiam.employee.common.constant;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
- * 通用配置
- *
- * @author TopIAM
- * Created by support@topiam.cn on 2022/4/3 23:37
- */
-public final class CommonConstants {
- /**
- * 类型
- */
- public static final String TYPE = "@type";
- /**
- * 回调地址名称
- */
- public static final String CALLBACK_URL = "callbackUrl";
- /**
- * 路径分隔符
- */
- public static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = "/";
- /**
- * 系统用户默认名称
- */
- public static final String SYSTEM_DEFAULT_USER_NAME = "topiam";
- /**
- * 随机头像
- */
- public static final String RANDOM_AVATAR = "https://api.multiavatar.com/";
- public static String getRandomAvatar() {
- return RANDOM_AVATAR + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(6) + ".svg";
- }
diff --git a/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/ImageAvatarUtils.java b/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/ImageAvatarUtils.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 70dec9e1..00000000
--- a/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/ImageAvatarUtils.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
- * eiam-common - Employee Identity and Access Management
- * Copyright © 2022-Present Jinan Yuanchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. (support@topiam.cn)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-package cn.topiam.employee.common.util;
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
-import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.util.Random;
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
-import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
-import org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource;
- *
- * @author TopIAM
- * Created by support@topiam.cn on 2023/3/30 22:41
- */
-public class ImageAvatarUtils {
- /**
- * 绘制字体头像 默认大小100*100
- * 如果是英文名,只显示首字母大写
- * 如果是中文名,只显示最后两个字
- * @param name {@link String}
- */
- public static BufferedImage generateAvatarImg(String name) {
- try {
- int width = 100;
- int height = 100;
- int nameLen = name.length();
- String nameWritten;
- // 如果用户输入的姓名少于等于2个字符,不用截取
- if (nameLen <= 2) {
- nameWritten = name;
- } else {
- // 如果用户输入的姓名大于等于3个字符,截取后面两位
- String first = name.substring(0, 1);
- if (isChinese(first)) {
- // 截取倒数两位汉字
- nameWritten = name.substring(nameLen - 2);
- } else {
- // 截取前面的两个英文字母
- nameWritten = name.substring(0, 2).toUpperCase();
- }
- }
- BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
- Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) bi.getGraphics();
- //消除文字锯齿
- g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING,
- //消除画图锯
- g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
- g2.setBackground(getRandomColor());
- g2.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
- g2.setPaint(Color.WHITE);
- //加载外部字体文件
- ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource(
- "/fonts/AlibabaPuHuiTi-2-55-Regular.ttf");
- InputStream inputStream = resource.getInputStream();
- Font font = Font.createFont(java.awt.Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, inputStream);
- // 两个字及以上
- if (nameWritten.length() >= 2) {
- font = font.deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 30);
- g2.setFont(font);
- String firstWritten = nameWritten.substring(0, 1);
- String secondWritten = nameWritten.substring(1, 2);
- // 两个中文 如 张三
- if (isChinese(firstWritten) && isChinese(secondWritten)) {
- g2.drawString(nameWritten, 20, 60);
- }
- // 首中次英 如 张S
- else if (isChinese(firstWritten) && !isChinese(secondWritten)) {
- g2.drawString(nameWritten, 27, 60);
- }
- // 首英,如 ZS
- else {
- nameWritten = nameWritten.substring(0, 1);
- }
- }
- // 一个字
- if (nameWritten.length() == 1) {
- // 中文
- if (isChinese(nameWritten)) {
- font = font.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 50);
- g2.setFont(font);
- g2.drawString(nameWritten, 25, 70);
- }
- // 英文
- else {
- font = font.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 55);
- g2.setFont(font);
- g2.drawString(nameWritten.toUpperCase(), 33, 67);
- }
- }
- return makeRoundedCorner(bi, 99);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 判断字符串是否为中文
- * @param str {@link String}
- * @return {@link Boolean}
- */
- public static boolean isChinese(String str) {
- String regEx = "[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]+";
- Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regEx);
- Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
- return m.find();
- }
- /**
- * 获得随机颜色
- * @return {@link Color}
- */
- private static Color getRandomColor() {
- String[] beautifulColors = new String[] { "22,119,255" };
- int len = beautifulColors.length;
- Random random = new Random();
- String[] color = beautifulColors[random.nextInt(len)].split(",");
- return new Color(Integer.parseInt(color[0]), Integer.parseInt(color[1]),
- Integer.parseInt(color[2]));
- }
- /**
- * 图片做圆角处理
- * @param image {@link BufferedImage}
- * @param cornerRadius {@link Integer}
- * @return {@link BufferedImage}
- */
- public static BufferedImage makeRoundedCorner(BufferedImage image, int cornerRadius) {
- int w = image.getWidth();
- int h = image.getHeight();
- BufferedImage output = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
- Graphics2D g2 = output.createGraphics();
- g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Src);
- g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
- g2.setColor(Color.WHITE);
- g2.fill(new RoundRectangle2D.Float(0, 0, w, h, cornerRadius, cornerRadius));
- g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SrcAtop);
- g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
- g2.dispose();
- return output;
- }
- /**
- * BufferedImage 转换为 base64编码
- * @param bufferedImage {@link BufferedImage}
- * @return {@link String}
- */
- public static String bufferedImageToBase64(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {
- try {
- ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "png", stream);
- Base64 base = new Base64();
- String base64 = base.encodeToString(stream.toByteArray());
- return "data:image/png;base64," + base64;
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
diff --git a/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/RegionUtils.java b/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/RegionUtils.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 51c7cb7b..00000000
--- a/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/RegionUtils.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4324 +0,0 @@
- * eiam-common - Employee Identity and Access Management
- * Copyright © 2022-Present Jinan Yuanchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. (support@topiam.cn)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-package cn.topiam.employee.common.util;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import cn.topiam.employee.common.enums.Country;
-import lombok.AccessLevel;
-import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
- * 地区信息
- * @author TopIAM
- */
-@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
-public class RegionUtils {
- public static final Map AD = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map AE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map AF = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map AG = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map AL = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map AM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map AO = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map AR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map AT = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map AU = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map AZ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BA = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BB = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BD = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BF = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BG = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BH = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BI = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BJ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BN = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BO = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BQ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BS = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BT = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BW = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BY = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map BZ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CA = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CD = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CF = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CG = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CH = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CI = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CL = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CN = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CO = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CU = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CV = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CY = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map CZ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map DE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map DJ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map DK = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map DM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map DO = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map DZ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map EC = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map EE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map EG = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map ER = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map ES = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map ET = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map FI = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map FJ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map FM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map FR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GA = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GB = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GD = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GH = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GL = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GN = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GQ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GT = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GW = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map GY = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map HN = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map HR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map HT = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map HU = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map ID = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map IE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map IL = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map IN = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map IQ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map IR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map IS = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map IT = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map JM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map JO = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map JP = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map KE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map KG = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map KH = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map KI = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map KM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map KN = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map KP = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map KR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map KW = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map KZ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map LA = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map LB = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map LC = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map LI = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map LK = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map LR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map LS = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map LT = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map LU = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map LV = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map LY = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MA = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MC = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MD = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map ME = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MG = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MH = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MK = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map ML = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MN = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MT = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MU = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MV = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MW = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MX = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MY = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map MZ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map NA = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map NE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map NG = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map NI = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map NL = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map NO = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map NP = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map NR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map NZ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map OM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map PA = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map PE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map PG = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map PH = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map PK = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map PL = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map PS = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map PT = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map PW = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map PY = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map QA = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map RO = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map RS = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map RU = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map RW = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SA = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SB = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SC = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SD = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SH = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SI = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SK = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SL = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SN = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SO = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SS = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map ST = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SV = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SY = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map SZ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TD = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TG = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TH = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TJ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TL = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TN = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TO = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TR = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TT = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TV = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TW = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map TZ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map UA = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map UG = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map UM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map US = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map UY = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map UZ = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map VC = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map VE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map VN = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map VU = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map WF = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map WS = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map YE = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map ZA = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map ZM = new HashMap<>();
- public static final Map ZW = new HashMap<>();
- static {
- AD.put("AD-07", "Andorra la Vella");
- AD.put("AD-02", "Canillo");
- AD.put("AD-03", "Encamp");
- AD.put("AD-08", "Escaldes-Engordany");
- AD.put("AD-04", "La Massana");
- AD.put("AD-05", "Ordino");
- AD.put("AD-06", "Sant Julia de Loria");
- }
- static {
- AE.put("AE-AJ", "'Ajman");
- AE.put("AE-AZ", "Abu Zaby");
- AE.put("AE-FU", "Al Fujayrah");
- AE.put("AE-SH", "Ash Shariqah");
- AE.put("AE-DU", "Dubayy");
- AE.put("AE-RK", "Ra's al Khaymah");
- AE.put("AE-UQ", "Umm al Qaywayn");
- }
- static {
- AF.put("AF-BDG", "Badghis");
- AF.put("AF-BGL", "Baghlan");
- AF.put("AF-BAL", "Balkh");
- AF.put("AF-BAM", "Bamyan");
- AF.put("AF-DAY", "Daykundi");
- AF.put("AF-FRA", "Farah");
- AF.put("AF-FYB", "Faryab");
- AF.put("AF-GHA", "Ghazni");
- AF.put("AF-GHO", "Ghor");
- AF.put("AF-HEL", "Helmand");
- AF.put("AF-HER", "Herat");
- AF.put("AF-JOW", "Jowzjan");
- AF.put("AF-KAB", "Kabul");
- AF.put("AF-KAN", "Kandahar");
- AF.put("AF-KHO", "Khost");
- AF.put("AF-KDZ", "Kunduz");
- AF.put("AF-LAG", "Laghman");
- AF.put("AF-LOG", "Logar");
- AF.put("AF-NAN", "Nangarhar");
- AF.put("AF-NIM", "Nimroz");
- AF.put("AF-PKA", "Paktika");
- AF.put("AF-PIA", "Paktiya");
- AF.put("AF-PAR", "Parwan");
- AF.put("AF-SAM", "Samangan");
- AF.put("AF-SAR", "Sar-e Pul");
- AF.put("AF-TAK", "Takhar");
- AF.put("AF-URU", "Uruzgan");
- }
- static {
- AG.put("AG-10", "Barbuda");
- AG.put("AG-11", "Redonda");
- AG.put("AG-03", "Saint George");
- AG.put("AG-04", "Saint John");
- AG.put("AG-05", "Saint Mary");
- AG.put("AG-07", "Saint Peter");
- AG.put("AG-08", "Saint Philip");
- }
- static {
- AL.put("AL-01", "Berat");
- AL.put("AL-09", "Diber");
- AL.put("AL-02", "Durres");
- AL.put("AL-03", "Elbasan");
- AL.put("AL-04", "Fier");
- AL.put("AL-05", "Gjirokaster");
- AL.put("AL-06", "Korce");
- AL.put("AL-07", "Kukes");
- AL.put("AL-08", "Lezhe");
- AL.put("AL-10", "Shkoder");
- AL.put("AL-11", "Tirane");
- AL.put("AL-12", "Vlore");
- }
- static {
- AM.put("AM-AG", "Aragacotn");
- AM.put("AM-AR", "Ararat");
- AM.put("AM-AV", "Armavir");
- AM.put("AM-ER", "Erevan");
- AM.put("AM-GR", "Gegark'unik'");
- AM.put("AM-KT", "Kotayk'");
- AM.put("AM-LO", "Lori");
- AM.put("AM-SH", "Sirak");
- AM.put("AM-SU", "Syunik'");
- AM.put("AM-TV", "Tavus");
- AM.put("AM-VD", "Vayoc Jor");
- }
- static {
- AO.put("AO-BGO", "Bengo");
- AO.put("AO-BGU", "Benguela");
- AO.put("AO-BIE", "Bie");
- AO.put("AO-CAB", "Cabinda");
- AO.put("AO-CCU", "Cuando Cubango");
- AO.put("AO-CNO", "Cuanza-Norte");
- AO.put("AO-CUS", "Cuanza-Sul");
- AO.put("AO-CNN", "Cunene");
- AO.put("AO-HUA", "Huambo");
- AO.put("AO-HUI", "Huila");
- AO.put("AO-LUA", "Luanda");
- AO.put("AO-LNO", "Lunda-Norte");
- AO.put("AO-LSU", "Lunda-Sul");
- AO.put("AO-MAL", "Malange");
- AO.put("AO-MOX", "Moxico");
- AO.put("AO-NAM", "Namibe");
- AO.put("AO-UIG", "Uige");
- AO.put("AO-ZAI", "Zaire");
- }
- static {
- AR.put("AR-B", "Buenos Aires");
- AR.put("AR-K", "Catamarca");
- AR.put("AR-H", "Chaco");
- AR.put("AR-U", "Chubut");
- AR.put("AR-C", "Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires");
- AR.put("AR-X", "Cordoba");
- AR.put("AR-W", "Corrientes");
- AR.put("AR-E", "Entre Rios");
- AR.put("AR-P", "Formosa");
- AR.put("AR-Y", "Jujuy");
- AR.put("AR-L", "La Pampa");
- AR.put("AR-F", "La Rioja");
- AR.put("AR-M", "Mendoza");
- AR.put("AR-N", "Misiones");
- AR.put("AR-Q", "Neuquen");
- AR.put("AR-R", "Rio Negro");
- AR.put("AR-A", "Salta");
- AR.put("AR-J", "San Juan");
- AR.put("AR-D", "San Luis");
- AR.put("AR-Z", "Santa Cruz");
- AR.put("AR-S", "Santa Fe");
- AR.put("AR-G", "Santiago del Estero");
- AR.put("AR-V", "Tierra del Fuego");
- AR.put("AR-T", "Tucuman");
- }
- static {
- AT.put("AT-1", "Burgenland");
- AT.put("AT-2", "Karnten");
- AT.put("AT-3", "Niederosterreich");
- AT.put("AT-4", "Oberosterreich");
- AT.put("AT-5", "Salzburg");
- AT.put("AT-6", "Steiermark");
- AT.put("AT-7", "Tirol");
- AT.put("AT-8", "Vorarlberg");
- AT.put("AT-9", "Wien");
- }
- static {
- AU.put("AU-ACT", "Australian Capital Territory");
- AU.put("AU-NSW", "New South Wales");
- AU.put("AU-NT", "Northern Territory");
- AU.put("AU-QLD", "Queensland");
- AU.put("AU-SA", "South Australia");
- AU.put("AU-TAS", "Tasmania");
- AU.put("AU-VIC", "Victoria");
- AU.put("AU-WA", "Western Australia");
- }
- static {
- AZ.put("AZ-ABS", "Abseron");
- AZ.put("AZ-AGS", "Agdas");
- AZ.put("AZ-AGA", "Agstafa");
- AZ.put("AZ-AGU", "Agsu");
- AZ.put("AZ-AST", "Astara");
- AZ.put("AZ-BA", "Baki");
- AZ.put("AZ-BAL", "Balakan");
- AZ.put("AZ-BAR", "Barda");
- AZ.put("AZ-BEY", "Beylaqan");
- AZ.put("AZ-BIL", "Bilasuvar");
- AZ.put("AZ-DAS", "Daskasan");
- AZ.put("AZ-FUZ", "Fuzuli");
- AZ.put("AZ-GAD", "Gadabay");
- AZ.put("AZ-GA", "Ganca");
- AZ.put("AZ-GOY", "Goycay");
- AZ.put("AZ-GYG", "Goygol");
- AZ.put("AZ-IMI", "Imisli");
- AZ.put("AZ-ISM", "Ismayilli");
- AZ.put("AZ-KUR", "Kurdamir");
- AZ.put("AZ-LA", "Lankaran");
- AZ.put("AZ-MAS", "Masalli");
- AZ.put("AZ-MI", "Mingacevir");
- AZ.put("AZ-NA", "Naftalan");
- AZ.put("AZ-NX", "Naxcivan");
- AZ.put("AZ-NEF", "Neftcala");
- AZ.put("AZ-OGU", "Oguz");
- AZ.put("AZ-QAB", "Qabala");
- AZ.put("AZ-QAZ", "Qazax");
- AZ.put("AZ-QBA", "Quba");
- AZ.put("AZ-QUS", "Qusar");
- AZ.put("AZ-SAT", "Saatli");
- AZ.put("AZ-SAB", "Sabirabad");
- AZ.put("AZ-SAK", "Saki");
- AZ.put("AZ-SAL", "Salyan");
- AZ.put("AZ-SMI", "Samaxi");
- AZ.put("AZ-SKR", "Samkir");
- AZ.put("AZ-SMX", "Samux");
- AZ.put("AZ-SR", "Sirvan");
- AZ.put("AZ-SIY", "Siyazan");
- AZ.put("AZ-SM", "Sumqayit");
- AZ.put("AZ-TAR", "Tartar");
- AZ.put("AZ-TOV", "Tovuz");
- AZ.put("AZ-UCA", "Ucar");
- AZ.put("AZ-XAC", "Xacmaz");
- AZ.put("AZ-XIZ", "Xizi");
- AZ.put("AZ-YAR", "Yardimli");
- AZ.put("AZ-YEV", "Yevlax");
- AZ.put("AZ-ZAQ", "Zaqatala");
- AZ.put("AZ-ZAR", "Zardab");
- }
- static {
- BA.put("BA-BRC", "Brcko distrikt");
- BA.put("BA-BIH", "Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine");
- BA.put("BA-SRP", "Republika Srpska");
- }
- static {
- BB.put("BB-01", "Christ Church");
- BB.put("BB-02", "Saint Andrew");
- BB.put("BB-03", "Saint George");
- BB.put("BB-04", "Saint James");
- BB.put("BB-05", "Saint John");
- BB.put("BB-07", "Saint Lucy");
- BB.put("BB-08", "Saint Michael");
- BB.put("BB-09", "Saint Peter");
- BB.put("BB-10", "Saint Philip");
- BB.put("BB-11", "Saint Thomas");
- }
- static {
- BD.put("BD-A", "Barishal");
- BD.put("BD-B", "Chattogram");
- BD.put("BD-C", "Dhaka");
- BD.put("BD-D", "Khulna");
- BD.put("BD-E", "Rajshahi");
- BD.put("BD-F", "Rangpur");
- BD.put("BD-G", "Sylhet");
- }
- static {
- BE.put("BE-VAN", "Antwerpen");
- BE.put("BE-WBR", "Brabant wallon");
- BE.put("BE-BRU", "Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest");
- BE.put("BE-WHT", "Hainaut");
- BE.put("BE-WLG", "Liege");
- BE.put("BE-VLI", "Limburg");
- BE.put("BE-WLX", "Luxembourg");
- BE.put("BE-WNA", "Namur");
- BE.put("BE-VOV", "Oost-Vlaanderen");
- BE.put("BE-VBR", "Vlaams-Brabant");
- BE.put("BE-VWV", "West-Vlaanderen");
- }
- static {
- BF.put("BF-BAL", "Bale");
- BF.put("BF-BAM", "Bam");
- BF.put("BF-BAN", "Banwa");
- BF.put("BF-BAZ", "Bazega");
- BF.put("BF-BGR", "Bougouriba");
- BF.put("BF-BLG", "Boulgou");
- BF.put("BF-BLK", "Boulkiemde");
- BF.put("BF-COM", "Comoe");
- BF.put("BF-GAN", "Ganzourgou");
- BF.put("BF-GNA", "Gnagna");
- BF.put("BF-GOU", "Gourma");
- BF.put("BF-HOU", "Houet");
- BF.put("BF-IOB", "Ioba");
- BF.put("BF-KAD", "Kadiogo");
- BF.put("BF-KEN", "Kenedougou");
- BF.put("BF-KMP", "Kompienga");
- BF.put("BF-KOS", "Kossi");
- BF.put("BF-KOT", "Kouritenga");
- BF.put("BF-KOW", "Kourweogo");
- BF.put("BF-LER", "Leraba");
- BF.put("BF-LOR", "Loroum");
- BF.put("BF-MOU", "Mouhoun");
- BF.put("BF-NAO", "Nahouri");
- BF.put("BF-NAM", "Namentenga");
- BF.put("BF-NAY", "Nayala");
- BF.put("BF-OUB", "Oubritenga");
- BF.put("BF-OUD", "Oudalan");
- BF.put("BF-PAS", "Passore");
- BF.put("BF-SMT", "Sanmatenga");
- BF.put("BF-SEN", "Seno");
- BF.put("BF-SIS", "Sissili");
- BF.put("BF-SOM", "Soum");
- BF.put("BF-SOR", "Sourou");
- BF.put("BF-TAP", "Tapoa");
- BF.put("BF-TUI", "Tuy");
- BF.put("BF-YAT", "Yatenga");
- BF.put("BF-ZIR", "Ziro");
- BF.put("BF-ZON", "Zondoma");
- BF.put("BF-ZOU", "Zoundweogo");
- }
- static {
- BG.put("BG-01", "Blagoevgrad");
- BG.put("BG-02", "Burgas");
- BG.put("BG-08", "Dobrich");
- BG.put("BG-07", "Gabrovo");
- BG.put("BG-26", "Haskovo");
- BG.put("BG-09", "Kardzhali");
- BG.put("BG-10", "Kyustendil");
- BG.put("BG-11", "Lovech");
- BG.put("BG-12", "Montana");
- BG.put("BG-13", "Pazardzhik");
- BG.put("BG-14", "Pernik");
- BG.put("BG-15", "Pleven");
- BG.put("BG-16", "Plovdiv");
- BG.put("BG-17", "Razgrad");
- BG.put("BG-18", "Ruse");
- BG.put("BG-27", "Shumen");
- BG.put("BG-19", "Silistra");
- BG.put("BG-20", "Sliven");
- BG.put("BG-21", "Smolyan");
- BG.put("BG-23", "Sofia");
- BG.put("BG-22", "Sofia (stolitsa)");
- BG.put("BG-24", "Stara Zagora");
- BG.put("BG-25", "Targovishte");
- BG.put("BG-03", "Varna");
- BG.put("BG-04", "Veliko Tarnovo");
- BG.put("BG-05", "Vidin");
- BG.put("BG-06", "Vratsa");
- BG.put("BG-28", "Yambol");
- }
- static {
- BH.put("BH-13", "Al 'Asimah");
- BH.put("BH-14", "Al Janubiyah");
- BH.put("BH-15", "Al Muharraq");
- BH.put("BH-17", "Ash Shamaliyah");
- }
- static {
- BI.put("BI-BM", "Bujumbura Mairie");
- BI.put("BI-BR", "Bururi");
- BI.put("BI-CI", "Cibitoke");
- BI.put("BI-GI", "Gitega");
- BI.put("BI-KI", "Kirundo");
- BI.put("BI-MW", "Mwaro");
- BI.put("BI-NG", "Ngozi");
- BI.put("BI-RM", "Rumonge");
- BI.put("BI-RT", "Rutana");
- BI.put("BI-RY", "Ruyigi");
- }
- static {
- BJ.put("BJ-AQ", "Atlantique");
- BJ.put("BJ-BO", "Borgou");
- BJ.put("BJ-CO", "Collines");
- BJ.put("BJ-LI", "Littoral");
- BJ.put("BJ-MO", "Mono");
- BJ.put("BJ-OU", "Oueme");
- BJ.put("BJ-PL", "Plateau");
- BJ.put("BJ-ZO", "Zou");
- }
- static {
- BN.put("BN-BE", "Belait");
- BN.put("BN-BM", "Brunei-Muara");
- BN.put("BN-TE", "Temburong");
- BN.put("BN-TU", "Tutong");
- }
- static {
- BO.put("BO-H", "Chuquisaca");
- BO.put("BO-C", "Cochabamba");
- BO.put("BO-B", "El Beni");
- BO.put("BO-L", "La Paz");
- BO.put("BO-O", "Oruro");
- BO.put("BO-N", "Pando");
- BO.put("BO-P", "Potosi");
- BO.put("BO-S", "Santa Cruz");
- BO.put("BO-T", "Tarija");
- }
- static {
- BQ.put("BQ-BO", "Bonaire");
- BQ.put("BQ-SA", "Saba");
- BQ.put("BQ-SE", "Sint Eustatius");
- }
- static {
- BR.put("BR-AC", "Acre");
- BR.put("BR-AL", "Alagoas");
- BR.put("BR-AP", "Amapa");
- BR.put("BR-AM", "Amazonas");
- BR.put("BR-BA", "Bahia");
- BR.put("BR-CE", "Ceara");
- BR.put("BR-DF", "Distrito Federal");
- BR.put("BR-ES", "Espirito Santo");
- BR.put("BR-GO", "Goias");
- BR.put("BR-MA", "Maranhao");
- BR.put("BR-MT", "Mato Grosso");
- BR.put("BR-MS", "Mato Grosso do Sul");
- BR.put("BR-MG", "Minas Gerais");
- BR.put("BR-PA", "Para");
- BR.put("BR-PB", "Paraiba");
- BR.put("BR-PR", "Parana");
- BR.put("BR-PE", "Pernambuco");
- BR.put("BR-PI", "Piaui");
- BR.put("BR-RN", "Rio Grande do Norte");
- BR.put("BR-RS", "Rio Grande do Sul");
- BR.put("BR-RJ", "Rio de Janeiro");
- BR.put("BR-RO", "Rondonia");
- BR.put("BR-RR", "Roraima");
- BR.put("BR-SC", "Santa Catarina");
- BR.put("BR-SP", "Sao Paulo");
- BR.put("BR-SE", "Sergipe");
- BR.put("BR-TO", "Tocantins");
- }
- static {
- BS.put("BS-BP", "Black Point");
- BS.put("BS-CO", "Central Abaco");
- BS.put("BS-FP", "City of Freeport");
- BS.put("BS-EG", "East Grand Bahama");
- BS.put("BS-HI", "Harbour Island");
- BS.put("BS-LI", "Long Island");
- BS.put("BS-NP", "New Providence");
- BS.put("BS-NO", "North Abaco");
- BS.put("BS-NS", "North Andros");
- BS.put("BS-NE", "North Eleuthera");
- BS.put("BS-SS", "San Salvador");
- BS.put("BS-SE", "South Eleuthera");
- BS.put("BS-WG", "West Grand Bahama");
- }
- static {
- BT.put("BT-33", "Bumthang");
- BT.put("BT-12", "Chhukha");
- BT.put("BT-22", "Dagana");
- BT.put("BT-GA", "Gasa");
- BT.put("BT-44", "Lhuentse");
- BT.put("BT-42", "Monggar");
- BT.put("BT-11", "Paro");
- BT.put("BT-43", "Pema Gatshel");
- BT.put("BT-23", "Punakha");
- BT.put("BT-45", "Samdrup Jongkhar");
- BT.put("BT-14", "Samtse");
- BT.put("BT-31", "Sarpang");
- BT.put("BT-15", "Thimphu");
- BT.put("BT-41", "Trashigang");
- BT.put("BT-32", "Trongsa");
- BT.put("BT-21", "Tsirang");
- BT.put("BT-24", "Wangdue Phodrang");
- }
- static {
- BW.put("BW-CE", "Central");
- BW.put("BW-CH", "Chobe");
- BW.put("BW-GH", "Ghanzi");
- BW.put("BW-KL", "Kgatleng");
- BW.put("BW-KW", "Kweneng");
- BW.put("BW-NE", "North East");
- BW.put("BW-NW", "North West");
- BW.put("BW-SE", "South East");
- BW.put("BW-SO", "Southern");
- }
- static {
- BY.put("BY-BR", "Brestskaya voblasts'");
- BY.put("BY-HO", "Homyel'skaya voblasts'");
- BY.put("BY-HM", "Horad Minsk");
- BY.put("BY-HR", "Hrodzyenskaya voblasts'");
- BY.put("BY-MA", "Mahilyowskaya voblasts'");
- BY.put("BY-MI", "Minskaya voblasts'");
- BY.put("BY-VI", "Vitsyebskaya voblasts'");
- }
- static {
- BZ.put("BZ-BZ", "Belize");
- BZ.put("BZ-CY", "Cayo");
- BZ.put("BZ-CZL", "Corozal");
- BZ.put("BZ-OW", "Orange Walk");
- BZ.put("BZ-SC", "Stann Creek");
- BZ.put("BZ-TOL", "Toledo");
- }
- static {
- CA.put("CA-AB", "Alberta");
- CA.put("CA-BC", "British Columbia");
- CA.put("CA-MB", "Manitoba");
- CA.put("CA-NB", "New Brunswick");
- CA.put("CA-NL", "Newfoundland and Labrador");
- CA.put("CA-NT", "Northwest Territories");
- CA.put("CA-NS", "Nova Scotia");
- CA.put("CA-NU", "Nunavut");
- CA.put("CA-ON", "Ontario");
- CA.put("CA-PE", "Prince Edward Island");
- CA.put("CA-QC", "Quebec");
- CA.put("CA-SK", "Saskatchewan");
- CA.put("CA-YT", "Yukon");
- }
- static {
- CD.put("CD-EQ", "Equateur");
- CD.put("CD-HK", "Haut-Katanga");
- CD.put("CD-HL", "Haut-Lomami");
- CD.put("CD-IT", "Ituri");
- CD.put("CD-KS", "Kasai");
- CD.put("CD-KC", "Kasai Central");
- CD.put("CD-KE", "Kasai Oriental");
- CD.put("CD-KN", "Kinshasa");
- CD.put("CD-LU", "Lualaba");
- CD.put("CD-MA", "Maniema");
- CD.put("CD-NK", "Nord-Kivu");
- CD.put("CD-SA", "Sankuru");
- CD.put("CD-SK", "Sud-Kivu");
- CD.put("CD-TA", "Tanganyika");
- CD.put("CD-TO", "Tshopo");
- }
- static {
- CF.put("CF-BB", "Bamingui-Bangoran");
- CF.put("CF-BGF", "Bangui");
- CF.put("CF-KB", "Gribingui");
- CF.put("CF-KG", "Kemo-Gribingui");
- CF.put("CF-HS", "Mambere-Kadei");
- CF.put("CF-NM", "Nana-Mambere");
- CF.put("CF-UK", "Ouaka");
- CF.put("CF-AC", "Ouham");
- CF.put("CF-OP", "Ouham-Pende");
- CF.put("CF-VK", "Vakaga");
- }
- static {
- CG.put("CG-11", "Bouenza");
- CG.put("CG-BZV", "Brazzaville");
- CG.put("CG-8", "Cuvette");
- CG.put("CG-9", "Niari");
- CG.put("CG-16", "Pointe-Noire");
- CG.put("CG-13", "Sangha");
- }
- static {
- CH.put("CH-AG", "Aargau");
- CH.put("CH-AR", "Appenzell Ausserrhoden");
- CH.put("CH-AI", "Appenzell Innerrhoden");
- CH.put("CH-BL", "Basel-Landschaft");
- CH.put("CH-BS", "Basel-Stadt");
- CH.put("CH-BE", "Bern");
- CH.put("CH-FR", "Fribourg");
- CH.put("CH-GE", "Geneve");
- CH.put("CH-GL", "Glarus");
- CH.put("CH-GR", "Graubunden");
- CH.put("CH-JU", "Jura");
- CH.put("CH-LU", "Luzern");
- CH.put("CH-NE", "Neuchatel");
- CH.put("CH-NW", "Nidwalden");
- CH.put("CH-OW", "Obwalden");
- CH.put("CH-SG", "Sankt Gallen");
- CH.put("CH-SH", "Schaffhausen");
- CH.put("CH-SZ", "Schwyz");
- CH.put("CH-SO", "Solothurn");
- CH.put("CH-TG", "Thurgau");
- CH.put("CH-TI", "Ticino");
- CH.put("CH-UR", "Uri");
- CH.put("CH-VS", "Valais");
- CH.put("CH-VD", "Vaud");
- CH.put("CH-ZG", "Zug");
- CH.put("CH-ZH", "Zurich");
- }
- static {
- CI.put("CI-AB", "Abidjan");
- CI.put("CI-BS", "Bas-Sassandra");
- CI.put("CI-CM", "Comoe");
- CI.put("CI-DN", "Denguele");
- CI.put("CI-GD", "Goh-Djiboua");
- CI.put("CI-LC", "Lacs");
- CI.put("CI-LG", "Lagunes");
- CI.put("CI-MG", "Montagnes");
- CI.put("CI-SM", "Sassandra-Marahoue");
- CI.put("CI-SV", "Savanes");
- CI.put("CI-VB", "Vallee du Bandama");
- CI.put("CI-WR", "Woroba");
- CI.put("CI-YM", "Yamoussoukro");
- CI.put("CI-ZZ", "Zanzan");
- }
- static {
- CL.put("CL-AI", "Aisen del General Carlos Ibanez del Campo");
- CL.put("CL-AN", "Antofagasta");
- CL.put("CL-AP", "Arica y Parinacota");
- CL.put("CL-AT", "Atacama");
- CL.put("CL-BI", "Biobio");
- CL.put("CL-CO", "Coquimbo");
- CL.put("CL-AR", "La Araucania");
- CL.put("CL-LI", "Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins");
- CL.put("CL-LL", "Los Lagos");
- CL.put("CL-LR", "Los Rios");
- CL.put("CL-MA", "Magallanes");
- CL.put("CL-ML", "Maule");
- CL.put("CL-NB", "Nuble");
- CL.put("CL-RM", "Region Metropolitana de Santiago");
- CL.put("CL-TA", "Tarapaca");
- CL.put("CL-VS", "Valparaiso");
- }
- static {
- CM.put("CM-AD", "Adamaoua");
- CM.put("CM-CE", "Centre");
- CM.put("CM-ES", "Est");
- CM.put("CM-EN", "Extreme-Nord");
- CM.put("CM-LT", "Littoral");
- CM.put("CM-NO", "Nord");
- CM.put("CM-NW", "Nord-Ouest");
- CM.put("CM-OU", "Ouest");
- CM.put("CM-SU", "Sud");
- CM.put("CM-SW", "Sud-Ouest");
- }
- static {
- CN.put("CN-AH", "安徽");
- CN.put("CN-BJ", "北京");
- CN.put("CN-CQ", "重庆");
- CN.put("CN-FJ", "福建");
- CN.put("CN-GS", "甘肃");
- CN.put("CN-GD", "广东");
- CN.put("CN-GX", "广西壮族自治区");
- CN.put("CN-GZ", "贵州");
- CN.put("CN-HI", "海南");
- CN.put("CN-HE", "河北");
- CN.put("CN-HL", "黑龙江");
- CN.put("CN-HA", "河南");
- CN.put("CN-HB", "湖北");
- CN.put("CN-HN", "湖南");
- CN.put("CN-JS", "江苏");
- CN.put("CN-JX", "江西");
- CN.put("CN-JL", "吉林");
- CN.put("CN-LN", "辽宁");
- CN.put("CN-NM", "内蒙古");
- CN.put("CN-NX", "宁夏回族自治区");
- CN.put("CN-QH", "青海");
- CN.put("CN-SN", "陕西");
- CN.put("CN-SD", "山东");
- CN.put("CN-SH", "上海");
- CN.put("CN-SX", "山西");
- CN.put("CN-SC", "四川");
- CN.put("CN-TJ", "天津");
- CN.put("CN-XJ", "新疆维吾尔自治区");
- CN.put("CN-XZ", "西藏");
- CN.put("CN-YN", "云南");
- CN.put("CN-ZJ", "浙江");
- }
- static {
- CO.put("CO-AMA", "Amazonas");
- CO.put("CO-ANT", "Antioquia");
- CO.put("CO-ARA", "Arauca");
- CO.put("CO-ATL", "Atlantico");
- CO.put("CO-BOL", "Bolivar");
- CO.put("CO-BOY", "Boyaca");
- CO.put("CO-CAL", "Caldas");
- CO.put("CO-CAQ", "Caqueta");
- CO.put("CO-CAS", "Casanare");
- CO.put("CO-CAU", "Cauca");
- CO.put("CO-CES", "Cesar");
- CO.put("CO-CHO", "Choco");
- CO.put("CO-COR", "Cordoba");
- CO.put("CO-CUN", "Cundinamarca");
- CO.put("CO-DC", "Distrito Capital de Bogota");
- CO.put("CO-GUA", "Guainia");
- CO.put("CO-GUV", "Guaviare");
- CO.put("CO-HUI", "Huila");
- CO.put("CO-LAG", "La Guajira");
- CO.put("CO-MAG", "Magdalena");
- CO.put("CO-MET", "Meta");
- CO.put("CO-NAR", "Narino");
- CO.put("CO-NSA", "Norte de Santander");
- CO.put("CO-PUT", "Putumayo");
- CO.put("CO-QUI", "Quindio");
- CO.put("CO-RIS", "Risaralda");
- CO.put("CO-SAP", "San Andres, Providencia y Santa Catalina");
- CO.put("CO-SAN", "Santander");
- CO.put("CO-SUC", "Sucre");
- CO.put("CO-TOL", "Tolima");
- CO.put("CO-VAC", "Valle del Cauca");
- CO.put("CO-VAU", "Vaupes");
- CO.put("CO-VID", "Vichada");
- }
- static {
- CR.put("CR-A", "Alajuela");
- CR.put("CR-C", "Cartago");
- CR.put("CR-G", "Guanacaste");
- CR.put("CR-H", "Heredia");
- CR.put("CR-L", "Limon");
- CR.put("CR-P", "Puntarenas");
- CR.put("CR-SJ", "San Jose");
- }
- static {
- CU.put("CU-15", "Artemisa");
- CU.put("CU-09", "Camaguey");
- CU.put("CU-08", "Ciego de Avila");
- CU.put("CU-06", "Cienfuegos");
- CU.put("CU-12", "Granma");
- CU.put("CU-14", "Guantanamo");
- CU.put("CU-11", "Holguin");
- CU.put("CU-99", "Isla de la Juventud");
- CU.put("CU-03", "La Habana");
- CU.put("CU-10", "Las Tunas");
- CU.put("CU-04", "Matanzas");
- CU.put("CU-16", "Mayabeque");
- CU.put("CU-01", "Pinar del Rio");
- CU.put("CU-07", "Sancti Spiritus");
- CU.put("CU-13", "Santiago de Cuba");
- CU.put("CU-05", "Villa Clara");
- }
- static {
- CV.put("CV-BV", "Boa Vista");
- CV.put("CV-BR", "Brava");
- CV.put("CV-MO", "Mosteiros");
- CV.put("CV-PN", "Porto Novo");
- CV.put("CV-PR", "Praia");
- CV.put("CV-RS", "Ribeira Grande de Santiago");
- CV.put("CV-SL", "Sal");
- CV.put("CV-SD", "Sao Domingos");
- CV.put("CV-SV", "Sao Vicente");
- CV.put("CV-TA", "Tarrafal");
- }
- static {
- CY.put("CY-04", "Ammochostos");
- CY.put("CY-06", "Keryneia");
- CY.put("CY-03", "Larnaka");
- CY.put("CY-01", "Lefkosia");
- CY.put("CY-02", "Lemesos");
- CY.put("CY-05", "Pafos");
- }
- static {
- CZ.put("CZ-31", "Jihocesky kraj");
- CZ.put("CZ-64", "Jihomoravsky kraj");
- CZ.put("CZ-41", "Karlovarsky kraj");
- CZ.put("CZ-63", "Kraj Vysocina");
- CZ.put("CZ-52", "Kralovehradecky kraj");
- CZ.put("CZ-51", "Liberecky kraj");
- CZ.put("CZ-80", "Moravskoslezsky kraj");
- CZ.put("CZ-71", "Olomoucky kraj");
- CZ.put("CZ-53", "Pardubicky kraj");
- CZ.put("CZ-32", "Plzensky kraj");
- CZ.put("CZ-10", "Praha, Hlavni mesto");
- CZ.put("CZ-20", "Stredocesky kraj");
- CZ.put("CZ-42", "Ustecky kraj");
- CZ.put("CZ-72", "Zlinsky kraj");
- }
- static {
- DE.put("DE-BW", "Baden-Wurttemberg");
- DE.put("DE-BY", "Bayern");
- DE.put("DE-BE", "Berlin");
- DE.put("DE-BB", "Brandenburg");
- DE.put("DE-HB", "Bremen");
- DE.put("DE-HH", "Hamburg");
- DE.put("DE-HE", "Hessen");
- DE.put("DE-MV", "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern");
- DE.put("DE-NI", "Niedersachsen");
- DE.put("DE-NW", "Nordrhein-Westfalen");
- DE.put("DE-RP", "Rheinland-Pfalz");
- DE.put("DE-SL", "Saarland");
- DE.put("DE-SN", "Sachsen");
- DE.put("DE-ST", "Sachsen-Anhalt");
- DE.put("DE-SH", "Schleswig-Holstein");
- DE.put("DE-TH", "Thuringen");
- }
- static {
- DJ.put("DJ-AR", "Arta");
- DJ.put("DJ-DI", "Dikhil");
- DJ.put("DJ-DJ", "Djibouti");
- }
- static {
- DK.put("DK-84", "Hovedstaden");
- DK.put("DK-82", "Midtjylland");
- DK.put("DK-81", "Nordjylland");
- DK.put("DK-85", "Sjaelland");
- DK.put("DK-83", "Syddanmark");
- }
- static {
- DM.put("DM-02", "Saint Andrew");
- DM.put("DM-04", "Saint George");
- DM.put("DM-05", "Saint John");
- DM.put("DM-06", "Saint Joseph");
- DM.put("DM-07", "Saint Luke");
- DM.put("DM-09", "Saint Patrick");
- DM.put("DM-10", "Saint Paul");
- }
- static {
- DO.put("DO-02", "Azua");
- DO.put("DO-03", "Baoruco");
- DO.put("DO-04", "Barahona");
- DO.put("DO-05", "Dajabon");
- DO.put("DO-01", "Distrito Nacional (Santo Domingo)");
- DO.put("DO-06", "Duarte");
- DO.put("DO-08", "El Seibo");
- DO.put("DO-07", "Elias Pina");
- DO.put("DO-09", "Espaillat");
- DO.put("DO-30", "Hato Mayor");
- DO.put("DO-19", "Hermanas Mirabal");
- DO.put("DO-10", "Independencia");
- DO.put("DO-11", "La Altagracia");
- DO.put("DO-12", "La Romana");
- DO.put("DO-13", "La Vega");
- DO.put("DO-14", "Maria Trinidad Sanchez");
- DO.put("DO-28", "Monsenor Nouel");
- DO.put("DO-15", "Monte Cristi");
- DO.put("DO-29", "Monte Plata");
- DO.put("DO-16", "Pedernales");
- DO.put("DO-17", "Peravia");
- DO.put("DO-18", "Puerto Plata");
- DO.put("DO-20", "Samana");
- DO.put("DO-21", "San Cristobal");
- DO.put("DO-31", "San Jose de Ocoa");
- DO.put("DO-22", "San Juan");
- DO.put("DO-23", "San Pedro de Macoris");
- DO.put("DO-24", "Sanchez Ramirez");
- DO.put("DO-25", "Santiago");
- DO.put("DO-26", "Santiago Rodriguez");
- DO.put("DO-27", "Valverde");
- }
- static {
- DZ.put("DZ-01", "Adrar");
- DZ.put("DZ-44", "Ain Defla");
- DZ.put("DZ-46", "Ain Temouchent");
- DZ.put("DZ-16", "Alger");
- DZ.put("DZ-23", "Annaba");
- DZ.put("DZ-05", "Batna");
- DZ.put("DZ-08", "Bechar");
- DZ.put("DZ-06", "Bejaia");
- DZ.put("DZ-07", "Biskra");
- DZ.put("DZ-09", "Blida");
- DZ.put("DZ-34", "Bordj Bou Arreridj");
- DZ.put("DZ-10", "Bouira");
- DZ.put("DZ-35", "Boumerdes");
- DZ.put("DZ-02", "Chlef");
- DZ.put("DZ-25", "Constantine");
- DZ.put("DZ-56", "Djanet");
- DZ.put("DZ-17", "Djelfa");
- DZ.put("DZ-32", "El Bayadh");
- DZ.put("DZ-57", "El Meghaier");
- DZ.put("DZ-39", "El Oued");
- DZ.put("DZ-36", "El Tarf");
- DZ.put("DZ-47", "Ghardaia");
- DZ.put("DZ-24", "Guelma");
- DZ.put("DZ-33", "Illizi");
- DZ.put("DZ-53", "In Salah");
- DZ.put("DZ-18", "Jijel");
- DZ.put("DZ-40", "Khenchela");
- DZ.put("DZ-03", "Laghouat");
- DZ.put("DZ-28", "M'sila");
- DZ.put("DZ-29", "Mascara");
- DZ.put("DZ-26", "Medea");
- DZ.put("DZ-43", "Mila");
- DZ.put("DZ-27", "Mostaganem");
- DZ.put("DZ-45", "Naama");
- DZ.put("DZ-31", "Oran");
- DZ.put("DZ-30", "Ouargla");
- DZ.put("DZ-51", "Ouled Djellal");
- DZ.put("DZ-04", "Oum el Bouaghi");
- DZ.put("DZ-48", "Relizane");
- DZ.put("DZ-20", "Saida");
- DZ.put("DZ-19", "Setif");
- DZ.put("DZ-22", "Sidi Bel Abbes");
- DZ.put("DZ-21", "Skikda");
- DZ.put("DZ-41", "Souk Ahras");
- DZ.put("DZ-11", "Tamanrasset");
- DZ.put("DZ-12", "Tebessa");
- DZ.put("DZ-14", "Tiaret");
- DZ.put("DZ-49", "Timimoun");
- DZ.put("DZ-37", "Tindouf");
- DZ.put("DZ-42", "Tipaza");
- DZ.put("DZ-38", "Tissemsilt");
- DZ.put("DZ-15", "Tizi Ouzou");
- DZ.put("DZ-13", "Tlemcen");
- DZ.put("DZ-55", "Touggourt");
- }
- static {
- EC.put("EC-A", "Azuay");
- EC.put("EC-B", "Bolivar");
- EC.put("EC-F", "Canar");
- EC.put("EC-C", "Carchi");
- EC.put("EC-H", "Chimborazo");
- EC.put("EC-X", "Cotopaxi");
- EC.put("EC-O", "El Oro");
- EC.put("EC-E", "Esmeraldas");
- EC.put("EC-W", "Galapagos");
- EC.put("EC-G", "Guayas");
- EC.put("EC-I", "Imbabura");
- EC.put("EC-L", "Loja");
- EC.put("EC-R", "Los Rios");
- EC.put("EC-M", "Manabi");
- EC.put("EC-S", "Morona Santiago");
- EC.put("EC-N", "Napo");
- EC.put("EC-D", "Orellana");
- EC.put("EC-Y", "Pastaza");
- EC.put("EC-P", "Pichincha");
- EC.put("EC-SE", "Santa Elena");
- EC.put("EC-SD", "Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas");
- EC.put("EC-U", "Sucumbios");
- EC.put("EC-T", "Tungurahua");
- EC.put("EC-Z", "Zamora Chinchipe");
- }
- static {
- EE.put("EE-37", "Harjumaa");
- EE.put("EE-39", "Hiiumaa");
- EE.put("EE-45", "Ida-Virumaa");
- EE.put("EE-52", "Jarvamaa");
- EE.put("EE-50", "Jogevamaa");
- EE.put("EE-60", "Laane-Virumaa");
- EE.put("EE-56", "Laanemaa");
- EE.put("EE-68", "Parnumaa");
- EE.put("EE-64", "Polvamaa");
- EE.put("EE-71", "Raplamaa");
- EE.put("EE-74", "Saaremaa");
- EE.put("EE-79", "Tartumaa");
- EE.put("EE-81", "Valgamaa");
- EE.put("EE-84", "Viljandimaa");
- EE.put("EE-87", "Vorumaa");
- }
- static {
- EG.put("EG-DK", "Ad Daqahliyah");
- EG.put("EG-BA", "Al Bahr al Ahmar");
- EG.put("EG-BH", "Al Buhayrah");
- EG.put("EG-FYM", "Al Fayyum");
- EG.put("EG-GH", "Al Gharbiyah");
- EG.put("EG-ALX", "Al Iskandariyah");
- EG.put("EG-IS", "Al Isma'iliyah");
- EG.put("EG-GZ", "Al Jizah");
- EG.put("EG-MNF", "Al Minufiyah");
- EG.put("EG-MN", "Al Minya");
- EG.put("EG-C", "Al Qahirah");
- EG.put("EG-KB", "Al Qalyubiyah");
- EG.put("EG-LX", "Al Uqsur");
- EG.put("EG-WAD", "Al Wadi al Jadid");
- EG.put("EG-SUZ", "As Suways");
- EG.put("EG-SHR", "Ash Sharqiyah");
- EG.put("EG-ASN", "Aswan");
- EG.put("EG-AST", "Asyut");
- EG.put("EG-BNS", "Bani Suwayf");
- EG.put("EG-PTS", "Bur Sa'id");
- EG.put("EG-DT", "Dumyat");
- EG.put("EG-JS", "Janub Sina'");
- EG.put("EG-KFS", "Kafr ash Shaykh");
- EG.put("EG-MT", "Matruh");
- EG.put("EG-KN", "Qina");
- EG.put("EG-SIN", "Shamal Sina'");
- EG.put("EG-SHG", "Suhaj");
- }
- static {
- ER.put("ER-MA", "Al Awsat");
- ER.put("ER-GB", "Qash-Barkah");
- }
- static {
- ES.put("ES-AN", "Andalucia");
- ES.put("ES-AR", "Aragon");
- ES.put("ES-AS", "Asturias, Principado de");
- ES.put("ES-CN", "Canarias");
- ES.put("ES-CB", "Cantabria");
- ES.put("ES-CL", "Castilla y Leon");
- ES.put("ES-CM", "Castilla-La Mancha");
- ES.put("ES-CT", "Catalunya");
- ES.put("ES-CE", "Ceuta");
- ES.put("ES-EX", "Extremadura");
- ES.put("ES-GA", "Galicia");
- ES.put("ES-IB", "Illes Balears");
- ES.put("ES-RI", "La Rioja");
- ES.put("ES-MD", "Madrid, Comunidad de");
- ES.put("ES-ML", "Melilla");
- ES.put("ES-MC", "Murcia, Region de");
- ES.put("ES-NC", "Navarra, Comunidad Foral de");
- ES.put("ES-PV", "Pais Vasco");
- ES.put("ES-VC", "Valenciana, Comunidad");
- }
- static {
- ET.put("ET-AA", "Addis Ababa");
- ET.put("ET-AF", "Afar");
- ET.put("ET-AM", "Amara");
- ET.put("ET-BE", "Benshangul-Gumaz");
- ET.put("ET-DD", "Dire Dawa");
- ET.put("ET-HA", "Harari People");
- ET.put("ET-OR", "Oromia");
- ET.put("ET-SO", "Somali");
- ET.put("ET-SN", "Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples");
- ET.put("ET-TI", "Tigrai");
- }
- static {
- FI.put("FI-02", "Etela-Karjala");
- FI.put("FI-03", "Etela-Pohjanmaa");
- FI.put("FI-04", "Etela-Savo");
- FI.put("FI-05", "Kainuu");
- FI.put("FI-06", "Kanta-Hame");
- FI.put("FI-07", "Keski-Pohjanmaa");
- FI.put("FI-08", "Keski-Suomi");
- FI.put("FI-09", "Kymenlaakso");
- FI.put("FI-10", "Lappi");
- FI.put("FI-16", "Paijat-Hame");
- FI.put("FI-11", "Pirkanmaa");
- FI.put("FI-12", "Pohjanmaa");
- FI.put("FI-13", "Pohjois-Karjala");
- FI.put("FI-14", "Pohjois-Pohjanmaa");
- FI.put("FI-15", "Pohjois-Savo");
- FI.put("FI-17", "Satakunta");
- FI.put("FI-18", "Uusimaa");
- FI.put("FI-19", "Varsinais-Suomi");
- }
- static {
- FJ.put("FJ-C", "Central");
- FJ.put("FJ-E", "Eastern");
- FJ.put("FJ-N", "Northern");
- FJ.put("FJ-R", "Rotuma");
- FJ.put("FJ-W", "Western");
- }
- static {
- FM.put("FM-TRK", "Chuuk");
- FM.put("FM-KSA", "Kosrae");
- FM.put("FM-PNI", "Pohnpei");
- FM.put("FM-YAP", "Yap");
- }
- static {
- FR.put("FR-ARA", "Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes");
- FR.put("FR-BFC", "Bourgogne-Franche-Comte");
- FR.put("FR-BRE", "Bretagne");
- FR.put("FR-CVL", "Centre-Val de Loire");
- FR.put("FR-20R", "Corse");
- FR.put("FR-GES", "Grand-Est");
- FR.put("FR-HDF", "Hauts-de-France");
- FR.put("FR-IDF", "Ile-de-France");
- FR.put("FR-NOR", "Normandie");
- FR.put("FR-NAQ", "Nouvelle-Aquitaine");
- FR.put("FR-OCC", "Occitanie");
- FR.put("FR-PDL", "Pays-de-la-Loire");
- FR.put("FR-PAC", "Provence-Alpes-Cote-d'Azur");
- }
- static {
- GA.put("GA-1", "Estuaire");
- GA.put("GA-2", "Haut-Ogooue");
- GA.put("GA-3", "Moyen-Ogooue");
- GA.put("GA-4", "Ngounie");
- GA.put("GA-5", "Nyanga");
- GA.put("GA-7", "Ogooue-Lolo");
- GA.put("GA-8", "Ogooue-Maritime");
- GA.put("GA-9", "Woleu-Ntem");
- }
- static {
- GB.put("GB-ENG", "England");
- GB.put("GB-NIR", "Northern Ireland");
- GB.put("GB-SCT", "Scotland");
- GB.put("GB-WLS", "Wales");
- }
- static {
- GD.put("GD-01", "Saint Andrew");
- GD.put("GD-02", "Saint David");
- GD.put("GD-03", "Saint George");
- GD.put("GD-04", "Saint John");
- GD.put("GD-05", "Saint Mark");
- GD.put("GD-06", "Saint Patrick");
- GD.put("GD-10", "Southern Grenadine Islands");
- }
- static {
- GE.put("GE-AB", "Abkhazia");
- GE.put("GE-AJ", "Ajaria");
- GE.put("GE-GU", "Guria");
- GE.put("GE-IM", "Imereti");
- GE.put("GE-KA", "K'akheti");
- GE.put("GE-KK", "Kvemo Kartli");
- GE.put("GE-MM", "Mtskheta-Mtianeti");
- GE.put("GE-RL", "Rach'a-Lechkhumi-Kvemo Svaneti");
- GE.put("GE-SZ", "Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti");
- GE.put("GE-SJ", "Samtskhe-Javakheti");
- GE.put("GE-SK", "Shida Kartli");
- GE.put("GE-TB", "Tbilisi");
- }
- static {
- GH.put("GH-AF", "Ahafo");
- GH.put("GH-AH", "Ashanti");
- GH.put("GH-BO", "Bono");
- GH.put("GH-BE", "Bono East");
- GH.put("GH-CP", "Central");
- GH.put("GH-EP", "Eastern");
- GH.put("GH-AA", "Greater Accra");
- GH.put("GH-NP", "Northern");
- GH.put("GH-UE", "Upper East");
- GH.put("GH-UW", "Upper West");
- GH.put("GH-TV", "Volta");
- GH.put("GH-WP", "Western");
- }
- static {
- GL.put("GL-AV", "Avannaata Kommunia");
- GL.put("GL-KU", "Kommune Kujalleq");
- GL.put("GL-QT", "Kommune Qeqertalik");
- GL.put("GL-SM", "Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq");
- GL.put("GL-QE", "Qeqqata Kommunia");
- }
- static {
- GM.put("GM-B", "Banjul");
- GM.put("GM-M", "Central River");
- GM.put("GM-L", "Lower River");
- GM.put("GM-N", "North Bank");
- GM.put("GM-U", "Upper River");
- GM.put("GM-W", "Western");
- }
- static {
- GN.put("GN-BF", "Boffa");
- GN.put("GN-BK", "Boke");
- GN.put("GN-C", "Conakry");
- GN.put("GN-DB", "Dabola");
- GN.put("GN-DI", "Dinguiraye");
- GN.put("GN-DU", "Dubreka");
- GN.put("GN-FR", "Fria");
- GN.put("GN-KA", "Kankan");
- GN.put("GN-KO", "Kouroussa");
- GN.put("GN-LA", "Labe");
- GN.put("GN-SI", "Siguiri");
- }
- static {
- GQ.put("GQ-BN", "Bioko Norte");
- GQ.put("GQ-CS", "Centro Sur");
- GQ.put("GQ-KN", "Kie-Ntem");
- GQ.put("GQ-LI", "Litoral");
- GQ.put("GQ-WN", "Wele-Nzas");
- }
- static {
- GR.put("GR-A", "Anatoliki Makedonia kai Thraki");
- GR.put("GR-I", "Attiki");
- GR.put("GR-G", "Dytiki Ellada");
- GR.put("GR-C", "Dytiki Makedonia");
- GR.put("GR-F", "Ionia Nisia");
- GR.put("GR-D", "Ipeiros");
- GR.put("GR-B", "Kentriki Makedonia");
- GR.put("GR-M", "Kriti");
- GR.put("GR-L", "Notio Aigaio");
- GR.put("GR-J", "Peloponnisos");
- GR.put("GR-H", "Sterea Ellada");
- GR.put("GR-E", "Thessalia");
- GR.put("GR-K", "Voreio Aigaio");
- }
- static {
- GT.put("GT-16", "Alta Verapaz");
- GT.put("GT-15", "Baja Verapaz");
- GT.put("GT-04", "Chimaltenango");
- GT.put("GT-20", "Chiquimula");
- GT.put("GT-02", "El Progreso");
- GT.put("GT-05", "Escuintla");
- GT.put("GT-01", "Guatemala");
- GT.put("GT-13", "Huehuetenango");
- GT.put("GT-18", "Izabal");
- GT.put("GT-21", "Jalapa");
- GT.put("GT-22", "Jutiapa");
- GT.put("GT-17", "Peten");
- GT.put("GT-09", "Quetzaltenango");
- GT.put("GT-14", "Quiche");
- GT.put("GT-11", "Retalhuleu");
- GT.put("GT-03", "Sacatepequez");
- GT.put("GT-12", "San Marcos");
- GT.put("GT-06", "Santa Rosa");
- GT.put("GT-07", "Solola");
- GT.put("GT-10", "Suchitepequez");
- GT.put("GT-08", "Totonicapan");
- GT.put("GT-19", "Zacapa");
- }
- static {
- GW.put("GW-BA", "Bafata");
- GW.put("GW-BS", "Bissau");
- GW.put("GW-CA", "Cacheu");
- GW.put("GW-GA", "Gabu");
- GW.put("GW-OI", "Oio");
- }
- static {
- GY.put("GY-BA", "Barima-Waini");
- GY.put("GY-CU", "Cuyuni-Mazaruni");
- GY.put("GY-DE", "Demerara-Mahaica");
- GY.put("GY-EB", "East Berbice-Corentyne");
- GY.put("GY-ES", "Essequibo Islands-West Demerara");
- GY.put("GY-MA", "Mahaica-Berbice");
- GY.put("GY-PM", "Pomeroon-Supenaam");
- GY.put("GY-PT", "Potaro-Siparuni");
- GY.put("GY-UD", "Upper Demerara-Berbice");
- }
- static {
- HN.put("HN-AT", "Atlantida");
- HN.put("HN-CH", "Choluteca");
- HN.put("HN-CL", "Colon");
- HN.put("HN-CM", "Comayagua");
- HN.put("HN-CP", "Copan");
- HN.put("HN-CR", "Cortes");
- HN.put("HN-EP", "El Paraiso");
- HN.put("HN-FM", "Francisco Morazan");
- HN.put("HN-GD", "Gracias a Dios");
- HN.put("HN-IN", "Intibuca");
- HN.put("HN-IB", "Islas de la Bahia");
- HN.put("HN-LP", "La Paz");
- HN.put("HN-LE", "Lempira");
- HN.put("HN-OC", "Ocotepeque");
- HN.put("HN-OL", "Olancho");
- HN.put("HN-SB", "Santa Barbara");
- HN.put("HN-VA", "Valle");
- HN.put("HN-YO", "Yoro");
- }
- static {
- HR.put("HR-07", "Bjelovarsko-bilogorska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-12", "Brodsko-posavska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-19", "Dubrovacko-neretvanska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-21", "Grad Zagreb");
- HR.put("HR-18", "Istarska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-04", "Karlovacka zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-06", "Koprivnicko-krizevacka zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-02", "Krapinsko-zagorska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-09", "Licko-senjska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-20", "Medimurska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-14", "Osjecko-baranjska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-11", "Pozesko-slavonska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-08", "Primorsko-goranska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-15", "Sibensko-kninska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-03", "Sisacko-moslavacka zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-17", "Splitsko-dalmatinska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-05", "Varazdinska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-10", "Viroviticko-podravska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-16", "Vukovarsko-srijemska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-13", "Zadarska zupanija");
- HR.put("HR-01", "Zagrebacka zupanija");
- }
- static {
- HT.put("HT-AR", "Artibonite");
- HT.put("HT-CE", "Centre");
- HT.put("HT-GA", "Grande'Anse");
- HT.put("HT-NI", "Nippes");
- HT.put("HT-ND", "Nord");
- HT.put("HT-NO", "Nord-Ouest");
- HT.put("HT-OU", "Ouest");
- HT.put("HT-SD", "Sud");
- HT.put("HT-SE", "Sud-Est");
- }
- static {
- HU.put("HU-BK", "Bacs-Kiskun");
- HU.put("HU-BA", "Baranya");
- HU.put("HU-BE", "Bekes");
- HU.put("HU-BZ", "Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen");
- HU.put("HU-BU", "Budapest");
- HU.put("HU-CS", "Csongrad-Csanad");
- HU.put("HU-FE", "Fejer");
- HU.put("HU-GS", "Gyor-Moson-Sopron");
- HU.put("HU-HB", "Hajdu-Bihar");
- HU.put("HU-HE", "Heves");
- HU.put("HU-JN", "Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok");
- HU.put("HU-KE", "Komarom-Esztergom");
- HU.put("HU-NO", "Nograd");
- HU.put("HU-PE", "Pest");
- HU.put("HU-SO", "Somogy");
- HU.put("HU-SZ", "Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg");
- HU.put("HU-TO", "Tolna");
- HU.put("HU-VA", "Vas");
- HU.put("HU-VE", "Veszprem");
- HU.put("HU-ZA", "Zala");
- }
- static {
- ID.put("ID-AC", "Aceh");
- ID.put("ID-BA", "Bali");
- ID.put("ID-BT", "Banten");
- ID.put("ID-BE", "Bengkulu");
- ID.put("ID-GO", "Gorontalo");
- ID.put("ID-JK", "Jakarta Raya");
- ID.put("ID-JA", "Jambi");
- ID.put("ID-JB", "Jawa Barat");
- ID.put("ID-JT", "Jawa Tengah");
- ID.put("ID-JI", "Jawa Timur");
- ID.put("ID-KB", "Kalimantan Barat");
- ID.put("ID-KS", "Kalimantan Selatan");
- ID.put("ID-KT", "Kalimantan Tengah");
- ID.put("ID-KI", "Kalimantan Timur");
- ID.put("ID-KU", "Kalimantan Utara");
- ID.put("ID-BB", "Kepulauan Bangka Belitung");
- ID.put("ID-KR", "Kepulauan Riau");
- ID.put("ID-LA", "Lampung");
- ID.put("ID-ML", "Maluku");
- ID.put("ID-MU", "Maluku Utara");
- ID.put("ID-NB", "Nusa Tenggara Barat");
- ID.put("ID-NT", "Nusa Tenggara Timur");
- ID.put("ID-PP", "Papua");
- ID.put("ID-PB", "Papua Barat");
- ID.put("ID-PE", "Papua Pengunungan");
- ID.put("ID-PS", "Papua Selatan");
- ID.put("ID-PT", "Papua Tengah");
- ID.put("ID-RI", "Riau");
- ID.put("ID-SR", "Sulawesi Barat");
- ID.put("ID-SN", "Sulawesi Selatan");
- ID.put("ID-ST", "Sulawesi Tengah");
- ID.put("ID-SG", "Sulawesi Tenggara");
- ID.put("ID-SA", "Sulawesi Utara");
- ID.put("ID-SB", "Sumatera Barat");
- ID.put("ID-SS", "Sumatera Selatan");
- ID.put("ID-SU", "Sumatera Utara");
- ID.put("ID-YO", "Yogyakarta");
- }
- static {
- IE.put("IE-CW", "Carlow");
- IE.put("IE-CN", "Cavan");
- IE.put("IE-CE", "Clare");
- IE.put("IE-CO", "Cork");
- IE.put("IE-DL", "Donegal");
- IE.put("IE-D", "Dublin");
- IE.put("IE-G", "Galway");
- IE.put("IE-KY", "Kerry");
- IE.put("IE-KE", "Kildare");
- IE.put("IE-KK", "Kilkenny");
- IE.put("IE-LS", "Laois");
- IE.put("IE-LM", "Leitrim");
- IE.put("IE-LK", "Limerick");
- IE.put("IE-LD", "Longford");
- IE.put("IE-LH", "Louth");
- IE.put("IE-MO", "Mayo");
- IE.put("IE-MH", "Meath");
- IE.put("IE-MN", "Monaghan");
- IE.put("IE-OY", "Offaly");
- IE.put("IE-RN", "Roscommon");
- IE.put("IE-SO", "Sligo");
- IE.put("IE-TA", "Tipperary");
- IE.put("IE-WD", "Waterford");
- IE.put("IE-WH", "Westmeath");
- IE.put("IE-WX", "Wexford");
- IE.put("IE-WW", "Wicklow");
- }
- static {
- IL.put("IL-D", "HaDarom");
- IL.put("IL-M", "HaMerkaz");
- IL.put("IL-Z", "HaTsafon");
- IL.put("IL-HA", "Hefa");
- IL.put("IL-TA", "Tel Aviv");
- IL.put("IL-JM", "Yerushalayim");
- }
- static {
- IN.put("IN-AN", "Andaman and Nicobar Islands");
- IN.put("IN-AP", "Andhra Pradesh");
- IN.put("IN-AR", "Arunachal Pradesh");
- IN.put("IN-AS", "Assam");
- IN.put("IN-BR", "Bihar");
- IN.put("IN-CH", "Chandigarh");
- IN.put("IN-CT", "Chhattisgarh");
- IN.put("IN-DN", "Dadra and Nagar Haveli");
- IN.put("IN-DH", "Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu");
- IN.put("IN-DL", "Delhi");
- IN.put("IN-GA", "Goa");
- IN.put("IN-GJ", "Gujarat");
- IN.put("IN-HR", "Haryana");
- IN.put("IN-HP", "Himachal Pradesh");
- IN.put("IN-JK", "Jammu and Kashmir");
- IN.put("IN-JH", "Jharkhand");
- IN.put("IN-KA", "Karnataka");
- IN.put("IN-KL", "Kerala");
- IN.put("IN-LD", "Lakshadweep");
- IN.put("IN-MP", "Madhya Pradesh");
- IN.put("IN-MH", "Maharashtra");
- IN.put("IN-MN", "Manipur");
- IN.put("IN-ML", "Meghalaya");
- IN.put("IN-MZ", "Mizoram");
- IN.put("IN-NL", "Nagaland");
- IN.put("IN-OR", "Odisha");
- IN.put("IN-PY", "Puducherry");
- IN.put("IN-PB", "Punjab");
- IN.put("IN-RJ", "Rajasthan");
- IN.put("IN-SK", "Sikkim");
- IN.put("IN-TN", "Tamil Nadu");
- IN.put("IN-TG", "Telangana");
- IN.put("IN-TR", "Tripura");
- IN.put("IN-UP", "Uttar Pradesh");
- IN.put("IN-UT", "Uttarakhand");
- IN.put("IN-WB", "West Bengal");
- }
- static {
- IQ.put("IQ-AN", "Al Anbar");
- IQ.put("IQ-BA", "Al Basrah");
- IQ.put("IQ-MU", "Al Muthanna");
- IQ.put("IQ-QA", "Al Qadisiyah");
- IQ.put("IQ-NA", "An Najaf");
- IQ.put("IQ-AR", "Arbil");
- IQ.put("IQ-SU", "As Sulaymaniyah");
- IQ.put("IQ-BB", "Babil");
- IQ.put("IQ-BG", "Baghdad");
- IQ.put("IQ-DA", "Dahuk");
- IQ.put("IQ-DQ", "Dhi Qar");
- IQ.put("IQ-DI", "Diyala");
- IQ.put("IQ-KA", "Karbala'");
- IQ.put("IQ-KI", "Kirkuk");
- IQ.put("IQ-MA", "Maysan");
- IQ.put("IQ-NI", "Ninawa");
- IQ.put("IQ-SD", "Salah ad Din");
- IQ.put("IQ-WA", "Wasit");
- }
- static {
- IR.put("IR-30", "Alborz");
- IR.put("IR-24", "Ardabil");
- IR.put("IR-04", "Azarbayjan-e Gharbi");
- IR.put("IR-03", "Azarbayjan-e Sharqi");
- IR.put("IR-18", "Bushehr");
- IR.put("IR-14", "Chahar Mahal va Bakhtiari");
- IR.put("IR-10", "Esfahan");
- IR.put("IR-07", "Fars");
- IR.put("IR-01", "Gilan");
- IR.put("IR-27", "Golestan");
- IR.put("IR-13", "Hamadan");
- IR.put("IR-22", "Hormozgan");
- IR.put("IR-16", "Ilam");
- IR.put("IR-08", "Kerman");
- IR.put("IR-05", "Kermanshah");
- IR.put("IR-29", "Khorasan-e Jonubi");
- IR.put("IR-09", "Khorasan-e Razavi");
- IR.put("IR-28", "Khorasan-e Shomali");
- IR.put("IR-06", "Khuzestan");
- IR.put("IR-17", "Kohgiluyeh va Bowyer Ahmad");
- IR.put("IR-12", "Kordestan");
- IR.put("IR-15", "Lorestan");
- IR.put("IR-00", "Markazi");
- IR.put("IR-02", "Mazandaran");
- IR.put("IR-26", "Qazvin");
- IR.put("IR-25", "Qom");
- IR.put("IR-20", "Semnan");
- IR.put("IR-11", "Sistan va Baluchestan");
- IR.put("IR-23", "Tehran");
- IR.put("IR-21", "Yazd");
- IR.put("IR-19", "Zanjan");
- }
- static {
- IS.put("IS-7", "Austurland");
- IS.put("IS-1", "Hofudborgarsvaedi");
- IS.put("IS-6", "Nordurland eystra");
- IS.put("IS-5", "Nordurland vestra");
- IS.put("IS-8", "Sudurland");
- IS.put("IS-2", "Sudurnes");
- IS.put("IS-4", "Vestfirdir");
- IS.put("IS-3", "Vesturland");
- }
- static {
- IT.put("IT-65", "Abruzzo");
- IT.put("IT-77", "Basilicata");
- IT.put("IT-78", "Calabria");
- IT.put("IT-72", "Campania");
- IT.put("IT-45", "Emilia-Romagna");
- IT.put("IT-36", "Friuli-Venezia Giulia");
- IT.put("IT-62", "Lazio");
- IT.put("IT-42", "Liguria");
- IT.put("IT-25", "Lombardia");
- IT.put("IT-57", "Marche");
- IT.put("IT-67", "Molise");
- IT.put("IT-21", "Piemonte");
- IT.put("IT-75", "Puglia");
- IT.put("IT-88", "Sardegna");
- IT.put("IT-82", "Sicilia");
- IT.put("IT-52", "Toscana");
- IT.put("IT-32", "Trentino-Alto Adige");
- IT.put("IT-55", "Umbria");
- IT.put("IT-23", "Valle d'Aosta");
- IT.put("IT-34", "Veneto");
- }
- static {
- JM.put("JM-13", "Clarendon");
- JM.put("JM-09", "Hanover");
- JM.put("JM-01", "Kingston");
- JM.put("JM-12", "Manchester");
- JM.put("JM-04", "Portland");
- JM.put("JM-02", "Saint Andrew");
- JM.put("JM-06", "Saint Ann");
- JM.put("JM-14", "Saint Catherine");
- JM.put("JM-11", "Saint Elizabeth");
- JM.put("JM-08", "Saint James");
- JM.put("JM-05", "Saint Mary");
- JM.put("JM-03", "Saint Thomas");
- JM.put("JM-07", "Trelawny");
- JM.put("JM-10", "Westmoreland");
- }
- static {
- JO.put("JO-AJ", "'Ajlun");
- JO.put("JO-AQ", "Al 'Aqabah");
- JO.put("JO-AM", "Al 'Asimah");
- JO.put("JO-BA", "Al Balqa'");
- JO.put("JO-KA", "Al Karak");
- JO.put("JO-MA", "Al Mafraq");
- JO.put("JO-AT", "At Tafilah");
- JO.put("JO-AZ", "Az Zarqa'");
- JO.put("JO-IR", "Irbid");
- JO.put("JO-JA", "Jarash");
- JO.put("JO-MN", "Ma'an");
- JO.put("JO-MD", "Madaba");
- }
- static {
- JP.put("JP-23", "Aichi");
- JP.put("JP-05", "Akita");
- JP.put("JP-02", "Aomori");
- JP.put("JP-12", "Chiba");
- JP.put("JP-38", "Ehime");
- JP.put("JP-18", "Fukui");
- JP.put("JP-40", "Fukuoka");
- JP.put("JP-07", "Fukushima");
- JP.put("JP-21", "Gifu");
- JP.put("JP-10", "Gunma");
- JP.put("JP-34", "Hiroshima");
- JP.put("JP-01", "Hokkaido");
- JP.put("JP-28", "Hyogo");
- JP.put("JP-08", "Ibaraki");
- JP.put("JP-17", "Ishikawa");
- JP.put("JP-03", "Iwate");
- JP.put("JP-37", "Kagawa");
- JP.put("JP-46", "Kagoshima");
- JP.put("JP-14", "Kanagawa");
- JP.put("JP-39", "Kochi");
- JP.put("JP-43", "Kumamoto");
- JP.put("JP-26", "Kyoto");
- JP.put("JP-24", "Mie");
- JP.put("JP-04", "Miyagi");
- JP.put("JP-45", "Miyazaki");
- JP.put("JP-20", "Nagano");
- JP.put("JP-42", "Nagasaki");
- JP.put("JP-29", "Nara");
- JP.put("JP-15", "Niigata");
- JP.put("JP-44", "Oita");
- JP.put("JP-33", "Okayama");
- JP.put("JP-47", "Okinawa");
- JP.put("JP-27", "Osaka");
- JP.put("JP-41", "Saga");
- JP.put("JP-11", "Saitama");
- JP.put("JP-25", "Shiga");
- JP.put("JP-32", "Shimane");
- JP.put("JP-22", "Shizuoka");
- JP.put("JP-09", "Tochigi");
- JP.put("JP-36", "Tokushima");
- JP.put("JP-13", "Tokyo");
- JP.put("JP-31", "Tottori");
- JP.put("JP-16", "Toyama");
- JP.put("JP-30", "Wakayama");
- JP.put("JP-06", "Yamagata");
- JP.put("JP-35", "Yamaguchi");
- JP.put("JP-19", "Yamanashi");
- }
- static {
- KE.put("KE-01", "Baringo");
- KE.put("KE-02", "Bomet");
- KE.put("KE-03", "Bungoma");
- KE.put("KE-04", "Busia");
- KE.put("KE-05", "Elgeyo/Marakwet");
- KE.put("KE-06", "Embu");
- KE.put("KE-07", "Garissa");
- KE.put("KE-08", "Homa Bay");
- KE.put("KE-09", "Isiolo");
- KE.put("KE-10", "Kajiado");
- KE.put("KE-11", "Kakamega");
- KE.put("KE-12", "Kericho");
- KE.put("KE-13", "Kiambu");
- KE.put("KE-14", "Kilifi");
- KE.put("KE-15", "Kirinyaga");
- KE.put("KE-16", "Kisii");
- KE.put("KE-17", "Kisumu");
- KE.put("KE-18", "Kitui");
- KE.put("KE-19", "Kwale");
- KE.put("KE-20", "Laikipia");
- KE.put("KE-21", "Lamu");
- KE.put("KE-22", "Machakos");
- KE.put("KE-23", "Makueni");
- KE.put("KE-24", "Mandera");
- KE.put("KE-25", "Marsabit");
- KE.put("KE-26", "Meru");
- KE.put("KE-27", "Migori");
- KE.put("KE-28", "Mombasa");
- KE.put("KE-29", "Murang'a");
- KE.put("KE-30", "Nairobi City");
- KE.put("KE-31", "Nakuru");
- KE.put("KE-32", "Nandi");
- KE.put("KE-33", "Narok");
- KE.put("KE-34", "Nyamira");
- KE.put("KE-35", "Nyandarua");
- KE.put("KE-36", "Nyeri");
- KE.put("KE-37", "Samburu");
- KE.put("KE-38", "Siaya");
- KE.put("KE-39", "Taita/Taveta");
- KE.put("KE-40", "Tana River");
- KE.put("KE-41", "Tharaka-Nithi");
- KE.put("KE-42", "Trans Nzoia");
- KE.put("KE-43", "Turkana");
- KE.put("KE-44", "Uasin Gishu");
- KE.put("KE-45", "Vihiga");
- KE.put("KE-46", "Wajir");
- KE.put("KE-47", "West Pokot");
- }
- static {
- KG.put("KG-B", "Batken");
- KG.put("KG-GB", "Bishkek Shaary");
- KG.put("KG-C", "Chuy");
- KG.put("KG-J", "Jalal-Abad");
- KG.put("KG-N", "Naryn");
- KG.put("KG-GO", "Osh Shaary");
- KG.put("KG-T", "Talas");
- KG.put("KG-Y", "Ysyk-Kol");
- }
- static {
- KH.put("KH-2", "Baat Dambang");
- KH.put("KH-1", "Banteay Mean Choay");
- KH.put("KH-23", "Kaeb");
- KH.put("KH-3", "Kampong Chaam");
- KH.put("KH-4", "Kampong Chhnang");
- KH.put("KH-5", "Kampong Spueu");
- KH.put("KH-6", "Kampong Thum");
- KH.put("KH-7", "Kampot");
- KH.put("KH-8", "Kandaal");
- KH.put("KH-9", "Kaoh Kong");
- KH.put("KH-10", "Kracheh");
- KH.put("KH-11", "Mondol Kiri");
- KH.put("KH-24", "Pailin");
- KH.put("KH-12", "Phnom Penh");
- KH.put("KH-15", "Pousaat");
- KH.put("KH-18", "Preah Sihanouk");
- KH.put("KH-13", "Preah Vihear");
- KH.put("KH-14", "Prey Veaeng");
- KH.put("KH-17", "Siem Reab");
- KH.put("KH-19", "Stueng Traeng");
- KH.put("KH-20", "Svaay Rieng");
- KH.put("KH-21", "Taakaev");
- }
- static {
- KI.put("KI-G", "Gilbert Islands");
- KI.put("KI-L", "Line Islands");
- }
- static {
- KM.put("KM-G", "Grande Comore");
- KM.put("KM-M", "Moheli");
- }
- static {
- KN.put("KN-01", "Christ Church Nichola Town");
- KN.put("KN-02", "Saint Anne Sandy Point");
- KN.put("KN-03", "Saint George Basseterre");
- KN.put("KN-05", "Saint James Windward");
- KN.put("KN-06", "Saint John Capisterre");
- KN.put("KN-07", "Saint John Figtree");
- KN.put("KN-08", "Saint Mary Cayon");
- KN.put("KN-09", "Saint Paul Capisterre");
- KN.put("KN-10", "Saint Paul Charlestown");
- KN.put("KN-11", "Saint Peter Basseterre");
- KN.put("KN-13", "Saint Thomas Middle Island");
- KN.put("KN-15", "Trinity Palmetto Point");
- }
- static {
- KP.put("KP-01", "P'yongyang");
- }
- static {
- KR.put("KR-26", "Busan-gwangyeoksi");
- KR.put("KR-43", "Chungcheongbuk-do");
- KR.put("KR-44", "Chungcheongnam-do");
- KR.put("KR-27", "Daegu-gwangyeoksi");
- KR.put("KR-30", "Daejeon-gwangyeoksi");
- KR.put("KR-42", "Gangwon-do");
- KR.put("KR-29", "Gwangju-gwangyeoksi");
- KR.put("KR-41", "Gyeonggi-do");
- KR.put("KR-47", "Gyeongsangbuk-do");
- KR.put("KR-48", "Gyeongsangnam-do");
- KR.put("KR-28", "Incheon-gwangyeoksi");
- KR.put("KR-49", "Jeju-teukbyeoljachido");
- KR.put("KR-45", "Jeollabuk-do");
- KR.put("KR-46", "Jeollanam-do");
- KR.put("KR-11", "Seoul-teukbyeolsi");
- KR.put("KR-31", "Ulsan-gwangyeoksi");
- }
- static {
- KW.put("KW-KU", "Al 'Asimah");
- KW.put("KW-AH", "Al Ahmadi");
- KW.put("KW-FA", "Al Farwaniyah");
- KW.put("KW-JA", "Al Jahra'");
- KW.put("KW-HA", "Hawalli");
- KW.put("KW-MU", "Mubarak al Kabir");
- }
- static {
- KZ.put("KZ-10", "Abay oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-75", "Almaty");
- KZ.put("KZ-19", "Almaty oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-11", "Aqmola oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-15", "Aqtobe oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-71", "Astana");
- KZ.put("KZ-23", "Atyrau oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-27", "Batys Qazaqstan oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-47", "Mangghystau oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-55", "Pavlodar oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-35", "Qaraghandy oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-39", "Qostanay oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-43", "Qyzylorda oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-63", "Shyghys Qazaqstan oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-79", "Shymkent");
- KZ.put("KZ-59", "Soltustik Qazaqstan oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-61", "Turkistan oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-62", "Ulytau oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-31", "Zhambyl oblysy");
- KZ.put("KZ-33", "Zhetisu oblysy");
- }
- static {
- LA.put("LA-AT", "Attapu");
- LA.put("LA-BK", "Bokeo");
- LA.put("LA-BL", "Bolikhamxai");
- LA.put("LA-CH", "Champasak");
- LA.put("LA-KH", "Khammouan");
- LA.put("LA-LP", "Louangphabang");
- LA.put("LA-OU", "Oudomxai");
- LA.put("LA-PH", "Phongsali");
- LA.put("LA-SV", "Savannakhet");
- LA.put("LA-VI", "Viangchan");
- LA.put("LA-XA", "Xaignabouli");
- LA.put("LA-XE", "Xekong");
- LA.put("LA-XI", "Xiangkhouang");
- }
- static {
- LB.put("LB-AK", "Aakkar");
- LB.put("LB-BH", "Baalbek-Hermel");
- LB.put("LB-BI", "Beqaa");
- LB.put("LB-BA", "Beyrouth");
- LB.put("LB-AS", "Liban-Nord");
- LB.put("LB-JA", "Liban-Sud");
- LB.put("LB-JL", "Mont-Liban");
- LB.put("LB-NA", "Nabatiye");
- }
- static {
- LC.put("LC-01", "Anse la Raye");
- LC.put("LC-02", "Castries");
- LC.put("LC-03", "Choiseul");
- LC.put("LC-05", "Dennery");
- LC.put("LC-06", "Gros Islet");
- LC.put("LC-07", "Laborie");
- LC.put("LC-08", "Micoud");
- LC.put("LC-10", "Soufriere");
- LC.put("LC-11", "Vieux Fort");
- }
- static {
- LI.put("LI-01", "Balzers");
- LI.put("LI-02", "Eschen");
- LI.put("LI-03", "Gamprin");
- LI.put("LI-04", "Mauren");
- LI.put("LI-06", "Ruggell");
- LI.put("LI-07", "Schaan");
- LI.put("LI-09", "Triesen");
- LI.put("LI-10", "Triesenberg");
- LI.put("LI-11", "Vaduz");
- }
- static {
- LK.put("LK-2", "Central Province");
- LK.put("LK-5", "Eastern Province");
- LK.put("LK-7", "North Central Province");
- LK.put("LK-6", "North Western Province");
- LK.put("LK-4", "Northern Province");
- LK.put("LK-9", "Sabaragamuwa Province");
- LK.put("LK-3", "Southern Province");
- LK.put("LK-8", "Uva Province");
- LK.put("LK-1", "Western Province");
- }
- static {
- LR.put("LR-BM", "Bomi");
- LR.put("LR-BG", "Bong");
- LR.put("LR-GB", "Grand Bassa");
- LR.put("LR-CM", "Grand Cape Mount");
- LR.put("LR-GG", "Grand Gedeh");
- LR.put("LR-MG", "Margibi");
- LR.put("LR-MO", "Montserrado");
- LR.put("LR-RI", "River Cess");
- LR.put("LR-SI", "Sinoe");
- }
- static {
- LS.put("LS-D", "Berea");
- LS.put("LS-B", "Botha-Bothe");
- LS.put("LS-C", "Leribe");
- LS.put("LS-E", "Mafeteng");
- LS.put("LS-A", "Maseru");
- LS.put("LS-F", "Mohale's Hoek");
- LS.put("LS-J", "Mokhotlong");
- LS.put("LS-H", "Qacha's Nek");
- LS.put("LS-G", "Quthing");
- LS.put("LS-K", "Thaba-Tseka");
- }
- static {
- LT.put("LT-AL", "Alytaus apskritis");
- LT.put("LT-KU", "Kauno apskritis");
- LT.put("LT-KL", "Klaipedos apskritis");
- LT.put("LT-MR", "Marijampoles apskritis");
- LT.put("LT-PN", "Panevezio apskritis");
- LT.put("LT-SA", "Siauliu apskritis");
- LT.put("LT-TA", "Taurages apskritis");
- LT.put("LT-TE", "Telsiu apskritis");
- LT.put("LT-UT", "Utenos apskritis");
- LT.put("LT-VL", "Vilniaus apskritis");
- }
- static {
- LU.put("LU-CA", "Capellen");
- LU.put("LU-CL", "Clervaux");
- LU.put("LU-DI", "Diekirch");
- LU.put("LU-EC", "Echternach");
- LU.put("LU-ES", "Esch-sur-Alzette");
- LU.put("LU-GR", "Grevenmacher");
- LU.put("LU-LU", "Luxembourg");
- LU.put("LU-ME", "Mersch");
- LU.put("LU-RD", "Redange");
- LU.put("LU-RM", "Remich");
- LU.put("LU-VD", "Vianden");
- LU.put("LU-WI", "Wiltz");
- }
- static {
- LV.put("LV-011", "Adazu novads");
- LV.put("LV-002", "Aizkraukles novads");
- LV.put("LV-007", "Aluksnes novads");
- LV.put("LV-111", "Augsdaugavas novads");
- LV.put("LV-015", "Balvu novads");
- LV.put("LV-016", "Bauskas novads");
- LV.put("LV-022", "Cesu novads");
- LV.put("LV-DGV", "Daugavpils");
- LV.put("LV-112", "Dienvidkurzemes novads");
- LV.put("LV-026", "Dobeles novads");
- LV.put("LV-033", "Gulbenes novads");
- LV.put("LV-042", "Jekabpils novads");
- LV.put("LV-JEL", "Jelgava");
- LV.put("LV-041", "Jelgavas novads");
- LV.put("LV-JUR", "Jurmala");
- LV.put("LV-052", "Kekavas novads");
- LV.put("LV-047", "Kraslavas novads");
- LV.put("LV-050", "Kuldigas novads");
- LV.put("LV-LPX", "Liepaja");
- LV.put("LV-054", "Limbazu novads");
- LV.put("LV-056", "Livanu novads");
- LV.put("LV-058", "Ludzas novads");
- LV.put("LV-059", "Madonas novads");
- LV.put("LV-062", "Marupes novads");
- LV.put("LV-067", "Ogres novads");
- LV.put("LV-068", "Olaines novads");
- LV.put("LV-073", "Preilu novads");
- LV.put("LV-077", "Rezeknes novads");
- LV.put("LV-RIX", "Riga");
- LV.put("LV-080", "Ropazu novads");
- LV.put("LV-087", "Salaspils novads");
- LV.put("LV-088", "Saldus novads");
- LV.put("LV-089", "Saulkrastu novads");
- LV.put("LV-091", "Siguldas novads");
- LV.put("LV-094", "Smiltenes novads");
- LV.put("LV-097", "Talsu novads");
- LV.put("LV-099", "Tukuma novads");
- LV.put("LV-101", "Valkas novads");
- LV.put("LV-113", "Valmieras novads");
- LV.put("LV-102", "Varaklanu novads");
- LV.put("LV-106", "Ventspils novads");
- }
- static {
- LY.put("LY-BU", "Al Butnan");
- LY.put("LY-JA", "Al Jabal al Akhdar");
- LY.put("LY-JG", "Al Jabal al Gharbi");
- LY.put("LY-JI", "Al Jafarah");
- LY.put("LY-JU", "Al Jufrah");
- LY.put("LY-KF", "Al Kufrah");
- LY.put("LY-MJ", "Al Marj");
- LY.put("LY-MB", "Al Marqab");
- LY.put("LY-WA", "Al Wahat");
- LY.put("LY-NQ", "An Nuqat al Khams");
- LY.put("LY-ZA", "Az Zawiyah");
- LY.put("LY-BA", "Banghazi");
- LY.put("LY-DR", "Darnah");
- LY.put("LY-MI", "Misratah");
- LY.put("LY-MQ", "Murzuq");
- LY.put("LY-NL", "Nalut");
- LY.put("LY-SB", "Sabha");
- LY.put("LY-SR", "Surt");
- LY.put("LY-TB", "Tarabulus");
- LY.put("LY-WS", "Wadi ash Shati'");
- }
- static {
- MA.put("MA-05", "Beni-Mellal-Khenifra");
- MA.put("MA-06", "Casablanca-Settat");
- MA.put("MA-08", "Draa-Tafilalet");
- MA.put("MA-03", "Fes- Meknes");
- MA.put("MA-10", "Guelmim-Oued Noun (EH-partial)");
- MA.put("MA-02", "L'Oriental");
- MA.put("MA-11", "Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra (EH-partial)");
- MA.put("MA-07", "Marrakech-Safi");
- MA.put("MA-04", "Rabat-Sale-Kenitra");
- MA.put("MA-09", "Souss-Massa");
- MA.put("MA-01", "Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima");
- }
- static {
- MC.put("MC-FO", "Fontvieille");
- MC.put("MC-CO", "La Condamine");
- MC.put("MC-MO", "Monaco-Ville");
- MC.put("MC-MG", "Moneghetti");
- MC.put("MC-MC", "Monte-Carlo");
- MC.put("MC-SR", "Saint-Roman");
- }
- static {
- MD.put("MD-AN", "Anenii Noi");
- MD.put("MD-BA", "Balti");
- MD.put("MD-BS", "Basarabeasca");
- MD.put("MD-BD", "Bender");
- MD.put("MD-BR", "Briceni");
- MD.put("MD-CA", "Cahul");
- MD.put("MD-CL", "Calarasi");
- MD.put("MD-CT", "Cantemir");
- MD.put("MD-CS", "Causeni");
- MD.put("MD-CU", "Chisinau");
- MD.put("MD-CM", "Cimislia");
- MD.put("MD-CR", "Criuleni");
- MD.put("MD-DO", "Donduseni");
- MD.put("MD-DR", "Drochia");
- MD.put("MD-DU", "Dubasari");
- MD.put("MD-ED", "Edinet");
- MD.put("MD-FA", "Falesti");
- MD.put("MD-FL", "Floresti");
- MD.put("MD-GA", "Gagauzia, Unitatea teritoriala autonoma");
- MD.put("MD-GL", "Glodeni");
- MD.put("MD-HI", "Hincesti");
- MD.put("MD-IA", "Ialoveni");
- MD.put("MD-LE", "Leova");
- MD.put("MD-NI", "Nisporeni");
- MD.put("MD-OC", "Ocnita");
- MD.put("MD-OR", "Orhei");
- MD.put("MD-RE", "Rezina");
- MD.put("MD-RI", "Riscani");
- MD.put("MD-SI", "Singerei");
- MD.put("MD-SD", "Soldanesti");
- MD.put("MD-SO", "Soroca");
- MD.put("MD-SV", "Stefan Voda");
- MD.put("MD-SN", "Stinga Nistrului, unitatea teritoriala din");
- MD.put("MD-ST", "Straseni");
- MD.put("MD-TA", "Taraclia");
- MD.put("MD-TE", "Telenesti");
- MD.put("MD-UN", "Ungheni");
- }
- static {
- ME.put("ME-01", "Andrijevica");
- ME.put("ME-02", "Bar");
- ME.put("ME-03", "Berane");
- ME.put("ME-04", "Bijelo Polje");
- ME.put("ME-05", "Budva");
- ME.put("ME-06", "Cetinje");
- ME.put("ME-07", "Danilovgrad");
- ME.put("ME-08", "Herceg-Novi");
- ME.put("ME-09", "Kolasin");
- ME.put("ME-10", "Kotor");
- ME.put("ME-12", "Niksic");
- ME.put("ME-13", "Plav");
- ME.put("ME-14", "Pljevlja");
- ME.put("ME-15", "Pluzine");
- ME.put("ME-16", "Podgorica");
- ME.put("ME-17", "Rozaje");
- ME.put("ME-19", "Tivat");
- ME.put("ME-24", "Tuzi");
- ME.put("ME-20", "Ulcinj");
- ME.put("ME-21", "Zabljak");
- }
- static {
- MG.put("MG-T", "Antananarivo");
- MG.put("MG-D", "Antsiranana");
- MG.put("MG-F", "Fianarantsoa");
- MG.put("MG-M", "Mahajanga");
- MG.put("MG-A", "Toamasina");
- MG.put("MG-U", "Toliara");
- }
- static {
- MH.put("MH-KWA", "Kwajalein");
- MH.put("MH-MAJ", "Majuro");
- }
- static {
- MK.put("MK-802", "Aracinovo");
- MK.put("MK-201", "Berovo");
- MK.put("MK-501", "Bitola");
- MK.put("MK-401", "Bogdanci");
- MK.put("MK-601", "Bogovinje");
- MK.put("MK-402", "Bosilovo");
- MK.put("MK-602", "Brvenica");
- MK.put("MK-803", "Butel");
- MK.put("MK-109", "Caska");
- MK.put("MK-814", "Centar");
- MK.put("MK-210", "Cesinovo-Oblesevo");
- MK.put("MK-816", "Cucer Sandevo");
- MK.put("MK-303", "Debar");
- MK.put("MK-304", "Debarca");
- MK.put("MK-502", "Demir Hisar");
- MK.put("MK-103", "Demir Kapija");
- MK.put("MK-406", "Dojran");
- MK.put("MK-503", "Dolneni");
- MK.put("MK-804", "Gazi Baba");
- MK.put("MK-405", "Gevgelija");
- MK.put("MK-604", "Gostivar");
- MK.put("MK-102", "Gradsko");
- MK.put("MK-807", "Ilinden");
- MK.put("MK-606", "Jegunovce");
- MK.put("MK-205", "Karbinci");
- MK.put("MK-104", "Kavadarci");
- MK.put("MK-307", "Kicevo");
- MK.put("MK-809", "Kisela Voda");
- MK.put("MK-206", "Kocani");
- MK.put("MK-701", "Kratovo");
- MK.put("MK-702", "Kriva Palanka");
- MK.put("MK-505", "Krusevo");
- MK.put("MK-703", "Kumanovo");
- MK.put("MK-704", "Lipkovo");
- MK.put("MK-105", "Lozovo");
- MK.put("MK-207", "Makedonska Kamenica");
- MK.put("MK-308", "Makedonski Brod");
- MK.put("MK-607", "Mavrovo i Rostusa");
- MK.put("MK-506", "Mogila");
- MK.put("MK-106", "Negotino");
- MK.put("MK-507", "Novaci");
- MK.put("MK-408", "Novo Selo");
- MK.put("MK-310", "Ohrid");
- MK.put("MK-208", "Pehcevo");
- MK.put("MK-810", "Petrovec");
- MK.put("MK-311", "Plasnica");
- MK.put("MK-508", "Prilep");
- MK.put("MK-209", "Probistip");
- MK.put("MK-409", "Radovis");
- MK.put("MK-705", "Rankovce");
- MK.put("MK-509", "Resen");
- MK.put("MK-107", "Rosoman");
- MK.put("MK-811", "Saraj");
- MK.put("MK-812", "Sopiste");
- MK.put("MK-211", "Stip");
- MK.put("MK-312", "Struga");
- MK.put("MK-410", "Strumica");
- MK.put("MK-813", "Studenicani");
- MK.put("MK-108", "Sveti Nikole");
- MK.put("MK-608", "Tearce");
- MK.put("MK-609", "Tetovo");
- MK.put("MK-403", "Valandovo");
- MK.put("MK-404", "Vasilevo");
- MK.put("MK-101", "Veles");
- MK.put("MK-301", "Vevcani");
- MK.put("MK-202", "Vinica");
- MK.put("MK-806", "Zelenikovo");
- MK.put("MK-605", "Zelino");
- }
- static {
- ML.put("ML-BKO", "Bamako");
- ML.put("ML-7", "Gao");
- ML.put("ML-1", "Kayes");
- ML.put("ML-8", "Kidal");
- ML.put("ML-2", "Koulikoro");
- ML.put("ML-5", "Mopti");
- ML.put("ML-4", "Segou");
- ML.put("ML-3", "Sikasso");
- ML.put("ML-6", "Tombouctou");
- }
- static {
- MM.put("MM-07", "Ayeyarwady");
- MM.put("MM-02", "Bago");
- MM.put("MM-11", "Kachin");
- MM.put("MM-12", "Kayah");
- MM.put("MM-13", "Kayin");
- MM.put("MM-03", "Magway");
- MM.put("MM-04", "Mandalay");
- MM.put("MM-15", "Mon");
- MM.put("MM-18", "Nay Pyi Taw");
- MM.put("MM-16", "Rakhine");
- MM.put("MM-01", "Sagaing");
- MM.put("MM-17", "Shan");
- MM.put("MM-05", "Tanintharyi");
- MM.put("MM-06", "Yangon");
- }
- static {
- MN.put("MN-069", "Bayanhongor");
- MN.put("MN-061", "Dornod");
- MN.put("MN-065", "Govi-Altay");
- MN.put("MN-043", "Hovd");
- MN.put("MN-055", "Ovorhangay");
- MN.put("MN-049", "Selenge");
- MN.put("MN-047", "Tov");
- MN.put("MN-1", "Ulaanbaatar");
- }
- static {
- MR.put("MR-07", "Adrar");
- MR.put("MR-03", "Assaba");
- MR.put("MR-05", "Brakna");
- MR.put("MR-08", "Dakhlet Nouadhibou");
- MR.put("MR-04", "Gorgol");
- MR.put("MR-02", "Hodh el Gharbi");
- MR.put("MR-12", "Inchiri");
- MR.put("MR-13", "Nouakchott Ouest");
- MR.put("MR-09", "Tagant");
- MR.put("MR-11", "Tiris Zemmour");
- MR.put("MR-06", "Trarza");
- }
- static {
- MT.put("MT-01", "Attard");
- MT.put("MT-02", "Balzan");
- MT.put("MT-03", "Birgu");
- MT.put("MT-04", "Birkirkara");
- MT.put("MT-05", "Birzebbuga");
- MT.put("MT-06", "Bormla");
- MT.put("MT-07", "Dingli");
- MT.put("MT-08", "Fgura");
- MT.put("MT-09", "Floriana");
- MT.put("MT-10", "Fontana");
- MT.put("MT-13", "Ghajnsielem");
- MT.put("MT-14", "Gharb");
- MT.put("MT-15", "Gharghur");
- MT.put("MT-16", "Ghasri");
- MT.put("MT-17", "Ghaxaq");
- MT.put("MT-11", "Gudja");
- MT.put("MT-12", "Gzira");
- MT.put("MT-18", "Hamrun");
- MT.put("MT-19", "Iklin");
- MT.put("MT-20", "Isla");
- MT.put("MT-21", "Kalkara");
- MT.put("MT-23", "Kirkop");
- MT.put("MT-24", "Lija");
- MT.put("MT-25", "Luqa");
- MT.put("MT-26", "Marsa");
- MT.put("MT-27", "Marsaskala");
- MT.put("MT-28", "Marsaxlokk");
- MT.put("MT-29", "Mdina");
- MT.put("MT-30", "Mellieha");
- MT.put("MT-31", "Mgarr");
- MT.put("MT-32", "Mosta");
- MT.put("MT-33", "Mqabba");
- MT.put("MT-34", "Msida");
- MT.put("MT-35", "Mtarfa");
- MT.put("MT-36", "Munxar");
- MT.put("MT-37", "Nadur");
- MT.put("MT-38", "Naxxar");
- MT.put("MT-39", "Paola");
- MT.put("MT-40", "Pembroke");
- MT.put("MT-41", "Pieta");
- MT.put("MT-42", "Qala");
- MT.put("MT-43", "Qormi");
- MT.put("MT-44", "Qrendi");
- MT.put("MT-45", "Rabat Gozo");
- MT.put("MT-46", "Rabat Malta");
- MT.put("MT-47", "Safi");
- MT.put("MT-49", "Saint John");
- MT.put("MT-48", "Saint Julian's");
- MT.put("MT-50", "Saint Lawrence");
- MT.put("MT-53", "Saint Lucia's");
- MT.put("MT-51", "Saint Paul's Bay");
- MT.put("MT-52", "Sannat");
- MT.put("MT-54", "Santa Venera");
- MT.put("MT-55", "Siggiewi");
- MT.put("MT-56", "Sliema");
- MT.put("MT-57", "Swieqi");
- MT.put("MT-58", "Ta' Xbiex");
- MT.put("MT-59", "Tarxien");
- MT.put("MT-60", "Valletta");
- MT.put("MT-61", "Xaghra");
- MT.put("MT-62", "Xewkija");
- MT.put("MT-63", "Xghajra");
- MT.put("MT-64", "Zabbar");
- MT.put("MT-65", "Zebbug Gozo");
- MT.put("MT-67", "Zejtun");
- MT.put("MT-68", "Zurrieq");
- }
- static {
- MU.put("MU-BL", "Black River");
- MU.put("MU-FL", "Flacq");
- MU.put("MU-GP", "Grand Port");
- MU.put("MU-MO", "Moka");
- MU.put("MU-PA", "Pamplemousses");
- MU.put("MU-PW", "Plaines Wilhems");
- MU.put("MU-PL", "Port Louis");
- MU.put("MU-RR", "Riviere du Rempart");
- MU.put("MU-RO", "Rodrigues Islands");
- MU.put("MU-SA", "Savanne");
- }
- static {
- MV.put("MV-01", "Addu City");
- MV.put("MV-03", "Faadhippolhu");
- MV.put("MV-04", "Felidhu Atoll");
- MV.put("MV-05", "Hahdhunmathi");
- MV.put("MV-MLE", "Male");
- MV.put("MV-12", "Mulaku Atoll");
- MV.put("MV-02", "North Ari Atoll");
- MV.put("MV-13", "North Maalhosmadulu");
- MV.put("MV-07", "North Thiladhunmathi");
- MV.put("MV-00", "South Ari Atoll");
- MV.put("MV-28", "South Huvadhu Atoll");
- MV.put("MV-20", "South Maalhosmadulu");
- MV.put("MV-25", "South Miladhunmadulu");
- MV.put("MV-23", "South Thiladhunmathi");
- }
- static {
- MW.put("MW-BA", "Balaka");
- MW.put("MW-BL", "Blantyre");
- MW.put("MW-CK", "Chikwawa");
- MW.put("MW-CR", "Chiradzulu");
- MW.put("MW-DE", "Dedza");
- MW.put("MW-DO", "Dowa");
- MW.put("MW-KR", "Karonga");
- MW.put("MW-LI", "Lilongwe");
- MW.put("MW-MH", "Machinga");
- MW.put("MW-MG", "Mangochi");
- MW.put("MW-MC", "Mchinji");
- MW.put("MW-MW", "Mwanza");
- MW.put("MW-MZ", "Mzimba");
- MW.put("MW-NE", "Neno");
- MW.put("MW-NK", "Nkhotakota");
- MW.put("MW-NU", "Ntcheu");
- MW.put("MW-NI", "Ntchisi");
- MW.put("MW-SA", "Salima");
- MW.put("MW-TH", "Thyolo");
- MW.put("MW-ZO", "Zomba");
- }
- static {
- MX.put("MX-AGU", "Aguascalientes");
- MX.put("MX-BCN", "Baja California");
- MX.put("MX-BCS", "Baja California Sur");
- MX.put("MX-CAM", "Campeche");
- MX.put("MX-CHP", "Chiapas");
- MX.put("MX-CHH", "Chihuahua");
- MX.put("MX-CMX", "Ciudad de Mexico");
- MX.put("MX-COA", "Coahuila de Zaragoza");
- MX.put("MX-COL", "Colima");
- MX.put("MX-DUR", "Durango");
- MX.put("MX-GUA", "Guanajuato");
- MX.put("MX-GRO", "Guerrero");
- MX.put("MX-HID", "Hidalgo");
- MX.put("MX-JAL", "Jalisco");
- MX.put("MX-MEX", "Mexico");
- MX.put("MX-MIC", "Michoacan de Ocampo");
- MX.put("MX-MOR", "Morelos");
- MX.put("MX-NAY", "Nayarit");
- MX.put("MX-NLE", "Nuevo Leon");
- MX.put("MX-OAX", "Oaxaca");
- MX.put("MX-PUE", "Puebla");
- MX.put("MX-QUE", "Queretaro");
- MX.put("MX-ROO", "Quintana Roo");
- MX.put("MX-SLP", "San Luis Potosi");
- MX.put("MX-SIN", "Sinaloa");
- MX.put("MX-SON", "Sonora");
- MX.put("MX-TAB", "Tabasco");
- MX.put("MX-TAM", "Tamaulipas");
- MX.put("MX-TLA", "Tlaxcala");
- MX.put("MX-VER", "Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave");
- MX.put("MX-YUC", "Yucatan");
- MX.put("MX-ZAC", "Zacatecas");
- }
- static {
- MY.put("MY-01", "Johor");
- MY.put("MY-02", "Kedah");
- MY.put("MY-03", "Kelantan");
- MY.put("MY-04", "Melaka");
- MY.put("MY-05", "Negeri Sembilan");
- MY.put("MY-06", "Pahang");
- MY.put("MY-08", "Perak");
- MY.put("MY-09", "Perlis");
- MY.put("MY-07", "Pulau Pinang");
- MY.put("MY-12", "Sabah");
- MY.put("MY-13", "Sarawak");
- MY.put("MY-10", "Selangor");
- MY.put("MY-11", "Terengganu");
- MY.put("MY-14", "Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur");
- MY.put("MY-15", "Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan");
- MY.put("MY-16", "Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya");
- }
- static {
- MZ.put("MZ-P", "Cabo Delgado");
- MZ.put("MZ-G", "Gaza");
- MZ.put("MZ-I", "Inhambane");
- MZ.put("MZ-B", "Manica");
- MZ.put("MZ-L", "Maputo");
- MZ.put("MZ-N", "Nampula");
- MZ.put("MZ-A", "Niassa");
- MZ.put("MZ-S", "Sofala");
- MZ.put("MZ-T", "Tete");
- MZ.put("MZ-Q", "Zambezia");
- }
- static {
- NA.put("NA-ER", "Erongo");
- NA.put("NA-HA", "Hardap");
- NA.put("NA-KA", "Karas");
- NA.put("NA-KE", "Kavango East");
- NA.put("NA-KW", "Kavango West");
- NA.put("NA-KH", "Khomas");
- NA.put("NA-KU", "Kunene");
- NA.put("NA-OW", "Ohangwena");
- NA.put("NA-OH", "Omaheke");
- NA.put("NA-OS", "Omusati");
- NA.put("NA-ON", "Oshana");
- NA.put("NA-OT", "Oshikoto");
- NA.put("NA-OD", "Otjozondjupa");
- NA.put("NA-CA", "Zambezi");
- }
- static {
- NE.put("NE-1", "Agadez");
- NE.put("NE-2", "Diffa");
- NE.put("NE-3", "Dosso");
- NE.put("NE-4", "Maradi");
- NE.put("NE-8", "Niamey");
- NE.put("NE-5", "Tahoua");
- NE.put("NE-6", "Tillaberi");
- NE.put("NE-7", "Zinder");
- }
- static {
- NG.put("NG-AB", "Abia");
- NG.put("NG-FC", "Abuja Federal Capital Territory");
- NG.put("NG-AD", "Adamawa");
- NG.put("NG-AK", "Akwa Ibom");
- NG.put("NG-AN", "Anambra");
- NG.put("NG-BA", "Bauchi");
- NG.put("NG-BY", "Bayelsa");
- NG.put("NG-BE", "Benue");
- NG.put("NG-BO", "Borno");
- NG.put("NG-CR", "Cross River");
- NG.put("NG-DE", "Delta");
- NG.put("NG-EB", "Ebonyi");
- NG.put("NG-ED", "Edo");
- NG.put("NG-EK", "Ekiti");
- NG.put("NG-EN", "Enugu");
- NG.put("NG-GO", "Gombe");
- NG.put("NG-IM", "Imo");
- NG.put("NG-JI", "Jigawa");
- NG.put("NG-KD", "Kaduna");
- NG.put("NG-KN", "Kano");
- NG.put("NG-KT", "Katsina");
- NG.put("NG-KE", "Kebbi");
- NG.put("NG-KO", "Kogi");
- NG.put("NG-KW", "Kwara");
- NG.put("NG-LA", "Lagos");
- NG.put("NG-NA", "Nasarawa");
- NG.put("NG-NI", "Niger");
- NG.put("NG-OG", "Ogun");
- NG.put("NG-ON", "Ondo");
- NG.put("NG-OS", "Osun");
- NG.put("NG-OY", "Oyo");
- NG.put("NG-PL", "Plateau");
- NG.put("NG-RI", "Rivers");
- NG.put("NG-SO", "Sokoto");
- NG.put("NG-TA", "Taraba");
- NG.put("NG-YO", "Yobe");
- NG.put("NG-ZA", "Zamfara");
- }
- static {
- NI.put("NI-BO", "Boaco");
- NI.put("NI-CA", "Carazo");
- NI.put("NI-CI", "Chinandega");
- NI.put("NI-CO", "Chontales");
- NI.put("NI-AN", "Costa Caribe Norte");
- NI.put("NI-AS", "Costa Caribe Sur");
- NI.put("NI-ES", "Esteli");
- NI.put("NI-GR", "Granada");
- NI.put("NI-JI", "Jinotega");
- NI.put("NI-LE", "Leon");
- NI.put("NI-MD", "Madriz");
- NI.put("NI-MN", "Managua");
- NI.put("NI-MS", "Masaya");
- NI.put("NI-MT", "Matagalpa");
- NI.put("NI-NS", "Nueva Segovia");
- NI.put("NI-SJ", "Rio San Juan");
- NI.put("NI-RI", "Rivas");
- }
- static {
- NL.put("NL-DR", "Drenthe");
- NL.put("NL-FL", "Flevoland");
- NL.put("NL-FR", "Fryslan");
- NL.put("NL-GE", "Gelderland");
- NL.put("NL-GR", "Groningen");
- NL.put("NL-LI", "Limburg");
- NL.put("NL-NB", "Noord-Brabant");
- NL.put("NL-NH", "Noord-Holland");
- NL.put("NL-OV", "Overijssel");
- NL.put("NL-UT", "Utrecht");
- NL.put("NL-ZE", "Zeeland");
- NL.put("NL-ZH", "Zuid-Holland");
- }
- static {
- NO.put("NO-42", "Agder");
- NO.put("NO-34", "Innlandet");
- NO.put("NO-15", "More og Romsdal");
- NO.put("NO-18", "Nordland");
- NO.put("NO-03", "Oslo");
- NO.put("NO-11", "Rogaland");
- NO.put("NO-54", "Troms og Finnmark");
- NO.put("NO-50", "Trondelag");
- NO.put("NO-38", "Vestfold og Telemark");
- NO.put("NO-46", "Vestland");
- NO.put("NO-30", "Viken");
- }
- static {
- NP.put("NP-BA", "Bagmati");
- NP.put("NP-BH", "Bheri");
- NP.put("NP-DH", "Dhawalagiri");
- NP.put("NP-GA", "Gandaki");
- NP.put("NP-JA", "Janakpur");
- NP.put("NP-KA", "Karnali");
- NP.put("NP-KO", "Kosi");
- NP.put("NP-LU", "Lumbini");
- NP.put("NP-MA", "Mahakali");
- NP.put("NP-ME", "Mechi");
- NP.put("NP-NA", "Narayani");
- NP.put("NP-RA", "Rapti");
- NP.put("NP-SA", "Sagarmatha");
- NP.put("NP-SE", "Seti");
- }
- static {
- NR.put("NR-01", "Aiwo");
- NR.put("NR-03", "Anetan");
- NR.put("NR-14", "Yaren");
- }
- static {
- NZ.put("NZ-AUK", "Auckland");
- NZ.put("NZ-BOP", "Bay of Plenty");
- NZ.put("NZ-CAN", "Canterbury");
- NZ.put("NZ-CIT", "Chatham Islands Territory");
- NZ.put("NZ-GIS", "Gisborne");
- NZ.put("NZ-HKB", "Hawke's Bay");
- NZ.put("NZ-MWT", "Manawatu-Wanganui");
- NZ.put("NZ-MBH", "Marlborough");
- NZ.put("NZ-NSN", "Nelson");
- NZ.put("NZ-NTL", "Northland");
- NZ.put("NZ-OTA", "Otago");
- NZ.put("NZ-STL", "Southland");
- NZ.put("NZ-TKI", "Taranaki");
- NZ.put("NZ-TAS", "Tasman");
- NZ.put("NZ-WKO", "Waikato");
- NZ.put("NZ-WGN", "Wellington");
- NZ.put("NZ-WTC", "West Coast");
- }
- static {
- OM.put("OM-DA", "Ad Dakhiliyah");
- OM.put("OM-BU", "Al Buraymi");
- OM.put("OM-WU", "Al Wusta");
- OM.put("OM-ZA", "Az Zahirah");
- OM.put("OM-BJ", "Janub al Batinah");
- OM.put("OM-SJ", "Janub ash Sharqiyah");
- OM.put("OM-MA", "Masqat");
- OM.put("OM-MU", "Musandam");
- OM.put("OM-BS", "Shamal al Batinah");
- OM.put("OM-SS", "Shamal ash Sharqiyah");
- OM.put("OM-ZU", "Zufar");
- }
- static {
- PA.put("PA-1", "Bocas del Toro");
- PA.put("PA-4", "Chiriqui");
- PA.put("PA-2", "Cocle");
- PA.put("PA-3", "Colon");
- PA.put("PA-5", "Darien");
- PA.put("PA-6", "Herrera");
- PA.put("PA-7", "Los Santos");
- PA.put("PA-NB", "Ngobe-Bugle");
- PA.put("PA-8", "Panama");
- PA.put("PA-9", "Veraguas");
- }
- static {
- PE.put("PE-AMA", "Amazonas");
- PE.put("PE-ANC", "Ancash");
- PE.put("PE-APU", "Apurimac");
- PE.put("PE-ARE", "Arequipa");
- PE.put("PE-AYA", "Ayacucho");
- PE.put("PE-CAJ", "Cajamarca");
- PE.put("PE-CUS", "Cusco");
- PE.put("PE-CAL", "El Callao");
- PE.put("PE-HUV", "Huancavelica");
- PE.put("PE-HUC", "Huanuco");
- PE.put("PE-ICA", "Ica");
- PE.put("PE-JUN", "Junin");
- PE.put("PE-LAL", "La Libertad");
- PE.put("PE-LAM", "Lambayeque");
- PE.put("PE-LIM", "Lima");
- PE.put("PE-LOR", "Loreto");
- PE.put("PE-MDD", "Madre de Dios");
- PE.put("PE-MOQ", "Moquegua");
- PE.put("PE-PAS", "Pasco");
- PE.put("PE-PIU", "Piura");
- PE.put("PE-PUN", "Puno");
- PE.put("PE-SAM", "San Martin");
- PE.put("PE-TAC", "Tacna");
- PE.put("PE-TUM", "Tumbes");
- PE.put("PE-UCA", "Ucayali");
- }
- static {
- PG.put("PG-NSB", "Bougainville");
- PG.put("PG-CPM", "Central");
- PG.put("PG-CPK", "Chimbu");
- PG.put("PG-EBR", "East New Britain");
- PG.put("PG-ESW", "East Sepik");
- PG.put("PG-EHG", "Eastern Highlands");
- PG.put("PG-MPM", "Madang");
- PG.put("PG-MRL", "Manus");
- PG.put("PG-MBA", "Milne Bay");
- PG.put("PG-MPL", "Morobe");
- PG.put("PG-NCD", "National Capital District (Port Moresby)");
- PG.put("PG-NIK", "New Ireland");
- PG.put("PG-SHM", "Southern Highlands");
- PG.put("PG-WBK", "West New Britain");
- PG.put("PG-SAN", "West Sepik");
- PG.put("PG-WPD", "Western");
- PG.put("PG-WHM", "Western Highlands");
- }
- static {
- PH.put("PH-ABR", "Abra");
- PH.put("PH-AGN", "Agusan del Norte");
- PH.put("PH-AGS", "Agusan del Sur");
- PH.put("PH-AKL", "Aklan");
- PH.put("PH-ALB", "Albay");
- PH.put("PH-ANT", "Antique");
- PH.put("PH-APA", "Apayao");
- PH.put("PH-AUR", "Aurora");
- PH.put("PH-BAS", "Basilan");
- PH.put("PH-BAN", "Bataan");
- PH.put("PH-BTN", "Batanes");
- PH.put("PH-BTG", "Batangas");
- PH.put("PH-BEN", "Benguet");
- PH.put("PH-BIL", "Biliran");
- PH.put("PH-BOH", "Bohol");
- PH.put("PH-BUK", "Bukidnon");
- PH.put("PH-BUL", "Bulacan");
- PH.put("PH-CAG", "Cagayan");
- PH.put("PH-CAN", "Camarines Norte");
- PH.put("PH-CAS", "Camarines Sur");
- PH.put("PH-CAM", "Camiguin");
- PH.put("PH-CAP", "Capiz");
- PH.put("PH-CAT", "Catanduanes");
- PH.put("PH-CAV", "Cavite");
- PH.put("PH-CEB", "Cebu");
- PH.put("PH-NCO", "Cotabato");
- PH.put("PH-DAO", "Davao Oriental");
- PH.put("PH-COM", "Davao de Oro");
- PH.put("PH-DAV", "Davao del Norte");
- PH.put("PH-DAS", "Davao del Sur");
- PH.put("PH-DIN", "Dinagat Islands");
- PH.put("PH-EAS", "Eastern Samar");
- PH.put("PH-GUI", "Guimaras");
- PH.put("PH-IFU", "Ifugao");
- PH.put("PH-ILN", "Ilocos Norte");
- PH.put("PH-ILS", "Ilocos Sur");
- PH.put("PH-ILI", "Iloilo");
- PH.put("PH-ISA", "Isabela");
- PH.put("PH-KAL", "Kalinga");
- PH.put("PH-LUN", "La Union");
- PH.put("PH-LAG", "Laguna");
- PH.put("PH-LAN", "Lanao del Norte");
- PH.put("PH-LAS", "Lanao del Sur");
- PH.put("PH-LEY", "Leyte");
- PH.put("PH-MAG", "Maguindanao");
- PH.put("PH-MAD", "Marinduque");
- PH.put("PH-MAS", "Masbate");
- PH.put("PH-MDC", "Mindoro Occidental");
- PH.put("PH-MDR", "Mindoro Oriental");
- PH.put("PH-MSC", "Misamis Occidental");
- PH.put("PH-MSR", "Misamis Oriental");
- PH.put("PH-MOU", "Mountain Province");
- PH.put("PH-00", "National Capital Region");
- PH.put("PH-NEC", "Negros Occidental");
- PH.put("PH-NER", "Negros Oriental");
- PH.put("PH-NSA", "Northern Samar");
- PH.put("PH-NUE", "Nueva Ecija");
- PH.put("PH-NUV", "Nueva Vizcaya");
- PH.put("PH-PLW", "Palawan");
- PH.put("PH-PAM", "Pampanga");
- PH.put("PH-PAN", "Pangasinan");
- PH.put("PH-QUE", "Quezon");
- PH.put("PH-QUI", "Quirino");
- PH.put("PH-RIZ", "Rizal");
- PH.put("PH-ROM", "Romblon");
- PH.put("PH-WSA", "Samar");
- PH.put("PH-SAR", "Sarangani");
- PH.put("PH-SIG", "Siquijor");
- PH.put("PH-SOR", "Sorsogon");
- PH.put("PH-SCO", "South Cotabato");
- PH.put("PH-SLE", "Southern Leyte");
- PH.put("PH-SUK", "Sultan Kudarat");
- PH.put("PH-SLU", "Sulu");
- PH.put("PH-SUN", "Surigao del Norte");
- PH.put("PH-SUR", "Surigao del Sur");
- PH.put("PH-TAR", "Tarlac");
- PH.put("PH-TAW", "Tawi-Tawi");
- PH.put("PH-ZMB", "Zambales");
- PH.put("PH-ZSI", "Zamboanga Sibugay");
- PH.put("PH-ZAN", "Zamboanga del Norte");
- PH.put("PH-ZAS", "Zamboanga del Sur");
- }
- static {
- PK.put("PK-JK", "Azad Jammu and Kashmir");
- PK.put("PK-BA", "Balochistan");
- PK.put("PK-GB", "Gilgit-Baltistan");
- PK.put("PK-IS", "Islamabad");
- PK.put("PK-KP", "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa");
- PK.put("PK-PB", "Punjab");
- PK.put("PK-SD", "Sindh");
- }
- static {
- PL.put("PL-02", "Dolnoslaskie");
- PL.put("PL-04", "Kujawsko-pomorskie");
- PL.put("PL-10", "Lodzkie");
- PL.put("PL-06", "Lubelskie");
- PL.put("PL-08", "Lubuskie");
- PL.put("PL-12", "Malopolskie");
- PL.put("PL-14", "Mazowieckie");
- PL.put("PL-16", "Opolskie");
- PL.put("PL-18", "Podkarpackie");
- PL.put("PL-20", "Podlaskie");
- PL.put("PL-22", "Pomorskie");
- PL.put("PL-24", "Slaskie");
- PL.put("PL-26", "Swietokrzyskie");
- PL.put("PL-28", "Warminsko-mazurskie");
- PL.put("PL-30", "Wielkopolskie");
- PL.put("PL-32", "Zachodniopomorskie");
- }
- static {
- PS.put("PS-BTH", "Bethlehem");
- PS.put("PS-DEB", "Deir El Balah");
- PS.put("PS-GZA", "Gaza");
- PS.put("PS-HBN", "Hebron");
- PS.put("PS-JEN", "Jenin");
- PS.put("PS-JRH", "Jericho and Al Aghwar");
- PS.put("PS-JEM", "Jerusalem");
- PS.put("PS-KYS", "Khan Yunis");
- PS.put("PS-NBS", "Nablus");
- PS.put("PS-QQA", "Qalqilya");
- PS.put("PS-RFH", "Rafah");
- PS.put("PS-RBH", "Ramallah");
- PS.put("PS-SLT", "Salfit");
- PS.put("PS-TBS", "Tubas");
- PS.put("PS-TKM", "Tulkarm");
- }
- static {
- PT.put("PT-01", "Aveiro");
- PT.put("PT-02", "Beja");
- PT.put("PT-03", "Braga");
- PT.put("PT-04", "Braganca");
- PT.put("PT-05", "Castelo Branco");
- PT.put("PT-06", "Coimbra");
- PT.put("PT-07", "Evora");
- PT.put("PT-08", "Faro");
- PT.put("PT-09", "Guarda");
- PT.put("PT-10", "Leiria");
- PT.put("PT-11", "Lisboa");
- PT.put("PT-12", "Portalegre");
- PT.put("PT-13", "Porto");
- PT.put("PT-30", "Regiao Autonoma da Madeira");
- PT.put("PT-20", "Regiao Autonoma dos Acores");
- PT.put("PT-14", "Santarem");
- PT.put("PT-15", "Setubal");
- PT.put("PT-16", "Viana do Castelo");
- PT.put("PT-17", "Vila Real");
- PT.put("PT-18", "Viseu");
- }
- static {
- PW.put("PW-004", "Airai");
- PW.put("PW-150", "Koror");
- PW.put("PW-212", "Melekeok");
- }
- static {
- PY.put("PY-10", "Alto Parana");
- PY.put("PY-13", "Amambay");
- PY.put("PY-ASU", "Asuncion");
- PY.put("PY-19", "Boqueron");
- PY.put("PY-5", "Caaguazu");
- PY.put("PY-6", "Caazapa");
- PY.put("PY-14", "Canindeyu");
- PY.put("PY-11", "Central");
- PY.put("PY-1", "Concepcion");
- PY.put("PY-3", "Cordillera");
- PY.put("PY-4", "Guaira");
- PY.put("PY-7", "Itapua");
- PY.put("PY-8", "Misiones");
- PY.put("PY-12", "Neembucu");
- PY.put("PY-9", "Paraguari");
- PY.put("PY-15", "Presidente Hayes");
- PY.put("PY-2", "San Pedro");
- }
- static {
- QA.put("QA-DA", "Ad Dawhah");
- QA.put("QA-KH", "Al Khawr wa adh Dhakhirah");
- QA.put("QA-WA", "Al Wakrah");
- QA.put("QA-RA", "Ar Rayyan");
- QA.put("QA-MS", "Ash Shamal");
- QA.put("QA-ZA", "Az Za'ayin");
- QA.put("QA-US", "Umm Salal");
- }
- static {
- RO.put("RO-AB", "Alba");
- RO.put("RO-AR", "Arad");
- RO.put("RO-AG", "Arges");
- RO.put("RO-BC", "Bacau");
- RO.put("RO-BH", "Bihor");
- RO.put("RO-BN", "Bistrita-Nasaud");
- RO.put("RO-BT", "Botosani");
- RO.put("RO-BR", "Braila");
- RO.put("RO-BV", "Brasov");
- RO.put("RO-B", "Bucuresti");
- RO.put("RO-BZ", "Buzau");
- RO.put("RO-CL", "Calarasi");
- RO.put("RO-CS", "Caras-Severin");
- RO.put("RO-CJ", "Cluj");
- RO.put("RO-CT", "Constanta");
- RO.put("RO-CV", "Covasna");
- RO.put("RO-DB", "Dambovita");
- RO.put("RO-DJ", "Dolj");
- RO.put("RO-GL", "Galati");
- RO.put("RO-GR", "Giurgiu");
- RO.put("RO-GJ", "Gorj");
- RO.put("RO-HR", "Harghita");
- RO.put("RO-HD", "Hunedoara");
- RO.put("RO-IL", "Ialomita");
- RO.put("RO-IS", "Iasi");
- RO.put("RO-IF", "Ilfov");
- RO.put("RO-MM", "Maramures");
- RO.put("RO-MH", "Mehedinti");
- RO.put("RO-MS", "Mures");
- RO.put("RO-NT", "Neamt");
- RO.put("RO-OT", "Olt");
- RO.put("RO-PH", "Prahova");
- RO.put("RO-SJ", "Salaj");
- RO.put("RO-SM", "Satu Mare");
- RO.put("RO-SB", "Sibiu");
- RO.put("RO-SV", "Suceava");
- RO.put("RO-TR", "Teleorman");
- RO.put("RO-TM", "Timis");
- RO.put("RO-TL", "Tulcea");
- RO.put("RO-VL", "Valcea");
- RO.put("RO-VS", "Vaslui");
- RO.put("RO-VN", "Vrancea");
- }
- static {
- RS.put("RS-00", "Beograd");
- RS.put("RS-14", "Borski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-11", "Branicevski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-23", "Jablanicki okrug");
- RS.put("RS-06", "Juznobacki okrug");
- RS.put("RS-04", "Juznobanatski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-09", "Kolubarski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-28", "Kosovsko-Mitrovacki okrug");
- RS.put("RS-08", "Macvanski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-17", "Moravicki okrug");
- RS.put("RS-20", "Nisavski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-24", "Pcinjski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-26", "Pecki okrug");
- RS.put("RS-22", "Pirotski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-10", "Podunavski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-13", "Pomoravski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-27", "Prizrenski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-19", "Rasinski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-18", "Raski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-01", "Severnobacki okrug");
- RS.put("RS-03", "Severnobanatski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-02", "Srednjebanatski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-07", "Sremski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-12", "Sumadijski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-21", "Toplicki okrug");
- RS.put("RS-15", "Zajecarski okrug");
- RS.put("RS-05", "Zapadnobacki okrug");
- RS.put("RS-16", "Zlatiborski okrug");
- }
- static {
- RU.put("RU-AD", "Adygeya, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-AL", "Altay, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-ALT", "Altayskiy kray");
- RU.put("RU-AMU", "Amurskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-ARK", "Arkhangel'skaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-AST", "Astrakhanskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-BA", "Bashkortostan, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-BEL", "Belgorodskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-BRY", "Bryanskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-BU", "Buryatiya, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-CE", "Chechenskaya Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-CHE", "Chelyabinskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-CHU", "Chukotskiy avtonomnyy okrug");
- RU.put("RU-CU", "Chuvashskaya Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-DA", "Dagestan, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-IN", "Ingushetiya, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-IRK", "Irkutskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-IVA", "Ivanovskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-KB", "Kabardino-Balkarskaya Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-KGD", "Kaliningradskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-KL", "Kalmykiya, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-KLU", "Kaluzhskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-KAM", "Kamchatskiy kray");
- RU.put("RU-KC", "Karachayevo-Cherkesskaya Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-KR", "Kareliya, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-KEM", "Kemerovskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-KHA", "Khabarovskiy kray");
- RU.put("RU-KK", "Khakasiya, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-KHM", "Khanty-Mansiyskiy avtonomnyy okrug");
- RU.put("RU-KIR", "Kirovskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-KO", "Komi, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-KOS", "Kostromskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-KDA", "Krasnodarskiy kray");
- RU.put("RU-KYA", "Krasnoyarskiy kray");
- RU.put("RU-KGN", "Kurganskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-KRS", "Kurskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-LEN", "Leningradskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-LIP", "Lipetskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-MAG", "Magadanskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-ME", "Mariy El, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-MO", "Mordoviya, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-MOS", "Moskovskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-MOW", "Moskva");
- RU.put("RU-MUR", "Murmanskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-NEN", "Nenetskiy avtonomnyy okrug");
- RU.put("RU-NIZ", "Nizhegorodskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-NGR", "Novgorodskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-NVS", "Novosibirskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-OMS", "Omskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-ORE", "Orenburgskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-ORL", "Orlovskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-PNZ", "Penzenskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-PER", "Permskiy kray");
- RU.put("RU-PRI", "Primorskiy kray");
- RU.put("RU-PSK", "Pskovskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-ROS", "Rostovskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-RYA", "Ryazanskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-SA", "Saha, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-SAK", "Sakhalinskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-SAM", "Samarskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-SPE", "Sankt-Peterburg");
- RU.put("RU-SAR", "Saratovskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-SE", "Severnaya Osetiya, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-SMO", "Smolenskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-STA", "Stavropol'skiy kray");
- RU.put("RU-SVE", "Sverdlovskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-TAM", "Tambovskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-TA", "Tatarstan, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-TOM", "Tomskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-TUL", "Tul'skaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-TVE", "Tverskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-TYU", "Tyumenskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-TY", "Tyva, Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-UD", "Udmurtskaya Respublika");
- RU.put("RU-ULY", "Ul'yanovskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-VLA", "Vladimirskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-VGG", "Volgogradskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-VLG", "Vologodskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-VOR", "Voronezhskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-YAN", "Yamalo-Nenetskiy avtonomnyy okrug");
- RU.put("RU-YAR", "Yaroslavskaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-YEV", "Yevreyskaya avtonomnaya oblast'");
- RU.put("RU-ZAB", "Zabaykal'skiy kray");
- }
- static {
- RW.put("RW-02", "Est");
- RW.put("RW-03", "Nord");
- RW.put("RW-04", "Ouest");
- RW.put("RW-05", "Sud");
- RW.put("RW-01", "Ville de Kigali");
- }
- static {
- SA.put("SA-14", "'Asir");
- SA.put("SA-11", "Al Bahah");
- SA.put("SA-08", "Al Hudud ash Shamaliyah");
- SA.put("SA-12", "Al Jawf");
- SA.put("SA-03", "Al Madinah al Munawwarah");
- SA.put("SA-05", "Al Qasim");
- SA.put("SA-01", "Ar Riyad");
- SA.put("SA-04", "Ash Sharqiyah");
- SA.put("SA-06", "Ha'il");
- SA.put("SA-09", "Jazan");
- SA.put("SA-02", "Makkah al Mukarramah");
- SA.put("SA-10", "Najran");
- SA.put("SA-07", "Tabuk");
- }
- static {
- SB.put("SB-CH", "Choiseul");
- SB.put("SB-GU", "Guadalcanal");
- SB.put("SB-WE", "Western");
- }
- static {
- SC.put("SC-02", "Anse Boileau");
- SC.put("SC-05", "Anse Royale");
- SC.put("SC-01", "Anse aux Pins");
- SC.put("SC-06", "Baie Lazare");
- SC.put("SC-07", "Baie Sainte Anne");
- SC.put("SC-08", "Beau Vallon");
- SC.put("SC-10", "Bel Ombre");
- SC.put("SC-11", "Cascade");
- SC.put("SC-16", "English River");
- SC.put("SC-13", "Grand Anse Mahe");
- SC.put("SC-14", "Grand Anse Praslin");
- SC.put("SC-15", "La Digue");
- SC.put("SC-20", "Pointe Larue");
- SC.put("SC-23", "Takamaka");
- }
- static {
- SD.put("SD-NB", "Blue Nile");
- SD.put("SD-DC", "Central Darfur");
- SD.put("SD-GD", "Gedaref");
- SD.put("SD-GZ", "Gezira");
- SD.put("SD-KA", "Kassala");
- SD.put("SD-KH", "Khartoum");
- SD.put("SD-DN", "North Darfur");
- SD.put("SD-KN", "North Kordofan");
- SD.put("SD-NO", "Northern");
- SD.put("SD-RS", "Red Sea");
- SD.put("SD-NR", "River Nile");
- SD.put("SD-SI", "Sennar");
- SD.put("SD-DS", "South Darfur");
- SD.put("SD-KS", "South Kordofan");
- SD.put("SD-DW", "West Darfur");
- SD.put("SD-GK", "West Kordofan");
- SD.put("SD-NW", "White Nile");
- }
- static {
- SE.put("SE-K", "Blekinge lan");
- SE.put("SE-W", "Dalarnas lan");
- SE.put("SE-X", "Gavleborgs lan");
- SE.put("SE-I", "Gotlands lan");
- SE.put("SE-N", "Hallands lan");
- SE.put("SE-Z", "Jamtlands lan");
- SE.put("SE-F", "Jonkopings lan");
- SE.put("SE-H", "Kalmar lan");
- SE.put("SE-G", "Kronobergs lan");
- SE.put("SE-BD", "Norrbottens lan");
- SE.put("SE-T", "Orebro lan");
- SE.put("SE-E", "Ostergotlands lan");
- SE.put("SE-M", "Skane lan");
- SE.put("SE-D", "Sodermanlands lan");
- SE.put("SE-AB", "Stockholms lan");
- SE.put("SE-C", "Uppsala lan");
- SE.put("SE-S", "Varmlands lan");
- SE.put("SE-AC", "Vasterbottens lan");
- SE.put("SE-Y", "Vasternorrlands lan");
- SE.put("SE-U", "Vastmanlands lan");
- SE.put("SE-O", "Vastra Gotalands lan");
- }
- static {
- SH.put("SH-HL", "Saint Helena");
- }
- static {
- SI.put("SI-001", "Ajdovscina");
- SI.put("SI-213", "Ankaran");
- SI.put("SI-195", "Apace");
- SI.put("SI-002", "Beltinci");
- SI.put("SI-148", "Benedikt");
- SI.put("SI-149", "Bistrica ob Sotli");
- SI.put("SI-003", "Bled");
- SI.put("SI-150", "Bloke");
- SI.put("SI-004", "Bohinj");
- SI.put("SI-005", "Borovnica");
- SI.put("SI-006", "Bovec");
- SI.put("SI-151", "Braslovce");
- SI.put("SI-007", "Brda");
- SI.put("SI-009", "Brezice");
- SI.put("SI-008", "Brezovica");
- SI.put("SI-152", "Cankova");
- SI.put("SI-011", "Celje");
- SI.put("SI-012", "Cerklje na Gorenjskem");
- SI.put("SI-013", "Cerknica");
- SI.put("SI-014", "Cerkno");
- SI.put("SI-196", "Cirkulane");
- SI.put("SI-015", "Crensovci");
- SI.put("SI-017", "Crnomelj");
- SI.put("SI-018", "Destrnik");
- SI.put("SI-019", "Divaca");
- SI.put("SI-154", "Dobje");
- SI.put("SI-020", "Dobrepolje");
- SI.put("SI-155", "Dobrna");
- SI.put("SI-021", "Dobrova-Polhov Gradec");
- SI.put("SI-156", "Dobrovnik");
- SI.put("SI-023", "Domzale");
- SI.put("SI-024", "Dornava");
- SI.put("SI-025", "Dravograd");
- SI.put("SI-026", "Duplek");
- SI.put("SI-207", "Gorje");
- SI.put("SI-029", "Gornja Radgona");
- SI.put("SI-031", "Gornji Petrovci");
- SI.put("SI-158", "Grad");
- SI.put("SI-032", "Grosuplje");
- SI.put("SI-159", "Hajdina");
- SI.put("SI-160", "Hoce-Slivnica");
- SI.put("SI-161", "Hodos");
- SI.put("SI-162", "Horjul");
- SI.put("SI-034", "Hrastnik");
- SI.put("SI-035", "Hrpelje-Kozina");
- SI.put("SI-036", "Idrija");
- SI.put("SI-037", "Ig");
- SI.put("SI-038", "Ilirska Bistrica");
- SI.put("SI-039", "Ivancna Gorica");
- SI.put("SI-040", "Izola");
- SI.put("SI-041", "Jesenice");
- SI.put("SI-042", "Jursinci");
- SI.put("SI-043", "Kamnik");
- SI.put("SI-044", "Kanal");
- SI.put("SI-045", "Kidricevo");
- SI.put("SI-046", "Kobarid");
- SI.put("SI-047", "Kobilje");
- SI.put("SI-048", "Kocevje");
- SI.put("SI-049", "Komen");
- SI.put("SI-164", "Komenda");
- SI.put("SI-050", "Koper");
- SI.put("SI-197", "Kosanjevica na Krki");
- SI.put("SI-165", "Kostel");
- SI.put("SI-052", "Kranj");
- SI.put("SI-053", "Kranjska Gora");
- SI.put("SI-166", "Krizevci");
- SI.put("SI-054", "Krsko");
- SI.put("SI-055", "Kungota");
- SI.put("SI-056", "Kuzma");
- SI.put("SI-057", "Lasko");
- SI.put("SI-058", "Lenart");
- SI.put("SI-059", "Lendava");
- SI.put("SI-060", "Litija");
- SI.put("SI-061", "Ljubljana");
- SI.put("SI-063", "Ljutomer");
- SI.put("SI-208", "Log-Dragomer");
- SI.put("SI-064", "Logatec");
- SI.put("SI-065", "Loska dolina");
- SI.put("SI-066", "Loski Potok");
- SI.put("SI-167", "Lovrenc na Pohorju");
- SI.put("SI-067", "Luce");
- SI.put("SI-068", "Lukovica");
- SI.put("SI-069", "Majsperk");
- SI.put("SI-198", "Makole");
- SI.put("SI-070", "Maribor");
- SI.put("SI-168", "Markovci");
- SI.put("SI-071", "Medvode");
- SI.put("SI-072", "Menges");
- SI.put("SI-073", "Metlika");
- SI.put("SI-074", "Mezica");
- SI.put("SI-169", "Miklavz na Dravskem polju");
- SI.put("SI-075", "Miren-Kostanjevica");
- SI.put("SI-212", "Mirna");
- SI.put("SI-170", "Mirna Pec");
- SI.put("SI-076", "Mislinja");
- SI.put("SI-199", "Mokronog-Trebelno");
- SI.put("SI-077", "Moravce");
- SI.put("SI-079", "Mozirje");
- SI.put("SI-080", "Murska Sobota");
- SI.put("SI-081", "Muta");
- SI.put("SI-082", "Naklo");
- SI.put("SI-083", "Nazarje");
- SI.put("SI-084", "Nova Gorica");
- SI.put("SI-085", "Novo Mesto");
- SI.put("SI-086", "Odranci");
- SI.put("SI-171", "Oplotnica");
- SI.put("SI-087", "Ormoz");
- SI.put("SI-090", "Piran");
- SI.put("SI-091", "Pivka");
- SI.put("SI-092", "Podcetrtek");
- SI.put("SI-172", "Podlehnik");
- SI.put("SI-200", "Poljcane");
- SI.put("SI-173", "Polzela");
- SI.put("SI-094", "Postojna");
- SI.put("SI-174", "Prebold");
- SI.put("SI-095", "Preddvor");
- SI.put("SI-175", "Prevalje");
- SI.put("SI-096", "Ptuj");
- SI.put("SI-097", "Puconci");
- SI.put("SI-098", "Race-Fram");
- SI.put("SI-099", "Radece");
- SI.put("SI-100", "Radenci");
- SI.put("SI-101", "Radlje ob Dravi");
- SI.put("SI-102", "Radovljica");
- SI.put("SI-103", "Ravne na Koroskem");
- SI.put("SI-176", "Razkrizje");
- SI.put("SI-209", "Recica ob Savinji");
- SI.put("SI-201", "Rence-Vogrsko");
- SI.put("SI-104", "Ribnica");
- SI.put("SI-106", "Rogaska Slatina");
- SI.put("SI-105", "Rogasovci");
- SI.put("SI-108", "Ruse");
- SI.put("SI-033", "Salovci");
- SI.put("SI-109", "Semic");
- SI.put("SI-183", "Sempeter-Vrtojba");
- SI.put("SI-117", "Sencur");
- SI.put("SI-118", "Sentilj");
- SI.put("SI-119", "Sentjernej");
- SI.put("SI-120", "Sentjur");
- SI.put("SI-211", "Sentrupert");
- SI.put("SI-110", "Sevnica");
- SI.put("SI-111", "Sezana");
- SI.put("SI-121", "Skocjan");
- SI.put("SI-122", "Skofja Loka");
- SI.put("SI-123", "Skofljica");
- SI.put("SI-112", "Slovenj Gradec");
- SI.put("SI-113", "Slovenska Bistrica");
- SI.put("SI-114", "Slovenske Konjice");
- SI.put("SI-124", "Smarje pri Jelsah");
- SI.put("SI-206", "Smarjeske Toplice");
- SI.put("SI-125", "Smartno ob Paki");
- SI.put("SI-194", "Smartno pri Litiji");
- SI.put("SI-179", "Sodrazica");
- SI.put("SI-180", "Solcava");
- SI.put("SI-126", "Sostanj");
- SI.put("SI-115", "Starse");
- SI.put("SI-127", "Store");
- SI.put("SI-203", "Straza");
- SI.put("SI-204", "Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah");
- SI.put("SI-182", "Sveti Andraz v Slovenskih Goricah");
- SI.put("SI-116", "Sveti Jurij ob Scavnici");
- SI.put("SI-210", "Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih goricah");
- SI.put("SI-205", "Sveti Tomaz");
- SI.put("SI-184", "Tabor");
- SI.put("SI-010", "Tisina");
- SI.put("SI-128", "Tolmin");
- SI.put("SI-129", "Trbovlje");
- SI.put("SI-130", "Trebnje");
- SI.put("SI-185", "Trnovska Vas");
- SI.put("SI-131", "Trzic");
- SI.put("SI-186", "Trzin");
- SI.put("SI-132", "Turnisce");
- SI.put("SI-133", "Velenje");
- SI.put("SI-187", "Velika Polana");
- SI.put("SI-134", "Velike Lasce");
- SI.put("SI-188", "Verzej");
- SI.put("SI-135", "Videm");
- SI.put("SI-136", "Vipava");
- SI.put("SI-137", "Vitanje");
- SI.put("SI-138", "Vodice");
- SI.put("SI-139", "Vojnik");
- SI.put("SI-189", "Vransko");
- SI.put("SI-140", "Vrhnika");
- SI.put("SI-141", "Vuzenica");
- SI.put("SI-142", "Zagorje ob Savi");
- SI.put("SI-190", "Zalec");
- SI.put("SI-143", "Zavrc");
- SI.put("SI-146", "Zelezniki");
- SI.put("SI-191", "Zetale");
- SI.put("SI-147", "Ziri");
- SI.put("SI-144", "Zrece");
- SI.put("SI-193", "Zuzemberk");
- }
- static {
- SK.put("SK-BC", "Banskobystricky kraj");
- SK.put("SK-BL", "Bratislavsky kraj");
- SK.put("SK-KI", "Kosicky kraj");
- SK.put("SK-NI", "Nitriansky kraj");
- SK.put("SK-PV", "Presovsky kraj");
- SK.put("SK-TC", "Trenciansky kraj");
- SK.put("SK-TA", "Trnavsky kraj");
- SK.put("SK-ZI", "Zilinsky kraj");
- }
- static {
- SL.put("SL-E", "Eastern");
- SL.put("SL-NW", "North Western");
- SL.put("SL-N", "Northern");
- SL.put("SL-S", "Southern");
- SL.put("SL-W", "Western Area");
- }
- static {
- SM.put("SM-02", "Chiesanuova");
- SM.put("SM-07", "Citta di San Marino");
- SM.put("SM-04", "Faetano");
- SM.put("SM-09", "Serravalle");
- }
- static {
- SN.put("SN-DK", "Dakar");
- SN.put("SN-DB", "Diourbel");
- SN.put("SN-FK", "Fatick");
- SN.put("SN-KA", "Kaffrine");
- SN.put("SN-KL", "Kaolack");
- SN.put("SN-KE", "Kedougou");
- SN.put("SN-KD", "Kolda");
- SN.put("SN-LG", "Louga");
- SN.put("SN-MT", "Matam");
- SN.put("SN-SL", "Saint-Louis");
- SN.put("SN-SE", "Sedhiou");
- SN.put("SN-TC", "Tambacounda");
- SN.put("SN-TH", "Thies");
- SN.put("SN-ZG", "Ziguinchor");
- }
- static {
- SO.put("SO-AW", "Awdal");
- SO.put("SO-BN", "Banaadir");
- SO.put("SO-BR", "Bari");
- SO.put("SO-BY", "Bay");
- SO.put("SO-GA", "Galguduud");
- SO.put("SO-HI", "Hiiraan");
- SO.put("SO-JH", "Jubbada Hoose");
- SO.put("SO-MU", "Mudug");
- SO.put("SO-NU", "Nugaal");
- SO.put("SO-SH", "Shabeellaha Hoose");
- SO.put("SO-SO", "Sool");
- SO.put("SO-TO", "Togdheer");
- SO.put("SO-WO", "Woqooyi Galbeed");
- }
- static {
- SR.put("SR-BR", "Brokopondo");
- SR.put("SR-CM", "Commewijne");
- SR.put("SR-CR", "Coronie");
- SR.put("SR-NI", "Nickerie");
- SR.put("SR-PR", "Para");
- SR.put("SR-PM", "Paramaribo");
- SR.put("SR-SA", "Saramacca");
- SR.put("SR-SI", "Sipaliwini");
- SR.put("SR-WA", "Wanica");
- }
- static {
- SS.put("SS-EC", "Central Equatoria");
- SS.put("SS-EE", "Eastern Equatoria");
- SS.put("SS-LK", "Lakes");
- SS.put("SS-BN", "Northern Bahr el Ghazal");
- SS.put("SS-UY", "Unity");
- SS.put("SS-NU", "Upper Nile");
- SS.put("SS-EW", "Western Equatoria");
- }
- static {
- ST.put("ST-01", "Agua Grande");
- }
- static {
- SV.put("SV-AH", "Ahuachapan");
- SV.put("SV-CA", "Cabanas");
- SV.put("SV-CH", "Chalatenango");
- SV.put("SV-CU", "Cuscatlan");
- SV.put("SV-LI", "La Libertad");
- SV.put("SV-PA", "La Paz");
- SV.put("SV-UN", "La Union");
- SV.put("SV-MO", "Morazan");
- SV.put("SV-SM", "San Miguel");
- SV.put("SV-SS", "San Salvador");
- SV.put("SV-SV", "San Vicente");
- SV.put("SV-SA", "Santa Ana");
- SV.put("SV-SO", "Sonsonate");
- SV.put("SV-US", "Usulutan");
- }
- static {
- SY.put("SY-HA", "Al Hasakah");
- SY.put("SY-LA", "Al Ladhiqiyah");
- SY.put("SY-QU", "Al Qunaytirah");
- SY.put("SY-RA", "Ar Raqqah");
- SY.put("SY-SU", "As Suwayda'");
- SY.put("SY-DR", "Dar'a");
- SY.put("SY-DY", "Dayr az Zawr");
- SY.put("SY-DI", "Dimashq");
- SY.put("SY-HL", "Halab");
- SY.put("SY-HM", "Hamah");
- SY.put("SY-HI", "Hims");
- SY.put("SY-RD", "Rif Dimashq");
- SY.put("SY-TA", "Tartus");
- }
- static {
- SZ.put("SZ-HH", "Hhohho");
- SZ.put("SZ-LU", "Lubombo");
- SZ.put("SZ-MA", "Manzini");
- SZ.put("SZ-SH", "Shiselweni");
- }
- static {
- TD.put("TD-BG", "Bahr el Ghazal");
- TD.put("TD-CB", "Chari-Baguirmi");
- TD.put("TD-LC", "Lac");
- TD.put("TD-OD", "Ouaddai");
- TD.put("TD-SI", "Sila");
- TD.put("TD-ND", "Ville de Ndjamena");
- }
- static {
- TG.put("TG-C", "Centrale");
- TG.put("TG-K", "Kara");
- TG.put("TG-M", "Maritime");
- TG.put("TG-P", "Plateaux");
- TG.put("TG-S", "Savanes");
- }
- static {
- TH.put("TH-37", "Amnat Charoen");
- TH.put("TH-15", "Ang Thong");
- TH.put("TH-38", "Bueng Kan");
- TH.put("TH-31", "Buri Ram");
- TH.put("TH-24", "Chachoengsao");
- TH.put("TH-18", "Chai Nat");
- TH.put("TH-36", "Chaiyaphum");
- TH.put("TH-22", "Chanthaburi");
- TH.put("TH-50", "Chiang Mai");
- TH.put("TH-57", "Chiang Rai");
- TH.put("TH-20", "Chon Buri");
- TH.put("TH-86", "Chumphon");
- TH.put("TH-46", "Kalasin");
- TH.put("TH-62", "Kamphaeng Phet");
- TH.put("TH-71", "Kanchanaburi");
- TH.put("TH-40", "Khon Kaen");
- TH.put("TH-81", "Krabi");
- TH.put("TH-10", "Krung Thep Maha Nakhon");
- TH.put("TH-52", "Lampang");
- TH.put("TH-51", "Lamphun");
- TH.put("TH-42", "Loei");
- TH.put("TH-16", "Lop Buri");
- TH.put("TH-58", "Mae Hong Son");
- TH.put("TH-44", "Maha Sarakham");
- TH.put("TH-49", "Mukdahan");
- TH.put("TH-26", "Nakhon Nayok");
- TH.put("TH-73", "Nakhon Pathom");
- TH.put("TH-48", "Nakhon Phanom");
- TH.put("TH-30", "Nakhon Ratchasima");
- TH.put("TH-60", "Nakhon Sawan");
- TH.put("TH-80", "Nakhon Si Thammarat");
- TH.put("TH-55", "Nan");
- TH.put("TH-96", "Narathiwat");
- TH.put("TH-39", "Nong Bua Lam Phu");
- TH.put("TH-43", "Nong Khai");
- TH.put("TH-12", "Nonthaburi");
- TH.put("TH-13", "Pathum Thani");
- TH.put("TH-94", "Pattani");
- TH.put("TH-82", "Phangnga");
- TH.put("TH-93", "Phatthalung");
- TH.put("TH-56", "Phayao");
- TH.put("TH-67", "Phetchabun");
- TH.put("TH-76", "Phetchaburi");
- TH.put("TH-66", "Phichit");
- TH.put("TH-65", "Phitsanulok");
- TH.put("TH-14", "Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya");
- TH.put("TH-54", "Phrae");
- TH.put("TH-83", "Phuket");
- TH.put("TH-25", "Prachin Buri");
- TH.put("TH-77", "Prachuap Khiri Khan");
- TH.put("TH-85", "Ranong");
- TH.put("TH-70", "Ratchaburi");
- TH.put("TH-21", "Rayong");
- TH.put("TH-45", "Roi Et");
- TH.put("TH-27", "Sa Kaeo");
- TH.put("TH-47", "Sakon Nakhon");
- TH.put("TH-11", "Samut Prakan");
- TH.put("TH-74", "Samut Sakhon");
- TH.put("TH-75", "Samut Songkhram");
- TH.put("TH-19", "Saraburi");
- TH.put("TH-91", "Satun");
- TH.put("TH-33", "Si Sa Ket");
- TH.put("TH-17", "Sing Buri");
- TH.put("TH-90", "Songkhla");
- TH.put("TH-64", "Sukhothai");
- TH.put("TH-72", "Suphan Buri");
- TH.put("TH-84", "Surat Thani");
- TH.put("TH-32", "Surin");
- TH.put("TH-63", "Tak");
- TH.put("TH-92", "Trang");
- TH.put("TH-23", "Trat");
- TH.put("TH-34", "Ubon Ratchathani");
- TH.put("TH-41", "Udon Thani");
- TH.put("TH-61", "Uthai Thani");
- TH.put("TH-53", "Uttaradit");
- TH.put("TH-95", "Yala");
- TH.put("TH-35", "Yasothon");
- }
- static {
- TJ.put("TJ-DU", "Dushanbe");
- TJ.put("TJ-KT", "Khatlon");
- TJ.put("TJ-GB", "Kuhistoni Badakhshon");
- TJ.put("TJ-RA", "Nohiyahoi Tobei Jumhuri");
- TJ.put("TJ-SU", "Sughd");
- }
- static {
- TL.put("TL-AL", "Aileu");
- TL.put("TL-AN", "Ainaro");
- TL.put("TL-CO", "Cova Lima");
- TL.put("TL-DI", "Dili");
- TL.put("TL-LI", "Liquica");
- }
- static {
- TM.put("TM-A", "Ahal");
- TM.put("TM-B", "Balkan");
- TM.put("TM-D", "Dasoguz");
- TM.put("TM-L", "Lebap");
- TM.put("TM-M", "Mary");
- }
- static {
- TN.put("TN-31", "Beja");
- TN.put("TN-13", "Ben Arous");
- TN.put("TN-23", "Bizerte");
- TN.put("TN-81", "Gabes");
- TN.put("TN-71", "Gafsa");
- TN.put("TN-32", "Jendouba");
- TN.put("TN-41", "Kairouan");
- TN.put("TN-42", "Kasserine");
- TN.put("TN-73", "Kebili");
- TN.put("TN-12", "L'Ariana");
- TN.put("TN-14", "La Manouba");
- TN.put("TN-33", "Le Kef");
- TN.put("TN-53", "Mahdia");
- TN.put("TN-82", "Medenine");
- TN.put("TN-52", "Monastir");
- TN.put("TN-21", "Nabeul");
- TN.put("TN-61", "Sfax");
- TN.put("TN-43", "Sidi Bouzid");
- TN.put("TN-34", "Siliana");
- TN.put("TN-51", "Sousse");
- TN.put("TN-83", "Tataouine");
- TN.put("TN-72", "Tozeur");
- TN.put("TN-11", "Tunis");
- TN.put("TN-22", "Zaghouan");
- }
- static {
- TO.put("TO-01", "'Eua");
- TO.put("TO-02", "Ha'apai");
- TO.put("TO-03", "Niuas");
- TO.put("TO-04", "Tongatapu");
- TO.put("TO-05", "Vava'u");
- }
- static {
- TR.put("TR-01", "Adana");
- TR.put("TR-02", "Adiyaman");
- TR.put("TR-03", "Afyonkarahisar");
- TR.put("TR-04", "Agri");
- TR.put("TR-68", "Aksaray");
- TR.put("TR-05", "Amasya");
- TR.put("TR-06", "Ankara");
- TR.put("TR-07", "Antalya");
- TR.put("TR-75", "Ardahan");
- TR.put("TR-08", "Artvin");
- TR.put("TR-09", "Aydin");
- TR.put("TR-10", "Balikesir");
- TR.put("TR-74", "Bartin");
- TR.put("TR-72", "Batman");
- TR.put("TR-69", "Bayburt");
- TR.put("TR-11", "Bilecik");
- TR.put("TR-12", "Bingol");
- TR.put("TR-13", "Bitlis");
- TR.put("TR-14", "Bolu");
- TR.put("TR-15", "Burdur");
- TR.put("TR-16", "Bursa");
- TR.put("TR-17", "Canakkale");
- TR.put("TR-18", "Cankiri");
- TR.put("TR-19", "Corum");
- TR.put("TR-20", "Denizli");
- TR.put("TR-21", "Diyarbakir");
- TR.put("TR-81", "Duzce");
- TR.put("TR-22", "Edirne");
- TR.put("TR-23", "Elazig");
- TR.put("TR-24", "Erzincan");
- TR.put("TR-25", "Erzurum");
- TR.put("TR-26", "Eskisehir");
- TR.put("TR-27", "Gaziantep");
- TR.put("TR-28", "Giresun");
- TR.put("TR-29", "Gumushane");
- TR.put("TR-30", "Hakkari");
- TR.put("TR-31", "Hatay");
- TR.put("TR-76", "Igdir");
- TR.put("TR-32", "Isparta");
- TR.put("TR-34", "Istanbul");
- TR.put("TR-35", "Izmir");
- TR.put("TR-46", "Kahramanmaras");
- TR.put("TR-78", "Karabuk");
- TR.put("TR-70", "Karaman");
- TR.put("TR-36", "Kars");
- TR.put("TR-37", "Kastamonu");
- TR.put("TR-38", "Kayseri");
- TR.put("TR-79", "Kilis");
- TR.put("TR-71", "Kirikkale");
- TR.put("TR-39", "Kirklareli");
- TR.put("TR-40", "Kirsehir");
- TR.put("TR-41", "Kocaeli");
- TR.put("TR-42", "Konya");
- TR.put("TR-43", "Kutahya");
- TR.put("TR-44", "Malatya");
- TR.put("TR-45", "Manisa");
- TR.put("TR-47", "Mardin");
- TR.put("TR-33", "Mersin");
- TR.put("TR-48", "Mugla");
- TR.put("TR-49", "Mus");
- TR.put("TR-50", "Nevsehir");
- TR.put("TR-51", "Nigde");
- TR.put("TR-52", "Ordu");
- TR.put("TR-80", "Osmaniye");
- TR.put("TR-53", "Rize");
- TR.put("TR-54", "Sakarya");
- TR.put("TR-55", "Samsun");
- TR.put("TR-63", "Sanliurfa");
- TR.put("TR-56", "Siirt");
- TR.put("TR-57", "Sinop");
- TR.put("TR-73", "Sirnak");
- TR.put("TR-58", "Sivas");
- TR.put("TR-59", "Tekirdag");
- TR.put("TR-60", "Tokat");
- TR.put("TR-61", "Trabzon");
- TR.put("TR-62", "Tunceli");
- TR.put("TR-64", "Usak");
- TR.put("TR-65", "Van");
- TR.put("TR-77", "Yalova");
- TR.put("TR-66", "Yozgat");
- TR.put("TR-67", "Zonguldak");
- }
- static {
- TT.put("TT-ARI", "Arima");
- TT.put("TT-CHA", "Chaguanas");
- TT.put("TT-CTT", "Couva-Tabaquite-Talparo");
- TT.put("TT-DMN", "Diego Martin");
- TT.put("TT-MRC", "Mayaro-Rio Claro");
- TT.put("TT-PED", "Penal-Debe");
- TT.put("TT-PTF", "Point Fortin");
- TT.put("TT-POS", "Port of Spain");
- TT.put("TT-PRT", "Princes Town");
- TT.put("TT-SFO", "San Fernando");
- TT.put("TT-SJL", "San Juan-Laventille");
- TT.put("TT-SGE", "Sangre Grande");
- TT.put("TT-SIP", "Siparia");
- TT.put("TT-TOB", "Tobago");
- TT.put("TT-TUP", "Tunapuna-Piarco");
- }
- static {
- TV.put("TV-FUN", "Funafuti");
- }
- static {
- TW.put("TW-CHA", "Changhua");
- TW.put("TW-CYQ", "Chiayi");
- TW.put("TW-HSQ", "Hsinchu");
- TW.put("TW-HUA", "Hualien");
- TW.put("TW-KHH", "Kaohsiung");
- TW.put("TW-KEE", "Keelung");
- TW.put("TW-KIN", "Kinmen");
- TW.put("TW-LIE", "Lienchiang");
- TW.put("TW-MIA", "Miaoli");
- TW.put("TW-NAN", "Nantou");
- TW.put("TW-NWT", "New Taipei");
- TW.put("TW-PEN", "Penghu");
- TW.put("TW-PIF", "Pingtung");
- TW.put("TW-TXG", "Taichung");
- TW.put("TW-TNN", "Tainan");
- TW.put("TW-TPE", "Taipei");
- TW.put("TW-TTT", "Taitung");
- TW.put("TW-TAO", "Taoyuan");
- TW.put("TW-ILA", "Yilan");
- TW.put("TW-YUN", "Yunlin");
- }
- static {
- TZ.put("TZ-01", "Arusha");
- TZ.put("TZ-02", "Dar es Salaam");
- TZ.put("TZ-03", "Dodoma");
- TZ.put("TZ-27", "Geita");
- TZ.put("TZ-04", "Iringa");
- TZ.put("TZ-05", "Kagera");
- TZ.put("TZ-06", "Kaskazini Pemba");
- TZ.put("TZ-07", "Kaskazini Unguja");
- TZ.put("TZ-28", "Katavi");
- TZ.put("TZ-08", "Kigoma");
- TZ.put("TZ-09", "Kilimanjaro");
- TZ.put("TZ-10", "Kusini Pemba");
- TZ.put("TZ-11", "Kusini Unguja");
- TZ.put("TZ-12", "Lindi");
- TZ.put("TZ-26", "Manyara");
- TZ.put("TZ-13", "Mara");
- TZ.put("TZ-14", "Mbeya");
- TZ.put("TZ-15", "Mjini Magharibi");
- TZ.put("TZ-16", "Morogoro");
- TZ.put("TZ-17", "Mtwara");
- TZ.put("TZ-18", "Mwanza");
- TZ.put("TZ-29", "Njombe");
- TZ.put("TZ-19", "Pwani");
- TZ.put("TZ-20", "Rukwa");
- TZ.put("TZ-21", "Ruvuma");
- TZ.put("TZ-22", "Shinyanga");
- TZ.put("TZ-30", "Simiyu");
- TZ.put("TZ-23", "Singida");
- TZ.put("TZ-31", "Songwe");
- TZ.put("TZ-24", "Tabora");
- TZ.put("TZ-25", "Tanga");
- }
- static {
- UA.put("UA-43", "Avtonomna Respublika Krym");
- UA.put("UA-71", "Cherkaska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-74", "Chernihivska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-77", "Chernivetska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-12", "Dnipropetrovska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-14", "Donetska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-26", "Ivano-Frankivska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-63", "Kharkivska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-65", "Khersonska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-68", "Khmelnytska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-35", "Kirovohradska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-30", "Kyiv");
- UA.put("UA-32", "Kyivska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-09", "Luhanska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-46", "Lvivska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-48", "Mykolaivska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-51", "Odeska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-53", "Poltavska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-56", "Rivnenska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-40", "Sevastopol");
- UA.put("UA-59", "Sumska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-61", "Ternopilska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-05", "Vinnytska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-07", "Volynska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-21", "Zakarpatska oblast");
- UA.put("UA-23", "Zaporizka oblast");
- UA.put("UA-18", "Zhytomyrska oblast");
- }
- static {
- UG.put("UG-314", "Abim");
- UG.put("UG-301", "Adjumani");
- UG.put("UG-322", "Agago");
- UG.put("UG-323", "Alebtong");
- UG.put("UG-302", "Apac");
- UG.put("UG-303", "Arua");
- UG.put("UG-218", "Bududa");
- UG.put("UG-201", "Bugiri");
- UG.put("UG-420", "Buhweju");
- UG.put("UG-117", "Buikwe");
- UG.put("UG-219", "Bukedea");
- UG.put("UG-118", "Bukomansibi");
- UG.put("UG-225", "Bulambuli");
- UG.put("UG-401", "Bundibugyo");
- UG.put("UG-402", "Bushenyi");
- UG.put("UG-202", "Busia");
- UG.put("UG-120", "Buvuma");
- UG.put("UG-226", "Buyende");
- UG.put("UG-121", "Gomba");
- UG.put("UG-304", "Gulu");
- UG.put("UG-403", "Hoima");
- UG.put("UG-417", "Ibanda");
- UG.put("UG-203", "Iganga");
- UG.put("UG-418", "Isingiro");
- UG.put("UG-204", "Jinja");
- UG.put("UG-318", "Kaabong");
- UG.put("UG-404", "Kabale");
- UG.put("UG-405", "Kabarole");
- UG.put("UG-213", "Kaberamaido");
- UG.put("UG-101", "Kalangala");
- UG.put("UG-222", "Kaliro");
- UG.put("UG-122", "Kalungu");
- UG.put("UG-102", "Kampala");
- UG.put("UG-205", "Kamuli");
- UG.put("UG-413", "Kamwenge");
- UG.put("UG-414", "Kanungu");
- UG.put("UG-206", "Kapchorwa");
- UG.put("UG-406", "Kasese");
- UG.put("UG-207", "Katakwi");
- UG.put("UG-112", "Kayunga");
- UG.put("UG-407", "Kibaale");
- UG.put("UG-103", "Kiboga");
- UG.put("UG-227", "Kibuku");
- UG.put("UG-419", "Kiruhura");
- UG.put("UG-421", "Kiryandongo");
- UG.put("UG-408", "Kisoro");
- UG.put("UG-305", "Kitgum");
- UG.put("UG-319", "Koboko");
- UG.put("UG-325", "Kole");
- UG.put("UG-208", "Kumi");
- UG.put("UG-228", "Kween");
- UG.put("UG-123", "Kyankwanzi");
- UG.put("UG-422", "Kyegegwa");
- UG.put("UG-415", "Kyenjojo");
- UG.put("UG-326", "Lamwo");
- UG.put("UG-307", "Lira");
- UG.put("UG-229", "Luuka");
- UG.put("UG-104", "Luwero");
- UG.put("UG-124", "Lwengo");
- UG.put("UG-114", "Lyantonde");
- UG.put("UG-223", "Manafwa");
- UG.put("UG-320", "Maracha");
- UG.put("UG-105", "Masaka");
- UG.put("UG-409", "Masindi");
- UG.put("UG-214", "Mayuge");
- UG.put("UG-209", "Mbale");
- UG.put("UG-410", "Mbarara");
- UG.put("UG-423", "Mitooma");
- UG.put("UG-115", "Mityana");
- UG.put("UG-308", "Moroto");
- UG.put("UG-309", "Moyo");
- UG.put("UG-106", "Mpigi");
- UG.put("UG-107", "Mubende");
- UG.put("UG-108", "Mukono");
- UG.put("UG-311", "Nakapiripirit");
- UG.put("UG-116", "Nakaseke");
- UG.put("UG-109", "Nakasongola");
- UG.put("UG-230", "Namayingo");
- UG.put("UG-327", "Napak");
- UG.put("UG-310", "Nebbi");
- UG.put("UG-424", "Ntoroko");
- UG.put("UG-411", "Ntungamo");
- UG.put("UG-328", "Nwoya");
- UG.put("UG-321", "Oyam");
- UG.put("UG-312", "Pader");
- UG.put("UG-110", "Rakai");
- UG.put("UG-425", "Rubirizi");
- UG.put("UG-412", "Rukungiri");
- UG.put("UG-111", "Sembabule");
- UG.put("UG-426", "Sheema");
- UG.put("UG-215", "Sironko");
- UG.put("UG-211", "Soroti");
- UG.put("UG-212", "Tororo");
- UG.put("UG-113", "Wakiso");
- UG.put("UG-313", "Yumbe");
- UG.put("UG-330", "Zombo");
- }
- static {
- UM.put("UM-95", "Palmyra Atoll");
- }
- static {
- US.put("US-AL", "Alabama");
- US.put("US-AK", "Alaska");
- US.put("US-AZ", "Arizona");
- US.put("US-AR", "Arkansas");
- US.put("US-CA", "California");
- US.put("US-CO", "Colorado");
- US.put("US-CT", "Connecticut");
- US.put("US-DE", "Delaware");
- US.put("US-DC", "District of Columbia");
- US.put("US-FL", "Florida");
- US.put("US-GA", "Georgia");
- US.put("US-HI", "Hawaii");
- US.put("US-ID", "Idaho");
- US.put("US-IL", "Illinois");
- US.put("US-IN", "Indiana");
- US.put("US-IA", "Iowa");
- US.put("US-KS", "Kansas");
- US.put("US-KY", "Kentucky");
- US.put("US-LA", "Louisiana");
- US.put("US-ME", "Maine");
- US.put("US-MD", "Maryland");
- US.put("US-MA", "Massachusetts");
- US.put("US-MI", "Michigan");
- US.put("US-MN", "Minnesota");
- US.put("US-MS", "Mississippi");
- US.put("US-MO", "Missouri");
- US.put("US-MT", "Montana");
- US.put("US-NE", "Nebraska");
- US.put("US-NV", "Nevada");
- US.put("US-NH", "New Hampshire");
- US.put("US-NJ", "New Jersey");
- US.put("US-NM", "New Mexico");
- US.put("US-NY", "New York");
- US.put("US-NC", "North Carolina");
- US.put("US-ND", "North Dakota");
- US.put("US-OH", "Ohio");
- US.put("US-OK", "Oklahoma");
- US.put("US-OR", "Oregon");
- US.put("US-PA", "Pennsylvania");
- US.put("US-RI", "Rhode Island");
- US.put("US-SC", "South Carolina");
- US.put("US-SD", "South Dakota");
- US.put("US-TN", "Tennessee");
- US.put("US-TX", "Texas");
- US.put("US-UT", "Utah");
- US.put("US-VT", "Vermont");
- US.put("US-VA", "Virginia");
- US.put("US-WA", "Washington");
- US.put("US-WV", "West Virginia");
- US.put("US-WI", "Wisconsin");
- US.put("US-WY", "Wyoming");
- }
- static {
- UY.put("UY-AR", "Artigas");
- UY.put("UY-CA", "Canelones");
- UY.put("UY-CL", "Cerro Largo");
- UY.put("UY-CO", "Colonia");
- UY.put("UY-DU", "Durazno");
- UY.put("UY-FS", "Flores");
- UY.put("UY-FD", "Florida");
- UY.put("UY-LA", "Lavalleja");
- UY.put("UY-MA", "Maldonado");
- UY.put("UY-MO", "Montevideo");
- UY.put("UY-PA", "Paysandu");
- UY.put("UY-RN", "Rio Negro");
- UY.put("UY-RV", "Rivera");
- UY.put("UY-RO", "Rocha");
- UY.put("UY-SA", "Salto");
- UY.put("UY-SJ", "San Jose");
- UY.put("UY-SO", "Soriano");
- UY.put("UY-TA", "Tacuarembo");
- UY.put("UY-TT", "Treinta y Tres");
- }
- static {
- UZ.put("UZ-AN", "Andijon");
- UZ.put("UZ-BU", "Buxoro");
- UZ.put("UZ-FA", "Farg'ona");
- UZ.put("UZ-JI", "Jizzax");
- UZ.put("UZ-NG", "Namangan");
- UZ.put("UZ-NW", "Navoiy");
- UZ.put("UZ-QA", "Qashqadaryo");
- UZ.put("UZ-QR", "Qoraqalpog'iston Respublikasi");
- UZ.put("UZ-SA", "Samarqand");
- UZ.put("UZ-SI", "Sirdaryo");
- UZ.put("UZ-SU", "Surxondaryo");
- UZ.put("UZ-TK", "Toshkent");
- UZ.put("UZ-XO", "Xorazm");
- }
- static {
- VC.put("VC-01", "Charlotte");
- VC.put("VC-06", "Grenadines");
- VC.put("VC-04", "Saint George");
- VC.put("VC-05", "Saint Patrick");
- }
- static {
- VE.put("VE-Z", "Amazonas");
- VE.put("VE-B", "Anzoategui");
- VE.put("VE-C", "Apure");
- VE.put("VE-D", "Aragua");
- VE.put("VE-E", "Barinas");
- VE.put("VE-F", "Bolivar");
- VE.put("VE-G", "Carabobo");
- VE.put("VE-H", "Cojedes");
- VE.put("VE-Y", "Delta Amacuro");
- VE.put("VE-W", "Dependencias Federales");
- VE.put("VE-A", "Distrito Capital");
- VE.put("VE-I", "Falcon");
- VE.put("VE-J", "Guarico");
- VE.put("VE-X", "La Guaira");
- VE.put("VE-K", "Lara");
- VE.put("VE-L", "Merida");
- VE.put("VE-M", "Miranda");
- VE.put("VE-N", "Monagas");
- VE.put("VE-O", "Nueva Esparta");
- VE.put("VE-P", "Portuguesa");
- VE.put("VE-R", "Sucre");
- VE.put("VE-S", "Tachira");
- VE.put("VE-T", "Trujillo");
- VE.put("VE-U", "Yaracuy");
- VE.put("VE-V", "Zulia");
- }
- static {
- VN.put("VN-44", "An Giang");
- VN.put("VN-43", "Ba Ria - Vung Tau");
- VN.put("VN-54", "Bac Giang");
- VN.put("VN-53", "Bac Kan");
- VN.put("VN-55", "Bac Lieu");
- VN.put("VN-56", "Bac Ninh");
- VN.put("VN-50", "Ben Tre");
- VN.put("VN-31", "Binh Dinh");
- VN.put("VN-57", "Binh Duong");
- VN.put("VN-58", "Binh Phuoc");
- VN.put("VN-40", "Binh Thuan");
- VN.put("VN-59", "Ca Mau");
- VN.put("VN-CT", "Can Tho");
- VN.put("VN-04", "Cao Bang");
- VN.put("VN-DN", "Da Nang");
- VN.put("VN-33", "Dak Lak");
- VN.put("VN-72", "Dak Nong");
- VN.put("VN-71", "Dien Bien");
- VN.put("VN-39", "Dong Nai");
- VN.put("VN-45", "Dong Thap");
- VN.put("VN-30", "Gia Lai");
- VN.put("VN-03", "Ha Giang");
- VN.put("VN-63", "Ha Nam");
- VN.put("VN-HN", "Ha Noi");
- VN.put("VN-23", "Ha Tinh");
- VN.put("VN-61", "Hai Duong");
- VN.put("VN-HP", "Hai Phong");
- VN.put("VN-73", "Hau Giang");
- VN.put("VN-SG", "Ho Chi Minh");
- VN.put("VN-14", "Hoa Binh");
- VN.put("VN-66", "Hung Yen");
- VN.put("VN-34", "Khanh Hoa");
- VN.put("VN-47", "Kien Giang");
- VN.put("VN-28", "Kon Tum");
- VN.put("VN-01", "Lai Chau");
- VN.put("VN-35", "Lam Dong");
- VN.put("VN-09", "Lang Son");
- VN.put("VN-02", "Lao Cai");
- VN.put("VN-41", "Long An");
- VN.put("VN-67", "Nam Dinh");
- VN.put("VN-22", "Nghe An");
- VN.put("VN-18", "Ninh Binh");
- VN.put("VN-36", "Ninh Thuan");
- VN.put("VN-68", "Phu Tho");
- VN.put("VN-32", "Phu Yen");
- VN.put("VN-24", "Quang Binh");
- VN.put("VN-27", "Quang Nam");
- VN.put("VN-29", "Quang Ngai");
- VN.put("VN-13", "Quang Ninh");
- VN.put("VN-25", "Quang Tri");
- VN.put("VN-52", "Soc Trang");
- VN.put("VN-05", "Son La");
- VN.put("VN-37", "Tay Ninh");
- VN.put("VN-20", "Thai Binh");
- VN.put("VN-69", "Thai Nguyen");
- VN.put("VN-21", "Thanh Hoa");
- VN.put("VN-26", "Thua Thien-Hue");
- VN.put("VN-46", "Tien Giang");
- VN.put("VN-51", "Tra Vinh");
- VN.put("VN-07", "Tuyen Quang");
- VN.put("VN-49", "Vinh Long");
- VN.put("VN-70", "Vinh Phuc");
- VN.put("VN-06", "Yen Bai");
- }
- static {
- VU.put("VU-SAM", "Sanma");
- VU.put("VU-SEE", "Shefa");
- VU.put("VU-TAE", "Tafea");
- VU.put("VU-TOB", "Torba");
- }
- static {
- WF.put("WF-SG", "Sigave");
- WF.put("WF-UV", "Uvea");
- }
- static {
- WS.put("WS-AT", "Atua");
- WS.put("WS-FA", "Fa'asaleleaga");
- WS.put("WS-GI", "Gagaifomauga");
- WS.put("WS-TU", "Tuamasaga");
- }
- static {
- YE.put("YE-AD", "'Adan");
- YE.put("YE-AM", "'Amran");
- YE.put("YE-DA", "Ad Dali'");
- YE.put("YE-BA", "Al Bayda'");
- YE.put("YE-HU", "Al Hudaydah");
- YE.put("YE-JA", "Al Jawf");
- YE.put("YE-SA", "Amanat al 'Asimah");
- YE.put("YE-DH", "Dhamar");
- YE.put("YE-HD", "Hadramawt");
- YE.put("YE-HJ", "Hajjah");
- YE.put("YE-IB", "Ibb");
- YE.put("YE-LA", "Lahij");
- YE.put("YE-MA", "Ma'rib");
- YE.put("YE-SD", "Sa'dah");
- YE.put("YE-SN", "San'a'");
- YE.put("YE-SH", "Shabwah");
- YE.put("YE-TA", "Ta'izz");
- }
- static {
- ZA.put("ZA-EC", "Eastern Cape");
- ZA.put("ZA-FS", "Free State");
- ZA.put("ZA-GP", "Gauteng");
- ZA.put("ZA-KZN", "Kwazulu-Natal");
- ZA.put("ZA-LP", "Limpopo");
- ZA.put("ZA-MP", "Mpumalanga");
- ZA.put("ZA-NW", "North-West");
- ZA.put("ZA-NC", "Northern Cape");
- ZA.put("ZA-WC", "Western Cape");
- }
- static {
- ZM.put("ZM-02", "Central");
- ZM.put("ZM-08", "Copperbelt");
- ZM.put("ZM-03", "Eastern");
- ZM.put("ZM-04", "Luapula");
- ZM.put("ZM-09", "Lusaka");
- ZM.put("ZM-10", "Muchinga");
- ZM.put("ZM-06", "North-Western");
- ZM.put("ZM-05", "Northern");
- ZM.put("ZM-07", "Southern");
- ZM.put("ZM-01", "Western");
- }
- static {
- ZW.put("ZW-BU", "Bulawayo");
- ZW.put("ZW-HA", "Harare");
- ZW.put("ZW-MA", "Manicaland");
- ZW.put("ZW-MC", "Mashonaland Central");
- ZW.put("ZW-ME", "Mashonaland East");
- ZW.put("ZW-MW", "Mashonaland West");
- ZW.put("ZW-MV", "Masvingo");
- ZW.put("ZW-MN", "Matabeleland North");
- ZW.put("ZW-MS", "Matabeleland South");
- ZW.put("ZW-MI", "Midlands");
- }
- public static final Map> REGION_MAP = new HashMap<>();
- static {
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.AD, AD);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.AE, AE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.AF, AF);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.AG, AG);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.AL, AL);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.AM, AM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.AO, AO);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.AR, AR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.AT, AT);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.AU, AU);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.AZ, AZ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BA, BA);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BB, BB);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BD, BD);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BE, BE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BF, BF);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BG, BG);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BH, BH);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BI, BI);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BJ, BJ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BN, BN);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BO, BO);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BQ, BQ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BR, BR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BS, BS);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BT, BT);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BW, BW);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BY, BY);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.BZ, BZ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CA, CA);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CD, CD);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CF, CF);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CG, CG);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CH, CH);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CI, CI);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CL, CL);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CM, CM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CN, CN);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CO, CO);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CR, CR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CU, CU);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CV, CV);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CY, CY);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.CZ, CZ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.DE, DE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.DJ, DJ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.DK, DK);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.DM, DM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.DO, DO);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.DZ, DZ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.EC, EC);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.EE, EE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.EG, EG);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.ER, ER);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.ES, ES);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.ET, ET);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.FI, FI);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.FJ, FJ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.FM, FM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.FR, FR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GA, GA);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GB, GB);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GD, GD);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GE, GE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GH, GH);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GL, GL);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GM, GM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GN, GN);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GQ, GQ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GR, GR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GT, GT);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GW, GW);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.GY, GY);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.HN, HN);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.HR, HR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.HT, HT);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.HU, HU);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.ID, ID);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.IE, IE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.IL, IL);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.IN, IN);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.IQ, IQ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.IR, IR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.IS, IS);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.IT, IT);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.JM, JM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.JO, JO);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.JP, JP);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.KE, KE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.KG, KG);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.KH, KH);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.KI, KI);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.KM, KM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.KN, KN);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.KP, KP);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.KR, KR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.KW, KW);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.KZ, KZ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.LA, LA);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.LB, LB);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.LC, LC);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.LI, LI);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.LK, LK);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.LR, LR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.LS, LS);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.LT, LT);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.LU, LU);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.LV, LV);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.LY, LY);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MA, MA);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MC, MC);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MD, MD);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.ME, ME);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MG, MG);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MH, MH);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MK, MK);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.ML, ML);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MM, MM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MN, MN);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MR, MR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MT, MT);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MU, MU);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MV, MV);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MW, MW);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MX, MX);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MY, MY);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.MZ, MZ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.NA, NA);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.NE, NE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.NG, NG);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.NI, NI);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.NL, NL);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.NO, NO);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.NP, NP);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.NR, NR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.NZ, NZ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.OM, OM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.PA, PA);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.PE, PE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.PG, PG);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.PH, PH);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.PK, PK);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.PL, PL);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.PS, PS);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.PT, PT);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.PW, PW);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.PY, PY);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.QA, QA);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.RO, RO);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.RS, RS);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.RU, RU);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.RW, RW);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SA, SA);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SB, SB);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SC, SC);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SD, SD);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SE, SE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SH, SH);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SI, SI);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SK, SK);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SL, SL);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SM, SM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SN, SN);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SO, SO);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SR, SR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SS, SS);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.ST, ST);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SV, SV);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SY, SY);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.SZ, SZ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TD, TD);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TG, TG);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TH, TH);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TJ, TJ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TL, TL);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TM, TM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TN, TN);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TO, TO);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TR, TR);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TT, TT);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TV, TV);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TW, TW);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.TZ, TZ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.UA, UA);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.UG, UG);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.UM, UM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.US, US);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.UY, UY);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.UZ, UZ);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.VC, VC);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.VE, VE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.VN, VN);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.VU, VU);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.WF, WF);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.WS, WS);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.YE, YE);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.ZA, ZA);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.ZM, ZM);
- REGION_MAP.put(Country.ZW, ZW);
- }
- public static Map getRegionByCountry(Country country) {
- if (REGION_MAP.containsKey(country)) {
- return REGION_MAP.get(country);
- }
- return new HashMap<>(16);
- }
- public static String getRegion(Country country, String regionCode) {
- if ("*".equals(regionCode)) {
- return "全部";
- }
- Map regionByCountry = getRegionByCountry(country);
- if (regionByCountry.containsKey(regionCode)) {
- return regionByCountry.get(regionCode);
- }
- return "";
- }
diff --git a/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/RequestUtils.java b/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/RequestUtils.java
deleted file mode 100644
index db3ed3e6..00000000
--- a/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/RequestUtils.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * eiam-common - Employee Identity and Access Management
- * Copyright © 2022-Present Jinan Yuanchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. (support@topiam.cn)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-package cn.topiam.employee.common.util;
-import java.io.StringReader;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
-import lombok.AccessLevel;
-import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
-import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- * @author TopIAM
- * Created by support@topiam.cn on 2022-03-02 22:57
- */
-@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
-public class RequestUtils {
- /**
- **把request转换成xml数据
- */
- public static T getXml(String body, Class clazz) throws JAXBException {
- StringReader reader = new StringReader(body);
- return (T) JAXBContext.newInstance(clazz).createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(reader);
- }
- /**
- **把request转换成map数据
- */
- public static Map getParams(HttpServletRequest request) {
- Map params = new HashMap<>(16);
- Map requestParams = request.getParameterMap();
- for (Map.Entry entry : requestParams.entrySet()) {
- String[] values = entry.getValue();
- String valueStr = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
- valueStr = (i == values.length - 1) ? valueStr + values[i]
- : valueStr + values[i] + ",";
- }
- params.put(entry.getKey(), valueStr);
- }
- return params;
- }
diff --git a/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/X509Utils.java b/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/X509Utils.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 42b076ae..00000000
--- a/eiam-common/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/common/util/X509Utils.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
- * eiam-common - Employee Identity and Access Management
- * Copyright © 2022-Present Jinan Yuanchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. (support@topiam.cn)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-package cn.topiam.employee.common.util;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.CharArrayReader;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.security.*;
-import java.security.cert.CertificateException;
-import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory;
-import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
-import java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey;
-import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException;
-import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec;
-import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
-import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PrivateKeyInfo;
-import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo;
-import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
-import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMDecryptorProvider;
-import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMEncryptedKeyPair;
-import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMKeyPair;
-import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMParser;
-import org.bouncycastle.openssl.jcajce.JcaPEMKeyConverter;
-import org.bouncycastle.openssl.jcajce.JcePEMDecryptorProviderBuilder;
- * 读取证书和私钥的工具类
- *
- * @author TopIAM
- */
-public class X509Utils {
- public static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator");
- public static final String BEGIN_CERT = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" + LINE_SEPARATOR;
- public static final String END_CERT = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
- public static final String BEGIN_KEY = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" + LINE_SEPARATOR;
- public static final String END_KEY = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
- static {
- Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
- }
- public static byte[] getDer(String combinedKeyAndCertPem, String begin, String end) {
- String[] tokens = combinedKeyAndCertPem.split(begin);
- tokens = tokens[0].split(end);
- return getDer(tokens[0]);
- }
- public static byte[] getDer(String pem) {
- String data = keyCleanup(pem);
- return DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(data);
- }
- public static String keyCleanup(String pem) {
- return pem.replace(BEGIN_CERT, "").replace(END_CERT, "").replace(BEGIN_KEY, "")
- .replace(END_KEY, "").replace("\n", "").trim();
- }
- public static X509Certificate getCertificate(byte[] der) throws CertificateException {
- CertificateFactory factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
- return (X509Certificate) factory.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(der));
- }
- public static RSAPrivateKey getPrivateKey(byte[] der,
- String algorithm) throws InvalidKeySpecException,
- NoSuchAlgorithmException {
- PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(der);
- KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
- return (RSAPrivateKey) factory.generatePrivate(spec);
- }
- public static PrivateKey readPrivateKey(String pem, String passphrase) throws IOException {
- PEMParser parser = new PEMParser(new CharArrayReader(pem.toCharArray()));
- Object obj = parser.readObject();
- parser.close();
- JcaPEMKeyConverter converter = new JcaPEMKeyConverter().setProvider("BC");
- KeyPair kp;
- if (obj == null) {
- throw new NullPointerException("Unable to decode PEM key:" + pem);
- } else if (obj instanceof PEMEncryptedKeyPair ckp) {
- // Encrypted key - we will use provided password
- PEMDecryptorProvider decProv = new JcePEMDecryptorProviderBuilder()
- .build(passphrase.toCharArray());
- kp = converter.getKeyPair(ckp.decryptKeyPair(decProv));
- } else if (obj instanceof PrivateKeyInfo privateKeyInfo) {
- return converter.getPrivateKey(privateKeyInfo);
- } else {
- // Unencrypted key - no password needed
- PEMKeyPair ukp = (PEMKeyPair) obj;
- kp = converter.getKeyPair(ukp);
- }
- return kp.getPrivate();
- }
- public static PublicKey readPublicKey(String pem, String passphrase) throws IOException {
- PEMParser parser = new PEMParser(new CharArrayReader(pem.toCharArray()));
- Object obj = parser.readObject();
- parser.close();
- JcaPEMKeyConverter converter = new JcaPEMKeyConverter().setProvider("BC");
- KeyPair kp;
- if (obj == null) {
- throw new NullPointerException("Unable to decode PEM key:" + pem);
- } else if (obj instanceof PEMEncryptedKeyPair ckp) {
- // Encrypted key - we will use provided password
- PEMDecryptorProvider decProv = new JcePEMDecryptorProviderBuilder()
- .build(passphrase.toCharArray());
- kp = converter.getKeyPair(ckp.decryptKeyPair(decProv));
- } else if (obj instanceof SubjectPublicKeyInfo privateKeyInfo) {
- return converter.getPublicKey(privateKeyInfo);
- } else {
- // Unencrypted key - no password needed
- PEMKeyPair ukp = (PEMKeyPair) obj;
- kp = converter.getKeyPair(ukp);
- }
- return kp.getPublic();
- }
diff --git a/eiam-console/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/console/security/handler/package-info.java b/eiam-console/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/console/security/handler/package-info.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a63f074..00000000
--- a/eiam-console/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/console/security/handler/package-info.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * eiam-console - Employee Identity and Access Management
- * Copyright © 2022-Present Jinan Yuanchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. (support@topiam.cn)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
- * 处理器
- *
- * @author TopIAM
- * Created by support@topiam.cn on 2020/10/29 23:12
- */
-package cn.topiam.employee.console.security.handler;
diff --git a/eiam-console/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/console/security/listener/package-info.java b/eiam-console/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/console/security/listener/package-info.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f4fa98e..00000000
--- a/eiam-console/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/console/security/listener/package-info.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * eiam-console - Employee Identity and Access Management
- * Copyright © 2022-Present Jinan Yuanchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. (support@topiam.cn)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-package cn.topiam.employee.console.security.listener;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eiam-console/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/console/security/package-info.java b/eiam-console/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/console/security/package-info.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a6a35d60..00000000
--- a/eiam-console/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/console/security/package-info.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * eiam-console - Employee Identity and Access Management
- * Copyright © 2022-Present Jinan Yuanchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. (support@topiam.cn)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-package cn.topiam.employee.console.security;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eiam-portal/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/portal/security/handler/package-info.java b/eiam-portal/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/portal/security/handler/package-info.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c91b1b3..00000000
--- a/eiam-portal/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/portal/security/handler/package-info.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * eiam-portal - Employee Identity and Access Management
- * Copyright © 2022-Present Jinan Yuanchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. (support@topiam.cn)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
- * 处理器
- *
- * @author TopIAM
- * Created by support@topiam.cn on 2020/10/29 23:12
- */
-package cn.topiam.employee.portal.security.handler;
diff --git a/eiam-portal/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/portal/security/package-info.java b/eiam-portal/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/portal/security/package-info.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f05a6ddc..00000000
--- a/eiam-portal/src/main/java/cn/topiam/employee/portal/security/package-info.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * eiam-portal - Employee Identity and Access Management
- * Copyright © 2022-Present Jinan Yuanchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. (support@topiam.cn)
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
-package cn.topiam.employee.portal.security;
\ No newline at end of file