- 定时任务日志前端完成

- 前端左侧菜单二级有一个也展示一级菜单
- 前端菜单排序bug
李强 2021-03-26 01:03:33 +08:00
parent d936af4273
commit 7525e6cf2c
15 changed files with 469 additions and 129 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
from rest_framework import serializers
from rest_framework.fields import empty
from rest_framework.validators import UniqueValidator
from ..op_drf.serializers import CustomModelSerializer
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ class MenuTreeSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Menu
fields = ('id', 'label', 'parentId')
fields = ('id', 'label', 'orderNum', 'parentId')
# ================================================= #
@ -223,7 +222,8 @@ class UserProfileSerializer(CustomModelSerializer):
return False
def get_unread_msg_count(self, obj: UserProfile):
return MessagePush.objects.filter(status='2').exclude(user=obj,messagepushuser_message_push__is_read=True).count()
return MessagePush.objects.filter(status='2').exclude(user=obj,
class Meta:
model = UserProfile
@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ class UserProfileCreateUpdateSerializer(CustomModelSerializer):
exclude = ('password', 'secret', 'user_permissions', 'groups', 'is_superuser', 'date_joined')
read_only_fields = ('dept',)
class UserProfileImportSerializer(CustomModelSerializer):
def save(self, **kwargs):
@ -304,7 +305,6 @@ class UserProfileImportSerializer(CustomModelSerializer):
data['is_active'] = {'启用': True, '禁用': False}.get(data['is_active'])
return super().run_validation(data)
class Meta:
model = UserProfile
exclude = ('password', 'secret', 'user_permissions', 'groups', 'is_superuser', 'date_joined')

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from ..permission.serializers import UserProfileSerializer, MenuSerializer, Role
PostSimpleSerializer, RoleSimpleSerializer, ExportUserProfileSerializer, ExportRoleSerializer, ExportPostSerializer, \
from ..system.models import DictDetails
from ..utils.export_excel import export_excel_save_model, excel_to_data
from ..utils.export_excel import export_excel_save_model
from ..utils.response import SuccessResponse, ErrorResponse
@ -47,16 +47,9 @@ class GetRouters(APIView):
return dict
def get(self, request, format=None):
# data = GetUserInfoSerializer(request.user).data
menus = Menu.objects.filter(role__userprofile=request.user).exclude(menuType='2').values('id', 'name',
'visible', 'status',
'icon', 'parentId',
# data = '{'msg':'操作成功','code':200,'data':[{'name':'System','path':'/system','hidden':false,'redirect':'noRedirect','component':'Layout','alwaysShow':true,'meta':{'title':'系统管理','icon':'system','noCache':false},'children':[{'name':'User','path':'user','hidden':false,'component':'permission/user/index','meta':{'title':'用户管理','icon':'user','noCache':false}},{'name':'Role','path':'role','hidden':false,'component':'permission/role/index','meta':{'title':'角色管理','icon':'peoples','noCache':false}},{'name':'Menu','path':'menu','hidden':false,'component':'permission/menu/index','meta':{'title':'菜单管理','icon':'tree-table','noCache':false}},{'name':'Dept','path':'dept','hidden':false,'component':'permission/dept/index','meta':{'title':'部门管理','icon':'tree','noCache':false}},{'name':'Post','path':'post','hidden':false,'component':'permission/post/index','meta':{'title':'岗位管理','icon':'post','noCache':false}},{'name':'Dict','path':'dict','hidden':false,'component':'system/dict/index','meta':{'title':'字典管理','icon':'dict','noCache':false}},{'name':'Config','path':'config','hidden':false,'component':'system/config/index','meta':{'title':'参数设置','icon':'edit','noCache':false}},{'name':'Notice','path':'notice','hidden':false,'component':'system/notice/index','meta':{'title':'通知公告','icon':'message','noCache':false}},{'name':'Log','path':'log','hidden':false,'redirect':'noRedirect','component':'ParentView','alwaysShow':true,'meta':{'title':'日志管理','icon':'log','noCache':false},'children':[{'name':'Operlog','path':'operlog','hidden':false,'component':'monitor/operlog/index','meta':{'title':'操作日志','icon':'form','noCache':false}},{'name':'Logininfor','path':'logininfor','hidden':false,'component':'monitor/logininfor/index','meta':{'title':'登录日志','icon':'logininfor','noCache':false}}]}]},{'name':'Monitor','path':'/monitor','hidden':false,'redirect':'noRedirect','component':'Layout','alwaysShow':true,'meta':{'title':'系统监控','icon':'monitor','noCache':false},'children':[{'name':'Online','path':'online','hidden':false,'component':'monitor/online/index','meta':{'title':'在线用户','icon':'online','noCache':false}},{'name':'Job','path':'job','hidden':false,'component':'monitor/job/index','meta':{'title':'定时任务','icon':'job','noCache':false}},{'name':'Druid','path':'druid','hidden':false,'component':'monitor/druid/index','meta':{'title':'数据监控','icon':'druid','noCache':false}},{'name':'Server','path':'server','hidden':false,'component':'monitor/server/index','meta':{'title':'服务监控','icon':'server','noCache':false}},{'name':'Cache','path':'cache','hidden':false,'component':'monitor/cache/index','meta':{'title':'缓存监控','icon':'redis','noCache':false}}]},{'name':'Tool','path':'/tool','hidden':false,'redirect':'noRedirect','component':'Layout','alwaysShow':true,'meta':{'title':'系统工具','icon':'tool','noCache':false},'children':[{'name':'Build','path':'build','hidden':false,'component':'tool/build/index','meta':{'title':'表单构建','icon':'build','noCache':false}},{'name':'Gen','path':'gen','hidden':false,'component':'tool/gen/index','meta':{'title':'代码生成','icon':'code','noCache':false}},{'name':'Swagger','path':'swagger','hidden':false,'component':'tool/swagger/index','meta':{'title':'系统接口','icon':'swagger','noCache':false}}]},{'name':'Http://ruoyi.vip','path':'http://ruoyi.vip','hidden':false,'component':'Layout','meta':{'title':'若依官网','icon':'guide','noCache':false}}]}'
# data = json.loads(data)
menus = Menu.objects.filter(role__userprofile=request.user) \
.exclude(menuType='2').values('id', 'name', 'web_path', 'visible', 'status', 'isFrame', 'component_path',
'icon', 'parentId', 'orderNum', 'isCache').distinct()
data = []
sys_show_hide = DictDetails.get_default_dictValue('sys_show_hide')
for ele in menus:
@ -64,6 +57,7 @@ class GetRouters(APIView):
'id': ele.get('id'),
'name': ele.get('web_path', '').split('/')[-1] and ele.get('web_path', '').split('/')[-1].capitalize(),
'path': ele.get('web_path'),
'orderNum': ele.get('orderNum'),
'hidden': True if ele.get('visible') != '1' else False,
'redirect': ele.get('web_path') if ele.get('isFrame') == '1' else 'noRedirect',
'component': ele.get('component_path') or 'Layout',

View File

@ -32,90 +32,92 @@
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of permission_menu
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (1, '', 'admin', '2021-02-27 07:50:00.410101', '2021-02-27 07:41:28.660364', '0', 'system', '系统管理', 1, '1', '/system', '', '', 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (2, '', 'admin', '2021-02-27 07:51:14.500722', '2021-02-27 07:51:14.500768', '0', 'peoples', '权限管理', 2, '1', '/permission', '', '', 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (3, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:50:55.740451', '2021-02-27 07:54:38.630670', '1', 'dict', '字典管理', 1, '1', 'dict', 'vadmin/system/dict/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (4, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:51:07.813189', '2021-02-27 08:06:51.019173', '1', 'edit', '参数管理', 2, '1', '/system/config', 'vadmin/system/config/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (5, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:51:36.950198', '2021-02-27 08:25:37.339270', '1', 'post', '岗位管理', 1, '1', '/permission/post', 'vadmin/permission/post/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (6, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:52:06.412883', '2021-02-27 08:26:48.454553', '1', 'tree', '部门管理', 2, '1', '/permission/dept', 'vadmin/permission/dept/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (7, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:52:12.835100', '2021-02-27 08:28:20.411164', '1', 'tree-table', '菜单管理', 3, '1', '/permission/menu', 'vadmin/permission/menu/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '0', 1, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (8, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:52:31.046775', '2021-02-27 08:29:30.153361', '1', 'peoples', '角色管理', 4, '1', '/permission/role', 'vadmin/permission/role/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (9, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:52:39.106512', '2021-02-27 08:30:14.030888', '1', 'user', '用户管理', 5, '1', '/permission/user', 'vadmin/permission/user/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (10, '', 'admin', '2021-02-27 08:37:24.948235', '2021-02-27 08:36:04.824117', '0', 'guide', 'dvAdmin官网', 9, '0', 'https://django-vue-admin.com', '', NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (11, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:51:15.042512', '2021-02-27 16:17:36.685174', '1', 'job', '文件管理', 3, '1', '/system/savefile', 'vadmin/system/savefile/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (13, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:41:08.227821', '2021-03-03 14:18:52.530449', '2', NULL, '用户新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/', 'POST', 'permission:user:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (14, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:43:34.207938', '2021-03-03 14:43:34.208093', '2', NULL, '用户修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/{id}/', 'PUT', 'permission:user:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (15, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:44:58.006289', '2021-03-03 14:44:58.006338', '2', NULL, '用户删除', 3, '1', '', NULL, '/admin/permission/user/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:user:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (16, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:45:50.575443', '2021-03-03 14:45:50.575507', '2', NULL, '用户导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/export/', 'GET', 'permission:user:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (17, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:51:14.157310', '2021-03-03 14:51:14.157447', '2', NULL, '用户导入', 5, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/import/', 'POST', 'permission:user:import:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (18, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:51:51.220886', '2021-03-03 14:51:51.220933', '2', NULL, '重置密码', 6, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/resetPwd/', 'PUT', 'permission:user:resetpwd:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (19, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:53:47.877063', '2021-03-03 14:53:47.877116', '2', NULL, '角色新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/role/', 'POST', 'permission:role:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 8, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (20, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:54:28.794968', '2021-03-03 14:54:28.795015', '2', NULL, '角色修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/role/{id}/', 'PUT', 'permission:role:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 8, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (21, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:58:00.798718', '2021-03-03 14:58:00.798813', '2', NULL, '删除角色', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/role/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:role:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 8, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (22, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:58:28.940577', '2021-03-03 14:58:28.940625', '2', NULL, '角色导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/role/export/', 'GET', 'permission:role:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 8, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (23, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:00:41.081771', '2021-03-03 15:00:41.081832', '2', NULL, '菜单新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/menus/', 'POST', 'permission:menus:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 7, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (24, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:01:03.178824', '2021-03-03 15:01:03.178874', '2', NULL, '菜单修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/menus/{id}/', 'PUT', 'permission:menus:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 7, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (25, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:02:56.123525', '2021-03-03 15:02:56.123571', '2', NULL, '菜单删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/menus/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:menus:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 7, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (26, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:04:35.191774', '2021-03-03 15:04:35.191856', '2', NULL, '部门新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/dept/', 'POST', 'permission:dept:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 6, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (27, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:04:56.963168', '2021-03-03 15:04:56.963214', '2', NULL, '部门修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/dept/{id}/', 'PUT', 'permission:dept:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 6, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (28, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:05:39.602577', '2021-03-03 15:05:39.602622', '2', NULL, '部门删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/dept/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:dept:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 6, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (29, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:06:50.095341', '2021-03-03 15:06:50.095388', '2', NULL, '岗位新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/post/', 'POST', 'permission:post:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 5, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (30, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:07:36.013313', '2021-03-03 15:07:36.013358', '2', NULL, '岗位修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/post/{id}/', 'PUT', 'permission:post:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 5, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (31, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:08:10.371530', '2021-03-03 15:08:10.371575', '2', NULL, '岗位删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/post/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:post:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 5, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (32, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:09:02.213084', '2021-03-03 15:09:02.213131', '2', NULL, '岗位导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/post/export/', 'GET', 'permission:post:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 5, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (33, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:11:37.616329', '2021-03-03 15:11:37.616415', '2', NULL, '字典新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/', 'POST', 'system:dict:type:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (34, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:12:47.237658', '2021-03-03 15:12:47.237713', '2', NULL, '字典修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/{id}/', 'PUT', 'system:dict:type:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (35, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:13:40.185174', '2021-03-03 15:13:40.185230', '2', NULL, '字典删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'system:dict:type:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (36, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:15:12.950584', '2021-03-03 15:15:12.950684', '2', NULL, '字典导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/export/', 'GET', 'system:dict:type:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (37, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:16:54.709780', '2021-03-03 15:16:20.868146', '2', NULL, '清理缓存', 5, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/clearCache/', 'DELETE', 'system:dict:type:clearcache:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (38, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:17:54.232085', '2021-03-03 15:17:54.232166', '2', NULL, '参数新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/', 'POST', 'system:config:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (39, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:18:37.088187', '2021-03-03 15:18:37.088237', '2', NULL, '参数修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/{id}/', 'PUT', 'system:config:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (40, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:19:05.532556', '2021-03-03 15:19:05.532616', '2', NULL, '参数删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'system:config:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (41, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:19:49.576174', '2021-03-03 15:19:49.576221', '2', NULL, '参数导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/export/', 'GET', 'system:config:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (42, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:21:20.098250', '2021-03-03 15:21:20.098345', '2', NULL, '清理缓存', 5, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/clearCache/', 'DELETE', 'system:config:clearcache:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (43, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:22:48.492613', '2021-03-03 15:22:48.492666', '2', NULL, '文件上传', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/savefile/', 'POST', 'system:savefile:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 11, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (44, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:23:58.219105', '2021-03-03 15:23:58.219155', '2', NULL, '文件删除', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/savefile/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'system:savefile:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 11, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (45, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:25:15.224971', '2021-03-03 15:25:15.225018', '2', NULL, '清理废弃文件', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/clearsavefile/', 'POST', 'system:clearsavefile:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 11, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (46, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:28:30.061632', '2021-03-03 15:27:19.945663', '2', NULL, '文件下载', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'GET', 'system:clearsavefile:download:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 11, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (47, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:51:22.015400', '2021-03-07 14:32:06.754815', '1', 'message', '通知公告', 4, '1', 'system/message', 'vadmin/system/message/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (48, '', 'admin', '2021-03-07 14:35:06.718432', '2021-03-07 14:35:06.718463', '2', NULL, '发布公告', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/message/', 'POST', 'system:message:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 47, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (49, '', 'admin', '2021-03-08 13:04:32.158707', '2021-03-07 14:36:47.675837', '2', NULL, '修改公告', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/message/{id}/', 'PUT', 'system:message:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 47, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (50, '', 'admin', '2021-03-08 13:04:58.206693', '2021-03-07 14:37:52.130567', '2', NULL, '删除公告', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/menu/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:menu:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 47, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (51, '', 'admin', '2021-03-07 14:42:37.410336', '2021-03-07 14:42:37.410366', '2', NULL, '公告导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/message/export/', 'GET', 'system:message:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 47, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (52, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:19:13.828166', '2021-03-09 17:18:14.976783', '2', NULL, '字典查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/', 'GET', 'system:dict:type:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (53, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:19:46.963317', '2021-03-09 17:19:33.953559', '2', NULL, '参数查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/', 'GET', 'system:config:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (54, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:20:14.749627', '2021-03-09 17:20:02.783389', '2', NULL, '文件查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/savefile/', 'GET', 'system:savefile:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 11, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (55, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:20:44.604824', '2021-03-09 17:20:36.025364', '2', NULL, '公告查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/message/', 'GET', 'system:message:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 47, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (56, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:21:06.429585', '2021-03-09 17:21:06.429629', '2', NULL, '岗位查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/post/', 'GET', 'permission:post:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 5, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (57, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:21:29.013165', '2021-03-09 17:21:29.013210', '2', NULL, '部门查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/dept/', 'GET', 'permission:dept:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 6, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (58, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:21:56.243957', '2021-03-09 17:21:47.358360', '2', NULL, '菜单查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/menus/', 'GET', 'permission:menus:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 7, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (59, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:22:20.140143', '2021-03-09 17:22:20.140189', '2', NULL, '角色查询', 0, '1', '', NULL, '/admin/permission/role/', 'GET', 'permission:role:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 8, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (60, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:22:38.595706', '2021-03-09 17:22:38.595751', '2', NULL, '用户查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/', 'GET', 'permission:user:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (61, '', 'admin', '2021-03-21 11:34:17.635680', '2021-03-16 13:34:04.148728', '0', 'log', '日志管理', 5, '1', 'log', 'ParentView', NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (62, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:09:30.396752', '2021-03-16 13:36:00.114652', '1', 'logininfor', '登录日志', 1, '1', 'logininfor', 'vadmin/monitor/logininfor/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 61, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (63, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:09:38.015636', '2021-03-16 14:28:10.395273', '1', 'log', '操作日志', 2, '1', 'operlog', 'vadmin/monitor/operlog/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 61, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (64, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:31:27.618230', '2021-03-16 14:31:01.026470', '2', NULL, '登录日志查询', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/logininfor/', 'GET', 'admin:system:logininfor:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 62, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (65, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:31:44.112525', '2021-03-16 14:31:44.112572', '2', NULL, '操作日志查询', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/operlog/', 'GET', 'admin:system:operlog:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 63, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (66, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:33:05.482942', '2021-03-16 14:33:05.483003', '0', 'monitor', '系统监控', 3, '1', 'monitor', NULL, NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (67, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:49:59.260322', '2021-03-16 14:34:59.165065', '1', 'online', '在线用户', 1, '1', '/monitor/online', 'vadmin/monitor/online/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 66, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (68, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:36:00.989981', '2021-03-16 14:35:50.894454', '2', NULL, '在线用户查询', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/online/', 'GET', 'admin:monitor:online:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 67, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (69, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:37:10.577186', '2021-03-16 14:37:10.577231', '2', NULL, '用户强退', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/online/{id}/', 'PUT', 'admin:monitor:online:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 67, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (70, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:04:21.404578', '2021-03-16 14:45:51.507961', '1', 'job', '定时任务', 2, '1', '/monitor/celery', 'vadmin/monitor/celery/index', '', 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, 66, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (71, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:04:11.799260', '2021-03-16 14:59:53.619219', '2', NULL, '任务查询', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/', 'GET', 'admin:monitor:celery:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (72, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:04:06.645135', '2021-03-16 15:00:21.809600', '2', NULL, '任务新增', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/', 'POST', 'admin:monitor:celery:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (73, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:04:00.041701', '2021-03-16 15:00:45.994228', '2', NULL, '任务修改', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/{id}/', 'PUT', 'admin:monitor:celery:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (74, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:03:54.891216', '2021-03-16 15:01:19.624182', '2', NULL, '任务删除', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'admin:monitor:celery:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (75, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:07:03.505007', '2021-03-16 15:03:35.796596', '2', NULL, '任务单次执行', 6, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/run/', 'PUT', 'admin:monitor:celery:run:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (76, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:08:09.768588', '2021-03-16 15:07:45.064547', '2', NULL, '任务导出', 5, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/export/', 'GET', 'admin:monitor:celery:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (77, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:09:09.928480', '2021-03-16 15:08:46.299829', '2', NULL, '登录日志导出', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/logininfor/export/', 'GET', 'admin:system:logininfor:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 62, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (78, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:09:59.500271', '2021-03-16 15:09:59.500333', '2', NULL, '操作日志导出', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/operlog/export/', 'GET', 'admin:system:operlog:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 63, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (79, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:13:41.377208', '2021-03-16 15:11:05.675729', '1', 'job', '定时日志', 3, '1', 'celerylog', 'vadmin/monitor/celerylog/index', NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, 61, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (80, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:16:29.349992', '2021-03-16 15:12:19.707979', '2', NULL, '定时日志查询', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celerylog/', 'GET', 'admin:monitor:celerylog:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 79, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (81, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:16:34.419420', '2021-03-16 15:12:51.090410', '2', NULL, '定时日志导出', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celerylog/export/', 'GET', 'admin:monitor:celerylog:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 79, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (82, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:15:21.397132', '2021-03-16 15:15:21.397186', '0', 'tool', '系统工具', 4, '1', 'tool', NULL, NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (83, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:16:10.318380', '2021-03-16 15:16:10.318426', '1', 'build', '表单构建', 1, '1', 'build', 'vadmin/tool/build/index', NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, 82, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (84, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:19:24.228395', '2021-03-16 15:17:23.507732', '1', 'swagger', '系统接口', 2, '1', 'swagger', 'vadmin/tool/swagger/index', '/admin/docs/', 'GET', 'admin:docs:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 82, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (85, '', 'admin', '2021-03-21 11:37:06.119591', '2021-03-21 11:37:06.119623', '2', NULL, '操作日志批量删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/operation_log/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'admin:system:operation_log:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 63, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (86, '', 'admin', '2021-03-21 11:39:07.579469', '2021-03-21 11:39:07.579517', '2', NULL, '操作日志清空', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/operation_log/clean/', 'DELETE', 'admin:system:operation_log:clean:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 63, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (87, '', 'admin', '2021-03-21 23:32:44.308857', '2021-03-21 23:32:44.308882', '2', NULL, '登录日志批量删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/logininfor/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'admin:system:logininfor:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 62, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (88, '', 'admin', '2021-03-21 23:33:30.888568', '2021-03-21 23:33:30.888593', '2', NULL, '登录日志清空', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/logininfor/clean/', 'DELETE', 'admin:system:logininfor:clean:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 62, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (1, '', 'admin', '2021-02-27 07:50:00.410101', '2021-02-27 07:41:28.660364', '0', 'system', '系统管理', 1, '1', '/system', '', '', 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, NULL, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (2, '', 'admin', '2021-02-27 07:51:14.500722', '2021-02-27 07:51:14.500768', '0', 'peoples', '权限管理', 2, '1', '/permission', '', '', 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, NULL, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (3, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:50:55.740451', '2021-02-27 07:54:38.630670', '1', 'dict', '字典管理', 1, '1', 'dict', 'vadmin/system/dict/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (4, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:48:34.067871', '2021-02-27 08:06:51.019173', '1', 'edit', '参数管理', 2, '1', 'config', 'vadmin/system/config/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (5, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:49:19.728695', '2021-02-27 08:25:37.339270', '1', 'post', '岗位管理', 1, '1', 'post', 'vadmin/permission/post/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 2, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (6, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:49:25.882167', '2021-02-27 08:26:48.454553', '1', 'tree', '部门管理', 2, '1', 'dept', 'vadmin/permission/dept/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 2, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (7, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:49:31.601381', '2021-02-27 08:28:20.411164', '1', 'tree-table', '菜单管理', 3, '1', 'menu', 'vadmin/permission/menu/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '0', 1, 2, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (8, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:49:37.244296', '2021-02-27 08:29:30.153361', '1', 'peoples', '角色管理', 4, '1', 'role', 'vadmin/permission/role/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 2, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (9, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:49:42.699298', '2021-02-27 08:30:14.030888', '1', 'user', '用户管理', 5, '1', 'user', 'vadmin/permission/user/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 2, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (10, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:51:15.986262', '2021-02-27 08:36:04.824117', '0', 'guide', 'dvAdmin官网', 9, '0', 'https://django-vue-admin.com', '', NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, NULL, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (11, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:48:40.309707', '2021-02-27 16:17:36.685174', '1', 'job', '文件管理', 3, '1', 'savefile', 'vadmin/system/savefile/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (13, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:41:08.227821', '2021-03-03 14:18:52.530449', '2', NULL, '用户新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/', 'POST', 'permission:user:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (14, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:43:34.207938', '2021-03-03 14:43:34.208093', '2', NULL, '用户修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/{id}/', 'PUT', 'permission:user:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (15, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:44:58.006289', '2021-03-03 14:44:58.006338', '2', NULL, '用户删除', 3, '1', '', NULL, '/admin/permission/user/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:user:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (16, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:45:50.575443', '2021-03-03 14:45:50.575507', '2', NULL, '用户导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/export/', 'GET', 'permission:user:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (17, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:51:14.157310', '2021-03-03 14:51:14.157447', '2', NULL, '用户导入', 5, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/import/', 'POST', 'permission:user:import:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (18, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:51:51.220886', '2021-03-03 14:51:51.220933', '2', NULL, '重置密码', 6, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/resetPwd/', 'PUT', 'permission:user:resetpwd:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (19, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:53:47.877063', '2021-03-03 14:53:47.877116', '2', NULL, '角色新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/role/', 'POST', 'permission:role:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 8, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (20, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:54:28.794968', '2021-03-03 14:54:28.795015', '2', NULL, '角色修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/role/{id}/', 'PUT', 'permission:role:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 8, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (21, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:58:00.798718', '2021-03-03 14:58:00.798813', '2', NULL, '删除角色', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/role/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:role:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 8, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (22, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 14:58:28.940577', '2021-03-03 14:58:28.940625', '2', NULL, '角色导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/role/export/', 'GET', 'permission:role:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 8, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (23, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:00:41.081771', '2021-03-03 15:00:41.081832', '2', NULL, '菜单新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/menus/', 'POST', 'permission:menus:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 7, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (24, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:01:03.178824', '2021-03-03 15:01:03.178874', '2', NULL, '菜单修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/menus/{id}/', 'PUT', 'permission:menus:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 7, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (25, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:02:56.123525', '2021-03-03 15:02:56.123571', '2', NULL, '菜单删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/menus/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:menus:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 7, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (26, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:04:35.191774', '2021-03-03 15:04:35.191856', '2', NULL, '部门新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/dept/', 'POST', 'permission:dept:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 6, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (27, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:04:56.963168', '2021-03-03 15:04:56.963214', '2', NULL, '部门修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/dept/{id}/', 'PUT', 'permission:dept:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 6, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (28, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:05:39.602577', '2021-03-03 15:05:39.602622', '2', NULL, '部门删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/dept/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:dept:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 6, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (29, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:06:50.095341', '2021-03-03 15:06:50.095388', '2', NULL, '岗位新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/post/', 'POST', 'permission:post:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 5, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (30, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:07:36.013313', '2021-03-03 15:07:36.013358', '2', NULL, '岗位修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/post/{id}/', 'PUT', 'permission:post:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 5, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (31, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:08:10.371530', '2021-03-03 15:08:10.371575', '2', NULL, '岗位删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/post/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:post:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 5, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (32, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:09:02.213084', '2021-03-03 15:09:02.213131', '2', NULL, '岗位导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/post/export/', 'GET', 'permission:post:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 5, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (33, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:11:37.616329', '2021-03-03 15:11:37.616415', '2', NULL, '字典新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/', 'POST', 'system:dict:type:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (34, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:12:47.237658', '2021-03-03 15:12:47.237713', '2', NULL, '字典修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/{id}/', 'PUT', 'system:dict:type:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (35, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:13:40.185174', '2021-03-03 15:13:40.185230', '2', NULL, '字典删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'system:dict:type:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (36, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:15:12.950584', '2021-03-03 15:15:12.950684', '2', NULL, '字典导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/export/', 'GET', 'system:dict:type:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (37, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:16:54.709780', '2021-03-03 15:16:20.868146', '2', NULL, '清理缓存', 5, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/clearCache/', 'DELETE', 'system:dict:type:clearcache:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (38, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:17:54.232085', '2021-03-03 15:17:54.232166', '2', NULL, '参数新增', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/', 'POST', 'system:config:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (39, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:18:37.088187', '2021-03-03 15:18:37.088237', '2', NULL, '参数修改', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/{id}/', 'PUT', 'system:config:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (40, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:19:05.532556', '2021-03-03 15:19:05.532616', '2', NULL, '参数删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'system:config:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (41, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:19:49.576174', '2021-03-03 15:19:49.576221', '2', NULL, '参数导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/export/', 'GET', 'system:config:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (42, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:21:20.098250', '2021-03-03 15:21:20.098345', '2', NULL, '清理缓存', 5, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/clearCache/', 'DELETE', 'system:config:clearcache:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (43, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:22:48.492613', '2021-03-03 15:22:48.492666', '2', NULL, '文件上传', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/savefile/', 'POST', 'system:savefile:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 11, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (44, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:23:58.219105', '2021-03-03 15:23:58.219155', '2', NULL, '文件删除', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/savefile/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'system:savefile:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 11, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (45, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:25:15.224971', '2021-03-03 15:25:15.225018', '2', NULL, '清理废弃文件', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/clearsavefile/', 'POST', 'system:clearsavefile:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 11, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (46, '', 'admin', '2021-03-03 15:28:30.061632', '2021-03-03 15:27:19.945663', '2', NULL, '文件下载', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'GET', 'system:clearsavefile:download:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 11, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (47, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:48:49.655959', '2021-03-07 14:32:06.754815', '1', 'message', '通知公告', 4, '1', 'message', 'vadmin/system/message/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (48, '', 'admin', '2021-03-07 14:35:06.718432', '2021-03-07 14:35:06.718463', '2', NULL, '发布公告', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/message/', 'POST', 'system:message:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 47, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (49, '', 'admin', '2021-03-08 13:04:32.158707', '2021-03-07 14:36:47.675837', '2', NULL, '修改公告', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/message/{id}/', 'PUT', 'system:message:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 47, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (50, '', 'admin', '2021-03-08 13:04:58.206693', '2021-03-07 14:37:52.130567', '2', NULL, '删除公告', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/menu/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'permission:menu:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 47, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (51, '', 'admin', '2021-03-07 14:42:37.410336', '2021-03-07 14:42:37.410366', '2', NULL, '公告导出', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/message/export/', 'GET', 'system:message:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 47, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (52, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:19:13.828166', '2021-03-09 17:18:14.976783', '2', NULL, '字典查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/dict/type/', 'GET', 'system:dict:type:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (53, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:19:46.963317', '2021-03-09 17:19:33.953559', '2', NULL, '参数查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/config/', 'GET', 'system:config:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 4, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (54, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:20:14.749627', '2021-03-09 17:20:02.783389', '2', NULL, '文件查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/savefile/', 'GET', 'system:savefile:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 11, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (55, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:20:44.604824', '2021-03-09 17:20:36.025364', '2', NULL, '公告查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/message/', 'GET', 'system:message:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 47, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (56, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:21:06.429585', '2021-03-09 17:21:06.429629', '2', NULL, '岗位查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/post/', 'GET', 'permission:post:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 5, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (57, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:21:29.013165', '2021-03-09 17:21:29.013210', '2', NULL, '部门查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/dept/', 'GET', 'permission:dept:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 6, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (58, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:21:56.243957', '2021-03-09 17:21:47.358360', '2', NULL, '菜单查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/menus/', 'GET', 'permission:menus:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 7, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (59, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:22:20.140143', '2021-03-09 17:22:20.140189', '2', NULL, '角色查询', 0, '1', '', NULL, '/admin/permission/role/', 'GET', 'permission:role:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 8, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (60, '', 'admin', '2021-03-09 17:22:38.595706', '2021-03-09 17:22:38.595751', '2', NULL, '用户查询', 0, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/permission/user/', 'GET', 'permission:user:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (61, '', 'admin', '2021-03-21 11:34:17.635680', '2021-03-16 13:34:04.148728', '0', 'log', '日志管理', 5, '1', 'log', 'ParentView', NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (62, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:09:30.396752', '2021-03-16 13:36:00.114652', '1', 'logininfor', '登录日志', 1, '1', 'logininfor', 'vadmin/monitor/logininfor/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 61, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (63, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:09:38.015636', '2021-03-16 14:28:10.395273', '1', 'log', '操作日志', 2, '1', 'operlog', 'vadmin/monitor/operlog/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 61, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (64, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:31:27.618230', '2021-03-16 14:31:01.026470', '2', NULL, '登录日志查询', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/logininfor/', 'GET', 'admin:system:logininfor:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 62, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (65, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:31:44.112525', '2021-03-16 14:31:44.112572', '2', NULL, '操作日志查询', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/operlog/', 'GET', 'admin:system:operlog:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 63, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (66, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:47:50.628148', '2021-03-16 14:33:05.483003', '0', 'monitor', '系统监控', 3, '1', '/monitor', NULL, NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, NULL, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (67, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:49:59.260322', '2021-03-16 14:34:59.165065', '1', 'online', '在线用户', 1, '1', 'online', 'vadmin/monitor/online/index', '', 'GET', '', '1', '1', '1', 1, 66, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (68, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:36:00.989981', '2021-03-16 14:35:50.894454', '2', NULL, '在线用户查询', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/online/', 'GET', 'admin:monitor:online:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 67, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (69, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 14:37:10.577186', '2021-03-16 14:37:10.577231', '2', NULL, '用户强退', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/online/{id}/', 'PUT', 'admin:monitor:online:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 67, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (70, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:49:56.410579', '2021-03-16 14:45:51.507961', '1', 'job', '定时任务', 2, '1', 'celery', 'vadmin/monitor/celery/index', '', 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, 66, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (71, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:04:11.799260', '2021-03-16 14:59:53.619219', '2', NULL, '任务查询', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/', 'GET', 'admin:monitor:celery:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (72, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:04:06.645135', '2021-03-16 15:00:21.809600', '2', NULL, '任务新增', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/', 'POST', 'admin:monitor:celery:post', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (73, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:04:00.041701', '2021-03-16 15:00:45.994228', '2', NULL, '任务修改', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/{id}/', 'PUT', 'admin:monitor:celery:{id}:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (74, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:03:54.891216', '2021-03-16 15:01:19.624182', '2', NULL, '任务删除', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'admin:monitor:celery:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (75, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:07:03.505007', '2021-03-16 15:03:35.796596', '2', NULL, '任务单次执行', 6, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/run/', 'PUT', 'admin:monitor:celery:run:put', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (76, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:08:09.768588', '2021-03-16 15:07:45.064547', '2', NULL, '任务导出', 5, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celery/export/', 'GET', 'admin:monitor:celery:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 70, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (77, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:09:09.928480', '2021-03-16 15:08:46.299829', '2', NULL, '登录日志导出', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/logininfor/export/', 'GET', 'admin:system:logininfor:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 62, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (78, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:09:59.500271', '2021-03-16 15:09:59.500333', '2', NULL, '操作日志导出', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/operlog/export/', 'GET', 'admin:system:operlog:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 63, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (79, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:27:17.614309', '2021-03-16 15:11:05.675729', '1', 'job', '定时日志', 3, '1', 'celerylog', 'vadmin/monitor/celery/celerylog/index', NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, 61, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (80, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:16:29.349992', '2021-03-16 15:12:19.707979', '2', NULL, '定时日志查询', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celerylog/', 'GET', 'admin:monitor:celerylog:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 79, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (81, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:16:34.419420', '2021-03-16 15:12:51.090410', '2', NULL, '定时日志导出', 2, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/monitor/celerylog/export/', 'GET', 'admin:monitor:celerylog:export:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 79, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (82, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:47:37.970118', '2021-03-16 15:15:21.397186', '0', 'tool', '系统工具', 4, '1', '/tool', NULL, NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, NULL, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (83, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:50:12.345672', '2021-03-16 15:16:10.318426', '1', 'build', '表单构建', 1, '1', 'build', 'vadmin/tool/build/index', NULL, 'GET', NULL, '1', '1', '1', 1, 82, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (84, '', 'admin', '2021-03-16 15:19:24.228395', '2021-03-16 15:17:23.507732', '1', 'swagger', '系统接口', 2, '1', 'swagger', 'vadmin/tool/swagger/index', '/admin/docs/', 'GET', 'admin:docs:get', '1', '1', '1', 1, 82, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (85, '', 'admin', '2021-03-21 11:37:06.119591', '2021-03-21 11:37:06.119623', '2', NULL, '操作日志批量删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/operation_log/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'admin:system:operation_log:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 63, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (86, '', 'admin', '2021-03-21 11:39:07.579469', '2021-03-21 11:39:07.579517', '2', NULL, '操作日志清空', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/operation_log/clean/', 'DELETE', 'admin:system:operation_log:clean:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 63, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (87, '', 'admin', '2021-03-21 23:32:44.308857', '2021-03-21 23:32:44.308882', '2', NULL, '登录日志批量删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/logininfor/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'admin:system:logininfor:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 62, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (88, '', 'admin', '2021-03-21 23:33:30.888568', '2021-03-21 23:33:30.888593', '2', NULL, '登录日志清空', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/logininfor/clean/', 'DELETE', 'admin:system:logininfor:clean:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 62, '1');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (90, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:44:00.756139', '2021-03-26 00:43:14.390228', '2', NULL, '定时日志批量删除', 3, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/celery_log/{id}/', 'DELETE', 'admin:system:celery_log:{id}:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 79, '8');
INSERT INTO `permission_menu` (id, description, modifier, update_datetime, create_datetime, menuType, icon, name, orderNum, isFrame, web_path, component_path, interface_path, interface_method, perms, status, visible, isCache, creator_id, parentId_id, dept_belong_id) VALUES (91, '', 'admin', '2021-03-26 00:44:36.135658', '2021-03-26 00:44:36.135679', '2', NULL, '定时日志清空', 4, '1', NULL, NULL, '/admin/system/celery_log/clean/', 'DELETE', 'admin:system:celery_log:clean:delete', '1', '1', '1', 1, 79, '8');

View File

@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (76, 1, 63);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (70, 1, 64);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (71, 1, 65);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (79, 1, 66);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (87, 1, 67);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (80, 1, 70);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (81, 1, 71);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (82, 1, 72);
@ -168,8 +167,17 @@ INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (85, 1, 75);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (86, 1, 76);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (72, 1, 77);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (73, 1, 78);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (92, 1, 79);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (93, 1, 80);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (94, 1, 81);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (88, 1, 82);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (89, 1, 83);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (77, 1, 85);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (78, 1, 86);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (95, 1, 87);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (96, 1, 88);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (97, 1, 90);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (98, 1, 91);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (11, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (12, 2, 2);
INSERT INTO `permission_role_menu` (id, role_id, menu_id) VALUES (13, 2, 3);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import django_filters
from .models import LoginInfor, OperationLog
from .models import LoginInfor, OperationLog, CeleryLog
from ..system.models import DictDetails, DictData, ConfigSettings, MessagePush, SaveFile
@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ class LoginInforFilter(django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet):
登录日志 简单过滤器
loginLocation = django_filters.CharFilter(lookup_expr='icontains')
userName = django_filters.CharFilter(field_name='creator__username', lookup_expr='icontains')
class Meta:
model = LoginInfor
@ -82,3 +84,15 @@ class OperationLogFilter(django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet):
class Meta:
model = OperationLog
fields = '__all__'
class CeleryLogFilter(django_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet):
定时日志 简单过滤器
name = django_filters.CharFilter(lookup_expr='icontains')
func_name = django_filters.CharFilter(lookup_expr='icontains')
class Meta:
model = CeleryLog
fields = '__all__'

View File

@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ from ...op_drf.models import CoreModel
class CeleryLog(CoreModel):
name = CharField(max_length=256, verbose_name='任务名称', help_text='任务名称')
func_name = CharField(max_length=256, verbose_name='执行函数名称', help_text='执行函数名称')
kwargs = TextField(max_length=1024, verbose_name='执行参数', help_text='运行参数')
seconds = CharField(max_length=8, verbose_name='执行时间')
state = BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name='运行状态')
status = BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name='运行状态')
result = TextField(max_length=10240, verbose_name='任务结果', help_text='任务返回内容')
class Meta:

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from rest_framework import serializers
from .models import LoginInfor, OperationLog
from .models import LoginInfor, OperationLog, CeleryLog
from ..op_drf.serializers import CustomModelSerializer
from ..system.models import DictData, DictDetails, ConfigSettings, SaveFile, MessagePush, MessagePushUser
@ -273,3 +273,27 @@ class ExportOperationLogSerializer(CustomModelSerializer):
fields = ('request_modular', 'request_path', 'request_body', 'request_method', 'request_msg', 'request_ip',
'request_browser', 'response_code', 'request_location', 'request_os', 'json_result', 'status',
# ================================================= #
# ************** celery定时日志 序列化器 ************** #
# ================================================= #
class CeleryLogSerializer(CustomModelSerializer):
定时日志 简单序列化器
class Meta:
model = CeleryLog
fields = "__all__"
class ExportCeleryLogSerializer(CustomModelSerializer):
导出 定时日志 简单序列化器
class Meta:
model = CeleryLog
fields = ('name', 'kwargs', 'seconds', 'state', 'result', 'creator_name')

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter
from ..system.views import DictDataModelViewSet, DictDetailsModelViewSet, \
ConfigSettingsModelViewSet, SaveFileModelViewSet, MessagePushModelViewSet, LoginInforModelViewSet, \
OperationLogModelViewSet, CeleryLogModelViewSet
router = DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'dict/type', DictDataModelViewSet)
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ router.register(r'savefile', SaveFileModelViewSet)
router.register(r'message', MessagePushModelViewSet)
router.register(r'logininfor', LoginInforModelViewSet)
router.register(r'operation_log', OperationLogModelViewSet)
router.register(r'celery_log', CeleryLogModelViewSet)
urlpatterns = [
re_path('dict/get/type/(?P<pk>.*)/', DictDetailsModelViewSet.as_view({'get': 'dict_details_list'})),
@ -23,10 +24,6 @@ urlpatterns = [
re_path('dict/type/export/', DictDataModelViewSet.as_view({'get': 'export'})),
# 导出字典详情数据
re_path('dict/data/export/', DictDetailsModelViewSet.as_view({'get': 'export'})),
# 用户获取个人消息通知列表页
re_path('message/list/(?P<pk>.*)/', MessagePushModelViewSet.as_view({"get": "get_message_list"})),
# 用户获取个人通知列表
re_path('message/receive/', MessagePushModelViewSet.as_view({"get": "get_received_messages"})),
# 消息通知导出
re_path('message/export/', MessagePushModelViewSet.as_view({'get': 'export', })),
# 用户个人消息列表
@ -41,5 +38,9 @@ urlpatterns = [
re_path('logininfor/clean/', LoginInforModelViewSet.as_view({'delete': 'clean_all', })),
# 导出登录日志
re_path('logininfor/export/', LoginInforModelViewSet.as_view({'get': 'export', })),
# 清空定时日志
re_path('celery_log/clean/', CeleryLogModelViewSet.as_view({'delete': 'clean_all', })),
# 导出定时日志
re_path('celery_log/export/', CeleryLogModelViewSet.as_view({'get': 'export', })),
urlpatterns += router.urls

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
from django.db.models import Q
from rest_framework.request import Request
from .models import LoginInfor, OperationLog
from .models import LoginInfor, OperationLog, CeleryLog
from ..op_drf.filters import DataLevelPermissionsFilter
from ..op_drf.viewsets import CustomModelViewSet
from ..system.filters import DictDetailsFilter, DictDataFilter, ConfigSettingsFilter, MessagePushFilter, \
SaveFileFilter, LoginInforFilter, OperationLogFilter
SaveFileFilter, LoginInforFilter, OperationLogFilter, CeleryLogFilter
from ..system.models import DictData, DictDetails, ConfigSettings, SaveFile, MessagePush
from ..system.models import MessagePushUser
from ..system.serializers import DictDataSerializer, DictDataCreateUpdateSerializer, DictDetailsSerializer, \
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ from ..system.serializers import DictDataSerializer, DictDataCreateUpdateSeriali
ConfigSettingsCreateUpdateSerializer, SaveFileSerializer, SaveFileCreateUpdateSerializer, \
ExportConfigSettingsSerializer, ExportDictDataSerializer, ExportDictDetailsSerializer, \
MessagePushSerializer, MessagePushCreateUpdateSerializer, ExportMessagePushSerializer, LoginInforSerializer, \
OperationLogSerializer, ExportOperationLogSerializer, ExportLoginInforSerializer
OperationLogSerializer, ExportOperationLogSerializer, ExportLoginInforSerializer, CeleryLogSerializer, \
from ..utils.export_excel import export_excel_save_model
from ..utils.response import SuccessResponse
@ -161,14 +162,6 @@ class MessagePushModelViewSet(CustomModelViewSet):
filter_class = MessagePushFilter
ordering = "-update_datetime" # 默认排序
def get_message_list(self, request: Request, *args, **kwargs):
messages = self.queryset.filter(**kwargs)
data = MessagePushSerializer(messages, many=True)
return SuccessResponse(msg="返回", data=data)
def get_user_messages(self, request: Request, *args, **kwargs):
@ -265,3 +258,26 @@ class OperationLogModelViewSet(CustomModelViewSet):
return SuccessResponse(msg="清空成功")
class CeleryLogModelViewSet(CustomModelViewSet):
定时任务日志 模型的CRUD视图
queryset = CeleryLog.objects.all()
serializer_class = CeleryLogSerializer
filter_class = CeleryLogFilter
ordering = '-create_datetime' # 默认排序
export_field_data = ['任务名称', '执行参数', '执行时间', '运行状态', '任务结果', '创建时间']
export_serializer_class = ExportCeleryLogSerializer
def clean_all(self, request: Request, *args, **kwargs):
:param request:
:param args:
:param kwargs:
return SuccessResponse(msg="清空成功")

View File

@ -33,16 +33,17 @@ def BaseCeleryApp(name):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
obj = CeleryLog()
obj.name = str(func.__name__)
obj.name = ''.join(str(func.__doc__).replace(' ','').split('\n')[:2])
obj.func_name = str(func.__name__)
obj.kwargs = f"*args{args}\n**kwargs{kwargs}"
start_time = datetime.now()
res = None
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
obj.result = str(res)
obj.state = True
obj.status = True
except Exception as exc:
obj.state = False
obj.status = False
obj.result = f"执行失败,错误信息:{exc}"
logger.info(f"传入参数:{args, kwargs}")

View File

@ -26,13 +26,16 @@ class SuccessResponse(Response):
def __init__(self, data=None, msg='success', status=None, template_name=None, headers=None, exception=False,
std_data = {
self.std_data = {
"code": 200,
"data": data,
"msg": msg,
"status": 'success'
super().__init__(std_data, status, template_name, headers, exception, content_type)
super().__init__(self.std_data, status, template_name, headers, exception, content_type)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.std_data)
class ErrorResponse(Response):
@ -43,10 +46,13 @@ class ErrorResponse(Response):
def __init__(self, data=None, msg='error', code=201, status=None, template_name=None, headers=None,
exception=False, content_type=None):
std_data = {
self.std_data = {
"code": code,
"data": data,
"msg": msg,
"status": 'error'
super().__init__(std_data, status, template_name, headers, exception, content_type)
super().__init__(self.std_data, status, template_name, headers, exception, content_type)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.std_data)

View File

@ -144,3 +144,37 @@ export function operatesyncdata(data) {
// 查询定时任务日志列表
export function list(query) {
return request({
url: '/admin/system/celery_log/',
method: 'get',
params: query
// 删除定时任务日志
export function delCeleryLog(infoId) {
return request({
url: `/admin/system/celery_log/${infoId}/`,
method: 'delete'
// 清空定时任务日志
export function cleanCeleryLog() {
return request({
url: '/admin/system/celery_log/clean',
method: 'delete'
// 导出定时任务日志
export function exportCeleryLog(query) {
return request({
url: '/admin/system/celery_log/export',
method: 'get',
params: query

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ function filterAsyncRouter(asyncRouterMap, lastRouter = false, type = false) {
if (route.children != null && route.children && route.children.length) {
route.children = filterAsyncRouter(route.children, route, type)
route.alwaysShow = true
} else {
delete route['children']
delete route['redirect']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
<div class="app-container">
<el-form :model="queryParams" ref="queryForm" :inline="true" v-show="showSearch" label-width="68px">
<el-form-item label="任务名称" prop="name">
style="width: 240px;"
<el-form-item label="函数名称" prop="func_name">
style="width: 240px;"
<el-form-item label="状态" prop="status">
style="width: 240px"
v-for="dict in statusOptions"
<el-form-item label="执行时间">
style="width: 240px"
value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
:default-time="['00:00:00', '23:59:59']"
<el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" size="mini" @click="handleQuery"></el-button>
<el-button icon="el-icon-refresh" size="mini" @click="resetQuery"></el-button>
<el-row :gutter="10" class="mb8">
<el-col :span="1.5">
<el-col :span="1.5">
<el-col :span="1.5">
<right-toolbar :showSearch.sync="showSearch" @queryTable="getList"></right-toolbar>
<el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange">
<el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" />
<el-table-column label="日志编号" width="80" align="center" prop="id" />
<el-table-column label="任务名称" align="center" prop="name" width="200" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" />
<el-table-column label="执行函数名称" align="center" prop="func_name" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" />
<el-table-column label="执行参数" align="center" prop="kwargs" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" />
<el-table-column label="执行时间" width="80" align="center" prop="seconds" />
<el-table-column label="运行状态" width="80" align="center" prop="status" :formatter="statusFormat"/>
<el-table-column label="任务结果" align="center" prop="result" :show-overflow-tooltip="true" />
<el-table-column label="执行日期" align="center" prop="create_datetime" width="180">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<span>{{ parseTime(scope.row.create_datetime) }}</span>
import { list, delCeleryLog, cleanCeleryLog, exportCeleryLog } from "@/api/vadmin/monitor/celery";
export default {
name: "CeleryLog",
data() {
return {
loading: true,
ids: [],
multiple: true,
showSearch: true,
total: 0,
list: [],
statusOptions:[{dictLabel: '成功', dictValue: true}, {dictLabel: '失败', dictValue: false}],
dateRange: [],
form: {},
queryParams: {
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 10,
name: undefined,
func_name: undefined,
status: undefined
created() {
// this.getDicts("sys_common_status").then(response => {
// this.statusOptions = response.data;
// });
methods: {
/** 查询登录日志列表 */
getList() {
this.loading = true;
list(this.addDateRange(this.queryParams, this.dateRange)).then(response => {
this.list = response.data.results;
this.total = response.data.count;
this.loading = false;
statusFormat(row, column) {
return this.selectDictLabel(this.statusOptions, row.status);
/** 搜索按钮操作 */
handleQuery() {
this.queryParams.pageNum = 1;
/** 重置按钮操作 */
resetQuery() {
this.dateRange = [];
handleSelectionChange(selection) {
this.ids = selection.map(item => item.id)
this.multiple = !selection.length
/** 删除按钮操作 */
handleDelete(row) {
const infoIds = row.id || this.ids;
this.$confirm('是否确认删除访问编号为"' + infoIds + '"的数据项?', "警告", {
confirmButtonText: "确定",
cancelButtonText: "取消",
type: "warning"
}).then(function() {
return delCeleryLog(infoIds);
}).then(() => {
/** 清空按钮操作 */
handleClean() {
this.$confirm('是否确认清空所有登录日志数据项?', "警告", {
confirmButtonText: "确定",
cancelButtonText: "取消",
type: "warning"
}).then(function() {
return cleanCeleryLog();
}).then(() => {
/** 导出按钮操作 */
handleExport() {
const queryParams = this.queryParams;
this.$confirm('是否确认导出所有定时日志数据项?', "警告", {
confirmButtonText: "确定",
cancelButtonText: "取消",
type: "warning"
}).then(function() {
return exportCeleryLog(queryParams);
}).then(response => {

View File

@ -202,6 +202,7 @@
this.reqloading = true;
SyncDataApi.operatesyncdata({ celery_name: this.row.task }).then(response => {
this.task_id = response.data.task_id